#but also his favourite quality in a person is reliability huh? cool. good to know.
daily-hanamura · 6 months
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bpro-cardstories · 4 years
Tatsuhiro Nome SSR
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“My neck. Hold on tightly.”
Part 1
ーA knock at the door.ー
Tsubasa: ‘Yes, I am coming!’
Tatsuhiro: ‘Hey, Sumisora.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Nome-san, I am sorry that you took the trouble to come here. Please sit down.’ 
Tatsuhiro: ‘Yeah, thanks.’ 
Tatsuhiro: ‘Though, I also have to apologize. To suddenly intrude on you, I thought the timing was right and you were close by….. Did you have other work to do?’ 
Tsubasa: ‘No, I am completely fine. I am very thankful that you let me do the interview as soon as possible.’ 
Tatsuhiro: ‘I see, then it’s all good. Then, should we slowly start?’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Yes, I will be in your care! As I sent in JOIN earlier, today’s interview is about the publication of Nome-san’s birthday report….. The content will consist of Nome-san’s latest information. First is,『Favourite Type of Girl』.’ 
Tatsuhiro: ‘Aah…..Yeah. That was it….’
At remembering the kind of questions for the Birthday interview, Tatsuhiro turns red and stammers out his response.
Tsubasa: ‘Eh?’
Tatsuhiro: ‘No…..Even though I read Yuta’s report, I completely forgot about that.’ 
Tatsuhiro: ‘Right. This year is, this…..’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Ah…...E-Ehm, I….. I am sorry….! I should have given you the details first.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘If you find it difficult to do, you could fill in the answers in the questionnaire instead…..’ 
Tatsuhiro: ‘No, it’s alright. Let me finish it now.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘A-Are you really sure?’ 
Tatsuhiro: ‘Yeah, it’s no problem.『Favourite Type of Girl』, right? It’s a question I answered a lot until now. That’s why, well, my『Favourite Type of Girl』is…..’ 
With a slight blush, he answers the question honestly, albeit a bit embarrassed.
Tatsuhiro: ‘.....That one, it has to be that one.’ 
Tatsuhiro: ‘......Something like a cute smile….. That one.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘......! People with a wonderful smile are attractive regardless of gender, are they not?’
Tatsuhiro: ‘Yeah…..I agree. You don’t need to force a smile…. The eyes are drawn to smiles that naturally brighten the surroundings.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘When you say that, Nome-san’s smile as well brightens your surroundings. It is a gentle smile.’ 
Tatsuhiro: ‘Eh…..No, ahー...... W-What’s the next question?’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Eh? Ah, ehm….. It is about the hairstyle. What do you like more, long or short hair?’ 
Tatsuhiro: ‘The hair length? Well, anything’s fine but…..  Long’s better….  It’s not something I have so... It seems to take up time and care. To be able to do so, I respect that.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘I see…..’ 
Tsubasa: ‘On to the next one, which type are you attracted more to, someone that is good at talking or good at listening?’ 
Tatsuhiro: ‘Let’s see….. If it’s the person you like, you can listen to them forever since it doesn’t get boringーー’ ________
Tsubasa: ‘Thank you very much, that is all for the interview.’ 
Tatsuhiro: ‘That just now, will it be okay….?’
Tsubasa: ‘Of course, it was perfect. I think everyone will have fun reading the report as well.’ 
Tatsuhiro: ‘I see….. Then I’m happy. Thanks for keeping me company, Sumisora.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘No, you are welcome. Next is…..Checking the schedule of the special project’s photoshoot.’ 
Tatsuhiro: ‘Aa, special project, huh……? Special project, right…..’ 
Tatsuhiro: ‘.......!’ 
Part 2
Tsubasa: ‘D-Do you want to look at Yuuta-kun’s report once again?’ 
Tatsuhiro: ‘No, I’m fine!’
Tsubasa: ‘But……’ 
Tatsuhiro: ‘It’s okay, I completely read it. That’s the…..『Birthday Date』, right?’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Yes, Nome-san decides the date plan for celebrating『Her Birthday』and will do a virtual photoshoot in regards to this plan.’ 
Tatsuhiro: ‘ Was it that I can decide what type of partner it is…..?’
Tsubasa: ‘That is right. And, the image of Nome-san’s partner is…..’ 
Tatsuhiro: ‘You’ll say it now?’ 
Tsubasa: ‘That is what I planned….. Is it no good?’ 
Tatsuhiro: ‘Ahー, no, it’s not like that…..’ 
He steels his nerve.
Tatsuhiro: ‘Okay. Tell me, Sumisora.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Y-Yes. The image of Nome-san’s partner is 『Sports Girl』.’ 
Tatsuhiro: ‘.........’ 
Tsubasa: ‘........Nome-san?’
Tatsuhiro: ‘Ah…...No, sorry. I’m just a bit relieved…. If I couldn’t imagine my partner, I would be troubled. 『Sports Girl』it says, someone who likes to do sports is good, isn’t it?’ 
Tsubasa: ‘I agree. I wonder if it’s an image of someone that likes to move around and is cheerful?’ 
Tatsuhiro: ‘I see…… If so, then I want to exercise together.’ 
Tatsuhiro: ‘If we do it together, badminton, tennis…… But I think sports that compete in scores are somewhat different. If that’s the case, then going to the gym together may be fine as well. Something like reviewing forms, and encouraging each other during the hard training.’
Tsubasa: ‘Hard training….. W-Will I be able to, I wonder?’ 
Tatsuhiro: ‘Eh?’
Tsubasa: ‘Ah, I am sorry. I forgot to tell you….. Continuing from Yuuta-kun’s photoshoot, I will be in charge this time.’ 
Tatsuhiro: ‘I-Is that so…..?’
Tsubasa: ‘Thankfully, the photos I took at that time were well received within the company.’ 
Tatsuhiro: ‘Ah…..True, it was like it was taken by a professional.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Really? Thank you very much……!’
Tatsuhiro: ‘Y-Yeah….. But, yeah. If I let you participate then it can’t be too hard of a program…..’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Not at all, please do not be worried! I am a bit concerned but….. I will definitely try to match with Nome-san.’ 
Tatsuhiro: ‘Sumisora…..Really?’
Tsubasa: ‘Really! That is why, please make your plan as you wish.’
Tatsuhiro: ‘Heh….. If so, then I will.’ 
Tatsuhiro: ‘But, since it’s a date for her sake, to be able to have a good time until the end, I’ll try to think about various things.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Yes, please do so.’ 
(.......A gym date with Nome-san, huh.)
(Until that day I need to work on my stamina, and I want to study more about the camera….. Let’s give it my best!) 
Part 3
ーThe day of the photoshoot.ー
Tsubasa and Tatsuhiro are, as she assumed, in the gym.
Tatsuhiro: ‘ーーFor now, let’s stretch. Put the camera down for a moment. You can take photos after it.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Y-Yes. But if I can get some before…..’
Tatsuhiro: ‘Then, okay. Is it fine if I stretch your arms?’ 
Tsubasa: ‘That helps a lot….!’
Tatsuhiro: ‘How is it?’
Tsubasa: ‘Thank you very much. It seems to be fine.’ 
Tatsuhiro: ‘Good. Then, come here too. If you get injured, it will be troublesome, we're carefully doing a warm-up.’ 
Tatsuhiro: ‘First of all, put the soles of your feet together and to get your hip joint loosenedーー’ ________
Tatsuhiro: ‘......Alright, that’s enough for stretching. Now we’ll go into muscle training.’ 
Tatsuhiro: ‘Sumisora, do you know how to use the equipment?’
Tsubasa: ‘No, to be honest, I do not know them well….. This is for training your legs, right?’
Tatsuhiro: ‘Correct. The leg press works for quadriceps. First, we adjust the chair.’ 
Tatsuhiro: ‘Then choose a weight. If you're a beginner….’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Ah, Nome-san, please stay still.’ 
Tatsuhiro: ‘Eh?’
Tsubasa: ‘......Hmー......’
Tatsuhiro: ‘.......What?’
Tsubasa: ‘No, I am sorry. I thought that your figure while explaining created an atmosphere of『A Reliable Lover』and it was wonderful. But the angle was not too good…..’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Is it fine to shoot from a different angle?’
Tatsuhiro: ‘Y-Yeah….. Is it okay if I do it like this?’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Yes, look down a bit.’ 
Tatsuhiro: ‘Like this……?’
Tsubasa: ‘........’
Tatsuhiro: ‘........You don’t seem to agree?’
Tsubasa: ‘I am sorry…… I will try a bit harder. Can you continue without worrying about the camera?’ 
Tatsuhiro: ‘Understood. Don’t hesitate to tell me if it’s something I can do.’ ________
Tatsuhiro: ‘ーーSumisora, you must be tired. Drink some water.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Ah…… Thank you very much.’ 
Tatsuhiro: ‘Quite the depressed look, huh. Show me the camera for a second.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Yes……’
Tatsuhiro: ‘Hee…...Aren’t those great. I thought it would be okay since you always inclined your head to the side, if it’s like this then there shouldn’t be a problem with what pictures to choose for the page.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Really……? It makes me happy if you say so. But….. I feel like there are ways of taking pictures to make the fans even more pleased. To emphasize Nome-san’s good qualities even more…..’ 
Tatsuhiro: ‘My good qualities, huh….. If we just talk about my face, I feel the same no matter where it’s taken from…… Maybe because it’s my face.’ 
Tatsuhiro: ‘There are a lot of fans that write to me that they like the dark mole under my eye or the beautiful bridge of my nose. Then, it was the…..lip? To be honest, I didn’t understand too well what they meant with a cool upper lip….. Anyway, it looks like there are also fans that think like that.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Mole, nose, lips….. As I thought, the fans do want to look closer at Nome-san’s beautiful face.’
Her genuine compliment makes him blush, yet another unexpected moment for him. 
Tatsuhiro: ‘I-I don’t know about beautiful but….. It may be like that, huh.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Hm….. In that case, we may need to take a bit more photos from the front. However, those will not make use of the gym situation……’ 
Tsubasa: ‘......Sit-ups?’
Tatsuhiro: ‘Eh?’
Tsubasa: ‘If you are at the gym, you might be using a machine but if you are on a date, it is not weird to have your ankles held down by your lover and do sit-ups, right?’ 
Tatsuhiro: ‘Well…..The gym has space, so there is no problem, I think?’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Then Nome-san, is it fine if you hold down my ankles?’ 
Tatsuhiro: ‘You, you don’t possibly intend….. To do sit-ups while taking pictures?’ 
Tsubasa: ‘I will attempt to. Please.’ 
Tatsuhiro: ‘I-I see….. I don’t mind.’ 
Tatsuhiro: ‘If you do it forcibly, you may hurt your back. Be aware of that, do it slowly, okay?’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Understood, let me try!’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Uuf……’ 
Tatsuhiro: ‘......Is that fine?’
Tsubasa: ‘That is good…..! One more…..’ 
Tatsuhiro: ‘Buuh….. Haha…..’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Ah, that smile too……. Please wait for a bi,.......’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Haa…… My abs are……’ 
Tatsuhiro: ‘Haha…… What’s this, Sumisora, you’re too amusing…..! To do such a photoshoot.’
Tatsuhiro: ‘Haha…..’
Tsubasa: ‘Like this, please stay like this!’ 
Tatsuhiro: ‘Puhaha!!’ 
Part 4
Both left the gym to take pictures with a different background.
Tatsuhiro: ‘Sumisora, are you really fine without taking a break?’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Of course! My abs are hurting a bit but…..’ 
Tatsuhiro: ‘Hehe….. Whenever I remember that earlier I have to laugh.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘P-Please do not laugh. I was serious…..!’ 
Tatsuhiro: ‘Aah, I figured. Sorry. But you know….. Haha.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Geez….. But, I did my best because I was able to take a lot of pictures of Nome-san’s smile.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Next we are going to run, right?’ 
Tatsuhiro: ‘Yeah. When I think about the birthday date, it may be weird….. In my opinion, I would go home and eat cake or delicious food together. With that in mind, I thought that if we exercised well, the other party would be able to enjoy the birthday meal to their heart’s content.’ 
Tatsuhiro: ‘I, to be honest, don’t think I want my partner to train as much as I do. I don’t care about the body shape either…..’
Tatsuhiro: ‘As expected about this, there are many that care about this, don’t they?’ 
Tsubasa: ‘I agree. If you are a sports person, you seem to be highly aware of it. This way of spending the birthday as well seems to be very pleasant.’ 
Tatsuhiro: ‘Yeah. I hope everyone, too, will think like that…..’
Tsubasa: ‘Please do not be worried. Because I am sure Nome-san’s consideration will be conveyed.’
Tatsuhiro: ‘.....You’re right. Thanks, Sumisora.’ 
Tatsuhiro: ‘And, how do we proceed with the photoshoot?’
Tsubasa: ‘Let me see….. While running slowly I think I want to shoot while running side-by-side with you for a while.’
Tatsuhiro: ‘Next to me? Isn’t it easier to zoom from afar?’ 
Tsubasa: ‘We will do that with another take. It is better to run and take photos, it brings out a sense of realism.’ 
Tatsuhiro: ‘I see….. But, be careful, okay?’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Yes, thank you very much.’ 
Tatsuhiro: ‘Yeah. Then, I’ll slow down the pace considerably and start.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Understood!’ ______
Tatsuhiro: ‘.......How is it, can you go with it?’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Ehm…..’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Everything is perfect! Next, can you look at me?’ 
Tatsuhiro: ‘Yeah.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Waah, the feeling to the photos are amazing…..’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Ah…….’ 
That little moment does not go unnoticed by Tatsuhiro. His eyes widen at the small noise of hers.
Tatsuhiro: ‘Sumisora? You, just now…..’   
Tsubasa: ‘Ah…...I-I am sorry. I only fell down a bit. Let us continue as it is!’ 
Tatsuhiro: ‘You sure?’
Tsubasa: ‘Yes!’ ___
(W-What should I do….. My ankle seems to be a bit strained. But, if I stop here now, it will worry Nome-sanーー)
Tatsuhiro: ‘.......Quit it, Sumisora. Stop.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Eh…..’
Tatsuhiro: ‘It’s your ankle right now, isn’t it. Your running changed.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Eh…...No, it is nothing big…..’ 
Tatsuhiro: ‘Don’t be unreasonable. Let me see it.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Ah……’ 
Tatsuhiro: ‘How is it here? Does it hurt?’ 
Tsubasa: ‘.......O-Only a bit.’ 
Tatsuhiro: ‘Maybe it’s swollen…..’ 
Tatsuhiro: ‘It’s not too big of a twist and isn’t that bad but it’s better to treat it now.’ 
Tatsuhiro: ‘Sumisora, put your arms around.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Eh……?’
He comes close to her and…….
Tatsuhiro: ‘My neck. Hold on tightly.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘P-Please wait. I can walkーー’ 
Tatsuhiro: ‘I’ll lift you up.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Ah……..’
Tatsuhiro: ‘The bench…… There?’ 
Tsubasa: ‘I-I am sorry…… I, this……’ 
Tatsuhiro: ‘It’s not something to apologize for, so don’t.’
(What to do, I’m letting Nome-san carry me in his arms…..) 
(......But, this could be a chance, maybe.)
Tsubasa: ‘......U-Uhm.’
Tatsuhiro: ‘What is it?’
Tsubasa: ‘To take a picture of your face at this moment is difficult, isn’t it……?’ 
Tatsuhiro: ‘Bah….. You, how serious are you……’ 
He has to blush at her almost stubborn seriousness. 
Tsubasa: ‘I-I am sorry……!’ 
Tatsuhiro: ‘Haa, good grief…..’ 
Part 5
Tsubasa: ‘Thank you very much for the photoshoot. If I had not caused you trouble, we would still have a bit of time I think……’ 
Tatsuhiro: ‘You didn’t bother me. Apart from that, doesn’t your ankle hurt?’ 
Tsubasa: ‘It truly is a mystery….. I think it is because Nome-san took care of it adequately.’ 
Tatsuhiro: ‘If that’s so, then it’s good….. If you think it feels weird, be sure to go to the hospital.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘I will.’ 
Tatsuhiro: ‘Hm, then it’s fine. ……. Thanks to Sumisora today, I was able to do a relaxing photoshoot. Besides, I had a good laugh…..’ 
Tatsuhiro: ‘Heh, really, thanks.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘No, it is thanks to your cooperation that I was able to take a lot of good photos. Please check again if you go through them.’ 
Tatsuhiro: ‘Yeah.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Then I will call for a taxi so you can go home…..’ 
Tatsuhiro: ‘..........Sumisora.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Yes?’
Tatsuhiro: ‘Are you packed with work after this?’ 
Tsubasa: ‘No, I intend to return to the company for now……’ 
Tatsuhiro: ‘So, how about having a meal? I only had protein drinks since the morning I just thought….. You too, right.’
Tsubasa: ‘Now that you say it……’ 
Tatsuhiro: ‘When I realize it, I’m super hungry.’ 
Tatsuhiro: ‘That’s why, how about it? I’m treating you.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘No, I cannot let you……!’
Tatsuhiro: ‘I’m not saying it’s for free.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Eh?’
Tatsuhiro: ‘Instead, go with my choice. Okay?’ ___________
ーIn the store that they’ve decided to eat at.ー
Tatsuhiro: ‘And, delicious?’
Tsubasa: ‘Yes……! This hamburger steak is very delicious…..!’
Tatsuhiro: ‘I figured. The meat’s taste is strong, and the amount’s large. For a while, I came here with Hikaru three times a week.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Three times a week…...!? …..But, I can understand your feelings very well.’ 
Tatsuhiro: ‘Aa, this meat soup’s quite excellent…..’
Tsubasa: ‘Especially after exercising.’ 
Tatsuhiro: ‘True.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Hnh….. It’s really delicious……’ 
Tatsuhiro: ‘........Heh.’
Tsubasa: ‘Ah…..I am sorry, I unconsciously……’ 
Tatsuhiro: ‘No, if you like it this much then bringing you here was worth it.’ 
Tatsuhiro: ‘Here, this soup’s also delicious.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Fufu…… I appreciate that a lot, thank you.’ 
Tatsuhiro: ‘Yeah.’ ____
Tatsuhiro: ‘.......Birthday date, huh.’ 
Tatsuhiro: ‘If it’s the person you like, it doesn’t have to be something special. You can be happy even with just eating a meal like this.’
Tsubasa: ‘.......? Did something happen?’
Tatsuhiro: ‘Ah, no……..’ 
Tatsuhiro: ‘Heh….. You have sauce on your mouth.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘Eh!?’
Tatsuhiro: ‘Haha, the other side.’ 
Tsubasa: ‘T-Thank you very much…….’
Tatsuhiro: ‘Hm. …...Alright, I’ll add one more set?’ 
Tsubasa: ‘One more set?’
Tatsuhiro: ‘Yeah. I feel like I can eat any amount today.’ 
Tatsuhiro: ‘That’s why, stay with me for a bit more. Okay, Sumisora?’
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ryuuppai · 7 years
[i7] Yaotome Gaku Birthday Photobook Part 3: Gaku and his Junior Idols
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5  
Riku: Yaotome-san, happy birthday–!
Iori: Happy birthday.
Mitsuki: Yaotome congrats–!!
Yamato: Happy bday
Tamaki: Gakkun, hbd!!
Gaku: Thanks!
Sogo: Yaotome-san, happy birthday. I'm always grateful to what TRIGGER does for us. From now one, please keep being a source of aspiration to us.
Gaku: Thanks. It gets lively with seven people here, huh.
Tsumugi: This discussion will be used in the photobook series project! I believe that you have it in front of you, so while you look at the Gaku Photobook, please talk about his birthday!
Yamato: Wow–, you're good-looking aren't you, my eyes are healed. 
Mitsuki: So cool!! Every page is so cool!
Gaku: Thank you (lol)
Riku: Thank you for using the picture that I took!
Tamaki: Gakkun did you clear the game?
Gaku: I reached up until stage 5.
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Tamaki: At stage 5 you're still an amateur
Sogo: Tamaki-kun! You shouldn't say something rude to your senior!
Gaku: It's fine. In this game, Yotsuba is my senior, after all. 
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Gaku: Yotsuba, isn't the character you're using strong? How did you get it?
Tamaki: I paid
Nagi: In my case, I pulled 50 times in a row (1).
Riku: For me, because I was pulling quickly, some kind of warning popped up! 
Iori: Nanase-san! I told you to plan your expenses more carefully, didn't I!
Riku: I'm pretty bad at planning my expenses
Tamaki: Iorin, why did you stop playing the game when you pulled the rabbit character?
Iori: You don't need to say something unnecessary
Yamato: If the girls hear that the Most Desired Embrace is into games, they'll weep. 
Gaku: It's fine. I started a movie club with Yuki-san, after all. Nikaido, you join too.
Yamato: Pardon me?
Mitsuki: Who went off topic! Alright, everyone, let's say which one is our favourite Yaotome, one by one!
Iori: I like the Monster Yaotome. He looks like he'd be the leader of the stray cats.
Yamato: Onii-san finds the sight of him going all out while holding a hagoita (2) Yaotome-like. 
Mitsuki: There's no other choice than MATSURI though!? It's our very own uniform after all! Well done (3)!
Tamaki: I like the cook from the job experience thing. I like the parfait.
Sogo: I was hesitating between this and the Secret Night costume, but I'd say the Yaotome-san from Leopard Eyes. Even though it's an outfit without adornment, I can feel the aura emanating from its sexiness and your bare skin, so I like it. 
Nagi: My preference is the Yaotome-shi holding a fan. It's Japanese and sophisticated.
Riku: I like the Yaotome-san from Ainana Academy! He looks like a cool teacher! The rabbit hoodie Yaotome-san feels like an older brother, so I like that one too!
Gaku: Thanks. Everyone has their own preferences huh (lol)
Yamato: The dinner at the restaurant one is the most suited for the Most Desired Embrace, right. 
Mitsuki: The TRIGGER Police Yaotome is more Most Desired Embrace-like though!? Isn't a man who can fight cool!
Yamato: Isn't the Yaotome leading a stable life, taking the time to set up special days better?
Iori: If you say so, then the Yaotome-san who's a teacher also looks like a reliable person who would raise a family with you. 
Riku: If he's going to come over, then the Santa Yaotome-san is good!
Gaku: Don't talk as if there were multiple of me. There's only the idol me, you know. 
Mitsuki: Talking about multiple of you, we did say that there was someone who looks just like you, right. The young man who delivers soba to our place.
Gaku: Aah, you did talk about it.
Mitsuki: Even though he looks like TRIGGER's Yaotome, when we asked him if he knew about us, he said "I'm cheering you on."
Tamaki: Really. Yamamura is a good guy. 
Mitsuki: I also asked him who's his favourite member.
Yamato: Ooh, and then?
Mitsuki: "Dear customer, soba can be served with tempura, it can be noodles with duck, zarusoba (4), it can be served with egg, it can be all kinds of things, right. They all have their own best qualities. I can't pick just one."
Riku: The soba delivery man is so cool!!
Sogo: Yamamura-san, that's beautiful......
Nagi: He is wonderful...
Gaku: Huuh. That guy says some pretty nice things, doesn't he.
Mitsuki: I've pledged not to get soba from anyone else than Yamamura, anymore. 
Tsumugi: Yamamura-san is a kind and wonderful person, isn't he. I will take this moment to ask you the questions that I have received from IDOLiSH7!
Gaku: What will it be. I'm kinda nervous (lol)
[Tsumugi: Which one would would you prefer between a Kujo who's really drunk, after having reached the drinking age, and a Tsunashi-san with a wicked tongue?]
Gaku: 100% drunk Tenn. I'd take so many pictures. It'd make me sad if Ryu had a wicked tongue. I think I'd get genuinely depressed.
[Tsumugi: Are you the type to lick the pudding off of the bottle's lid?]
Gaku: If I'm at home, then yes. I don't do that outside.
[Tsumugi: Please tell us a memory of your birthday parties.]
Gaku: My parents are divorced, so my birthday mostly got celebrated at my mother's house. It was fun. I'd receive stuff like prepaid cards to buy books a lot from my old man.
Tsumugi: Thank you! Well then, Yaotome-san's next job will start shortly,  so I would like to wrap this up here!
Riku: Huh–! Yaotome-san is already leaving!?
Tamaki: I want to talk to Gakkun more!
Gaku: What's with you guys. Aren't you nice (lol)
Iori: You seem extremely busy, but do take care of your body somehow. Please enjoy your birthday party, as well.
Yamato: Say hi to Kujo and Tsunashi-san too. Tell me more about that movie club later. There's no way I'll join though.
Nagi: I hope that you will have a wonderful BIRTHDAY, Yaotome-shi. 
Sogo: Please do your best at work. I'm glad that I could convey you some congratulatory wishes. I will be sending you my other impressions of the Gaku Photobook later. 
Gaku: Thanks. Well then, you guys do your best at work too.
Mitsuki: Yeah! Congrats, Yaotome!
(1) For people who are unfamiliar with Japanese mobile games, they usually feature a gacha/lottery type system where you put in your game currency, and get a character/item at random. That action is called "pulling."
(2) This refers to his New Year card. A hagoita is the wooden paddle that he's holding in the picture. 
(3) The term that Mitsuki uses is "appare" which you might recognize as a line from All Boys! ~MATSURI~.
(4) Zarusoba is "soba served on a bamboo draining basket with dipping sauce." 
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