#but also if you check for anything tagged '(groupname) w' that's the writing tag
sanstropfremir · 2 years
With all of this talk, I was wondering what your opinion on the other hybe groups was...txt, seventeen, enhyphen etc?
you can check my txt tag here and my seventeen tag here! spoiler alert, i'm not really a fan of either group. enhypen is....honestly a bit of a mystery to me. i liked fever as a song and they have a couple bsides that i like, but honest to god i get them confused with treasure half the time. they have good quality production design (obviously) and there's quality put into all the aspects of their work, but it never seems to quite connect for me. like i thought the styling for blessed cursed was one of the best attempts at a real 90s throwback (since 90s love) but the song was bland as hell and didn't go anywhere. literally the opening of the mv is the countdown to y2k and they didn't have ANY explosive moments at all! like come on you literally had chekov's fireworks RIGHT THERE. i think i mentioned it before in my mama 2021 review, they have good choreography too; they're a very technically skilled group in terms of performance but i find them so profoundly uninteresting as performers. they all have a chronic case of performance face and there isn't anything that's unique about them in my opinion that makes up for that. it's all perfectly fine, but perfectly fine isn't interesting to me.
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