#but don’t worry daddy will be back 🤓
sergeant102105 · 1 year
my autism needs to let me get back into redacted because HOLY SHIT QUINN HAS BEEN BROUGHT BACK
like cod, it’s time to stop rotting my brain, i NEED to yearn over my redacted boys again
(no spoilers for anything yet PLEASE!)
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radskull-69 · 12 days
Vent? I guess?? More like talking about this INSANE guy omg
This guy has got to be the worst person I have ever fucking met omg
they never respect boundaries, even SIMPLE ones, like: kissing ppl on the cheek without consent, name calling, trauma dumping, touching
and this guy isn’t even confirmed he has autism, which is fine normally. Because neither am I, and so are most people.
but this mother fucker has gone to TWO offical autistic tests and BOTH said he didn’t have it, but the iNtErNeT quiz said he did so I guess he has it-
said I probably have adhd because I have daddy issues???
has kissed me and my bsf on the cheek without asking and when we confronted him he said he has ‘memory issues’ and doesn’t remember it (it happened only hours prior). Then had a panic attack since we ‘cornered him’ (I texted him on discord)
he CONSTANTLY trauma dumps, like he’d just walk up to me and without even saying hello he’d rant about his ‘broken foot’ or how ‘he hasn’t slept for three weeks straight’
and he so obviously fakes every mental illness and disability ever, it’s annoying bruhhhh. He’s half blind, half death, has scoliosis, schizophrenia, Tourette’s, autism, pregnancy? And so much more I can’t even name (none of these are officially confirmed either, and he only ‘uses’ or has the disability randomly on a blue moon when no one is talking to him)
once when I was getting kicked in the legs and being called useless by a shitty friend he laughed along and agreed I was useless, so in our next class we shared I refused to partner with him and just sat down at my desk. I was his only friend in that class but I didn’t care.
he slammed his chair into the desk, cried and ran out the room. When the teacher asked what’s wrong he went on a rant how ‘no body likes him and how he hates the school’, The teacher offered to be his partner but he said no and just ran outside..
then behind my back to my REAL friends he said I was being a cold asshole to him for no reason?
this mother fucker has faked a pregnancy for two years straight.
when I was dating this guy he sent me his kink list and said ‘I’m fucked if he gets horny’. We’re both minors, just started dating, and he knows I’m asexual.
once we were making some spicy butter chicken at school, and he was in charge of crushing and adding the spice.
when I ate my butter chicken it was really spicy to me, and I know I’m very sensitive to foods and people like to tease me about it. Which is funny and I can laugh along with it.
but this guy just kept and kept on making fun of me nonstop, calling me a pussy for not handling the spice and how I was ‘so white’ for how i was acting.
so I said- ‘maybe since I’m autistic I take it differently then most others?’ And I thought he’d sympathise since he’s also ‘autistic’.
motherfucker said ‘erm- well- my autistic level is higher then yours so-👆🤓’
what does that got to do with ANYTHING!?? And you don’t even have a confirmed ‘autistic level’, neither do I?? What even is that!??
I hate this guy so muchhhh, the ONLY reason I keep him around in the friend group is because I’m worried he’ll victim blame himself again and make me look bad. Also because as cruel as it sounds, the drama he brings is so entertaining.
luckily my friend group agrees this guy is toxic as fuck and annoying, I’m planning on cutting him from the group the next time he does something fucked up to me again so I can call him out.
because dear GOD is he so annoying..
Idk why I even dated him bruh.. I think he’s what made me aro-ace and that not all relationships are just ‘friendships with extra hand holding’
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pedros-mustache · 3 years
Hi. I know you’re probably not taking in more requests or ideas for domestic!Din right now and that you’re super busy trying to shape young minds without losing yours 🤓 buuuut I had a thought. Like what if his wife walks in on him and Grogu in the bathroom when Grogu was just a toddler. Din is shaving and Grogu seeing his dad is trying to shave too so they’re both looking too cute in matching towels and matching shaving cream beards on their faces. Maybe it’s early on when they’re dating...
In case I haven’t told you lately...your domestic!Din gives me LIFE Jess. I know you say no one asked in your tags but I am always asking ok 😂🌝
shaving cream heart || rockwellian masterlist
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Early morning, coffee in hand, groggy steps, and eyes heavy with sleep, you stumble up the farmhouse stairs. 
The hundred-year-old wood creaks beneath your bare feet, but you’re too caught in the comfortable drowse of a new morning to worry about waking Grogu. You’ll need to get him up soon anyway; the thrill of daycare awaits.
It’s strange, this new life. Moving in with Din and tucking his adopted son under the spread of your mothering wings was easy enough, but it all happened so fast. Six months? Five? You can’t remember. 
Does timing really matter?
A life once barren now blossoms, and you reap a sudden harvest. And though your arms overflow with a cottony-blend of happiness, you wouldn’t change it for the world. You weren’t ready for him—for them—but this is what was given you, and you thank your lucky stars you were smart enough to accept a good gift from above.
You sip your coffee, running through a mental checklist of your daily duties. The warm drink spreads through your chest and tickles the slumbering nerves in the back of your brain. You have a lot to do today: work and grocery shopping and booking that weekend getaway Din’s been musing about... You aren’t sure where you’ll find the time to do it all, but—
A giggle from the bathroom presses pause on your thoughts. 
It’s not yet seven. Grogu shouldn’t be up, least of all in the bathroom. Even though you love the kid to bits, he’s a wily one, getting into places he shouldn’t. A regular Houdini with his uncanny ability to find himself in the center of trouble and escape unscathed.
You just hope he hasn’t found the spare razors beneath the sink.
Nudging the bathroom door, you prepare yourself to find a mess of shredded toilet paper or shampoo spilled over the white tile floor. What greets you is anything but trouble. It is bliss, unfettered, twinkling in the light over the mirror.
Din stands before the sink, soft towel wrapped low around his hips. Hair wet from a shower, he spreads foamy shaving cream over his jaw and down the line of his neck. Grogu stands on the counter beside him, three year old arms pudgy with lingering baby fat. A hooded towel—Donald Duck, his favorite, twenty dollars on Etsy—shelters him from the cold bathroom air. He smears shaving cream over his own face, watching Din’s movements with wide, grinning eyes.
Din lifts his razor, tilting his head back to get better access to his jaw. Grogu does the same, using a plastic knife from the play kitchen downstairs to wipe away a line of shaving cream when Din does.
Grogu studies Din’s movement, copies him shave for shave. They repeat the process—again and again. 
Nearly finished his faux shave, Grogu pushes against his cheek, frowning. “It’s spicy, Daddy. On my cheeks.”
Din swipes his razor through the sink bowl filled with water. “It just smells strong, buddy.”
“You don’t think it’s spicy?”
“No, not really. Aftershave is the spicy stuff.”
“I don’t want that then.”
“I wasn’t going to give it to you.”
You smile, hidden in the dim light of the hallway. Your heart swells. You find yourself tumbling head first down a ravine; the bottom of the ravine poses no threat, only offers a warm embrace called love. 
You love him, you love him always.
Grinning into your coffee, you take another sip then grab one last peek at the gentle moment of father and son. Din is already looking at you in the reflection of the mirror; your heart skips a beat. He winks.
You love him.
@gaiuswrites @skeletonstwins @pleasedin @stevie75 @saradika @queen-sands @headinthestarz​ @fan-of-encouragement​ @sharkbait77​​​ @boxdyeblonde @a-skov @heavenseed76 @rebel-fanfare @thevoiceinyourheadx @iamafadedmoon @honestly-shite @strangelittlenobody @writerlyhabits @frannyzooey @punkremus @babydarkstar @javierpinme @mandocrasis @ezramando @goddessofsprings
please let me know if you’d like to be added or removed ✨💛
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jayflrt · 2 years
JSJFKDKD yes seongmai is me 🤓 so sorry ab the constant liking/rbing i’m a mf menace on that acc 😭 BUT OH MY GOSH i literally loved sugar daddy sm i can’t even VERBALISE ITTT 😩 ur smau just went straight to the point and every reaction to each plot point not only made sense BUT WAS SO FUCKING HILARIOUS LIKE 😭😭 the comedy just kept piling on and it wouldn’t stop,,, every time i thought i reached the peak of the smau it just got better and better (like when she catfishes w fucking NINGNING AND HEESEUNG IS LIKE CRYING CAUSE HE HATES HER FACE AND THEN HE RETALIATES BY CATFISHING W FUCKING SUNGHOON— JDKDKDKKDJDZM AND THEN HEE REJECTS HER BC SHE TRIES TO ASK FOR HIS NUMBER????? i died i fucking DIED) and seriously u did so so so well w it???!! every single chapter made me ugly cackle,,, literally couldn’t get over how funny heeseung and his broke ass was 😭 i just woke up just this morning and thought ab the meme when he jumped back in front of the car ALWKFKKFJJXNNSD WHY AM I CRYINGGG ITS 8AM 😭😭 anyway omg so sorry for the rambling i just loved it sm & i talk too much 😭
i’m kinda new to tumblr so i’m still making my way around the -must reads- of enha smaus but i’m so pissed i didn’t read sd sooner 😭💔 can’t wait to read ur other smaus too!! AND OMG URE PLANNING A JUNGWON SMAU?? AAA COULD U PLS ADD ME TO THE TAGLIST FOR THAT (IF IT’S OPEN!) JSKFJEKF TYSM
anyway!!! i’m a big fan of ur work omfg so thank u sm for sharing them on tumblr!!! hope we can be friends or smth bc ure so fucking cool and i highkey and obsessed w ur work atm …. thank u 🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️
omg don’t apologize for the liking/rbing, it was so sweet to read !!! 🤧💞 AHAHA IM GLAD YOU LIKED IT AND THAT THE REACTIONS MADE SENSE i always worry that my characters do things unnaturally but it’s nice to hear that it’s very fitting :’)) part of the reason my smaus r chaotic is bc i like using them for Just crack LOLL i just don’t like smaus that get angsty bc those are better showcased in written fics 😵‍💫 AHAHAH I ACTUALLY HAD BOTH OF THEM CATFISHING EACH OTHER PLANNED FOR THE NINGHOON DEVELOPMENT 🤩 i gave seonghwa a bigger(??) role on a whim tho LOLL he was initially supposed to be mentioned but never made an actual appearance (but then he got to run heeseung over !! 🥳) AHH IM GLAD YOU LIKED EVERY CHAPTER THAT WAS THE GOAL 🤧 i didn’t want a Single boring chapter 😤 PLS DONT APOLOGIZE I LOVED THE RAMBLING it makes me so soft 💗💗
and omg don’t worry !! take your time and read what you’d like 🥰🥰 but welcome to enhablr !! there are def a lot of smaus here HAHAH AND YES OFC ILL ADD YOU <333 jungwon’s such a menace in my smaus so it’s about time i don’t tarnish his image 🤩
and thank YOU for complimenting my work !! 😭💗 it makes me so happy to see such support for my fics ♡ and yes of course !! feel free to hit me up here whenever 😎 and i hope you have a wonderful day/night love ! 🤍🤍
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