#but he is the woobie and i hate how woobies are fawned over in the fandoms
rogue205 · 1 year
Bit of a 9-1-1 rant/unpopular opinion
As always, people who lash out will have their comment deleted and themselves blocked. People who respond in a civilized adult manner will have a response given in an equally civilized adult manner.
So here it is....
Am I the only one who feels that now the show has officially created this “dad & son” thing strictly between Bobby and Buck, that it actually lessens the whole “Fire Dad” thing Bobby had going for his whole damn team? It’s essentially made even worse by the fact that Buck is the fandom woobie so that is all everyone is focusing on. I find it annoying especially given that Buck is not the only character with sh*t parents as well.  Speaking of, anyone else think those two are up to something? They didn’t change that much overnight.
Just my opinion.
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serenagaywaterford · 5 years
What do you think they’ll do with Serena and Fred now their under the custody of the American/Canadian government? I wouldn’t put it past the show writers to just either kill them off or leave it ambiguous.
THT will never kill off Fiennes. Miller is in love with him and obsessed with “redeeming” male war criminals cos they have such precious manpain feels. Cases in point: Lawrence! The woobifying of both Fred and Nick. Even fucking Putnam has been given more cushy niceness than Lydia, Naomi, or Serena. Then there’s the useless lump that is Luke and how the show insists on making people fawn over what a great guy he is even though he has done exactly nothing to deserve it. (But that’s a whole other rant. I don’t dislike Luke, but I don’t understand why I’m supposed to think he’s such a Wonderful Man TM.)
So, the chances of THT ever getting rid of Fred is very low imo. Fiennes not only has Miller’s ear and apparently has significant sway in how the character is written, but Miller has said in the past how much he wants just a whole season of a “trial”. *cue my eyes rolling right out of my damn head*
If they ever kill Fred, it’ll be framed in the most woobie way ever and he’ll get some sort of redemption arc. I guarantee it. Because this show is written by men and when Miller said he doesn’t believe in redemption arcs, he meant for women. For men, clearly he thinks they’re great and totally realistic.
As for Serena... 
I have no faith in anything the show will do wrt Serena. They hate her. They don’t understand how to develop a narrative for a complex and morally complicated character. They have reduced her to every sexist stereotype about women they can think of. Unless they can separate their writing from their clear misogyny, Serena doesn’t stand a chance. (Neither does June, lbr. Who has also fallen victim to cliches and sexism in the writing.) They also have stripped her of any organic narrative agency which makes her a boring character to watch. What I mean by this is that in S1 and S2, Serena moved through her own story of her own will. She caused things to happen, and when the plot moved with her, she was a part of that and had some influence on it. S3 was Serena being pulled along by a ridiculous plot instead. It’s hard for me to describe what I mean, but honestly, you could almost insert any other character into her place and it wouldn’t really change much because the character of Serena herself has had very little influence on her own story. The asinine plot Miller & Co. designed for her just pulls her along. It’s so stupid.
I can’t even figure out what they’ll do with her. I can see them just reducing her role to like an occasional blip in Canada, in prison or on trial or something idiotic and boring like that. Alternately, they could kill her off. I don’t put it past Miller to do that. I don’t know why I have a feeling they want Yvonne gone, even though Serena is one of the most interesting and captivating characters, no matter whether you hate her or love her. She’s polarizing and causes a lot of fuss, which is what a show should want. But reducing her to some stupid trope doesn’t help. Her dynamic with June, specifically has been a keystone of the entire series, again, whether you like it or not. The showrunners have even said the same. But they’ve destroyed that entirely and keeping them in separate countries isn’t going to solve that.
The other option, and the only one that makes sense to continuing Serena’s arc in any way, is to send her back to Gilead SOMEHOW, but good luck figuring out how to justify that one. The only thing to save this show imo is to reunite the key players in Gilead (Serena, June, Lydia, Janine, other Handmaids we have already been introduced to (NOT NEW ONES), Naomi, other Wives (NOT NEW ONES), etc.) and keep the “bad guys” the system and not individual scapegoated women. The cast bloat last season was bad enough since it severely sidelined existing characters. It has to refocus on the existing dynamics. But how on earth they’d do that, who knows.
Honestly, anon. I have no idea. I can see THT doing all sorts of bullshit to Serena. But I think Fred is safe cos of Miller’s boner for Fiennes.
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thisnerdblog · 7 years
12, 13, 21
For the salty asks:12. Is there an unpopular arc that you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why?People really seem to hate on AoU, and I didn't think it was so bad. It def suffers from middle Movie syndrome and too many cooks in the kitchen, but I don't think it didn't do any characters justice. People got pissy about Clint's secret family, I love them. People got up in arms about Tony diving right into creating Ultron, I thought it was a great lesson for him to learn. People hated how Natasha was treated in this, and I'm sitting over here confused because AoU gave us the deepest Natasha we have gotten so far. People rioted and dragged the director over BruceNat, and I those people are crazy. Yes it was a tad rushed and could have been better, but the idea was solid and the actors really sold it, and out of all the current avengers why wouldn't Nat dig Bruce. And why wouldn't she? He's the only one on the team who can remotely relate to her¯\_(ツ)_/¯. I think people give AoU waaaaayyyy to much hate when it was a really decent movie.13. Unpopular opinion about XXX character?Ummmm, since no specific character was given, I'm going to take this as a sign to go off the rails with the rants and the salt.Steve Rogers: Fuck him with his stupid shield. He lives in the past and that makes me furious! He puts his past friends up on this pedestal and puts them before the "friends" he has now. I really hate how he refuses to try and make a new life for himself, he refuses to move forward, he refuses to put the needs of the modern people before preserving his past. He wants to wallow in the past and any time he seems to be ready to move forward, something with Bucky seems to rear it's head and he will regress in an instant, and that's what pisses me off the most about Steve, it's his inability to move on.And because of this inability to move on and think straight when Bucky is involved, he keeps on ducking over the people who choose to follow him. Steve is supposed to be this good leader, he is supposed to have this magnetic presence that pulls people too him, yet what we have been presented with is something quite the opposite and I can't wrap my head around why Sam and the others follow him blindly?MCU Steve is such a disappointment and they expect me to suck his taint with everyone else because he's captain America. ಠ_ಠ Bucky Barnes: ugggggggfhhhhhhhghng. Sooooooooooooo boringgggggggg. Bucky was cool in the first Avenger, he was sassy and had a personality! But when he became the winter soldier I was out sooo fast you have no idea! Being the blank brainwashed slate that is slowly kinda getting memories back is such a boring overused trope, especially when they don't bring any hint of his old personality back. Like, I understand he has gone through extreme horrible trauma and that is enough to change parts of a persons personality, but like it would be sooo much better and heart breaking if you could have a hint of that previous personality. I dunno, I just think MCU Bucky is to bland and boring and doesn't deserve the amount of love and adoration he gets. (Buts it's because the actor is "hot" and people love a hot woobie character.)Loki: THE ULTIMATE WOOBIED CHARACTER EVER!!He is a dick, his moral compass is not pointing in a good direction, he is all about himself. He is a good VILLIAN! He does have a sad backstory, but as you all know "cool motive, still murder" is a thing. He doesn't have a heart of gold deep down inside, Loki works for Lokie and nobody else. I HATE with the passion of five thousands sun that people woobify Loki (and other "hot" villains), and the biggest slap in the face is when people put him on the Avengers team.Sam Wilson: I love Sam, Sam is such a darling baby and he deserves so much better than what he gets, but I just don't get why he just FOLLOWS Steve. Branch out my love! Be your own super hero!!! Wanda Maximoff: THERE HAS BEEN NO REPERCUSSIONS FOR HER SHITTY ACTIONS IN AOU!!!!!Yes she has been imprisoned, yes she is on the run, but like!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What about while she was living with all the people she mind fucked!!!!!!!! They don't mind living with her???? Was there no conversation? The Avengers didn't like sit her down and expressed how she hurt them????? I dunno, she needs a slap to the wrist specifically for her actions in AoU.Tony Stark: has done so much wrong, but still strives to be a hero! THIS IS HIS STORY, HE IS THE HERO!!Fight me about this!Natasha Romanoff: I love how she was portrayed in AoU, I love that they made her three dimensional instead of generic badass fight girl. She has fears, she has faults, she has hope, she has morals, and she will put others happiness above her own. She is part hot mess part avenging Angel, she is complex and wonderful! Plus I love that she is respected by the boys and not the "girl" but a fucking core member and is friendly/friends with the guys.Bruce Banner: I just love this asshole, ok.Like this is how you woobify a character, bad shit has happened to him, and you feel sorry for him, but he's still a prickly asshole, he's self deprecating and KNOWS how dangerous he can be and his friends aren't fawning over him saying "no you aren't" instead his friends are saying "yeah, you could be, but you have the power not to be, you can control your anger!" The beauty I love about Bruce is that he COULD have been a bad guy, but made the important choice not to.Thor: Thor is smart! Thor is intelligent, he is sweet and patient, but he runs hot and has a short temper and is gullible. Like I love that Thor is gullible, he believes the best in people and it's sad when he is proven wrong.21. What are your thoughts on crack ships?They are good! Have fun you guys! Do your thing!
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