#but honestly i think a lot of my grief with idv outside of missing the gameplay is just missing out on limited skins and whatnot
whamss · 6 months
The biggest problem with getting into gacha games for me (other than my unfortunate spending impulses) is just that the current system of gacha games feels like. So inaccessible.
I found genshin fun when I played it and just hearing about things secondhand from friends and whatnot makes it sound like more recent gameplay and story stuff is fun, if nothing else. But like, something about having dropped genshin after the disappointment of Inazuma and knowing that there's so many story events and exclusive things that I missed out on because I haven't played at all in like a year and a half makes the prospect of trying to get back into it so. Daunting. All that lore I missed out on, all of the character stuff locked behind timed events I'll never get to see. Makes it so hard to actually want to pick the game up again
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