#but in a way it's my work and my burden that i'm a tryhard. i want no cross but my own etc etc
madamescarlette · 2 years
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#teehee i went back and found them even though the original is gone#i do legitimately think abt this a lot. partly because it travelled far and wide beyond me#but also just because this expresses a lot of what striving means to me#i've always had this teeny little chip on my shoulder because i'm the person who always has to try. can't stop trying always have to try#i get tired easily because lots of things take effort for me when it seems like they shouldn't!#but in a way it's my work and my burden that i'm a tryhard. i want no cross but my own etc etc#but i guess these three ladies represent so much to me what it means to strive for virtue#to cry on your bathroom floor because you're scraping the bottom of the barrel#and you have to wipe your face and sternly find that blind trust that things are going to keep going onwards towards brightness#just as long as you get up. and all that is required of you right then is getting up and after that we'll plan the next step after that#and in when you have to say something Real to somebody and you don't know if it will be needed or accepted and it's terrifying!!#or when you park in a spot and suddenly it comes crashing in on you that you have to Face This Day and you're not ready#and you have to reach into your heart and strike that match of the kind of wish that you'll have the strength for it after all#and you put your face on your steering wheel and muster everything within you to burn with that wish and hope#these are all very real to me and i wish i could express them in a more real way than a little tumblr post. but you know!!#i guess. have the version 2.0 of this post haha
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aeirs-moved · 2 years
i feel like when youre obsessed with a character for like over 6 months or a year you start to feel "emotions 3" about them like its beyond anything ever. like miyuki in particular makes me so crazy because of the way his personality is slowly unveiled. especially in the beginning, the story is very sawamura-centric, which also shows like how self absorbed sawamura was in his first year etc etc thats not important here tho. the point is that the story isn't focused on miyuki, we see him just from the outside at first as this guy who enjoys pissing people off, who has a lot of respect for those older than him, who loves baseball, who only bats in clutch situations... And like his character development as he grows into his role as captain shows just how much he was lacking before AND just how far he went in his respect for the coaches and the third years to sometimes his own detriment. like when ochiai was teaching sawamura the changeup he was thinking about quitting before it potentially broke sawamuras form and ochiai told him to continue and he just Agreed. even though ochiai KNEW it had a higher chance of breaking sawamuras form. tetsu's advice to miyuki as captain and miyuki's reverence for kataoka's strictness led to the nabe situation... he had such a hard set in stone definition of what a captain should be because of those influences. the nabe situation AND the post-yakushi match "i cant be a captain" thing exposes like how he really is just trying his best to fit these roles and how hes beginning to understand what hes lacking and work on it like in act 2 talking about maezono's compassion "that's what im missing." like AUGHHGHGHHHH like its not LIKE he doesnt have that at all he just struggles to express it like in season one episode 71 in that conversation with kuramochi where he says two different things like how conflicted he feels by how he thinks he SHOULD feel as a captain and how he DOES feel as both a catcher and sawamuras teammate... LIKE these parts of his personality are so important to me and then you just add how fucking AWESOME THAT GUY IS on top of that and then finally garnish it with terajima's comments about him on twitter like "miyuki talks a lot when he's happy" like its so CUTE!!! like all these miyuki moments just sit in my brain and have boiled for so long its like a syrup. like he's annoying he's awesome he's cute he's stupid he's admirable i hate him he sucks he's the only character that matters he's lame. LIKE i just. AUGH!!!!!!! NO and like i'm burdened by understanding miyuki like sooooo many people just do not understand him bjt like all of this is in the text. like PLEASEEE learn basic character analysis. if you walk away from miyuki thinking of fanfiction to write about him and sawamura you don't understand him. like YES he's kind of gay NO that's not important to his character. turn your BRAIN on and watch the shwo again and get back to me when you understand how emotionally stunted, baseball obsessed, tryharding he is. like hes more than just awesome and gay and hes ESPECIALLY more than someone who likes getting under others' skin as a power thing or a s*x thing 🤢 ALSO hes like 16 pleaseeee kill yourselvesssss HOW do you people misinterpret an anime for middle school boys that badly. ANYWAY my point is by thinking about miyuki as often as i have these last 6-12 months i've reached enlightenment
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raposarealm · 2 years
I saw this coming from a mile away, ehe
Why I like them:
First, I'm a sucker for well-written tsunderes. I have a type, I know.
Secondly, Rena's really relatable to me. She's from a relatively normal background, but she nonetheless ended up with a bad hand. She's not introverted and shy, per se, but she's really bad at reading the room and the people in it, and she doesn't get what things need to be not said -- so she comes across as extremely blunt and mean, and gets picked on and harassed for it enough that she closed herself off and started acting like the 'mean streak' was on purpose. She pushes her friends away because she sees herself as a burden to them, and doubles down when they confront her about it. And like, god, f4, could you possibly call me out more? Rena's desire to constantly be someone she's not, to the point of abusing her magic to copy others, really kinda hits the nail on the head; like, I bring hardships on myself and start arguments and fights in order to punish myself, but also to make myself feel like the martyr that I'm not.
Why I don’t:
The writers sometimes go overboard with Rena's 'mean' attitude, and have her act really out of line -- like the scene from the anime's first season where, after the gang save Kaede from the Friendship Ending Staircase, Rena is too scared to ask Kaede to be her friend again, and instead tells her to be 'her slave', like, what. That's just mean. I mean, it's funny, but it's harsh in a way that doesn't match Rena's constantly-misinterpreted bluntness. Sometimes the writers just have her be mean to be mean, too, like her scene in Yachiyo's MSS where she just steals one of Yachiyo's donuts and then tries to pretend she didn't just steal someone's food? That's not a social rule, that's morality, y'all.
Favorite episode (scene if movie):
There's a lot of possibilities, but I'd say either A) the game version of Chapter 10's Eve fight, where she copies Kaede's magic and the two work together to tie down Eve with a bunch of vines, or B) the Arc 2 Chapter 7 Rena/Ranka reunion, which I won't describe here because spoilers, but it's so good and also I like Ranka a lot because of Rena.
Favorite season/movie:
I'm gonna pretend half the anime didn't happen, so I'll cheat and say her MSS, which is really good anyways.
Favorite line:
From her story select: "Even Rena hates Minami Rena..."
Favorite outfit:
Her normal Magical Girl uniform, I've come to love it.
KaeRena or IroRena are both very good.
Momoko/Rena and Ranka/Rena (game please let them be happy!)
Head Canon:
Her bluntness and awkwardness reminds me heavily of autistic behavior (and by this I mean myself but shhh)
Also, she probably slays at karaoke when she's not around other people.
Unpopular opinion:
I.. don't think I hold much in this category?
A wish:
F4 please give her better outfits beyond her normal uniform and MG outfit... her winter one's ok but... her Christmas one's an atrocity.
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen:
I don't know what I'd do if she died and/or witched out. (knocks on ood)
5 words to best describe them:
"Grumpy", "Tryhard", "Blunt", "Dedicated", "Loyal"
My nickname for them:
Honestly, I just call her 'Rena'.
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