#but just like dennis does NOT want dee to die at all he specifically notes her nearness to suicide or just general vegetable braining
oozywoozycon · 11 months
sooooooooooo fascinated by ‘the gang breaks dee’ episode bc it says SO MUCH ab the relationships ??? ? ? ? ??????
mostly regarding dee and dennis’ relationship BUT i can’t stop thinking ab it
his desperation at her seeming to pull herself out of the pit w the rest of them bc she was always down there with them, she was always just that bit lower than him, and she always fucked it up for herself first but he could step in to make it worse if necessary but for the first time it’s not fucking working and she’s getting away and why isn’t it working why isn’t it working why isn’t it —
anyways just like obviously the whole crew is massively codependent and toxic 💕🧚✨💖 and that’s nothing new, that’s like the premise of the show
and if any of them started to seem to get their foot out the door, the rest would put their all into pulling them back in or chopping off that foot, whatever needs doing to bring them back, but this episode is so interesting bc since the other three are in on it, it’s only dennis who’s spiraling and boy he’s spiraling so bad
i NEED to see them as kids i MUST witness their elementary school dynamic (tho i must admit it has likely not evolved since grade school) it is FASCINATING
#moving on to tags now bc i’ll be forced to stop eventually this way and i’m not convinced i would be able to cease my word vomiting if left#to my own devices. but i love it i love it i love it so much#just started watching sunny today and was jumping around the episodes and seasons and happened upon this one#i saw many others i watched in total maybe ….23 episodes today? scattered thru out the seasons#this episode is the one keeping me awake tho#i just ….i love the way that anytime anything is going well for one the others will ruin it posthaste#and how that also leads into a pattern of behavior where when smths going well for one they’ll be like ‘hmmm no this isn’t right clearly#there’s a scheme afoot’ and they’ll ruin for themselves before the gang needs to run any interference at all#absolutely LOVE cycles love love love the way they never get better they’re so ill 💕#but just like dennis does NOT want dee to die at all he specifically notes her nearness to suicide or just general vegetable braining#the rest of her life and he WILL NOT have that but of course he also will absolutely not tolerate her doing ‘well’#and so he will magnanimously help her out of her slump by providing her w men (conveniently controlling who will be entering her life) but#they WILL all be ugly and honestly bad prospects but bc he is kind and loving they are not the WORST out there see isn’t he a considerate#brother WHAT DO TOY MEAN YOURE FUCKING THAT TALENT GUY#and like it’s half genuine like dee you do know that man is using you that’s pathetic and you can do better than him ew#but the other half that is much more influential is this man is an unknown entering her life and what if he DOES take her away or ruin her#further somehow thus making her a completely limp doll smth he can’t toy w or argue w#and on dee’s side she’s j at her end and is ‘this might as well happen’ and it has the benefit of getting under her twins skin like nothing#else and she also knows what he’s saying is true and that’s why she’s doing it at all bc it will end badly for her and that’s what she’s#seeking except then it maybe is going well??? and what if she is getting out truly what if —and then she’s vomiting on the plane and then#everything was a lie and she’s back to normal no longer a vegetable but not getting out#the thing is i dunno if there are any episodes that show anything vaguely similar happening to dennis— i honestly don’t think there are not#bc i know anything again i only started watching today but bc he is not interested in getting out he is quite happy as the self declared#king of his circle i mean he absolutely would go for world domination but he’s sufficiently pacified with ruining the lives of everyone he#comes across with the gang#don’t get me wrong i don’t think any of these guys could get out even if they weren’t all ready to do anything to keep everyone where they#all were bc they are awful people w no concept regarding their impact on other lives i#i am so goan#i am so gas#o am so goddamn tired bye
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alwayssunnyprompts · 7 years
Macdennis 77
Thank you, I hope you like it! It’s set after “Mac and Charlie Die, Pt.2”
77.) “I hate hospitals.“
Dennis is already rolling his eyes when Charlie, Mac, and Dee come running out from the back office, holding sparklers and acting like it’s a shock to anyone that they’re alive. He can’t believe that he spent more than 30 seconds thinking they were dead; he makes a mental note to shove down the thought if there’s ever another situation like this. Apparently, idiocy can’t be killed. He vaguely observes that, wearing her stupid shorts, Dee looks even more gangly than she usually does. He glances over at Mac, a wave of anxiety washing through his chest.
Mac looks terrible. He has two black eyes, cuts on his face, bruising around his nose and ears. He tries to play off the shock, pushing down the worry until he can get Mac alone and really go off on him about how stupid he’s been. He’s buzzing with anticipation the rest of the conversation, until the excitement finally dies down and the rest of the gang heads home for the day. Mac is sitting at the bar, his chin resting in his hand, staring at nothing. He looks completely spaced out. Dennis walks behind the bar slowly, trying not to startle him.
Mac, as far as Dennis can tell, doesn’t respond at all. Dennis frowns, reaches over and lays a hand on Mac’s shoulder. He jumps a little at the contact, blinking and looking like he’d just noticed Dennis was there.
“Huh? Did you say something, Dennis?”
He still looks…off. He’s staring in Dennis’s general direction, but it’s like he’s looking right through him. He looks dazed.
“Yeah, Mac…are you okay, buddy? You seem a little…” he can’t think of the word, but he doesn’t have to, because Mac interrupts him.
“I feel kinda weird, dude,” he says slowly. He’s pale, his face scrunched up in expression of pain that Dennis would have laughed at if he wasn’t so worried.
“Weird, how, Mac? Be specific.” He takes deep breaths, attempts to even out his heart rate. This all seems wrong.
“I don’t know…where’s Charlie?”
“Charlie left, like, an hour ago, Mac. You were here. You said goodbye to him. And then Frank, and then Dee. Do you not remember?”
He looks upset now, the frustration evident in his eyes.
“Do you think I’d be asking if I remembered, Dennis?”
“Okay, okay, I’m sorry, buddy. Just…” he takes a deep breath,“just try and focus on telling me what’s wrong.”
Mac barely nods, runs his hands over his face. He looks ill, the bruising around his eyes stands out against sallow skin.
“Um…my head hurts. Like, really bad. And you look weird. Kinda spinny or something…I think it’s because of the headache. Also everything feels kinda…floaty?” He’s concentrating hard, Dennis can tell. He makes a little choked noise and rests his head in his hands.
Dennis feels the pounding in his chest again. He walks so he’s standing right next to Mac, rests a hand on the back of his head, lightly enough that he’s just barely feeling Mac’s hair.
“Buddy? Look at me for a second.”
He does. Still looks dazed and unfocused, but he’s trying to look Dennis in the eyes.
“Dennis…” he moans quietly, squinting like the dim lights in the bar are somehow too bright, “I feel sick.”
Goddamnit. He rests a hand against Mac’s forehead like a visor, shielding him from the light. He can tell Mac’s panicking, his breathing fast and shallow.
“Sh, sh, it’s okay. I think we should go to the hospital.” He’s stroking Mac’s face gently with his free hand while he checks his injuries.
“What? Why? Dennis, I don’t want to,” he sounds stubborn and desperate and Dennis wishes with all of his heart that they didn’t have to. But he’s pretty sure Mac has a bad concussion, and he’s not going to take him home without making sure he’s going to be alright. He can’t take that chance.
Dennis leads Mac to his car, making sure he guides him gently into the passenger seat, tries to buckle his seatbelt before Mac notices and all but rips it out of his hand, cheeks flushing pink as he does it himself.
Of course the traffic is terrible. It takes everything Dennis has to stop himself from yelling at some idiot that cuts him off. The only feeling stronger than rage is the one telling him that if he yells, he’ll hurt Mac’s head even more. And that is unacceptable, so he sighs and lets the asshole go.
The hospital is gray and sterile and disgustingly dreary. He’s sitting in an uncomfortable chair in the waiting room. Mac is leaning against his shoulder, trying to hide his face.
“Can’t we just go home? I want to go home. I want to sleep.” He’s pleading, his voice wobbling as he takes a quick breath.
He wraps an arm around Mac, rubs his back rhythmically.
“I know, baby boy, I know,” he soothes.
“What is it?”
“I’m scared.” He sounds so different from the way he usually does. The confidence and inflated sense of self-righteousness are gone, replaced with nervousness and uncertainty. It touches Dennis’s heart. He holds Mac tighter.
“It’s okay. Nothing to be scared about. How about after this we pick up a movie?” He tries not to let the stress he’s feeling seep into his voice.
Mac doesn’t seem convinced. His eyebrows are still furrowed, face is still scrunched up.
“Hospitals are stupid, Dennis.”
Despite himself, Dennis chuckles a little bit.
“Not really, buddy. I mean sure, there’s plenty of room for stupidity, but they really aren’t all that bad.”
“I hate them.”
He sounds so defeated. Dennis lets the joking edge leave his voice.
“Mac, I’m sorry. But we’re already here and I’d feel much better if you let a doctor check you. Just…do it for me, okay?”
“Can I sleep in your bed tonight?”
He sighs.
“Okay, fine.”
“Can we sleep together this time?”
“Yeah…sure, Mac.” He agrees quietly, not embarrassed, but not quite willing to let the idiots sitting around them hear their personal business.
Mac smiles a little.
“I guess I’ll stay and get examined,” he says, only a hint of resignation in his voice.
He removes his arm from around Mac’s shoulders and lets it fall into his lap. After a few minutes, he reaches over, carefully wrapping Mac’s hand in his own.
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