#but kiryu crawling through the snow just to get to haruka was a powerful scene i enjoyed
(don't have to respond i just wanted to ramble somewhere) AUGHHHHHHHHHH YAKUZA FIVE. that game...that game is so good....the twists...the mystery...the taxi driving..*head in hands* the emotions torn from me...baba...rooftop daigo multiple times...what a banger game it so lovely its so incredible its sooooo long too so much content i've consumed in the past week ahh so lovely..i wish i could wipe my mind and play it for the first time again oh my word the fights were enjoyable (minus kanai i dont liek him.) WATASE. wow <3 i love this game i need to absorb this game i need to become this game there will never be another like this game i think it should be framed in a hall of fame for best game ever created *sniffle sob* y5...my darling darling rpg... it's tied itself as favourite game with y3 wow i need to play both of them at the same time for 100+ hours a day i will create more hours in a day to play for 100+ hours a day
ngl when i first got through Y5, it was. An Experience
BUT IN REVIEW it really is such a lovely game- kiryu's taxi segment is definitely one of the higher points for me lest i forget shinada's entire existence :)
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