#but leafstar is still proven right
yuridovewing · 2 months
sorry i keep bringing up the leafstar victim blaming scenes, i know some of yall are probably sick of it but i keep coming back to it and being bewildered all over again. like i cannot stress this enough- THEY HAD LEAFSTAR SCREAM AT AND VICTIM BLAME AN ABUSED PREGNANT LADY. THEY HAD HER SENT HER AWAY TO BE HOMELESS. THEY THEN HAD HER WANT TO PHYSICALLY ASSAULT HER FAMILY FOR BEING LIKE “hey we dont want her to have zero support actually??” AND. WE. WERE. SUPPOSED. TO. BE. ON. LEAFSTAR’S. SIDE.
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warriorcatsauclan · 11 months
AlderSky AU Part 1
So, when I was reading AVOS, I was always kind of expecting for Alderpaw/heart to join SkyClan as a poetic full circle kind of situation: His grandparents Fire and Sand were the ones to reform the lost Clan, he has SkyClan blood through Bramblestar (being a descendant of Cloudstar and Birdsong’s kits), and he raised Twig - it all just seemed so perfect!
But then the Erins decided to stick with the status quo and I could not help be feel like it was a huge wast of potential on Alderheart’s end. So, I decided to write my own version of Alderheart and Needletail joining SkyClan.
(There will be multiple parts and will be written in more of a summery style, so let me know if anyone wants a more story-like version) Now, let’s start!
Things are mostly the same up until the quest to find SkyClan, though it does happen a litter earlier, so Alderpaw and Needlepaw are a little bit older. During the quest, both Alderpaw and Needlepaw are taken by a Twoleg and are driven away from the quest group. Alder and Needle eventually escape, but are so far from Clan territory that they have no idea where they are. Thankfully, by StarClan’s wish, they do manage to find the now wandering SkyClan. (This is about right before the events of Pebbleshine’s Kits)
When Alder and Needle introduce themselves, Echosong realizes that, Alderpaw being Firestar’s grandson, might be the “Spark that Remains” prophecy.
Leafstar and others (mainly Hawkwing), are suspicious after everything with Darktail, and while they agree to let Alder and needle travel with them, they will not be part of SkyClan until they either stay with the group for a moon or prove their loyalty. Alderpaw thinks that is reasonable while Needlepaw thinks it is excessive.
Alderpaw and Needlepaw are able to guide SkyClan in the general direction they came from, but since they came to the area via kid/catnapping they do not know they specific way. One pointer is that they are able to prevent Pebbleshine from being taken, which earns them Hawkwing’s support.
When Plumwillow goes into labor by the lake, Alderpaw is there to help and Plumwillow is grateful to the apprentice for his help. Alderpaw is also there to assist in Pebbleshine’s birth of Twigkit and Violetkit. And when the dogs burst into the camp, Needlepaw helps fight them off.
By the time Curlypaw and Parselyseed leave to become kittypets, both Alderpaw and Needlepaw have proven that they can be loyal SkyClan warriors.
Leafstar makes both cats the offer to join the SkyClan as full members. Needlepaw says yes immediately, having already been disillusioned to ShadowClan and feeling more connected to SkyClan. Alderpaw has to think about it a bit more, admitting that while he loves SkyClan and already feels massive amounts of loyalty to the cats, he still loves and misses his kin back in ThunderClan.
He later has a dream that night where he is visited by Firestar and Sandstorm. Firestar tells his grandson that even though he left his kittypet life behind, that does not mean he forgot or stopped loving his kin who were still kittypets and he applies that logic to Alderpaw’s dilemma. This gives Alderpaw the resolve to tell Leafstar that he will also be joining SkyClan.
With Curlypaw having left, Needlepaw become Hawkwing’s new apprentice and the two get along like a dry bush on fire. Alderpaw starts training under Echosong, but the SkyClan Medicine Cat is already training Fidgetpaw and she also leaves soon after to follow her vision.
Alderpaw allows Fidgetpaw to continue to be SkyClan’s main Medicine Cat Apprentice since the SkyClan cats are more used to him. Alderpaw, meanwhile, tends to spend his days helping Plumwillow and Pebbleshine with their kits: playing with them, helping keep the nursery clean, keeping an eye on the health of the kits and their mothers. He also ends up filling the role of a father to Reedkit, Finkit and Dewkit since Hawkwing is with his own daughters and Sandynose is still missing.
This continues until the other cats are captured (including Fidgetpaw and Waspwhisker). Now Alderpaw is left as SkyClan’s Medicine Cat and Hawkwing is made deputy. This is also when Leafstar decides that Needlepaw is more than ready for her warrior name.
Leafstar decides to name her Needlestorm, in honor of both her strong personality and fighting skills and also in memory of Sandstorm. Needle loves her new name and both Hawkwing and Alderpaw are very proud.
Alderpaw, meanwhile, struggles with the responsibilities of being the only cat with Medicine training. He has gotten steadily more and more stressed and it shows. While this does not stop him from successfully treating the sickness and saving both Rileypool and Firefern from dying, it is clear that his nerves and the stress of it all is getting to him.
Echosong eventually returns and expresses her pride and gratitude to Alderpaw for treating her Clanmates while she was away as well as her grief at Fidgetpaw’s capture. Alderpaw is grateful that Echosong is back, but the events have made Alderpaw question if being a Medicine Cat is really the right choice for him...
Meanwhile, Sandynose is finally able to reunite with SkyClan and his family - though instead of his kits being more attached to Hawkwing, now they are more attached to Alderpaw - and cat Sandynose has never meet.
This leads to Sandynose being a bit hostile to Alderpaw, which the younger tom understanbds, but it does not help his stress levels. Needlestorm sees this has a word with both Alderpaw and Sandynose.
She tells Sandynose off for taking out his misplaced frustration out of Alderpaw, who has done nothing but love his and Plumwillow’s kits like they are his own and cared for them when Sandynose could not. She also reminds him that Alderpaw is the Medicine Cat Apprentice and it is his job to look after the well-being of the Clan’s kits, and even if he is still getting used to her and Alderpaw, that is not excuse to treat them unfairly.
Sandynose is stunned by the she-cat’s words but admits that she is is right and will put in more effort to be kinder to Alderpaw.
Later, Needlestorm talks to Alderpaw, concerned about his recent stress levels and constant nervous attitude. Alderpaw kind of ends breaking down right in front of Needlestorm and in his ramble induced panic admits that he did not even choose to be train as a Medicine Cat, Leafpool and Jayfeather received a vision about him and he was doing so poorly in warrior cat training that his father decided to push into the Medicine Cat role.
This surprises Needlestorm, but she does not say anything, just cuddles close to Alderpaw as he just, lets all his pent up emotions out. He eventually falls asleep on her shoulder and she stays there, not wanting to disturb him.
It does get her thinking though... Is there a role that might suit Alderpaw better?
And that’s all for part 1 for now. Check out part 2 for more!
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