#but like he just...i don't know why he prank cops over my case but sometimes parents are insane
jade-curtiss · 10 months
Btw beware about intercepting cop shit sometimes the issues last 😑
#i mean is it disability or just having to deal with casual visits over every damn thing because of certain records#like i mean the attention is overwhelming (the weird thing about cops is that sometimes they are straight up almost flirty)#these cases are the worst tho because it's kind of up against the wall but nothing happens but you know if anything happened either you are#casual about it either well i won't elaborate#or at least this is the impression it gives but I think they just play games because at some point i kinda played along#and he got uncomfortable like so uncomfortable i mean the dude went silent and sat in my stair for over 45 minutes#i did nothing just gave an ok vibe#was enough 😐#maybe he was like really unsure either way he wanted but like we have a bidet bitch#all that when his colleague yelled at my bitch and asked them for a coffee next#some destiny's child was even playing in the bg#we had so much fun 🥺#everyone wanted to bottom especially the yelling one probably like i mean bitch probably on the way to arrest crimes#and we dunno how we got here i mean it was my dad who made the call over a clown thing but a mega one#that's why i kinda hate him#twice#but like he just...i don't know why he prank cops over my case but sometimes parents are insane#i had to go to fed court because he thought he was funny...#like...dude#i wasn't guilty of course but he had to say funny quotes to the cops#and he straight up no helped because he was like “oh shit fuck ohshit oh no but not guilty and work every receipts but oh shit fuck sorry”#when i received the real receipts he almost landed us in a wall ajdjsjsjfjfjd#i mean with car and everything#but in face of things#we figured#this is stupid and keep the circus up#and i won while he went...i mean imagine#i cope as much as i can#bitch just roam around in jacksonville to prance i mean what are you doing here?#i mean i get the very will to die but can you cope better you don't go through the deal bitch eh oh
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Any prompt? :P OK then how about 14 & 46 together? Hehe, you don't have to. I just liked these the most and I'm curious how they would work together in one of your fics :D
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“You have no idea who I am, do you?” & “It’s pitch black and I can still see you blushing.”
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Stiles blamed the witch.
It seemed like whenever something went wrong in Beacon Hills, it was the fault of a witch. Sometimes warlocks too, but they seemed to avoid Beacon Hills a lot more often. But the witches, man. They were always there. 
The point is, this was the fault of a witch. And Stiles was so done.
He was feeling pretty handy with a baseball bat about three seconds before he was blasted into a tree. At second one, Stiles was racing across the field with a battle cry in his throat. A second two, he was being flung back by a blast of light to his chest. And at second three, all he knew was pain.
Stiles blamed the witch. It was all her fault.
Then all he knew was black.
Stiles wasn’t a stranger to waking up in odd places.
When he was a kid, he used to fall asleep on the couch and wake up in his bed. When he was in middle school, he fell asleep at Scott’s and woke up in a tree. In his freshman year of high school, he was dared to stakeout the girl’s locker room and woke up in the principal’s office. The point is, Stiles was used to experiencing odd things.
He wasn’t expecting to wake up and find a strange man looming over him, though.
“Woah, holy fuck, dude! Stranger danger! Invasion of my personal bubble! Someone call the cops!”
The guy looked extremely irritated as he backed off. Someone else came into view; and Stiles nearly melted in relief as he recognized his best friend.
“Oh my god,” he said. “Scott. Scott. Dude, I swear to god, if I fell asleep in your tree again, it was a complete accident and I didn’t mean to—” Except that wasn’t Scott. Yeah, it had his face and his adorable puppy eyes, but nothing else. Nothing.
Because Scott was a lot smaller. His hair was a lot fluffier. And what the hell was with the newly acquired muscles?
“Uh, dude?” Scott said, taking a cautious step forward. Stiles squawked and shoved himself up, realizing he was on a metal table and surrounded by other people he didn’t recognize. His heart pounded at a hundred miles an hour and he dug his nails into his palm, trying to force back a panic attack.
“Guys,” Scott said. “He’s panicking. Everyone back up.”
“D-do we know these people? Do I know these people?”
“He’s finally lost it,” a blonde-haired girl said. Stiles blinked at her and then squinted. Because that was— no, it couldn’t be. There was no way.
“Erica Reyes?”
“Yeah,” a curly-haired boy next to her said. Upon recognition, Stiles didn’t know what the hell Isaac Lahey was doing here. Or how the guy even knew who Stiles was. “He’s lost it.”
“He hasn’t lost anything,” a gruffer voice said. It was scary ‘no sense of personal space’ dude, Stiles realized, cringing back slightly. “Deaton said his memory has been reset a few years. He should be fine in twenty-four hours.”
Stiles blinked at him. Scary ‘no sense of personal space’ dude was also kind of hot, if Stiles was being honest. And his eyebrows were a bit of a turn on. Stiles gaped at his own mind and shook his head, before glaring at him. Derek didn’t look impressed, though.
“You have no idea who I am, do you?”
“He doesn’t recognize Derek,” Erica said, looking positively gleeful. “That’s gold.”
“Shut up,” Derek said, looking grumpy at that. “Stiles, what’s the last thing you remember? What year is it?”
“What year— what year is it? Dude, is this some kind of joke? Have I been pranked? Scott, I swear to god, this lost all it’s humor the second I woke up and realized sexy-brows wasn’t a gay-awakening dream.”
Derek straightened at that and Erica let out a bark of laughter. Scott looked a little horrified and Stiles swallowed hard, trying to ignore how hot his face was getting. He didn’t know this asshole, so why did it matter what he said?
“Stiles,” Scott said. “Do you remember sophomore year?”
“Fuck yeah, dude, we’re sophomores!”
“Oh my god,” Isaac said. “Stilinski, how old do you think you are?”
Stiles stared at him. Then he looked down at his hands and over the rest of his body. Everything seemed accurately proportioned. Except, he was a lot musclier than he remembered. Stiles rubbed a hand over his forehead and then yelped when he realized he had hair.
“Scott! My buzzcut!”
“Fuck,” Erica breathed, looking at him like Stiles was the most amazing thing she’d ever seen. Then, she doubled over with laughter. “He thinks he’s sixteen!”
Thinks? Thinks?
Stiles looked from older-Scott, to grumpy sexy-brows, and then down at his hands again, and realized something was very wrong. Something was very wrong and Stiles had no idea what.
“I’ll believe a lot of things,” Stiles said, pacing his room back and forth. “But werewolves are not one of them, Scott. I’m not an idiot. I don’t believe in fairy tales.”
Scott sat on the edge of his bed and looked anywhere but Stiles’s face. Narrowing his eyes, Stiles dropped into the chair at his desk and studied him.
“You’re hiding something from me. What are you hiding from me?”
“Werewolves were actually your idea in the first place,” Scott said carefully. “When I got bit.”
“I… what?”
“It was actually right,” Scott said. “But it took a few learning curves.”
“Learning curves? Dude! Have you killed anyone?”
“No, of course not!”
“Huh,” Stiles said, lacing his fingers together and resting them underneath his chin. “Show me, then. The whole werewolf thing.”
“Are you sure?”
“Scotty, I have recently been told I am eighteen years old. Which means I’m a man. A man who can totally take whatever you about to— oh my god!”
Stiles leaped up, stumbling away from his chair as Scott’s face morphed to something grotesque and his eyes turned a vibrant shade of red. Fangs poked at his upper lip, his fingernails were claws, and there was no way that was right. Or real. This was a fever dream, it had to be.
“Stiles?” Scott said, voice warbled by his fangs. “Are you okay, man?”
“Y-yeah, man, I’m just… adjusting. I’m adjusting.”
Scott’s face turned back to normal, but Stiles couldn’t get that image from his head. He stayed in the corner and watched his best friend for a moment. If this was a fever dream, Scott couldn’t hurt him, right? Everything was going to be fine.
“So,” Stiles said, moving carefully back into his chair. “Does this mean I have yet to get with Lydia?”
“Yeah, dude, Lydia Martin. Strawberry-blonde hair, gorgeous green eyes, literally everything I’ve ever wanted in a woman.”
“Oh,” Scott said, wincing. “No.”
Stiles deflated. “Not even in five to ten years? What about my ten-year plan?”
“You’ve kinda ditched that,” Scott said. “For Derek.”
“For Derek?”
There was a sudden tap on his window and Stiles yelped, flailing out of his chair as he spotted the man crouched on the roof outside. Scott gave him a worried look and got up, crossing the room to pull it open. Stiles managed to push himself up right as Derek climbed in, giving him a judgemental looking eyebrow.
“What about me?”
“Oh my god, nothing,” Stiles said, retreating backward. “Absolutely nothing. Nothing about you or your sexy looking— your eyebrows.”
Derek stared at him. Scott laughed nervously and stepped between them. “Right, uh. Thanks for taking over, man.”
Derek just grunted. Stiles blinked at the two of them. 
“Wait, taking over? Taking over for what?”
“We’re supposed to watch over you,” Scott said. “In case something goes wrong. I would, but I’ve got a shift at Deaton’s. So Derek’s gonna do it.”
“Oh,” Stiles said, voice small. “Derek’s gonna do it. Of course, Derek’s gonna do it.”
Derek gave him an ‘is that a problem’ look and Stiles gulped, offering his best smile. The man only rolled his eyes and Scott patted him on the shoulder as he left. 
Stiles gazed after the boy, half-tempted to follow and maybe beg for mercy, but he was a grown man. He was eighteen years old, dammit, he was not afraid of some stubbled man and his freakishly good looks.
“So,” Stiles said, turning back around. “Babysitting duty, eh?”
“You’re not a baby,” Derek said. He picked up a magazine from Stiles’s desk— one on planting, which Stiles didn’t know why he had— and proceeded to lounge back in Stiles’s bed. He didn’t seem bothered at all. In fact, he almost seemed at home.
“So,” Stiles said, shuffling his feet. “We’re friends? Or something?”
“Or something.”
“But you like me,” Stiles pressed. Derek gave him a strange look and Stiles turned red. “I mean clearly, you have to kinda like me. If you’re here on babysitting duty.”
“Sure, Stiles.”
“That’s not very reassuring, dude.”
“Don’t call me dude.”
Stiles sighed and sunk down into his desk chair. He watched Derek for a moment longer but the man seemed content to ignore him, so Stiles spun his chair around and fixed his attention on his laptop. He assumed there were a lot of things he’d missed. Like his favorite comics. Or movies! There had to be a few new movies.
“Dude!” Stiles screeched after a second of research. Derek startled so hard he nearly rolled off the side of the bed and Stiles spun around, tapping his computer screen in excitement. “There are three new Avengers movies out. Three!”
“Stiles, I swear to god—”
“We have to watch them!”
“You’re going to start remembering things in less than twenty-four hours. What’s the point?”
“Oh my god,” Stiles said. “You’re so sour. This is my chance, dude, to re-experience all the things that bring me joy. Do you know what I would give to be able to read something like Harry Potter again without knowing what happens?”
“Then watch your movies,” Derek said, looking unimpressed. “You have about eight hours.”
“Do you… want to watch them with me?”
Derek looked at him in confusion. Stiles rubbed the back of his neck and shrugged.
“I mean, you don’t have too.”
Derek studied him for another few seconds. Then, silently, he nodded and Stiles grinned. He grabbed his laptop and a few snacks from his lowest drawer— where his future self continued hiding them, thank goodness— and then moved over to the bed, flopping down.
Derek was suddenly very close and very warm, and Stiles nearly shied back. But instead, he flipped his laptop open and offered over a roll of oreos.
Derek accepted them cautiously, like they were a bomb about to go off. Stiles rolled his eyes and clicked to the first movie.
And honestly, this could be worse. Maybe Derek wasn’t so bad.
Stiles’s future self must have readjusted his Lydia marriage plan for some reason.
Stiles woke up when it was pitch black outside and his computer was disregarded on the mattress a few inches away. Blinking a few times, Stiles smacked his lips together, and then his eyes flew open. Memories came flooding back to him and he went shock-still.
Pressed up against his back, with one arm wrapped around his chest and face buried into his neck, Derek groaned. His breaths were warm against Stiles’s neck and after a moment, he shifted.
And then went still too.
“So,” Stiles said. “I don’t think I’m sixteen anymore.”
Derek pulled his face back, but didn’t remove his arm. In fact, his hold seemed to tighten. Stiles felt that make his stomach flip and closed his eyes, biting down hard on his tongue. Derek huffed.
“It’s pitch black and I can still see you blushing.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Stiles,” Derek said. He was quiet for a moment and then there was amusement in his voice. “You think my eyebrows are sexy.”
“Oh my god,” Stiles said, turning his face into the pillow. Leave it to his not-so-sixteen-year-old self to out him. Stiles hated everything sometimes. “To be fair, you have a very nice face, which I have told you on multiple occasions.”
“Usually, in the form of an insult.”
“Are you toying with me, Derek? Because that’s not very nice and I’ll remind you that we are in my bed and—” Stiles suddenly cut off, his face turning red again. “Never mind.”
Derek removed his arm and, after a second, Stiles flipped over to face him. Derek was smiling slightly and that expression so wasn’t fair. Stiles really shouldn’t be freaking out like this. They’d shared a bed before.
Granted, Stiles had either been drunk, running on three days of no sleep, or Derek was crashing after a long night of research. But the point was, it’d been done before. Derek kept his favorite magazines here, goddammit.
So maybe that was more telling than Stiles cared to admit.
“So,” he said. “We gonna talk about this?”
“The part where you think my eyebrows are sexy or the part where I’m your new Lydia ten-year plan?”
“Oh, you asshole!” Stiles said, kicking him in the leg. “Werewolves are not allowed to listen into personal conversations! I don’t care how good your stupid hearing is!”
“Sorry,” Derek said, but he didn’t look very sorry. In fact, he looked a little nervous. “So...”
“Was I your gay-awakening dream?”
“I hate you.”
“Hm,” Derek said, leaning closer. Stiles’s breaths caught in his throat and Derek smirked cautiously. “Because if I wasn’t, am I allowed to be now?”
“Are you really— is this really— oh my god!”
Derek chuckled and Stiles pressed forward, catching his lips. This was nowhere near how he’d seen things going, but he’d had Derek on a ten-year plan. And, humming at the back of his throat as Derek growled, Stiles decided he was very okay with this. With not having to wait ten years, that was.
He’d blamed the witch for all of this at first.
He was very thankful now.
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This got away from me a little, but oh my god, two prompts? That was a challenge and I love everything about it. Thank you!
(Support your overcaffinated (so much so) student writer? Seriously, I’d adore you guys so much). https://ko-fi.com/rh27writer
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the-firebird69 · 3 years
Watch "First Amendment Audit Fail - Arrested For Filming" on YouTube
The cop lost in court because he didn't announce why he was he was arresting him he didn't give a chance to counter what he was doing wrong and he arrested him because of what my son was saying to him is there a sniper over there stuff like that and she thought that he was having him say it or sometime s*** we were with him so we looked at it and what he was saying is this is what we're going to do because he thought that he was having a sad or he was saying it so I figured out what he's doing and we know about it it works for us it doesn't work for you guys even the cop even though the cop lost that's what we're doing is he went ahead and did something and there's no reason for it we fooled around with you cuz you're f****** around with us now if you have time of the day to cussed me out with you right now I'm going to fire bomb your f****** family death there's a business about weapons and something accidentally went off stupid mother f***** in the wrong f****** place with the wrong person every day of the week every few seconds every single one of these idiots here is I don't just I don't tolerate cuz I don't f****** have to my son says it's absolutely true you're sitting here dying everyday there's a whole round of you dying and the new prank is prettier stupid brain case and running around as dumb as a freaking door knob because you won't shut up and you won't and your clan won't have you shut up you're bunch of freaky f****** idiots and all you're doing is wrecking around what area over the other it's trying to matrices of death you can try see it and compensator you're going to try and tell people also he turns around says this is horrible to people there this is no he should have arrested him and he should have fought harder and she said he's on the property wasn't listening and I couldn't think of the law but it doesn't matter it's still breaking it you don't have to tell people to trespassing who the f*** is a judge judge so he approached the bed she said this man was trespassing I couldn't get the law out I was flustered because I felt exposed and it's all true it's with these idiot retards do to cops.
The judge turned to him and said the verge of the verdict and the cops are to him and he said what is the verdict again and he really loud not guilty because he was not red with the charges were and he says I've never heard of that before how does it work I have to charge someone with something while I'm arresting them what if I miss the list and the list of 10 charges one of them do they get out and she said this is wrong right here and the judge didn't let the guy go and they had this argument the sheriff did with the judge and all sudden the judge got up and he said I quit cuz he can't think straight you said he said no that guy is an idiot and it's probably imitating the judge the sheriff who looks a little retarded said it just says that's right so he arrested him so this is a pain in the ass I'm supposed to read three people to find out it's stupid
So the sheriff was around you kind of said I can't help it but you're right to get away with way too much did you think I wasn't watching this goddamn show this doesn't take it off this stupid f****** idiot doing this you people encourage them and able them get overrun and you're still sitting there trying to use their services want to say is I'm going to use them against you cuz you keep using it against me until they're gone and I'll use them up properly instead of letting him sit around do stuff to us so close oh s*** that's exactly what I'm saying you were powerful for us it should not be messed with especially with these turns okay they get all over the place how that happened not like I don't know
So he turned these people here and said I know the outcome of his argument because we started it on purpose every time I did it on purpose to show you what's going to happen to you today and every day that you bring this stupid horse s*** here expect us to buy it we keep spitting around and say we don't buy that s*** every single stupid day we're going to have these idiots go over you and take everything you have and keep repeating it until you have nothing and then repeat it until you're all dead and don't come here
Thor Freya
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