#but like... follow through Wally. follow through with the goddamn threats. erase that mother fucker from existence
I don't think I've ever really cared about shipping in my life. I'm generally just cool to go with the flow. If something is written well or drawn well then I'm for it.
But I will say. The DC writers trying to push Jon/Irey and Damian/Irey tire me. I am not impressed with the dynamics going on there and the idea of Irey being in the middle of a love triangle is contrived and upsetting.
I felt safe before because Irey is 9, Jon is an adult with a boyfriend and Damian is a teenager. DC wouldn't let that happen. I knew the shipping going on behind the scenes but everything was fine. It couldn't happen.
But then we got alt universe Supersons. The same age as Irey. And Irey blushing at them.
Suddenly everything was very much not okay.
Again, I'm generally cool with whatever but I'm putting my fucking foot down at this one.
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