#but man i'd bore the crap out of harry hahaha
cld-n · 6 years
Harry Interview Tag.
@sophism  tagged me to do this,  thanks Soph! xx sorry, I left this late as well. 
01: David Bowie once said that “Creativity is like wading out into the ocean. You wade out to the point where you can’t touch the bottom, you’re a little scared, and that’s where you do your best work.” Do you agree?
Sort Of. I think that describes the kind of creativity where the ideas are manifested from within our authentic human experience in terms of the things we’ve gone through rather than the things you observe? like you can literally take inspiration from anything and everything, so depending on how emotionally tied you are to what’s inspiring the work you’re creating, it can seem like that quite often. but to say in general that it feels like that? idk, I’m not too sure hahaha. 
02: We all know addiction is an illness that affects so many people, so why do you think it is still cloaked in so much secrecy and shame?
there’s a lot to say on this but at the same time, I don’t think I’m in the position to really say so? yeah. 
03: Do you ever get a moment to yourself to take it all in, and realise just how amazing this is?
yeah... it’s weird talking about it to other people but I’ll look at the clouds sometimes but like *really* look at them? in its depth and all like they’re right there!! (you know that tweet about how things sound smart until you say it out loud, yeah that’s how I feel rn lol) 
04: Do you feel pressure to be political in this day and age?
not necessarily. I think it’s become quite mundane for us to care about politics in this day and age. that being said, there’s maybe a pressure to be vocal about it? yeah.
05: Today there are so many more ways for us to be engaged. I think that’s the main positive of social media, but there’s also a lot that I find super dangerous about social media. I’m interested to hear what you think? The good and the bad…
I tell everyone that it’s great to connect with others, and it’s dangerous to rely on it as a means of instant gratification. There’s not really anything more to contribute to the conversation, we’ve pretty much figured it out. It can be a form of communication, a learning tool, a bridge to many opportunities, some kind of escapism from our mundane or a numbers game. I’ve learned to keep social media adjacent to my life rather than have it be integral cos it feels better that way for me personally. I will say though, that the way I see it or use social media ... like it can be seen as so, but it doesn’t have to be the “mature” way, like you can use social media however you’d like to. I don’t really know where to go from here so I’ll just shush now hahaha.  
06: Are you excited about the future? And I mean your future, not the future of humanity or anything like that.
I’m neutral about it.
07: What do you worry about now?
my family back home, my cousin who’s like a sister to me (she’s in Hong Kong right now for 6 weeks), if I’ll ever be as independent as I was back home. weirdly enough, the Grammy Nominations coming up soon, those who are affected by the fires happening around Queensland and LA as well as those who are trying to control them like the firefighters, etc. , what Rei Kawakubo’s direction of the latest collection tells us about the future of CDG lol I’m prone to worrying about random things sometimes.
08: If you were told you were only allowed to listen to one song, watch one movie, read one book and talk to one person for the rest of your life, what would you choose? 
it’s hard to pick just one. I’d say... for now - Come Out and Play by Billie Eilish, Baz Luhrmann’s Romeo + Juliet, The Artisan Soul by Erwin McManus and probs myself idk cos i can write letters to everyone else right? 
09: What’s your go to karaoke song?
Sometimes by Britney Spears or I Have Nothing by Whitney Houston (ambitious I know but I think that’s part of the fun hahaha) 
10: New York or LA?
I haven’t been to either but new york :) 
11: Football or basketball?
... but they’re both great... 
12: Favourite TV show?
I’m gonna sound like such a nana saying this but either Golden Girls or any of the Grand Designs series.
13: Kobe or LeBron?
14: What do you wear in bed?
trackies with either a jumper or a t-shirt and a knitted cardi.
15: Jay-Z or Beyoncé?
16: Last text you sent?
“whoa calm I wasn’t gonna ask you to bury a body or anything” 
17: Guilty pleasure?
at this point in life, I’m not ashamed of anything I’m interested in tbh.
18: Have you seen Big Mouth?
I think I’ve watched the first season and... it’s quite something hahaha
19: Where’s your happy place?
I have three - on the couch at home, alongside the city where the water meets or the shoreline along the beach.
20: What is the meaning of life?
In physics, there’s a theory or something where it stated the idea that the electrons in an atom don’t necessarily exist until there’s some kind of collision or connection. So... I have no idea what the meaning of life is, but I know it has something to do with connections and collisions and how they contribute to the final picture, or product or some completed understanding of something  a rather hahaha
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