#but nessian was good through acowar so acosf fooled me for a bit
lorcandidlucienwill · 2 months
growing up is realizing that the inner court are so fucked and that rhysand was the bad guy all along i definitely read these books at wayy too young of an age and all of the gross things went over my head but now that I'm an adult, things stick out to me from reading the books back then, especially the night court and inner circle dynamics fun fact that you probably already know but has serious consequences for certain members of the inner circle: non-consensual voyerism (i.e. whatever the hell they did in Hewn City when they visited) is a form of sexual abuse and a crime...
I am always calling Rhysand a sex offender so yes I did know! I think the thing that makes me the most upset about this series is that it clearly has dark romance themes yet the series is targeted at young impressionable teens and is often read by lonely older women as well. It's ok to enjoy things in fiction that you would normally hate in real life, but it's the fact that these relationships are being labeled as healthy in real life and the series targeted at the group whose brains are still developing and who are still learning about the world and often having identity crises that bothers me. I don't want people to think that this shit is actually ok in real life. I can see you were fooled by SJM's manipulative writing when you were younger. Completely understandable. One of my mutuals @achaotichuman was too before he learned more later on. I'm glad you're starting to understand how toxic they are. I hope more people are able to grow out of this themes and also understand that these relationships are toxic as fuck and learn to separate fiction from reality.
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kingandfireheart · 3 years
Cassian's Love: words from a guy who speaks through actions
Something I love about Cassian is that he doesn't really hide the ball when it comes to his feelings for Nesta. He's most definitely an actions speak louder than words person (physical touch is his love language), but he does use words in ACOSF. I read someone say that Cassian didn't show his love for Nesta, and I completely disagree. Even though SJM never showed us Cassian saying the actual words, we see it so often through the small touches like flicking her cheek, the way that he never makes fun of her (many) questions, or the way he's always there, but he never pushes her too far.
In ACOWAR he confesses his love
" I have no regrets in my life, but this. That we did not have time. That I did not have time with you, Nesta. I will find you again in the next world -- the next life. And we will have that time. I promise. "
Yes, there is a lot he doesn't say - that they are mates, that he wants more than just sex, that he loves her. He even goes far enough to attack Lanthys to prevent him from revealing the truth. (I can write a whole post on why he wouldn't tell her about being mates, but I think Nesta's reaction to Lucien's declaration at the end of ACOMAF can suffice as explanation).
After his heartbreaking confession in ACOWAR, it makes sense that he's more reserved with Nesta. When thinking about his almost confession on solstice, he even says, "He hardly managed to walk away with some semblance of pride. Over his cold, dead body would she do that to him again." He is protecting himself by ignoring the mating bond too ("Some small quiet part of his brain whispered otherwise. He ignored it. Had ignored it for a long time now.")
Still throughout the book, he owns up to his feelings for Nesta when given the opportunity -- he just doesn't say the words "I love you" or "You're my mate". This post goes through some scenes in chronological order, since they show how Cassian does care.
(I could write another whole post on how I feel cheated of two months of happy Nessian between Solstice and Starfall, but that's what fanfiction is for, right?).
When Mor asks if it pains him to see Nesta like this, he says:
"All of it pains me... It pains me that Nesta has become... this. It pains me that she and Feyre are always at each other's throats. It pains me that Feyre hurts over it, and I know Nesta does, too. It pains me that ..."
When he's pleading her to train, she asks him why he isn't negotiating harder, he says.
"For you, I have no strategies."
Then there's the confrontation before, "I'm always thinking of that look on your face". (Yes, he's goading her here, but I don't think he's lying)
"Why so many questions tonight?" // "Because we're talking like normal people, and I want to know. About all of it." // "Let's nor retread old territory, Nes." // "It never mattered to me whether you took half the Cauldron's power or a drop. It still doesn't matter. // "Why?" "Why do you even bother?" // "Why did you stay at my side when we went up against the King of Hybern during the last battle?"
Answer: because they're mates.
After Nesta fights with Elain, he tells her he'll be there for her.
"Whatever you need to throw at me, I can take it. I won't break." No challenge laced the words. Only a plea. // "You don't understand," she said, voice rasping. "I am not like you and the others." // "That's never bothered me one bit." (emphasis added)
When Rhys gives Nesta a mental warning about Gwyn:
"I'm pissed off that you can't seem to believe one good thing about her. That you refuse to fucking believe one good thing about her."
When they are discussing the Dread Trove and pushing Nesta to scry: Yes Cassian for arguing against only protecting Elain
" There is an innate darkness to the Dread Trove that should not be exposed to." // "But Nesta should?" Cassian growled.
"It's not right to wield Elain as a threat to manipulate Nesta into scrying." "There are harsher ways to convince Nesta, boy" "You're a fool if you think threats will make her obey you." ... "If we manipulate Nesta into scrying, even by using Elain against her, then we'll do what is necessary." "I don't like it."
After Nesta's nightmare:
"Hey." "Hello" "Are you all right?" "Yes." "Good" "You want to talk about it?" "No" "That's fine." "You want breakfast?" "I like your priorities, General." (italics added)
When Rhys and Feyre mention bringing in Helion:
"He'll help...If only for another shot at her." // Nesta rolled her eyes, and and the gesture was so normal that Cassian's smile became more genuine, edged with relief // You wear your heart for all to see, brother. Rhys said without turning Cassian's way. // Cassian only shrugged. He was past caring.
When they finally have sex , we have this short back-and-forth:
"I'll hurt you." // "I don't care" // "I do."
and my personal favorite
"I'm beyond lies right now, Nesta."
When Nesta asks whether Cassian enjoyed their previous encounter, he tells her:
I enjoyed myself too much. I've thought about it for days and days.
"Whatever you want. Whatever you need from me." He knew those were a fool's words, knew he offered up too much.
And when Nesta asks "How can I need you again so soon?" Answer: because they're mates.
"I've needed you from the moment I first met you. And now that I get to have you, I don't what to stop
When they find out about the new Dread Trove, he's quick to defend Nesta to others:
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This scene isn't really dialogue, but I'm including it because I love Cass.
They moved on to far merrier subjects, but Cassian mulled it over throughout the evening. The fighting was only part of it. The Training would sustain her, funnel her rage, but there had to be more. There had to be joy. There had to be music. (emphasis added)
When Nesta breaks down at the end of the hike, we see that Cassian doesn't just love Nesta, but he likes her, he may even admire her.
"I don't know how to get there. I don't think I'm capable of it" // "You are. I've seen it -- I've seen what you can do when you are willing to fight for the people you love. Why not apply that same bravery and loyalty to yourself?"
"You don't need to become some impossible ideal. You don't need to become sweet and simpering. You can give everyone that I Will Slay My Enemies look - which is my favorite look, by the way. You can keep that sharpness I like so much, that boldness and fearlessness. I don't want you to ever lose those things, to cage yourself."
"I'll be with you every step of the way... Just don't lock me out. You want to walk in silence for a week, I'm fine with that. So long as you talk to me at the end of it." (emphasis added)
When Cassian and Nesta go to the prison, there are some more telling moments:
"What if my presence would go unnoticed, but yours sets off a trap? We can't risk that." // His throat bobbed. "I can't risk you." // The words slammed into her heart. (emphasis added)
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and later,
"I have always been your friend Nesta. Always"
When Nesta and Cassian return from the Prison:
Nesta brushed her fingers against Cassian's in silent understanding. His own curled against hers, meeting her stare as if to say, See? We're the same after all.
But when Rhys suggests having Nesta dance with Eris, Cassian is territorial to the max
"You're not going to use her."
"Over my dead fucking body," Cassian exploded.
"Nesta hasn't agreed to anything," Cassian snapped. "Even one dance with that prick is too much --"
"I don't like it."
He also agrees to go with her to the cottage in the human lands, and is so damn supportive and kind to her there. Action not words here but I love this himbo so much
Cassian stood beside her through all of it. Not speaking, not touching. Just there, should she need him. Her friend -- whom she'd asked to come her with her not because he was sharing her bed, but because she wanted him here. His steadiness and kindness and understanding.
And of course, the amazing and wonderful solstice scene:
"I'm sorry for how I behaved last Solstice. For how awful I was."// "I know. I forgave you a long time ago."
"Because I was fucking jealous!" He roared, wings splaying. "You looked like a queen, and it was painfully obvious you should be with a princeling like Eris and not a low born nothing like me! Because I couldn't stand the sight of it, right down to my gods-damned bones."(emphasis added)
"You're not going to marry Eris." "No" "There will be no one else. For either of us." "Yes" "Ever."
The big ole fight
"Say what I've guess from the moment we met. What I knew the first time I kissed you. What became unbreakable between us on Solstice night"
"I am your mate, for fuck's sake!" "You are my mate! Why are you still fighting it?
"You promised me forever on Solstice," he said, voice breaking. "Why is one word somehow throwing you off that?" (emphasis added)
And the conclusion that just wasn't satisfying enough:
"What do you want? // "You" // "You've had me from the moment you met me."
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