#but nobody has much time to properly register or consider it bc. they are fighting evil dragon irida. not much time to pause and chat
every time i remember "ingo is an ascian/ancient who literally forgot everything about that" it still kills me. so much staying power in the idea of the protagonists rocking up to ishgard having the worst day of their lives and there's a fucking ASCIAN just chilling waiting for them and they're like fucking dammit now we have to deal with THIS. and then he's not. like he's literally just chilling. he is so very much just some guy. and they're like why the fuck are you dressed like an evil wizard then and he's like they're comfy robes :(
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embrassemoi · 3 years
Surrounded by the Moon and Stars ✷ 34
Pairings: Sirius B, F!Reader, Remus L    Warnings: DARK THEMES, heavily implied domestic abuse (the Black family) A/n: I’m editing this in a restaurant rn. Nobody can say that I’m not committed! Anyway, if there’s more errors than usual, it’s bc I’m on mobile. Sorry!
【 Masterlist | Previous Chapter | ao3 】
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Chapter 34: Secrets of Our Souls
Meet me at our place at midnight. Be careful. Make sure nobody follows you.  R.A.B
Y/N read the letter several times before folding it in half while her eyes glazed the crowd of students in the Great Hall in search of Regulus.
A no-show.
Since the start of the term, she’d been trying to get hold of Regulus but her attempts were futile. He was as finicky as a shadow, never staying still long enough for her to grasp, to spot.
Everything about his inconspicuous disappearance and the peculiar letter left her deeply unnerved. He'd even gone as far as using a different owl to respond to her letters; not the usual Black family owl.
In many ways, Regulus was mysterious; highly unusual — dare she say frightening.
“Oh!” Marlene exclaimed. “A secret admirer?”
“Give it back!” Y/N said indignantly as Marlene pried the letter from her hand, unfolding it. Before she could read the contents, Y/N nearly tackled it out of her grasp, snatching it back while Marlene pouted. “It’s private.”
Continuing to sulk, Dorcas smiled at Marlene. From between the sliver of space from under the wooden table and their bodies, she watched as Dorcas held Marlene’s hand; thumb grazing over her knuckles. Y/N eyed them questioningly.
“What are you not telling us?” Dorcas mused, leaning on the table with a sly smirk.
Marlene snapped her fingers. “Oi! Ginger snaps!”
Lily peered over, smile vanishing, placing her fork down. “Did you just call me a…?”
“Would you prefer traffic cone then?” Mary teased.
“I like Carrots more.” Dorcas added, shyly.
“Anyway, you two are pretty much attached,” Marlene said. Had she known better, she would have recognized Marlene’s tone for jealousy. "Who sent that letter?”
Lily shrugged but her face turned downwards at her uncomfortable body language. “She said it’s private. Leave it.”
The conversation ended at that.
Y/N felt a little nudge under the table and as she looked up, Lily’s head was tilted, conveying the silent question, ‘are you okay?’ She didn’t answer as a couple of first years bounced up to Marlene, tugging down on her sleeve. She turned to them, flicking her blond hair out of her face with a wide smile.
One first year was close to tears, another one standing on their tippy-toes to whisper something in her ear.
“Please can you come to the common room? It’s scary and I-I miss my dad!” One of the first years cried out.
Marlene cooed, hugging them lovingly. With a nod, she stood and pressed a kiss to the side of Dorcas’ cheek. She managed to make it seem like she was whispering in her ear before turning back to the group. “See you tossers later!”
Dorcas watched Marlene walk away. First years jumping, hanging off of her while Dorcas’ fingers grazed the spot on her face where she kissed her. She dazzled radiantly.
Before midnight, Y/N left her dorm, heading to the Marauder’s room and knocked on their door. She vaguely heard footsteps approaching before it opened.
She smiled before she could even register it. “Moony.”
He grinned widely. “Whiskers,” Remus said pleasantly, leaning against the door frame, his hair falling slightly over his eyes. “How may I help you?”
“Seeing you has already helped a lot.” She joked while Remus blushed madly. She laughed at his reaction. “I need to talk to Bambi.”
Remus had his eyebrows raised but opened the door wide and beckoned her in.
She noticed a bed pushed far to the left, isolated from the other beds. The curtains were almost nearly closed aside from the sliver that was still open. Black was there, book in hand with a few pieces of parchment laid surrounding him. He was already looking up at her.
They truly isolated Black from them in every way possible.
“Oh hey, Y/N.” Peter smiled before throwing her a small wrapped sweet her way. “Greetings!”
“Thanks, Pete!” She caught it. And dropped onto James’ bed. His glasses were strewn, laying on his bedside table as he flicked through his book.
“To what do I owe this pleasure?”
“Do you mind if I borrow your invisibility cloak tonight?”
James surprisingly didn’t push further as he simply went through his trunk and threw her the cloak, only asking that she would be careful with it.
She hopped out of the room, rushing out to the cold corridors and threw the cloak over her head. As she passed through various hallways, she finally opened the door to her and Regulus’ small hideout. A couple of candles were lit and the familiar Slytherin and Gryffindor blankets clashed together.
Huddled in the corner of the room on the couch, small and curled with his legs pressed against his chest and chin perched on his knees, Regulus was there, shaking.
She rushed up to him, keeping her hand visible and only touching him when he realized it was her. Consoling people was always a challenge in itself.
“What happened?”
Regulus’ voice was strained and tired. “C-can you hug me? Please?”
Her heart could have shattered as she roped him into a large, crushing hug. His aching sobs crashed through her chest. Y/N’s arms were tight around Regulus, his head face pressed against her shoulder and she could feel his tears seep through her shirt. Doing the best she could, she soothed him, petting his hair.
She couldn’t tell just how much time had passed until Regulus’ snuffles calmed down as he harshly wiped his tears. It was the first time she was able to truly get a close-up of how he looked.
To put it lightly, Regulus looked like shit.
Any of that regal, youthful glow of his diminished. And she realized it only faded whenever he went home. His skin was dull and grey, eyes sunken. Even his long hair was cut lopsidedly.
“Do you want to talk about it?” She asked.
“I… It’s…” Regulus trailed off, face full of worry and trouble. “It’s…”
“It’s okay,” she rubbed her hand up and down his shoulder. “You don’t have to tell me.”
But something caught her eye. Regulus’ trousers rode up in his shaking state. A large bandage was wrapped messily on his leg. The skin around the bandage was red and a few scars peaked out. But as soon as she realized, he had too and quickly pulled the fabric down.
“... What is that?” She asked softly. She didn’t know what it was, but something heavy sunk in her chest — the feeling of sickening, frightening dread.
He refused to answer.
“You have to get that checked out —”
“No!” Regulus shouted, complete panic filtering through his face.
“Whatever that is, it isn’t going to heal properly if we don’t.”
Regulus debated for a while and she saw the conflict on his face before relenting. “I’m embarrassed by it…”
She mustered up any kind of energy left and smiled. “I won’t judge you.” She managed to catch his eye and held it. She went over her options quickly.
1. Leave Regulus?
Option one was already tossed out the window. The weight of the situation was far too grave to continue to let it slide by again and again.
2. Press further?
But how?
3. Make him feel comfortable?
If he was ashamed by his scars, then maybe if she showed hers…
She turned to Regulus, lifting her sleeve. A scar ran across her forearm from Snape’s attack during the Quidditch match.
“I got this a couple of months ago in a nasty fight.” Then she pointed to the small scar on her leg from when she was dragged by Moony. "I got this from an accident."
But then, she sucked in a deep breath, mustering up all her bravery and courage, pushing down every bit of insecurity. She tugged down the collar of her shirt a bit, just enough to reveal the top of a much more faded scar that travelled down to her sternum. “And I got this from a heart surgery.”
She fixed her shirt to sit properly again. “I was born with a heart defect. It went undetected until my mom found me, hardly breathing and had to perform open-heart surgery on me. I was supposed to die but here I am. Healthy and alive and I haven’t had a problem since.”
Regulus looked up at her wide-eyed and his body became less stiff.
“I used to be so… ashamed of it. Maybe I still am, I never talk about it… Only you, my mom and someone at Ilvermorny knows. But my point is, I am more than my scars, and you are too.”
She swallowed her fear, now cursing herself and resolved to shut up. Waiting, she wondered that since she showed him the scars that perhaps he would too.
Regulus considered her, almost astonished, finally moving to pull up his trousers and peeling off his bandage, wincing while doing so.
It felt like a cold bucket of water was splashed all over her body. She desperately tried to keep her face blank as the overwhelming urge to cry while combating the wave of nausea hit her.
His skin was butchered — fiery red. They weren’t neat, like what a surgeon's scalpel would be like, but messy, crisscrossed and viciously deep. It had hardly healed and they were old enough to be a little over a week or two old. And undoubtedly painful.
Whoever did that to him was enraged, furious.
“Shit… Regulus… who did this?” She asked quietly, more to herself than him as he remained silent. She stood, commanding, “We need to get you fixed up.”
“It’s not that b —”
“Stop lying.”
“Just don’t take me to the hospital wing.”
Wanting to know more, she was too afraid that any more prying would result in Regulus completely shutting down and withholding more information. Instead, she picked up the invisibility cloak, threw it over him and wrapped an arm underneath Regulus' arms to help him walk out of the room.
She went to the only other place she knew she would be able to offer any resemblance of help.
Once reaching the Potions classroom, muttering Alohomora, Y/N helped Regulus sit down comfortably at one of the extra tables and immediately got to work. All sorts of magic went around as she grabbed an extra textbook and flipped to the Essence of Dittany page.
Shelves, jars and cabinets opened and closed on their own accord, all taking ingredients as they fell into a boiling cauldron.
“What are you doing?” Regulus questioned, nervously drumming his fingers on the table.
“Making you something.”
It was still between them. She didn’t know what to say, only what to do. Everything went through her mind like a step-by-step process, like a robot categorizing its own emotions.
Because what was the right response to something like this?
She stared at the bubbling cauldron, slowly stirring to avoid eye contact. “You don’t have to tell me but… you didn’t do this to yourself —”
“No,” Regulus said, calmly and steadily.
“Then… to the person — people who did… will they bother you again?”
“Probably not… I’ll be okay.”
It wasn’t the answer she was hoping for.
Once the potion was completed, she poured it inside an applicator and made sure to cast a quick cleaning spell. A soft blue glow emitted around his leg until disappearing. She looked up to him, fisting his shirt and shoved it inside his mouth. “I’m sorry, this is going to hurt.”
She took the applicator, pouring a couple drops onto his wound. A greenish smoke billowed around them as it bubbled on his skin. The skin was stitching itself back together and over his wound. Regulus moaned in pain, fist banging on the wooden table.
She finally pulled the cloth from his mouth once down and ran across the room to find more clean clothes to dab off the sweat from his face. Y/N thought for a second he was going to faint.
“I’m so sorry Reg… Sorry…”
He didn’t say anything for a while, only nodding in response meanwhile she monitored his condition. She gave him the wrapped candy that Peter gave her, hoping that it would help him regain some energy. She was beginning to grow worried that she might’ve brewed it incorrectly as her mind mulled over possible counter potions.
“I know… you said... you don’t talk to my brother much…” Regulus croaked out. She closed the book, rushing up to him. “But... you are in the same friend group… right?”
She chewed the inside of her cheek. A white lie wouldn’t hurt.
“Things changed. We’re friends. Why?”
There was a long pause. “Is he okay?”
A million questions went through her. Even if they were estranged, wouldn’t he know?
“He’s okay.” Lie. “He’s just been… stressed as of late.” True.
“Is he still staying with the Potter’s?”
He smiled, eyelids drooping but everything about it told her something wasn’t right. “I’m glad.”
Regulus refused to let her help him walk back to the dungeons and left with his wound almost fully healed. And she was left with more questions than any answers as she slithered into bed.
What was he not telling her?
But then she thought about the summer with Matthew. Why had he been so surprised that she had been with a member of the Black family? Or how did he even know them? What was it about them that commanded so much respect and international recognition?
A couple of footsteps padded her way and Y/N felt her bed dip, a weight sliding beside her.
“Are you okay?” Lily whispered. “Been worried about you these past couple of days.”
“Yeah,” Y/N said, turning to the side to look at Lily through the night. “Jolly.”
“You sure? It can be our secret?”
She remained quiet and it gave Lily her answer. She turned onto her side before mumbling. “Feel free to stay tonight.” When she didn’t feel Lily leave, but she wiggled around to become comfortable, she sighed, forcing herself to sleep.
There was certainly far too much happening in her life at the moment for her to fully care about Lily’s bizarre and avoidant behaviour. She just wanted the next day to come.
The next few days were uncomfortable and Y/N was beyond exhausted.
Breakfast was nothing more than her sipping on a glass of water, studying the Slytherin table, worried for Regulus.
Was he being bullied? Was he… no… the wound was a bit too old for it to have taken place at Hogwarts.
She spent most of the day in the library, simply reviewing her Herbology and Advanced Potions textbook.
Much to James’ dismay, all the free periods they had in sixth year were due to the overwhelming work and increased difficulty in lessons. Fortunately for Y/N, Potions was partially a free class and she never had to worry about it aside from the essays. It was far too easy.
During class, she would figure out new techniques, tricks, but to her dismay, Slughorn had really enjoyed how both she and Snape performed together and often paired them up during potions. She hated to admit it, but there was a reason why Snape was a favourite student of Slughorn. He had talent. Although, he was in a permanently vindictive mood around her which made him even more unbearable.
The tip of her eagle-feather quill moved across the pages of the textbook and she pulled back momentarily to review her book.
Nightshade… Powdered silver… Stewed Mandrakes… Slughorn had said it helped werewolves… What if Remus —
“Whiskers! There you are!” James said, strutting up. He sat down on the couch beside her, both tucked away in the corner of the library.
She gave a little wave of her fingers before closing her book. James suddenly became slightly dejected at her reaction. She couldn’t force herself to put on a show.
“Something wrong?”
Y/N felt like there were no answers to everything that had been happening recently. Only if Matthew was there.
But James was.
“I need to ask you something.”
His head swivelled around to see if anyone with prying ears was listening in before nodding.
“Could you tell me about the Black family?”
She had never seen James go so rigid. His cheek hallowed as he chewed the inside of his cheek and waited for her to elaborate.
“I know I don’t talk about it but Regulus is a friend of mine.” She didn’t miss the way James stiffened further at that. “And he’s… worrying me. He’s… god, I don’t know what to say.”
James threw up a silencing spell, encircling them. “It’s okay, go on.”
“Regulus’ leg was butchered. I think he’s being bullied or it’s darker than that.”
James’ skin, which was usually a warm, rich look, seemed as if it paled, almost giving him a gray appearance. “Did he say anything about his family?”
“No. But he never talks about them. Is that the reason why Black stays with you?”
“Even with the non-existent respect I have for Black, I feel like I can’t tell you much,” James said and she understood why. “But the Black family — they’re fucking insane. Their Pureblood mania is probably one of the worst I’ve ever seen.” James took a moment to look at her reaction after mentioning blood purity. “He has a reason to be scared of them.”
“So you’re telling me that his family… they hurt him?”
James looked down, the gravity of their conversation finally hitting him. He took off his round glasses, rubbing his temples. “I’m not sure. Maybe? It was probably another Slytherin. His parents… love him — I don’t see them laying a hand on him. He didn’t mention running away? Did he?”
She heard James curse under his breath as he grabbed his hair out of habit. “I’ll talk to him.”
“About what? You can’t tell him I told you, he’ll —”
“Relax. I won’t. I’ll ask him to move in with me.”
Y/N felt like she could faint there and then. Everything in her body felt wobbly, weak as she grappled with the idea of Regulus and his home life. Then Black… did he also go through what Regulus has been through? The thought made her sick.
James’ voice tugged her back to reality. “Promise me something.” She waited for him to continue.
“I know Regulus is your friend and that he’s going through a rough time but…” James struggled with his words. “But… be careful around him. He’s not much of a threat but his family is. There’s a reason why Black lives with me; no matter how angry, how much I hate him, I would never let him go back there. To them.
“The war is approaching and they have eyes all on Regulus — watching everything he does.”
Goosebumps covered her entire body. Everything James said sounded more like an underlying threat of sorts. She wondered if that was the reason why he refused to be seen with her publicly. “Are you saying that he’s a Death Eater?”
“No,” James responded briskly. “But it’s not to say his parents won’t force him to. If you knew his family, you would understand —”
Both students snapped their heads up from the figure slowly approaching them as James eased off the silencing charm.
Professor Elway was there, holding a large leather-bound book and a stack of parchment, most likely essays she had to grade. She only gave a small nod to James before smiling widely at Y/N which caused James to mutter something vaguely familiar that sounded like ‘favouritism.’
“Ms. L/N! How wonderful to see you!” Elway was enlivened. “I was just thinking about you.”
“Oh! Erm — thank you?”
Elway laughed, “Your work has been incredible! I’m very impressed.”
She felt James nudge her under the table.
“Oh!” The professor exclaimed. “There’s a Duelling club session tonight I’m supervising. I’d love to see you there?”
“I’m sorry, but we have a paper due in Transfigurations.” James helped, cutting in for her. She felt herself relax into her chair.
In no time, Defence Against the Dark Arts became Y/N’s favourite class and duelling was incredibly fun, but all she wanted to do was sleep. Perhaps another time…
Professor Elway gave a little sigh but nodded her head. “Then I’ll see you next session! Have a good day, Ms. L/N and Mr..?”
“My apologies, Mr. Potter. Have a fine day!”
While they watched her leave, both students were left with a similar deep, icy trepidation that clawed at their soul and a single question heavy in their hearts.
【 Next Chapter 】
© gotkindabored 2021. Do not repost, translate or modify
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