#but some ppl view that sort of thing as more of a chore than smth fun. so this is my way of having an enjoyable experience
peapod20001 · 6 months
Taking a moment out of my study time to share some ways to help u feel more comfortable an confident when drawing characters :>
1. Try drawing characters from memory: no one wants to draw a character wrong, but sometimes you gotta see what parts of their design really stick with you and which ones kinda fade away. When u always check a reference you may subconsciously just redo the same thing over and over, and that can make every drawing just seem like a copy paste of the original. I promise no one is going to kill you for forgetting a detail or 10 lol so just wing it every once in a while
2. Try drawing at a different size than what you normally do: something I found can help is drawing either bigger or smaller than your normal drawing size. Having to compress or enlarge proportions can actually be very enlightening as to how you draw specific things (when I draw smaller I tend to make facial features bigger, and I do the opposite when I draw bigger). You may even find that you actually LIKE drawing at a different size, so it’s good to try at least once lol
3. Purposely make characters with traits or body types you need practice drawing: speaking from experience here when I say that nothing makes you wanna better yourself more than a guy you love but can’t draw lmfao. This also goes for things you don’t even necessarily LIKE drawing. Give characters what some deem as “ugly” features, it’s actually the best thing ever and I love it and I will fight someone over it (crooked teeth and overbites and big ears and fat all over and body hair and fucked up hairlines I am kissing it all with my mouth)
4. Draw existing characters/others characters: am I telling you to make fanart? Yes. Draw that character from your childhood cartoon, draw the dude from the comic you like, draw that pretty handsome lady oc you saw cross your dash. Even if you end up not sharing it, the practice with drawing something NOT from your own brain actually helps quite a lot with figuring things out that ARE in your brain
5. Just get fucky with it: ok so pretty much, just go ham. Draw fast and loose, draw rigid and dark. Try different line weights, make em scratchy, make em clean. Just try every possible thing you can (maybe not all at once, or do. That’s fun too LMAO) and hold nothing back. Try something you have NO practice in at all just to see how it goes. Try to add shading, try making everything flat, try adding color, try adding different filters. Worst case scenario you don’t like how it looks, best case scenario you LOVE it. I know this point is kinda vague or whatever, but really doing just whatever without rules is so fun! I didn’t like making digital color things until I fucked around and did smth I liked, and now I color things a lot more. Really truly, just try things!!
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