#but tbh gb is ALWAYS in my mind theres a lot of thoughts here
leggyre · 2 years
Can you believe I only found out now about Glassbears and I'm having so much fun with it!? Talking to one of your OC seems just great, I really missed out.
glassbears is actually! the third iteration! of that idea!
i tried to make one with lilac and got nothing due to me being no one at the time, and then later on i had one for basically ALL
glassbears was a bit of an experiment because every time i make an askblog(aside from the two mentioned above), there's at least a little bit of lore to be uncovered with questions. So I went out there and asked the dream overlords "can i have this bastard child" and they went "yeah ok" and i came back with ariel SDFGNSDJFGNKJ
im not good at making actual comics bc my brain gets lost mid production but the askblog type where it's usually 1-3 panels with one drawing + required engagement aka constant motivation boosts? its perfect AND its basically a form of roleplaying so extra fun on top. so the main idea was to present one as a webcomic and see where I could take it
the THING IS that I started it with basically nothing, not much planning or anything just my dream prophecy and the loose ends I tied together. so it wasn't much to think about -- but in the meantime i was also keeping this google doc that i just kept writing things on as questions came in and with them the ideas came up but i also kept on writing things that came independently on my head and it was eventually filled with drabbles, worldbuilding and other sorts of details that I loved to bits but I didn't know how I was going to handle. So basically. I overwhelmed myself with my ideas djfbgsdjbf
..but i guess its now the appropriate time to share the news that I have been giving the file a somewhat-thorough revamp bc i have been dying to bring it back to light. almost the entire plot and characters are complete ideas instead of vaguely scattered concepts and I Still Love It, A Lot
sometimes i share snips out of context w friends because its full of really deep quotes AND really funny comments(im funny). i dont wanna share stuff that can be easily tied to the plot but heres the good stuff
starting with the most telling line of them all;
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(prior to this theres like two pages of me debating with myself about what the fuck is up with ariel that I kept adding to over the years bc there were SO MANY routes I could take I wrote down ALL of them.............then a few months ago I wrote three paragraphs and closed that book.)
anyway heres one of my fucking favorites. never gets old
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heres the rawest line ive ever written in my life
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this pic is like right after a very heavy conversation
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(i did not follow my advice)
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its frustrating that I can't share the spicier stuff bc its got some raw lines and good jokes....... but for now.. i leave u..
..with a little guy
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i love him :)
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