#but that will nit stop me from yearning
pyrothecary · 8 months
it has been months since i played omega strikwrs now i wanna go back on
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narinea003 · 4 years
"The Reality of Covid-19 is Hitting Teens Especially Hard" Article Questions
1.)  “I just didn’t realize how much I’d miss ‘normal life.” This quote especially stands out to me because I’m pretty sure many teens at home can relate to this statement, including myself. At first I was very excited that we got an extended break because it meant less school and more time to fool around. Eventually when places that were part of everybody’s daily lives started to close due to Covid-19 and social-distancing was becoming enforced I started to want things to go back to how they were before. I could no longer freely go out to see my friends like I had planned and doing the same thing every day had gotten extremely boring. 
2.) I do think this article is well written. In the article there are quotes from different teens so you get to learn about the perspective of those teens and nit only the perspective of the person who wrote it. It also talks about the one thing many teens are always using and how it is not the answer to help with our isolation, technology. Many teens can relate to this as a lot of us have been on our devices all day because a lot of us would state that we have nothing better to do.
3.) My time in the Covid-19 pandemic has definitely been very similar to most other people in the same age group as me. At first when there was online school I’d wake up and do my work but at the same time I believed that the way they were teaching us online was very ineffective. After online school ended I had nothing better to do so all I did was play video games. At first it was fun but after a while it had gotten very stale and I wanted to go outside more and see my friends like I did every other summer break. Every day after online school had ended I woke up, ate breakfast, went onto my computer and played games. The only times I stopped playing was when I needed to eat, use the bathroom, or sleep. The few times my mother offered to take me somewhere I accepted as I yearned to go outside and interact with others. What I have learned from everything that has happened so far in this pandemic is that I shouldn’t stay inside as much as I do. I should go out more and interact with people in person more rather than only online.
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stunudo · 7 years
There is no greater blessing than a family hand that lifts you from a fall; but there is no lower curse than a family hand that strikes you when you're down.
Wes Fessler
That Got Away: A Criminal Minds Fan-fiction Part 8
Inspired by: Katy Perry’s “The One That Got Away”
Union Pulse’s “Better Days”
Featuring: Spencer Reid x Reader    Rating: Teen   Setting: Season 4
A/N: There is so much pain in this one guys, I’m sorry! The flashbacks lined up to “current” tough stuff too. xoxo Stu
Part 1   Part 6    Part 7
Just when you thought you could not be any more alone in the world, SHE entered your cell, proving just how naïve you still were. “Auntie Miriam?” You balked. Your disbelief a mask of horror, pinching the swelling skin.
“Close your mouth, Y/N. Are you trying to catch flies?” Aunt Miriam scolded you as if you were all of eight. “I don’t want to hear any pleading or belly-aching, understood?” Her cold stare peeling away your self-confidence as your anger broke cracks in your calm façade. You returned the glare, unsure of what to say that would properly defy her betrayal. The tears came instead and you hated them for it.
“Now, we are going to wait until your little boyfriend shows up. The blonde is safe and sound, awaiting the prisoner exchange. Get comfortable, Y/N. You will not be going anywhere until I have everything that I need.” Aunt Miriam’s resolute voice remained annoyingly calm as she tugged the heavy door behind her.
Rossi and Emily were all over the security guard when he returned to his post eleven minutes and thirty-seven seconds after the BAU had appeared at the desk. He was one of the three imbeciles who had mucked up Y/N’s suite initially. Spencer watched as Y/N had begun to weep while conversing with the unsub in the shadows. He vowed to not leave this spot until he was where she needed him to be, in her prison or in JJ’s. Hotch continued to watch Reid and the monitors as he eavesdropped on the interrogation of the guard.
“Listen, lady, I don’t know what those bottom screens are showing you, they have never been on before!” The pudgy man argued with an unamused Prentiss.
“Okay!” Rossi raised his voice to get the kids to play nice. “Name, position, length of employment and supervisor’s name, now.”
“Sam Calloway, 3 months as weekend day guard,” the man began quickly, “and uh, Steve, Steve Turner.”
“He’s the guy that can’t handle evidence, Hotch.” Spencer reminded his boss.
“Of course, he is.” Hotch muttered.
Once Rossi got the self-destructive head of security on the line, Hotch called Morgan with an update. Spencer listened to all that happened around him, but he wouldn’t take his eyes off her frustrated yet terrified expression. She was now seated, her back to the wall. Spencer recalled her giggling voice, rousing him this morning, her soft lips on his clavicle. How could that have been a mere seven hours thirteen minutes ago?
“Hotch?” Spencer spun to interrupt the phone call, “They were only gone for eighteen minutes when the security desk got the call about the door being open. An elevator ride from that floor to the lobby takes three minutes and twelve seconds without stops.”
Hotch nodded at Spencer’s conclusion, “They never left the hotel.”
Garcia had found Kurt. In actuality, she had lost him, but that meant something! She had seen him take an empty luggage cart into the southern elevators three minutes before the cameras went dark on the penthouse floor. Then, whoosh, he vanished. He had not resurfaced on any floor within twenty minutes afterwards. Therefore, he must have been either killed in an elevator OR he was one of the unsubs. Garcia would never trust a bellhop with a clean record again.
“Baby Girl, talk to me,” Morgan pleaded, feeling very annoyed as traffic cop in the tiny conference room of the hotel.
“Oh, Sugar Bear,” Garcia cooed, “Tell me, you’re not grumpy Gus?” Her sly smile creeping on her jester lips.
“Nah, Garcia, I just need something to get us fully ahead of this team. We have locals going basement up, room to room on each and every floor, it is going to be a long night.” Derek explained.
“Anybody talk to Kurt, yet?” Garcia followed up.
“Nah, he wasn’t on the schedule today, no one has seen him,” Derek explained, checking a file on the table in front of him.
“Well, I have,” Garcia burst out, “He had a luggage cart on the elevator, MOMENTS before we lost JJ and Y/N. Don’t ya think that is suspicious?”
“This is why you are the greatest asset we have!” Derek praised the blonde genius. “Thanks, Penelope!” Agent Morgan signaled a local cop over, “You need to circulate this photo to everyone on your team and at the exits. No one lets this guy get away.”
Ten months from now she will paint this town red This fall's the last time she'll be alone in bed
You were drenched. The storm had not let up. Though it was closing on midnight, so you drove Spencer home cautiously. You quietly opened the kitchen door, attempting to make it to the quiet carpeted steps before your footfalls could give you away.
The gruff cough in the foyer made you pause. ‘Shit’, Dad was up still.
“Y/N, don’t try to sneak up those stairs, I heard the garage door.” His serious voice was on, your shoulder’s huddled in defeat.
“Hiya, Dad.” You greeted, swinging your arms back and forth in front of you, anxiously. “It’s raining soup out there tonight.”
His big eyes watch you squirm, waiting for any kind of excuse you would produce. You really couldn’t come up with anything, besides the expletives your brain was rotating through like a mantra. “So, I am soaked, mind if I head up for a shower?” You asked quietly, leaning towards the winding staircase, away from his perch in the archway to the family room.
“Y/N, you were out with young Dr. Reid again, weren’t you?” Your dad’s voice was strained, like when he had to give you the birds and the bees talk when you were twelve. Your eyes darted to the floor, a small puddle collecting around your slip ons. You nodded because you didn’t think words could form in your mouth.
“Sweetheart, I’m not blind.” His voice softened. “But I cannot allow you to jeopardize your future for a summer of puppy love.” Your eyes shot up in alarm, what exactly did he think you and Spencer had been up to?
“Dad, I think you are jumping the gun here,” You started to explain, measuring the volume of your voice as best as you could. “We weren’t, it’s not like that.” You sputtered. “I thought you liked Spencer!” So much for curbing your dramatics.
He sighed, his big chest exhaling. “I do, that’s why I am doing this. To protect you both, yourselves now and in the future.”
“What exactly are you doing, Dad?” Your voice scared now.
“You will be staying with your aunt for the remainder of summer break. I spoke with Miriam and she thinks it is a great idea. Her neighbor girl is about your age and would love the company.” His voice droned onward, convincing himself what a wonderful idea it was. You were numbing, frozen in the puddle at the bottom of the stairs.
The impish woman was flitting around the lobby during all this commotion with the hotel lock down. The excitement called to her, she liked to watch the pawns trudge through the mud. She quickly dropped off another envelope at the concierge desk, since a cop was talking to the night clerk coming on to her shift. She sauntered back to the heart of the hotel via the central elevator hub.
JJ was getting hungry, where was the bread and water that was part of the prisoner gig? She didn’t think that Hotch would be negotiating for her quite yet, this lady had turned the profilers on their heads with the singularity of each crime. Perhaps there was a way out of the room without opening the locked, heavy and extremely loud door. She tapped the central wall, hoping the drywall would be spotty. She found no seems. She tried scaling the slippery block walls to get to the windows, they were feet above her best attempt.
The shrieking of the lock gave her a final prospect. She paused in the middle of the space, guessing she was being observed somehow. At the last moment before the door swung open, she ducked behind it. JJ waited for three beats as the cruel woman examined the empty room. Then JJ threw her weight into the unsub’s knees, tackling her. The door was still open, beckoning JJ onward. She ran into the blinding fluorescent lights of a hallway ending in a secondary security hub.
It's funny how I'm singing this again Every time I start to, soon enough I reach the end
Spencer was slightly on edge that morning. With the storm, Y/N had dropped him off so late that his head ached from lack of sleep. His mother was in a journaling trance at the small kitchen table as he gathered the ingredients for a quick meal. He was heading into school that day. He needed to start cleaning out his quarters near Dr. Y/L/N’s office and moving what he could to the Chemistry offices near Throop Hall. Spencer sat down and tried making conversation with his mother before he left.
“Mom, what can I get you for “morgenmete“ before I leave?” Spencer reached over to take her hand, drawing her mind back to the present. Her blue eyes were scrunched in annoyance.
“Spencer, I’ve already eaten.” Her voice certain. “Besides, you really need more than just toast and coffee, Spencer. You’re so thin!”
His brown eyes watched her, his lips a gentle smile at her motherly nit-picking. He knew she hadn’t eaten, but he wasn’t going to anger her. Diana Reid grabbed her pen and returned to her pages. Spencer sighed as he left her behind for another day, uncertain how she would be when he returned.
”Reid?” Hotch was calling to Spencer who was lost watching Y/N in her cell. Something had happened and she was pounding on the smooth central wall. He wished he could hear her, to know just what was going on. Yearning for her to keep her calm and not give in to the fear.
”Reid!” Hotch grabbed the younger man on the shoulder, shoving his index finger on the twin screen. “JJ took someone down, she got out of the room!” A limp figure lay on the cement flooring, all that was visible were thick calves ending in heels. Suddenly the phone rang at the desk next to Spencer. His brown eyes glanced at Steve “I can’t secure anything” Turner in annoyance.
The head of security took the call, knowing all communication was under FBI surveillance. “Security desk, Turner here.”
His eyes got wide, his voice rose in surprise. “Agent Jareau? I will-”
Hotch had snatched the corded phone out of the man’s sweaty palm. “Talk to me JJ.”
“It is not possible either to trick or escape the mind of Zeus.”  -Hesiod
Part 9
@sparkle-dinosaur, @dontshootmespence @reiding-and-writing @speedreiding @reid-my-fortune @sapphire1727 @holagubler @cherry-loves-fanfic @lookingforgalifrey @miss-gleek-freak-geek @criminal-minds-fanfiction @reidbyers @sortaathief
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sanguinesprout · 7 years
It’s been ever so rainy and cold lately... (gloomy feels and stuff about money, re-motivating myself and general updates)
I’m... gnnrgh... I’m sad. And confused. And tired. And feeling quite hopeless once more, why must it be so? Man, this sucks :<
I feel like I don’t know what I ‘m doing again and even though I know there’s stuff to do I keep distracting myself with pointless things and driving myself crazy with all the conflicted feelings and anxiety inside... The bouts of frustration and migraines are cropping up and spiralling outta control like nobody’s business and beating my down so badly ;^; 
It’s just there’s too much cooped up in my head. Too many things to worry about, too many things I want to say and do but I feel I can’t because of the fear trapping it all in and the pressure just continues to build up and it hurts and feels so constricted in my head, my heart and just everywhere. I wish I could gather my thoughts and just get things under control and running smoothly like other people can but it’s just so hard and so exhausting just trying. 
I need to stop and refocus myself, calm my mind and chest, c’mon I can do it..! I’m struggling now but I’ll be fine, I’ll find my way out of the storm and I’ll be able to see and breathe clearly again, it’s going to be okay... so don’t worry yourself so much, you're trying and that’s enough... *hugs self*
Welp... ran outta time to write and it became the next...next(?) day. Time meaning space to be all secretive and weird contemplative as my sis came home and I didn’t want to feel on edge. Why am I like this...? :< 
I got real sad again later, thinking and being reminded of my much less than ideal financial situation and joblessness got me in such a low mood. The loneliness and want for attention or some kind of reassurance or help kinda crawled out and just sat there too. Money is such a troublesome thing, I regret the times in the past where I whittled it almost completely away by frivolously buying unnecessary amounts of things of interest (probably to try cheer myself up). The happiness from material items is only temporary, fleeting and quickly forgotten. I’m such a wasteful person in so many ways orz. But I’ve learned from my mistakes! (Mostly... kinda... lol) So that’s something! :D
I’ve really been wanting to buy a new phone because mine is so old and dysfunctional in too many ways to list and I’ve been suffering with it for half a decade because I didn’t want to waste money or for my parents to waste their money on me. There were a few times in the past and even recently where I had a chance to get a new one or few times I did purchase a new phone but swiftly returned it either because I felt guilty about it or it just wasn’t right cause I’m so damn nit picky. I don’t want to keep waiting because I have done it so much already, waiting and missing opportunities... I don’t even know how to phrase what I’m trying to say or what even I am trying to say .__. 
Some people don’t even have a phone at all, it makes me feel like such a spoilt and horrible person but it really is in need of replacing... It’s just I don’t have an appropriate amount of funds or that I am aiming for something of the calibre that I don’t need but just want. If I had that new and functional phone I feel like it would bring back some of my lost motivation and give more opportunity for me to try harder to grow my skills also. Photography and other creative skills, social skills, those kinds of things which I’ve yearned to improve but lack the equipment or means to carry out. I bet I sound so damn ridiculous right now, I don’t even...
Right before my eyes my sister got a new phone, she’s had a few in the span I’ve had one, but it’s true, she can afford to because she has a job. I’m happy for her but I know I am envious too, not just that she has a phone, but that she has a job, that she’s not scared to try or to put herself out there etc etc. Also when someone really wants something and has been holding back but someone else just gets it right in front of them, it just idk it kinda stings and brings on those nasty emotions. Everyone tells me to get a job and then I can spend or save money, and of course I know this too. It sounds so simple to them and even to me sometimes and I just wish I could but there’s so many health factors and stupid fears holding me back, it’s so hard. I’m so weak... But, I can’t give up trying, I’ll get there someday.
Anyways enough of that, I’ll figure it out, it’s not of major importance right now. I worry all the time about being a burden to my family financially, we’re definitely not well off in terms of money or health or anything and I don’t want to bring anymore strain to it :< Those whole few sections of garble were so negative and gloomy and unimportant. I feel like such an ass... but this blog is here so I can vent and write out my real feelings... it’s okay... it’s fine, it’s good to do so, keep going..! ><
*Le few days later* Uh... uh what was I saying? @.@ Lolol I was originally gonna post on the day after my first therapy appointment but then I got lazy/avoidy and thought I’d wait till after the next one, but then I changed my mind again and welp, now the next app is tomorrow, oh well xD
*le even moar days later* Hah! Now it’s been another whole week... mega ||ORZ...!!!!1 I remember I was going to write about how the therapy went but I think I’ll put it in a separate post just to keep things more organised and less lengthy, makes sense mmm k! I’ll continue with my other misc updates I guess ^^
Welp, I got a new phone... Though there’s that niggling feeling of guilt still there (especially since my parents will only get handy downs from my sister to save money), I’m glad I was able to do so and I’m very thankful to my family members that helped me obtain it both financially and physically. I chose one that is on the expensive side, but not too bad in terms of other phones on the same level which are considerably much much more pricey. It’s one that feels like great value for the spec it has and I hope it lasts me lots of years without messing up, I have a bit of a curse when it comes to technology lol. 
I can do all sorts on it which I couldn’t do before, from some of the more basic stuff to some cool new stuff, it feels really refreshing but makes me kinda nervous too. I can actually download and use the tumblr app there, I’m hoping I can make use of it now that it is finally functional and easily accessible. I want to make a lot of good memories with it, snippets of daily life with my family, some creative stuff, whatever I choose to do online with it and that kind of stuff C:
In terms of life skill improving/adulting these past weeks I actually cooked my first sort of dish all by myself! It was fish cakes ^^ It was when I went to my sister’s house again for some more crafting time. I was actually having a crappy day/was in a super low mood that day (which got worse being in the same environment as last time) and actually had a bit of a breakdown on the journey to the supermarket to get ingredients. Idk... I was just so hesitant and scared and avoidant and got into a bit of an argument with my sis who was driving and all the sort of thoughts that had been bringing me down lately just surfaced again all at once and I tried so hard not to but the tears just came busting out.
I cried so hard and so pathetically and while I know it is not a bad thing to cry and rather a good one to let things out I just didn’t want to feel so weak in front of my sister or in front of shoppers that may pass by in the car park. I know... crying =/= weak but feeling so emotionally vulnerable, it just sucks. I didn’t cry for too long even though the intensity of my sob-fest one was one of the strongest I’ve ever had, because I still wanted to go in, get my ingredients and cook my first dish. I wanted to do this to prove to myself and my parents that I’m capable, I can learn to be independent, that I’m not useless... I’m not, I won’t be, I can do this!
My sister encouraged me and comforted me, telling me stories of when she had also cried in the car during stressful occasions with her boyfriend or with dad. I want to mention again how grateful I am to have her, even though our lines get crossed and we stress at each other a lot, she is there for me and I want to be there for her too when she needs it. It was because of her that I have the opportunity and the boost of motivation to try cooking something on my own.
I sat in the car in the corner of the car park (which she kindly moved to by my request) and when I had calmed down enough and wasn’t so puffy we went in and looked for the ingredients together. When it came to getting fresh produce I also learned how to use the labelling scale machine by my sis’ instruction which felt like something great too! ^^ I mean it probably sounds super lame and straight forward but if I was on my own I probably wouldn’t of even tried or had a bit of a panic. Idk... I just feel like for new things, witnessing someone’s demonstration or instruction is much more helpful and I’ll feel less like I’d make a fool of myself.
Okay so I got the stuff and then I made it following a brief internet recipe. My sister left me to do it all myself while she did her stuff upstairs after getting out all the necessary equipment for me so there wasn’t really much pressure unlike what it’d probably be like if I did it at home. It did take me much longer than I though it would but I was very careful about everything and as I am a noob I did make some small mistakes, but I was proud I did it! I wonder if my parents were too..? 
I finished cooking them at home (which my mum wanted my dad to do for me but I was adamant on doing it myself) and my parents tried one fish cake each over supper, though it was not perfect they were not mean to me about it which was nice. I thought my dad might be more critical and at first I thought he was a bit annoyed at me but I think he can see my efforts and how excited about it I was. It was fun and it has given me more motivation to try something else next time. I’m glad I tried, pursued something and competed it even though I was trying to get out of it last minute. I’ll give myself a pat on the back, because I did it! :D
I also went to visit my grandma with my family yesterday, which is something I have not done in probably a year or so. That’s kind of one of the other things I think about a lot and am also kind of envious of others about... I am not close with any of my relatives and it feels like a chore for my family to visit or be visited by them. I wish there wasn’t this language barrier or this physical and emotional distance between me, my family and my relatives, it blows.
It was nice seeing her and she had a good chat with my parents (though mostly random negative health stuff and gossip) and little with me and my sis. I noticed my mum doesn’t seem that close with her, look at her much and only chipped in to conversations at times while my dad generally was the one to initiate and continue the chatting. It feels... Idk... it makes me sad of course. But I wonder if it is because she doesn’t like seeing her mum growing old and living on her own, that it reminds her she is also getting old which is always on her mind too as well as it just being that way. When we were leaving I hugged my grandma, it wasn’t a proper bear hug or anything, just a pat on the back loose gesture because she probably didn’t expect it. I’ve never hugged her before after all, but I wanted to and no language barrier can get in the way of it. My sister followed and did the same too. It brought back an element of warmth and closeness which fizzled out when I couldn’t converse earlier. I want to spend more time with my family and relatives, I need to try harder.
Though I feel as if I haven’t done much on the surface, these things I did recently to do with family and therapy felt like such big and meaningful steps and I hope to continue even more. Also I said I was going to post stuff that I made to my main blog and to other places a long while back and and I have been hesitating and holding back out of fear and uncertainty non-stop. Well, I’m gonna start doing it for reals real soon. There’s no rules and there’s no need to overthink it, it’s just a place to store my progress and memories in essence but in a slightly more open space. I have the material, the means and I’m gonna try my best to grasp onto the motivation, I can’t keep excusing myself for those any more and I most certainly can’t let my silly fears win! 
I should probably get to writing my therapy posts and getting all my other important health things done and organised too. C’mon I can do this! I came on and continued writing this post even though I was struggling and scared to, another one should be a piece of (sour but refreshingly zesty lemon) cake! *salivates*
Mmm...alrighty, off I go! >:D (Maybe some lazy time first though my eyes huuurt @w@)
Have a nice evening and keep kicking butt~! ^^
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dietadviser · 7 years
10 Thanksgiving Survival Strategies for Weight Loss
It has been estimated that the average holiday weight gain, between Halloween and also New Year's day, is 7-10 pounds. That is going the size of a newborn on your structure! It's much easier to avoid the weight gain BEFORE it takes place rather than waiting up until after to try to shed the weight. I have actually discovered that there are a couple of points common to numerous of us during this 'comfort food' as well as 'comfortable family' period. Let's speak about ways to going off this feasible weight gain as well as make certain it's maintained to 1-2 lb. or NONE acquired at all!
1. Don't reveal up to celebration famished. You have actually possibly heard this kind of advice before, however it has assisted several of my clients and also myself nip the trouble in the bud. Do not ignore your body's all-natural appetite signs, hormones, and also self-survival systems. If your body regards severe cravings, it will certainly go into fat-storing method. The hormone fluctuations your body experiences from severe hunger will additionally make self-control nearly impossible! When you are physically hungry, you require to consume. This is not a choice: it's a need. Your body will override your great purposes and go right for the fatty appetisers or chips and also dip the min you stroll in the door, in spite of your intents of sticking to a stringent food plan.
Just like any type of various other day, have a tiny snack every 2-3 hours in between meals. If you are going to a dinner celebration, before you leave your home, have a treat, such as an apple as well as a little handful of almonds. The fiber, protein, and also healthy and balanced fat will certainly lower yearnings, visual appetite hormones, and take your body out of survival method. One of the ideal snacks to delight in pre-holiday function is a LiveRite whey healthy protein shake. Research studies have proven that whey reduces cravings as well as reward-based consuming for hours after consuming it. It assists via cell signaling works to reduce cravings.
By consuming a little treat before an event, you will kick your metabolism will certainly kick into high gear to ensure that, as soon as at the event, you will certainly not store every bite you eat as body fat.
2. Do not entirely refute yourself your vacation favorites. Have 1 or 2 attacks of the everythings you really enjoy, as well as enjoy and relish them without shame. Establishing yourself up for a difficult circumstance by restricting yourself from enjoying a little your favored foods is a bad choice for many of us. I have discovered that when I permit myself a little my faves, such as my grandma's padding as well as among her packed mushrooms, I am totally satisfied to quit with a few attacks. Load up on the healthier choices such as turkey (minus the skin), veggies, as well as salad, and also include merely a drizzle of sauce without the regret! A couple of attacks of stuffing as well as mashed potatoes will not create weight gain! A binge from also much self-deprivation and afterwards consequently 'pigging out', nevertheless, will. Lose the shame and also the nit-picker perspective. No one is best! Appreciate your time with your family and also enjoy a little bit of homemade cooking.
3. When treat strikes the table, choose the one that you really desire, as well as delight in a small piece. If you combat this traditional holiday routine, it may backfire. I absolutely take pleasure in a little dessert after a vacation dish. Occasionally, I take 1/4 of an item of 2 treats and also taste them both. It leaves me feeling completely satisfied and keeps the vacation spirit warm as well as joyful. Food is not the enemy unless we make it so. Again, take pleasure in a little bit and also don't stress or feel regret about your selections. Tension is more likely to have undesirable side-effects for your waist than are 2 bites of pumpkin pie!
4. Inquire about the host if you could bring something. Make a healthy side dish or dessert, such as any type of one of the recipes you see on our Lucille Roberts blog site. String beans with low-fat lotion of mushroom soup and also several others are classics that can be earned less fatty with a little resourcefulness. Load up on these lower fat alternatives and you will certainly have much less space for the greater calorie choices.
5. Leave a little bit of food on your plate. Don't cleanse your plate with each program. This may seem basic or perhaps a bit wasteful, but leaving merely one or two attacks on your plate after you have tasted and enjoyed a bit will help you feel in control of just what you place in your body. It will certainly additionally stop the demand to get back for seconds.
6. Genuinely relish a few attacks and make the effort to appreciate the structures, preferences, and scent of your holiday meal. This is often food lesson 101 in my weight-loss mentoring with clients. As serial dieters, a number of the ladies I educate or give nutritional counseling to have actually forgotten ways to appreciate food and unwind around it. They fail to remember there are virtually no naturally ' bad' foods, only different food alternatives as well as part dimensions. You could have a little bit of variety and also still stay the training course of weight loss success. The only foods I evaluate as naturally 'bad' are those with quite refined fabricated ingredients that might harm your health. Absolutely not a sliver of mommy's homemade pie! Study has shown that a 'alleviate meal' around as soon as weekly boosts anabolic (muscle toning) as well as metabolism-boosting hormones. Maintain your added 'treat food' within sensible quantities and never ever eat to the point of being 'stuffed.' Quit when you really feel somewhat complete. You will really feel better at the occasion as well as the next day!
7. Work out a little bit much more the days coming before and adhering to an event, when possible, work out the morning of a dinner party. Exercise, specifically cardio or cardiovascular task, not just burns fat and also calories, it releases peptide YY (PYY). PYY differs from its relative, neuropeptide Y (NPY), which triggers hunger and also cravings and is released throughout times of tension and food deprivation. NPY creates a decline in hunger and also food cravings. Although you may promise you're famished after a solid sweat session, research studies have actually discovered that, chemically, the opposite holds true. However, if you do not nurture your body post-work out, you WILL be famished. This can result in the pressing cravings as well as succeeding binge eating. After your workout, have a little protein and a carb, such as a yogurt and also fruit or a LiveRite shake, and also you won't want to rob the refrigerator when you are preparing dinner.
8. If you are cooking, make a few healthy alternatives as well as conventional faves for the occasion. You could be shocked by the amount of your visitors value the healthier options. You could still enjoy a little the traditional faves while you keep it light with various other options. On top of that, have a lot of 'to-go' containers available for others to take food residence. Many guests will certainly invite leftovers to take home as well as will certainly be extremely appreciative.
9. Maximize leftovers by making healthy turkey sandwiches like my Turkey and also Cranberry, Walnut sandwich. I likewise have found the fridge freezer to be a lifesaver when it involves portion control. I constantly placed my preferred deals with there in Tupperware! (Actually, you will certainly never ever capture me without a bag of Dove dark squares for the periodic wonderful indulgence. They are less compared to 50 calories each! Just one with a cup of tea suffices to suppress a desire, as well as dark chocolate is considered a healthy fat with anti-oxidants, to boot!)
10. Above all, bear in mind that the holidays are a time for many thanks, warmth, and also party with the ones we love. As you embrace this moment, do not dread celebrations since of a couple of tempting treats. Ensure to enjoy a little and also really feel no regret going a couple added attacks of your all-time favorites. You could find this makes 'family time' a lot more pleasurable as well as stress-free.
Happy Holidays!
Trainer Tip by Sandra Ferrerio, certified LiveRite weight management coach, instructor, and also course trainer at Lucille Roberts in Yonkers. Review her full bio here.
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pxrxllel · 7 years
Talking to the Moon LI (12/01/17)
This is my first entry since my return from the US. I arrived back here two days ago, and already feel like a transplant. Don’t get me wrong, NZ is a wonderful place – but it feels like being on holiday again with this white hot summer blaring through the air. Everything seems too clean and clear, and there’s not enough of that nit and grit that I’m used to, now.
I guess I’ve changed too, for the better. I care MUCH less now about what other people think of me, and I’m a helluva lot less self-conscious, I think. And that is wonderful, because I used to struggle and obsess over being perfect (or as James calls it, pristine) to the point where I wouldn’t leave my room. I’m still socially awkward, but I’m a lot less inhibited by it. I’ll engage in conversations with total strangers and make jokes, even. I feel like I’m worthy of being liked. I’m here and I am exactly who I’m supposed to be at this very moment in time, and those are huge achievements.
But it doesn’t stop me from yearning to go back to San Diego, and seeing the funnily-shaped masses of land that occupy Mission Bay, or the shaved ice melting into a rainbow kaleidoscope, or poolside breakfast at Mira Mesa. Even sharing a room again is so strange to me, and I feel like I’m not with the right people, even thought they’re my family and I’m not supposed to feel like that. The food is different. The roads are too small now. And of course, I miss Jarek far too much and nowhere feels right without him.
I know I can’t shut up about him and it probably drives everyone else around me crazy, but I’m just so incredibly in awe of him all the time – there’s nothing he can’t do. I’m ridiculously proud of anything he does because he works so hard; he’s the hardest worker I know. And he showers me with so much love and affection and thoughtfulness that I don’t even know what to do with myself. He wrote me a letter before I left, and he told me that he appreciates that I listen to him and try to understand his perspective and get to the roots of why he does what he does, and that’s so flattering. I think the best thing you can do in a relationship is to try to fully understand someone else and all their quirks and habits and flaws and passions – and accepting all of these things, even if you never quite get it the way they want you to.
I also finally received my ReDraft book, and I’m honestly less impressed this year than I have been in previous years. I’ve yet to start reading the prose, but I’ve skimmed through the poetry and not a lot has caught my attention. Two of my submissions ended up being featured in the book, including Stockholm Syndrome. That’s probably the thing I’m most proud of to date. It can be a little bit vague, but it’s generally about a wolf in sheep’s clothing in the context of an abusive relationship, and how the victim can’t let go of her captor’s control over her life even after all this time. I got some incredible responses to it that filled me with so much joy that I was about to burst. I’m surrounded by the most wonderful people, and I’m so grateful for them.
Speaking of gratitude, this year I’m going to endeavour to be more thankful and mindful of my advantages and privileges, and for how smoothly my life goes. I’ll try to work harder in school, and do my best to be patient with the student I’ll be tutoring. I want to be less negative and more giving, and to be more full of light and love. I hope this will help me immensely with improving and strengthening my relationships with others, and maybe I won’t feel so alone all the time anymore.
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