#but thats also why its funny to me to see mcr or fob band blogs reblog those trolly posts about punk or bringing back gatekeeping lmaooo
sendmyresignation · 11 months
partially incoherent thoughts at the moment but it is very interesting that the kind of tumblr esque “punk is ___” (insert kindness, insert being against the counter culture insert taylor swift) is, to me, very much an outgrowth of the vagrant records emo boom tying punkandemo as a concept into something mainstream and fundamentally earnest and curated and about feeling alienated moreso than angry or political or even diy, however that makes you feel. like personally i vibe a lot more with the vagrant model than than the victory one and do agree about the band-first approach of egan. but i think we are forever dealing with the repercussions of his rhetoric, the way he found “a new definition of punk in the rejection of the rigid orthodoxies of self-proclaimed punk” (greenwald; nothing feels good) moreso than the bands he signed or even the music they made because it became a calling card of the third wave and warped tour bands
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