#but the interior is very sleek and colorful and looks like it was plucked directly from f.uture boy conan
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greatly enjoying Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water so far
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themangoyogurt · 4 years
Between 29th & Astoria: The Tease
Chapter 4
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Kylo Ren lazily chewed on a bite of chocolate cake as he mulled over his new assistant. The term “new” was being used quite loosely seeing that you’d been employed at First Order for at least two months. How could he have missed something...someone...so delectable right within arm’s reach? Maybe his father had been correct. He should get his head out of his ass once in a while.
A chirping noise from Kylo’s phone interrupted his thoughts. He answered without much thought, and immediately regretted doing so. His night would now be ruined, and chances are he’d have to down half a bottle of gin to get over it.
Sighing, Kylo muttered, “Hello, mother.”
Meanwhile, you were skipping arm-in-arm with Rose on the other side of town. “Oh my gosh. Finn, you are amazing”, Rose gushed as everyone spilled out onto the street. Poe clapped his friend on the back and reaffirmed Roses’s words of adoration. Finn had just wrapped up the his last show, and you were glad to have caught it. After the final applause, he invited everyone backstage for champagne with the cast, and now your group of friends were stumbling down 9th Avenue with their steps just a little lighter and voices a bit louder.
Poe whipped around to face his three friends as he got a mischievous glint in his eye. Wiggling his eyebrows he ventured, “How do we feel about topping the night off with drinks at a swanky members only club?”
You laughed, “I feel like I can barely make my student loan payments as is, and I have work tomorrow morning.”
Poe tossed an arm around you and pleaded, “What if I told you the drinks were free thanks to my company card, and I’ll pay for our cab home. Please?”
You stared into his mocha colored eyes and groaned. It should be illegal to be this damn charming. The combined forces of Rose and Finn cheering “do it” over and over again finally crumbled any available willpower. Next thing you knew, the four of you had crammed yourselves into the back of a cab and then hopped off in front of a nondescript building.
The lounge was unlike anything you had ever seen before. Despite a sleek and minimalist interior, everything screamed “money”. Suddenly black sneakers seemed a terrible choice of shoe as model after model sauntered past in towering Manolos. Sensing your discomfort, Poe placed a hand at your back and whispered, “You look beautiful. Own it!”
Mustering up as much confidence as possible, you made your way into a booth covered in darkened burgundy leather with everyone, and allowed yourself to get lost in the night. After all, you deserved this didn’t you? That was the beauty of New York City. You could be anyone you wanted. Tonight, you were a dashing young woman laughing the night away with her closest friends.
Three rounds of...what did Poe call them again? Side Cars? Or was it an Old Fashioned that Rose had poured down your throat? Shit. You were on edge of tipsy about to fall over into drunk. You palmed Finn’s jacket in search of cigarettes before excusing yourself to the outdoor patio. Waving off your friends, you assured them that you’d be alright and back as soon as you got some fresh air into your lungs.
Stumbling through the room, you cursed as your watch showed three-thirty in the morning. It was way past the point of return though, so you might as well ride out this wave commonly known as “poor decision making skills”.
With a cigarette loosely hanging from your lips, you moaned as soon as you realized you had forgotten a lighter. Testing out your legs, you decided that you were too drunk to meander into the lounge and then back out again. Just as all hope was lost, a lone man with his back turned to you caught your attention.
“Excuse me, sir. Could I borrow a light?”
The mysterious figure turned, and gave you the most searing look you’d ever have the misfortune of being on the receiving end of. You hadn’t recognized your boss’s figure in the dark, especially now that his blazer and tie were missing. His white shirt was unbuttoned at the top and at some point the man had pushed his sleeves up to his elbows.
Kylo slowly leaned forward to take in your appearance. Your hair had become tousled, and your pretty white dress was hanging precariously off one shoulder. Avoiding eye contact, you frantically flattened a palm against your hair in an attempt to look less unkempt.
Ren reached out and your heart stuttered as the man moved closer and closer to your face. Suddenly he plucked the cigarette out from between your lips and flicked it onto the ground.
“I prefer my assistants to take care of their bodies.”
Settling your weight onto one hip, you placed a firm fist on your waist. Gesturing wildly with the other hand you moaned, “Ugh, why are you so boring. You’d think that a hot mysterious guy decked out in black would be more interesting.”
He tilted his head and rumbled, “And where is this feisty attitude during office hours?”
“Maybe I’d be more fun if you weren’t such a suffocating asshole. All memos must have quarter inch margins! My coffee absolutely must be a black Americano at exactly 175 degrees or else it belongs in the trash!” Kylo choked back a laugh as you lowered your voice an octave to mimic him. Perhaps any other day you’d nod along and apologize in hopes of moving past your transgressions. But you were drunk. And today was not that day.
Kylo reached over and twirled a lone strand of hair around his index finger. Giving it a gentle tug, he smirked as your lips opened in surprise. He lifted up the strand and gave the tip a gentle kiss before allowing the hairs to drift back towards your neck. The man quietly murmured, “I can show you a few ways I can be ‘interesting’. In fact, one might even consider me creative.”
A chuckle died on his lips and his body stiffened when he realized that you had begun sliding your hands up and down his torso. Slowly, your hands made their way down his front as you felt the wide planes of his chest. Gentle divots along his stomach hinted at abs, and your fingers delicately traced the grooves. Kylo’s breath hitched as your hands moved outwards to brush along his hips, and then back in as they inched closer and closer to his crotch. Kylo was frozen, unsure of what was happening.
“Where is your goddamn lighter? I know you have a lighter! Get off your fuckin’ high horse. You totally look like a smoker!”
Kylo gingerly gripped your wrists with his wide hands and pulled you away from his body. Bent by your ear, he whispered, “And what would I get in return if I let you borrow my lighter?”
You looked up at the behemoth of a man with wide and bright eyes. Your lips pulled away for a dazzling smile as you earnestly replied, “I’ll be your friend!” Kylo’s fists clenched around your delicate skin in surprise. This certainly wasn’t going in the direction he was anticipating. It seemed like nothing ever went as expected when it came to his interactions with you.
He eased his grip, allowing your hands to fall back at your sides as he asked, “And why would I want to be friends with you?”
Completely drunk and unaware of how serious the air had become, you simply replied, “Because you’re lonely.”
Kylo felt anger surge inside his chest at your words. He stalked forward and you stepped backwards in surprise. He continued to move onward until your back was against the wall and your chests were touching. Leaning down until his forehead was resting against your temple, he seethed, “Don’t act like you fucking know me. You’re just a lowly assistant who gave up on her dreams an...”
You suddenly felt a tug as your body slid out from underneath Ren. Rose was holding onto your shaking torso while Finn stood ahead of the both of you.
“What’s your problem, dude? Fucking pervert, preying on drunk girls!” Finn shouted at Ren. He glared towards your boss for a moment longer before pushing Rose and yourself back into the club. Just before you were out of eyesight, you turned to catch one last glimpse at Kylo.
Perhaps it was the darkness, or the alcohol playing tricks on you. But you could’ve sworn that the man gave you a wink just before pulling out a lighter and cigarette from his back pocket.
Much to the dismay of a very disgruntled cab driver, you piled into a yellow taxi with your three friends in tow. Crammed into the back, you were nestled halfway on Rose’s lap and wedged against Finn’s thigh. The man was still seething as he rambled on, “I hate guys like that. He’s probably some finance douche who thinks his money can get him out of anything. Just seeing that asshole pressed up against you like that makes me want to throw a punch.”
“Finn,” you gently interjected. “He’s my boss.”
The man whipped around as much as one could in a crammed space. His features painted in disbelief he exclaimed, “What the fuck?! That’s even more inappropriate! You should report him to a supervisor or something!”
Feeling touched at your friend’s anger, you gently patted the side of his thigh. You shrugged, “Finn. He is my supervisor. He’s the freaking CEO of First Order!”
As the title of “CEO” dripped from your lips, Poe suddenly stiffened. He leaned forward and cautiously asked, “Wait, you work directly with Kylo Ren?”
“Yeah. I thought you guys knew this. I mean, I’m always complaining about him when I get home. And I’m pretty sure I bitch about him at least five times a day in the group chat.”
Poe drummed his fingers against his thighs and murmured, “Yeah, but you never said his name. I thought you were just working for some paper pusher at the Order. Not...Kylo Ren.”
You rolled your shoulders and shifted slightly. “What’s the difference? It’s all the same anyways.”
Poe really craned his neck now to maintain eye contact. His typical lighthearted demeanor had melted at the mention of Mr. Ren and he was the most serious you had ever witnessed. Reaching over to tightly grip your hand, Poe exclaimed, “Dude, you need to quit. Ren is messed up. Like, dangerous messed up.”
Okay, now your friends were getting annoying. This was your job. Pulling your hand out of his grasp, you dryly replied, “Yeah, thanks for the heads up. I think I’ve got this. He’s a dick but that’s no reason to quit. Have we forgotten that I have a ridiculous amount of debt from a ridiculously useless degree?”
Rose nervously smoothed her palm against your shoulder and threw the boys a sharp look - mentally willing them to shut up. Unfortunately, neither could read minds and Poe continued, “Look, our company deals with First Order a lot, and Kylo is a monster. I could get you a job at Resistance Tech as soon as next week if you want. I can’t tell you what Kylo does, that’s confidential to the industry. But...look. I just don’t like the way he runs his business, okay? And I heard rumors of some messed up family shit, too.”
You were officially done with this conversation. You gave Poe a half-hearted reply that you’d think about it, and he seemed pleased enough. The rest of the ride went by in silence and you were soon pulling up to the apartment building. Poe handed the driver a wad of cash, and then everyone began to say their goodnights. Just before you parted, he gripped your shoulders one last time and pleaded, “Just trust me.”
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