#but then what about indie oelvns
foxstens · 2 years
love when the concept of gameplay in otome games comes up on reddit
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lovebirdgames · 2 years
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OTOMETOBER DAY 17 ~ Let’s celebrate the little guys! The indie game community is a treasure trove of gems waiting to be discovered. Indie games are labors of love and definitely deserve support. So what’s your favorite indie otome game?
(spoilers for Cinderella Phenomenon below)
Putting aside the obvious! I’m going to spotlight my first OELVN indie otome...Cinderella Phenomenon! It’s free to play and a staple in the indie otome community. What I really enjoyed about this game is the fairytale worldbuilding and the flawed protagonist, Lucette (or as I named her, Tayette). Witnessing her development into a better person is just as rewarding as watching her fall in love! Meanwhile, I’m out here falling for the guy who’s not an option...but what else is new, I guess.
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oatbrew · 2 years
i loooove the way you talk about otome bc so many people assume it’s always silly and unrealistic and even if is sometimes it’s like women can’t enjoy this kind of stuff without being ridiculed lmao. Ive just bought code realize and can’t wait to try it, if I recall correctly you played it, right? Also after what you said about cxm i might try it too!! Have a great day❤️
oh absolutely. i’ve read romance novels and played romance-oriented games for a long time and ive learned just how hard it is to find a non-romance writer who can write a compelling love story. i genuinely believe my favorite romance authors could write stephen king’s genre but stephen king couldn’t write theirs yknow?
people who denigrate romance whether that’s western novels or otome or oelvns underestimate the craft of writing character development through intimacy, vulnerability, and chemistry. because not only do you have to make the reader invested in these two characters as individuals you have to convince them why the two are compelling and/or compatible together in a romantic dynamic. it’s not easy and that’s why i have so much respect for people who contribute and support this genre, especially as a creative space which is majorly female-oriented and led.
the industry itself is largely marketed to and by cishet creators/audiences (and joseimuke w lgbt+ elements can get fetishistic but that’s a separate discussion) but no genre has introduced me to more queer indie creators and niche artists of color than romance media. so i never take any of this misogynistic put downs or this labeling of “guilty pleasures” seriously. i think especially for otome part of the appeal is that campy and silly elements are not only welcome but expected at times. and on the opposite end of that an otome can treat itself as seriously as it can and both takes can coexist and live in the same world. i think what i ultimately love about it for all of its problems (and what genre doesn’t have any) is this lack of self-consciousness in any of its choices. the devs/writers can be as creative (as zany as grimdark as fun) as it wants to the point that the worst sin an otome could commit is to be boring. like in one game you can play as a simple cafe owner who gets to romance a headless fairy and in the next you can play as a steampunk victorian lady who has toxic skin and could potentially kill her love interests by touching them?? where else can you find that???
anyway, off my soapbox now lol. and yes! code: realize is pretty great. cr and cxm are solid choices for console otome so you’ll have a (mostly) fun time w both!
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Tumblr moots?
21 and above preferred, but 18 and above is ok
possible common interests: drawing, mixed media aesthetic (trad or digital), OELVNs, interactive fiction, farm games (currently playing Stardew Valley on PC and Harvest Town on mobile), indie game dev, Asian drama, anime series and films, webtoons, formal analysis of visual art and creative writing, academic psychology, dream introspection, behavioral economics, marketing
^Last updated- October 20, 2021
What moot you'll get, what I usually post about, what I'm looking for, how to moot:
What moot you'll get:
avoids participating in clickbait disc0urse caused by strawman fallacy, semantics, decontextualization, etc.
avoids dogp1ling because humanity is complicated and this is not a dogpil1ng group
not assimilation1st nor proselytiz3d
the occasional longass post, possibly explaining something in a nuanced way as possible
some crude language
warnings for theories, spoilers, nsfw, and common triggers (if an uncommon trigger is not listed, please let it be. the trigger is valid, but still. first, telling your triggers to someone you don't know well is a bad idea. second, find a way to filter words from your feed that won't essentially tell people how to get on your nerves)
mostly just posts, likes, comments
involvement indicator (e.g. academic capitalization and punctuation for sentences written in a nuanced way; lowercase for casual posts, half-baked ideas, unimportant personal ramblings, and shitposts; tHiS cAsE foR tHinGs tHat ArE riDIcULouS; trademark ™️ for concepts; "quotation marks" for things that aren't exactly ridiculous but have semantic implications I don't necessarily agree with)
tone indicator. usually for /lh, /gen, and /s. i don't usually use /j and /hj since I'd use emojis or XD and i don't use /srs because that's usually me. sometimes i do forget to add, though
tries to butcher spellings of controversial/d1scourse keywords in order to avoid attracting tr0lls
pretty much lets people like things if it doesn't harm anyone or put anyone at risk
believes in both "i don't have to be both nice and educational on demand" and "don't judge"
^Last updated- October 20, 2021
What I usually post about:
fan art sketches, color, etc. in separate posts
fan theory (will place theory under "keep reading" to avoid spoilers)
rambling about my socmed (e.g. hashtags, to-do list, new stuff I learn about Tumblr, things I don't understand about Tumblr)
occasionally: reblogs
^Last updated- October 20, 2021
What I'm looking for:
depending on how things go, just 10-20 moots to fill my Tumblr feed. i'm what's called a passive socializer
moots who actually like my shit, or the things we like in common
^Last updated- October 20, 2021
How to moot:
comment "celery" on this post
let me know what made you interested (common interests)
be 18 or older
^Last updated- October 20, 2021
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