#but there's just a very special place in my heart for the TAMA score
thelaurenshippen · 5 months
man, not to brag about my own show or anything, but while there are always things I would change about anything I make (and definitely PLENTY of things I could have done better as a writer/the showrunner of this show) Evan really fucking nailed the score for The AM Archives. it's just.....very fucking good.
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sero-sphere · 4 years
Happy Birthday Tama! (Tamaki Amajiki birthday date)
Summary: 1.6k words, tamaki x (f) reader, a continuation of this. You invite Tamaki out for his birthday…duh!!
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posting this now cause its ready. 🤗 happy birthday bb boy. 🎁🎈💕
“Hey Tama wait up! I have to ask you something!” You got a glimpse of the back of his head as he hurried through the halls, trying to avoid as many people as possible. He stopped and turned with a smile, when he heard you call out for him.
“Oh h-hey, Y/N…what’s up?” He was already blushing. 
“Since tomorrow is your birthday, I was hoping you would want to do something with me… Ya’ know…after school?” Tamaki’s eyes went wide. It’s not that he wasn’t used to your company, by this point he definitely was, but just the thought of you wanting to do something for him, for his birthday…It was a tad nerve wracking.
“We don’t have to, if you don’t want to…but I wanted to do something special for you on your special day!" 
Tamaki turned bright red. "I-I uhm…” He looked down and started to fiddle with his hands. “What d-did you h-have in mind?”
“Well, I was thinking we could go out to eat, to that new kaisendon restaurant downtown! And then maybe the aquarium?” You said that last bit as more of a question. You knew how shy he could be in large crowds. “I know it’s kinda weird after eating, well you know…but I figured you could get a lot of new ideas on how to use your quirk, by watching all the animals and stuff!”
“That sounds like a-a lot of fun.” Despite the shakiness in Tamaki’s voice, his face was pressed with a soft smile.
You glanced up at him through your eyelashes, soaking in his innocence.  "Aww Tama, it will be! I asked Mirio if he wanted to tag along, but he said I can have you all to myself. I can’t wait, I think I’m more excited for your birthday than you are.“
The next day at school was a bit of a blur, your mind too pre-occupied to focus on anything but Tamaki and your plans. Before you knew it, you were both on your way to the restaurant.  After a quick stroll through the city, you had arrived and somehow had managed to score the best booth in the place. The food was amazing, you both thoroughly enjoyed it, Tamaki especially.  His cheeks flushed when you paid for his plate, but it was his birthday after all, and you insisted.
It was another short walk from the restaurant to the aquarium. This time you let Tamaki pay for himself. You already made him feel guilty enough with everything you had already done for him.  
Once inside, your eyes immediately fixated on the very large exhibit just off of the lobby. You grabbed Tamaki’s hand and skipped straight over to it enthusiastically.  You had gotten there just in time to watch the penguins get fed!
"Aww, look Tamaki! They’re so cute!”
 The rest of your time was pretty much spent the same way… you grabbing his hand, pulling him to the next display that you were excited about, and him trying out new things with his quirk when the situation allowed.  He had to admit he was having an amazing time with you. Going to the aquarium on a weekday was actually perfect. It wasn’t near as crowded as it usually was, and he was able to relax a bit. You both bopped back and forth, from exhibit to exhibit, reading all the tidbits of information written about the different creatures, and observing their habits.  
The two of you finally got to a long tunnel, which ran through the main display tank.  It was filled with sea turtles, sharks, sting ray's…all kinds of colorful fish, all swimming peacefully around you. As much as this was supposed to be for Tamaki, you were having a great time too. You felt a little selfish enjoying yourself that much. Tamaki looked beautiful under the glow of the water, and little did you know he was thinking the same thing about you.
The tunnel had finally opened up into a touch tank. Tamaki turned his fingers into little tiny tentacles to play with the starfish, and you were watching all the shrimp feel around the tank with their little antennae. The description said that they could use them for depth perception, as well as to smell or taste.
“Hmmm! I bet you could do that! We just had shrimp!”  You pointed down to them, then looked back over to Tamaki who had now sprouted antennae from his head. Absolutely adorable. 
“What am I supposed to do with them?”
“Well it says you can taste, or smell.”
His little antennae twitched forward towards you. You giggled as they got closer and started to feel around your face and head. 
“Uhm, coconut?” Tamaki said questioningly. His tickling appendages had made their way into your hair.
“Oh! That’s my shampoo!”
“It smells really good….” His eyes started to drift shut, he was seemingly getting lost in your scent. His antennae continued their mission, inching down feeling around the rest of your face. One landed on your lips, the second right behind it. He opened his eyes, and blushed when he realized where he had been touching. He disabled his quirk, and his tickling teasers retreated.
“They just taste…uhm… r-really sweet.”
“It’s my lip balm! It’s made out of sugar” You both giggled and continued to the next tank. He was entranced by the show the clown fish was putting on when you interrupted.
“Hey Tamaki…how do you think shrimps kiss? They don’t really have lips to do it, huh?”
He looked over to you and thought for a minute. “Maybe with their little feelies?” He shot his hands up to where his antennae were just moments before, and wiggled his fingers at you.
“So does that mean you shrimp kissed me?” You replied with a giggle.
He blushed…hard. If he wasn’t so comfortable around you, his face would definitely be glued to the wall. Really, the first kiss he shared with you had to be as a shrimp? He would never live this down.
After the two of you took some selfies under the lights of the bioluminescent jellyfish, it was time to head out. On the way out the door, you insisted Tamaki wait in the gift shop, while you went to the bathroom. It was all, of course, an excuse. You watched from a distance as he looked through all the typical gift shop goodies. He made his way over to the plushies, and stopped when he got to one in particular. Reaching out, he ran his hand through the little tuft of fur sitting on the top of its head. He smiled, but continued on nonetheless. You snuck off and bought it, sneaking it into your bag before he could see you. 
By the time the two of you walked back to the dorms, it was already dark. You grabbed for his hand instinctively and he jumped a bit, he didn’t pull away from your touch though.
“Oh, I’ve kind of been doing that all night, huh? Sorry.”
“N-no! I-i don’t mind, it’s been n-nice. I actually uhm….” He paused for a moment. You used his silence as a chance to glance over at him, in an attempt to read his facial expressions.
“Hmm…wouldn’t mind if…” No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t mumble out the words.  He picked up your hands and intertwined his fingers. He could have sworn you could hear his heart beat booming in his chest. You leaned in closer to him, and continued on your walk very satisfied with the night the two of you shared. Along the way, the two of you took the opportunity to stare up at the beautiful night sky. There was not a cloud in sight, which made for a perfect stargazing experience. A couple of shooting stars later, and U.A was visible off in the distance.
Knowing the night was coming to an end, Tamaki decided tell you how much he appreciated everything you had planned for him. “Thank you so much, for everything today. I had a really great time.” He was proud of himself…he didn’t even stutter once!
“I’m glad you got to try new things out with your quirk! It was really awesome Tama… I can’t wait to see you in action.” You pulled him in for a tight hug, making sure he couldn’t peek at what you were about to pull out of your bag.
“I actually have one more thing for you, before today is over…” You slowly released him, and brought the cute purple octopus plushie up to his hands for him to grab. "Happy Birthday Tama.”
His jaw dropped, and he was left speechless. After hugging both you, and the plushie for a while, he was finally able muster up the courage and formulate a sentence.
“Uhm, tonight was….p-perfect…. I-it really was. Spending time with you has been a-amazing.”
“I’m glad you got everything you wished for, Tamaki.”
“Y-yeah….everything but one thing.” He tilted your chin up with his hand, making it so you were looking up straight at him.
You pouted. “What didn’t you get?”
“A kiss…a r-real one…. Not one as a shrimp…” His eyes focused on the ground until you stood up on your tip toes to reclaim his loving gaze, and capture his lips for a sweet kiss.
It’s safe to say, Tamaki got everything he wished for that night…maybe even a little more. He was truly happy that he was able to spend his birthday with you. 
 ( the whole night, not just the part that was shared under the stars. )
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