#c: amycus
coramulciber · 2 years
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@vmycvs-cvrrvw & @pxndoram
The Mulciber and Carrow children grew up like cousins-- Théa always looking for a white tiger and Marcel learning to shoot a bow, Flora and Hestia ‘borrowing’ fruit from the greenhouse, Lucie teaching Luna how to make a flower crown, beach trips and bonfires and washing the mud off of every kind of animal known to man...
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bas-lestrange · 2 years
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alectocxrrows · 2 years
who: alecto and amycus where: the carrow twins’ manor
“When do I get to get VIP passes to one of your games, brother dearest?” Alecto hopped onto his bed, looking over at him as he sat at his desk. “You know I’m the most deserving and besides, I come along with the added bonus of not dragging along any unwanted extras.” Friends, acquaintances, whatever they could be called - though she had some of the latter, she’d never really seen the point in it. 
“Either that, or come out for drinks with me. I think there’s a chance I’ll be promoted, and you’re the first one I’m telling, even sooner than dad.” Because of course she’d tell him first - even if she ran into their father on a semi-regular basis, he wasn’t the family member who she felt most connected to.
“Or... both?” She offered him a bright grin. “How much luck shall I have with that?”
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inlumenhq · 1 year
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Antonin Dolohov, 33, Durmstrang alum, fc UTP, OPEN.
Birthday: up to player Gender & Pronouns: up to player Occupation: up to player Sided with: the DE’s, marked
Positive Traits: up to player Negative Traits: up to player
One and done, the Dolohov family was relieved to have their heir on the first try. There wasn’t a need for siblings or a backup heir since their child would be raised under strict expectations that stressed precisely what was expected of them and what would happen if those requirements were not met. It was a stifling existence where childhood was spent seated by the family patriarch, taking in everything that would one day involve Antonin.
Antonin has only ever toed the line, having not felt a need to rebel. The favor gained with the dark lord has them at a point of knowing the only direction they can go is up. Why change anything when happy to cruise along with the hand Antonin was dealt?
The word ruthless sums up Antonin’s involvement with the Death Eaters. Antonin has proven to be a force to be reckoned with. They have climbed to the top of the social ladder in all aspects of their life and managed to fool most of the population into believing they have everyone’s best interests at heart. As of recent, Lord Voldemort has taken to trying to encourage Antonin to consider aiming for the position of Minister of Magic.
Reine Borgin -  The two have a written agreement to wed if it ever comes down to one of their parents trying to force a betrothal on one of them. Their dalliance has been going on for several years now, but neither has felt a need to make things official. With their parents neglecting to force them into an unhappy marriage, why change anything?
Barty Crouch Jr. - Reluctantly Antonin agreed to mentor the younger death eater. It’s become obvious that Barty dislikes this, and is avoiding them. Antonin really does not care too much about this since they aren’t invested in the mentorship. 
Amycus Carrow - A relationship that stemmed from successfully mentoring Amycus. Antonin adored the chaos Amycus brought. The two have a close friendship and Antonin can’t help but wonder why their most recent mentee doesn’t match the expectations Amycus paved.
Bios and posts that reference Antonin Dolohov can be found by clicking this sentence.
suggested fc’s
Rahul Kohli, Mahesh Jadu, Manny Montana
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alectocarrowx · 12 hours
where: her manor who: @amycusccrrow
Alecto knew her mother was cruel and demanding, she would only allow certain obligations slide before she would tire of games. It did not shock her when she heard what was given to her brother and Valeria, quite curious what the two would do.
She sat out on the balcony, taking in the night sky, her wards going off at the presence of one within, knowing that if they got through the last one, they were a welcomed guest. Her head turns, catching familiar dark hair.
"It's my favourite brother." Her only brother. The witch leans back into her chair, shifting slightly to look at him. "Care to join me outside?"
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fractured-hq · 2 years
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Birthday: 31 October 1952.
Blood Status: Pureblood.
Gender & Pronouns: Up to player.
Occupation: Up to player.
Sided with: Death Eaters.
Faceclaim: Up to player.
School: Hogwarts.
House: Up to player.
Extra curricular: Up to player.
Up to player.
Up to player.
Up to player.
Twin brother of Alecto Carrow.
Up to player.
Amycus is currently OPEN and played by PLAYER.
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centuriesrpg · 2 years
Actualización personajes canon:
Avery, Richard
Longbottom, Alice
Black, Arcturus
Black, Alphard
Black, Andrómeda
Black, Bellatrix
Black, Cassiopea
Black, Cygnus
Black, Druella
Black, Marius
Black, Narcissa
Black, Orion
Black, Pollux
Black, Regulus
Black, Sirius
Black, Walburga
Bones, Amelia
Bones, Edgar
Burke, Caractacus
Carrow, Amycus
Crouch, Caspar
Crouch, Charis
Crouch, Bartemius
Diggory, Amos
Digle, Dedalus
Doge, Elphias
Dolohov, Antonin
Dumbledore, Albus
Dumbledore, Aberforth
Evans, Lily
Evans, Petunia
Fenwick, Benji
Figg, Arabella
Fletcher, Mundungus
Flitwick, Filius
Greengrass, Gareth
Greengrass, Keith
Hagrid, Rubeus
Hooch, Rolanda
Karkarov, Igor
Lestrange, Rabastan
Lestrange, Rodolphus
Lupin, Remus
Longbottom, Frank
Lovegood, Pandora
Lovegood Xenophilius
Malfoy, Lucius
McDonald, Mary
McGonagall, Minerva
McKinnon, Marlene
Meadowes, Dorcas
Minchum, Harold
Moody, Alastor
Ollivander, Garrick
Pettigrew, Peter
Prewett, Fabian
Prewett, Gideon
Prewett, Lancelot
Prewett, Mafalda
Prewett, Muriel
Podmore, Sturgis
Pomfrey, Poppy
Potter, James
Quirrell, Quirinus
Riddle, Tom
Rosier, Evan
Shacklebolt, Kingsley
Sinistra, Aurora
Slughorn, Horace
Snape, Severus
Sprout, Pomona
Trelawney, Sybill
Vance, Emmeline
Vector, Septima
Weasley, Arthur
Weasley, Molly
Yaxley, Corban
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succiducus · 21 days
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{manish dayal, 35, non-binary, they/them} We are so glad to see you safe, CROWN ROYAL MUNJAL BHATI of THE MUGHAL EMPIRE! It’s dangerous out in the world these days, but I hear that you are SARCASTIC and ADAPTABLE enough to handle it. Just don’t let your NONCHALANCE bring you down! Stay on your guard, because with your secret being at risk for exposure, you wouldn’t want everyone to find out you idolize the person responsible for the death of the previous monarchs. threads: 2/5 | drafted: 0/0 | biography + connections | next reply: tba
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b a s i c s //
birth name: munjal hassan bhati
birthday: tbd
occupation: crown royal of the mughal empire
orientation: asexual / aromantic
status: single
languages: gujarati, hindi, english, persian
character influences: zant (tloz: twilight princess), amycus carrow (hp)
tarot card: the emperor
p e r s o n a l i t y //
The confidence that a childhood of love and ease under the rule of the Sharma's made them fearless and cocky. They've never needed affirmations of their worth nor did they worry about needing to protect themselves from negative forces; they had all the necessary tools to prevail in their belt and in their mind. Highly intelligent and well-trained in combat and strategy, Munjal used these traits to gain whatever they wanted, whenever they wished it. However, corrupt wasn't a word to describe them. They have morales, even if a bit a crooked and selfish, and hurting the empire they grew up in isn't a thought in their mind. Regardless of thirst for power or influence, Munjal has a gentleness about them. As the younger Bhati twin, Munjal loves attention and praise whether it's negative or positive; they love their elder sibling with everything they have and will go great lengths to protect them, especially now that they've secured the throne of the empire. They're a bit of a nuisance; they've turned down every betrothal, their sarcastic tongue gets them in trouble, and can be a bit flighty and mean when necessary (or when hungry). Their softer side is a rarity, protected by sarcasm, politics, and nonchalance but they're not unleveled in thought - they know when to quit.
p r e s e n t d a y //
The death of the Sharma's didn't quite come as the surprise they were hoping for; they had made a terrible decision to gather the grieving and non-grieving nations from around the world under the guise of a grand memoriam that turned out to be a party. Munjal knew that it had placed a bitter taste in the mouths of the bereaved yet they figured that if there were to be an attack, the might and power of their military would push them back. They were wrong, of course. Usually one to gather gossip with wide eyes and an amused smile, Munjal stopped laughing when the empire was sent into chaos. So when their elder sibling suggested that they do something in order to help, Munjal followed. Once idolizing the Sharma's, inheriting their empire wasn't exactly what they thought it would be either; chaos had not only erupted in the streets of Delhi, chaos was also written behind the scenes of their empire as well. And now it was their job to support their twin in their rule as the Bhati's worked to gain the respect and support of an empire torn by death. Only two questions remained, however, who had done in their empresses? And when could they meet them?
c o n n e c t i o n s //
to be written
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yasmtine · 3 years
closed starter ! / @acvrrcw​
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       she’s finished earlier than expected, fingers achy from how firm yasemine had been craddling her wand during the practical section of the defense against the dark arts exam. the proctor had made her feel rushed - spewing instructions at a pace faster than she could match most times, but the sigh of relief that comes once the doors behind her close is settling. the opportunity to close her eyes for a moment ; a weight falling off her chest now that the end of her week is closer to reach. however, it only lasts a few moments before the lecture hall door opens and closes behind her. yasemine only offers a slight turn of her head and that’s all she needs to decipher who is standing behind her. “ -- easy, don’t you think ?” there’s that confident smile back on her lips, the innate desire to prove him wrong. 
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purkissmyass · 3 years
when: 28 december 1979 where: diagon alley near site of magical menagerie who: @amycusronan​
Doris couldn’t help her curiosity. Now that the Christmas holidays had past, she had found time to go ahead and investigate the site of the fire that had occurred at the Magical Menagerie, unable to stop herself. It was a real life event that she could look into on her own (even if nothing really came of it). She was so absorbed in what she was doing, she almost didn’t notice someone creep up on her. “Oh, it’s you.”
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ivytravers · 3 years
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“If you’re here to tell me off for pissing off Lestrange the other day, save your breath.” 
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lmxlfoy · 3 years
Carrow. Always a pleasure to meet you.
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Tem se portado de maneira adequada ou é necessário que eu puxe sua coleira?
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prijaavery · 4 years
WHEN: 16 February, 1979 WHERE: Slytherin Common Room WHO: @theworstcarrow​
Despite sharing a common room with Amycus, Prija was rather certain she hadn’t noticed the boy since primary school. It was likely if it weren’t for Alecto, he’d have continued to remain off her radar here at Hogwarts still. As it were, she sat down next to boy Carrow and said softly in greeting, “Hey, Amycus. What are you up to?” 
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adrianvallancourt · 4 years
WHEN: 28 February, 1979 WHERE: The Hog’s Head WHO: @theworstcarrow​
The Hog’s Head was not Adrian’s pub of choice, the typically unsavory patrons and consistently unsavory sanitation a bother to him. However, as the snow fell thick and fast outside keeping most people indoors or huddled in the Three Broomsticks, he preferred its solitude. Amycus and Adrian, effectually, had the bar to themselves. “Tab’s on me,” he said to both Amycus and the bartender. “You can leave the bottle.”
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ncrcissy-black · 4 years
❝ Out for a little walk in the moonlight, are we? ❞ @evcnesco​  
She looked over at him with a sigh, turning to face him. “It’s not illegal.” Narcissa said simply with a shrug. The girl was having a hard time sleeping since the news of her mother. She was worried about the woman and feeling a little bad about having moved out and not spending much time with the woman. There was a lot going on in her mind normally but now it was even worse. “You’re out here too.” 
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benjyfvnwick · 5 years
Today brought with it yet another shitty day at the ministry.
After the attack on Puddletown, it seemed that everyone had gone into overdrive to deal with the fallout. Even Muggle Liaison were having a hard time keeping it contained, what with Muggle-Borns going home and telling their parents and friends what had happened in a state of shock. The Obliviators had been out in full force, and Benjy had found himself putting in a hell of a lot of unpaid and underappreciated overtime in order to adequately deal with the work load. Paired with his bruised ribs from the explosion in the pub whilst trying to get Belby out, and Benjy was having a pretty shitty fortnight. 
He hated his job at times like this.
That was why Benjy had decided that tonight he wasn’t going to bother doing overtime and writing reports that would either get stolen or thrown out, and instead was going to use those free hours to go and see his brother. Benjy hadn’t mentioned anything of the attack to him - didn’t want to worry him needlessly, but he figured that Alex must have realised something was up considering how little they’d talked over the fortnight and that Benjy had cancelled their regular Saturday meet up with little explanation.
At five o’clock on the dot, Benjy slipped his coat on and left the Ministry via the muggle entrance. He could’ve apparated, but he enjoyed the walk. The therapist he’d started to see recommended it, and Benjy had to admit that it was helping to clear his mind. Even with the pain in his ribs, it was far more enjoyable than catching the Underground at rush hour regardless. 
About half of the way to Alex’s flat, Benjy began to feel that someone was following him. The man that was just a short distance behind him appeared to be taking each and every turn that Benjy did. Telling himself he was just being paranoid and it’s bloody London of course people are walking behind you idiot, Benjy shook it off - though he did speed up his pace a little bit, just to try and ease his mind.
About three quarters of the way there, Benjy started taking short cuts to decide whether the man was really following him. A glance over his shoulder every now and then didn’t give Benjy much to work with, and often the man had disappeared....but then a short while up the road Benjy spotted him again. His pace quickened once more, and after a few sharp turns and a trip down an alleyway, Benjy was certain that he’d managed to lose the man. If the man was truly following him at all, that was.
And now he was in sight of Alex’s flat. A flat warded so heavily that no magical person other than those approved by Benjy could get anywhere near the front door. Safety. Breathing a sigh of relief, Benjy’s pace slowed back to normal and he even allowed himself to smile at the thought of getting Chinese takeout with his brother and spending an evening enjoying each other’s company. 
Just as his stomach started to growl at the thought of Chinese, Benjy felt something clamp around his wrist. His gaze shot down to spot someone else’s hand gripping his wrist tightly, and then everything went black. 
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