#c: kseniya
sometimes i think about how my darling rogue has more or less had a Disney Princess arc. only with more murder.
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ghostfvcker · 1 year
oc tag game!
I was tagged by @shellibisshe to do this!! I'm tagging @lesbian-croft @fizziefizzco (i think everyone else has been tagged?)
thank you for tagging me!!
favorite oc:
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zirse of loudwater
as much as I wanted to put any other brain baby, Zirse is top of the chain. She's so interesting and multifaceted while maintaining that up-and-coming folk hero vibe. She's so genuine, and so kind, she's everything I've ever wanted to exemplify. Her struggles are so tangible. Everything hinges on her giving everything she has.
newest oc:
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technically, quinn isn't even my newest oc. she's the one who is a) newest b) has a faceclaim c) has a name. in the time between when I made quinn in late april and now i have been working on a brand new silent hill oc, but still don't know what to do with her yet. so! quinn goes here lol
quinn crawford
oldest oc:
okay. story time. Cali has yet to have a spot on my oc page. I haven't mentioned her. AT ALL.
no header here
cali scott
Cali is my FIRST creepypasta oc. She was created in... literally i think it was like fall of 2012, when i was in the seventh grade and first got into creepypasta. I have tried many times to retire her, simply because very few things that are created by eleven year olds stand up to the test of time.... but she remains. She was created as a self-insert who was just a rough around the edges tomboy turned into a vigilante, preying on predators, who just... developed an addiction to human blood. She was a very chill, balanced character in the creepypasta mansion where everyone was off-the-walls high-octane insane but still able to keep up with them, that she is just a requirement to that setting. she evens everything out.
meanest oc:
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kseniya ignatyeva
so it dawned on me that I don't make mean ocs without reason-- many of my ocs are nice, even if they're sociopathic, or are cruel but choose to be kind. Kseniya is a sharp edge in contrast to all of that. She can choose to be kind, she will sometimes try, but she is super untrusting and ruthless when she has to be. As a bioweapon, she's literally a killing machine.
softest oc:
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nickey d'angelo
this poor bby. she just wants to hang out and protect her friends. :,)
most standoffish oc:
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caeneth clay
she is. so hard to get close to. She keeps people at arms length always.
dumbest oc:
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quinn crawford
look. she is a himbo. that's her thing. she's not exactly the smartest in regards to her powers and is constantly like. getting herself in trouble for being beast'd out for days afterwards. she's foolish
smartest oc:
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tasya van olso
tasya is very sharp. she's quick-witted and learns things easily, especially through lectures. she's literally exploring and expanding her understanding of reality through her pact. intelligence is like, her second or third highest stat for a reason.
oc you'd be friends with irl:
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willow weyland
willow is so human to me. many of my ocs are just, self inserts or facets of myself but willow's experiences are so real, and human. as im writing her story again, for the third time, this time in her own world in a space where she can breathe, she's just. ugh. my brain baby loml
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wetbloodworm · 1 year
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orlovsky siblings! kseniya, ivan, avdotya. heights are absolutely not accurate here, this is just a reference and general comparison.
it’s bugging me that i drew ivan’s eyes too close together but i already put my tablet away and i’m gearing up for a nap so i’m not fucking changing them right now. imagine that i drew his face better. maybe i’ll edit this post to fix him but don’t hold your breath
also, old pic, but dropping a pic of their parents here to keep the whole family together. nikolay and alyona. rip. under a cut b/c the pic feels huge compared to the actual intended focus of this post
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florasearlethirdyear · 2 months
FMP: The Artistic Crisis Period Pt.1. Experiments and Advice. LO2, LO3 & LO4.
Week 8
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Started Thursday in yet another bad art block. Worked on a poster and scrapped designs multiple times, went for a walk to take a step back but felt still in a rut. Discussed with Sally potential directions and advised me to go to Hastings again, or explore more local seasides. Visiting Hastings will be difficult as the trains are expensive and very long. My boyfriend could take me but is not free for another two weeks, time I can't waste at this stage. I will be keeping an eye on the trains and buses for discounted journeys, as I do agree it would be more helpful for me to see it properly in-person, perhaps gather some perspective from the town's residents.
I also sought advice from Joseph in the print and bindery room, discussing methods in which I could make ornamental type. Ornamental type is rare and at university we only have very small metal blocks of individual patterns. So in order to achieve this, Joseph showed me the large wooden block prints and how ornamental metal blocks could be used in conjunction with this. Joseph also got me thinking about what I truly love to do. We discussed how the combination of 19th century design with contemporary is probable, but difficult.
When thinking to practises I enjoy I thought back to my time on the illustration course and how I loved creating things more, because I wasn't striving for perfectionism. I think I have been going through an art block because of the pressure of creating something "perfect" for my last project...after all, this is something that is going to represent me and has the potential of determining my future in the industry. So, taking myself back to the basics and drawing freely, I felt this image to encompass what I want to achieve:
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Inspired by Louise Lockhart, imagery would be playful and contemporary. In my research I found that she uses paper cut outs, and this was my favourite use of material during my illustration course. I find it easily malleable and there's a charm in the odd mistakes. Bringing it back to my studies of ornamental design, Lockhart employs the use of more traditional type in her work, and this is where I can see this becoming a part of my project. The next consideration is how this applies to the signage in the fairground, but that's a thought for next week. My next step is to get started on the cutouts!
Sally also gave me some books to look at for inspiring type:
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Ladies of Letterpress By Jessica C. White and Kseniya Thomas.
I loved all these ornamental styles but again, I found it so hard to visualise how I could make it with the skills that I have. The whale picture got me thinking back to the more naive illustrations and ultimately led me to this idea.
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avalonmulciber · 2 years
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Avalon Mulciber && Kseniya Dolohova ( @bvrgins )
wilson (expensive mistakes) - fall out boy
strange girl - the zolas
плохо - кислота
do i wanna know - arctic monkeys
queen of hearts - cousin tony’s brand new firebird
you’re so fucking pretty - the regrettes
albion - babyshambles
я сошла с ума - t.a.t.u
(you’re better) than ever - illuminati hotties
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ainsley-jean · 3 years
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who: @bvrgins​
“Is, like, everything here cursed?” Ainsley looked around, thinking she might have found herself in the wrong place. “Someone said this place might have antique-looking curtain rods, but I’m really not looking to get stranged by drapery.”
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arcturus-regulus · 3 years
who: @bvrgins​
“You know one of these dolls has murdered someone.”
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it was always a good day when he had a reason to stop in at borgin & burkes, and, being that today was one of those days, amycus was wearing a grin as he moved down the street. given that it was a day where amycus was stopping in to pick up something fun, something he planned to put to use soon, possibly even with his latest target... amycus was probably only a few moments short of whistling when he entered the shop, his spirits were so high. but the look on the scrawny, if not at all tiny, blonde creature before him did not match up with the mood amycus was in, and he frowned, leaning across the counter. “why are you pouting, this is supposed to be a good day, remember? what’s the matter?”
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yasmtine · 3 years
closed ! / @bvrgins​​
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    “ kseniya , my lovely -  how have you been ? not letting your o.w.l.s get the best of you , right ? i’m always forgetting you’re young in your years but very much capable.  ”  
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lucianabxlla · 4 years
“Kseniya, there you are!”, Luciana greeted as she quickly walked towards the girl that she realized she hasn’t seen in a while. “I hope you don’t mind walking tonight. It’s the best way to see the art around the streets.” ( @kscniya )​
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honeysidesarchived · 3 years
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“after love, no one is what they were before.”
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wetbloodworm · 1 year
i made some family trees for my rescueverse kids using this website! just some of them, like tolys has two brothers but that's the extent of that tree that i've got sorted out w/ no other interesting familial connections to other characters.
edit: the order of the pics gets fucked up on my blog, sorry about that! put '[pic #]' under reach space one of the pics is supposed to be among the text
you have to have a person selected so there's a bold-outlined person in each of these screenshots, which is either done at random or to show the maximum amount of people. also i manually made the nonbinary characters' blocks purple BUT the website does allow for nonbinary family members! those blocks are just white and i thought that was boring. grayed out names indicate deceased family members, thicker lines connecting couples indicate an existing relationship while thinner lines indicate exes.
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[pic one]
starting off with the kotovs! this is the only one containing named grandparents because Lubov is at her base loosely inspired by 1P nyo general winter, so she gets to be there. technically all my russian grandfathers are named at least b/c i've got everyone's patronymics sorted out but god that would've gotten messy.
i tried to keep siblings in order of age but that didn't always work out. maxim IS older than konstantin, but yevgeny is older than asya. there was an option to add birthdays so i'm not sure if that would've shuffled things around but i didn't have the patience for that so it's FINE.
i'm not fully set on zhana and tanya being only children, though they are right now. i've thought about sergey having more cousins on his mom's side of the family before but hm. i don't know.
this tree also gets totally fucked in fallen au because of what i've done to asya's parent situation. here's the fallen au family tree below
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[pic two]
why did i do this to myself. like i love asya's story in fallen and how she has to work on healing her personal relationship with being a changeling but god why did i do this to myself. had to edit this in CSP to get the full tree to show.
debated over making yevgeny maxim's son still in this au or making him [bio dad]'s son; i've drawn him as a changeling before but like is that really a good enough reason to scooch him around. really there's no good reason for any of this, and asya hasn't addressed having a half-brother in fallen, so i finally decided to leave him on the changeling side of the family. THEN i debated making asya and yevgeny full siblings instead of half siblings but. no. i've fucked up things enough as it is.
no idea what sergey's family's surname is in fallen. it can't be kotov/kotova because that'd make no sense. maybe i just make it lebedev/lebedeva and just make it so zhana kept [bio dad]'s surname. i don't know. i don't know!
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[pic three]
ANYWAY the orlovskys! the lighter line connecting ivan to the belyakovs indicates they're his foster parents, with the rest of that family not showing in this screen. i tried to edit the two trees together but i don't think it was super clear. ivan had a lot of foster families but the belyakovs were the ones he was the closest to, so it felt important to include them in his tree. avdotya and kseniya had some foster families as well, of course, but i haven't thought on them much beyond the fact that the kids didn't stay connected with any of them.
i wanted to include the bryants, another family crucial to ivan's development/backstory, but they only let you add a secondary set of parents, no more. alas. the bryants actually adopt him in at least one AU (doctor horrible au) so i feel bad not having them on here but alas!!
alyona and nikolay being only children is canon, and both of their parents predeceased them. the orlovsky kids didn't have any living relatives after the house fire, aside from each other.
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[pic four]
and then the belyakovs! again, they had several foster kids over the years, but ivan's the only one that reconnected later on in life and stuck around after that, so he gets to be in the tree. he's got complicated feelings about considering himself part of this family tbh but he's ON THE TREE.
idk if klara and ilya are only children, so there might be cousins out there i haven't sorted out. if i do come up with them i'll update this post, but for now it's just them. my parents have three siblings each and i've got uhhh i think. eleven cousins i think? so these trees seem way too small compared to my frame of reference. which is why i'm overthinking the aunts/uncles thing a bit. it's fine. it's fine
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[pic five]
finally, the o'lorcains! and the gibsons i guess. lyle has a surname now.
considered marking eamon as deceased but i think he's only dead in gta au. as a kindness to cian i'm making the decision that eamon's only dead in gta au.
it's an in-joke in this family that after madigan and erin, it's just all boys all the way down. madigan has four sons, erin has one son, shea has two sons. they thought grant broke the streak at first but then lyle came out and order was restored.
lyle is technically cian's first cousin once removed but cian just refers to him as his nephew. i think that's not uncommon for that familial connection? doesn't matter, that's his nephew.
i think flynn might also be married but i know he doesn't have any kids yet so i'm not too pressed to name his spouse. eamon's a mystery to me.
cian's tree can also get fucked up a bit depending on the AU, since there are AUs where arthur is his brother. i don't know how that works out with [gestures at tree] all this but oh well.
okay i stayed up too late doing this, goodnight
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emmavhq · 3 years
“Have ye seen where my wee notebook went? Swore to Salazar it was on me bed.” @bvrgins​
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ardenconway · 3 years
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her parents were hosting something at their mansion, anyone who was anyone was here and arden had gotten dressed up and was drinking champagne. it was unofficially a “dinner party” much more relaxed than how people were dressing towards this thing but people liked to impress. they didn’t hold them very often but it seemed that it was just to proper moment. arden had already run into the many matches her parents had tried to set up for her and she had dodged them as much as she could, sneaking around with the elves to find something stronger to drink. all the attention were on her parents and their guests and while normally that would make her angry she didn’t seem to mind it tonight. she had found herself in her one of the many sitting rooms, it wasn’t as populated, she had taken the bottle of firewhiskey and had sat down on the couch and poured a generous amount into a cup before looking up. “are you here to join me?”
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lizardgoats · 7 years
What does letterpress mean to you? Letterpress is all tied up in my head with ways of creating community. It's a way to create a shared experience that is totally analog. It also is a way of stretching out time, and cultivating a different kind of relationship to time. It teaches you to pay attention.
Sarah Nicholls in Ladies of Letterpress: A Gallery of Prints with 86 Removable Posters, by Kseniya Thomas and Jessica C. White
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sunlitscribe · 3 years
Wbw for Niya pls?
full name: kseniya kozar
gender: cis-female
sexuality: bisexual
pronouns: she/her
family: zilya kozar (mother), radovan kozar (father), anise borisova (grandmother on mother’s side)
birthplace: ravka — ryevost
job: heartrender in the second army
phobias: dying, loosing people
guilty pleasures: attention, big meals, stuff she deems frivolous like pretty jewelry, the darkling
morality alignment?: neutral good
sins - lust/greed/gluttony/sloth/pride/envy/wrath
virtues - chastity/charity/diligence/humility/kindness/patience/justice
T H I S - O R - T H A T
close minded/open-minded:
otp: niya & the darkling
ot3: niya & reyka & the darkling ofc
brotp: niya & taras, niya & jai, niya & alina
notp: niya & baghra
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