galahadsrpboy · 6 months
continued from here
Tommy couldn't help but be a little disappointed at the pink rangers preparedness but then he should be surprised Andy was always the prepared one of the team. "Well I guess that depends on how your doing the shots" he said with a grin. "anyway I'm not going to begrudge the rest of the team enjoying themselves its not often that we get time off between fights" he said relaxing out "But I will say the hot tub is good on aching muscles" he said with a grin.
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galahadsboy · 1 year
Muse: Tommy Oliver, White Ranger
Plot: Tommy got convinced into doing something stupid to impress your muse
Open to: Men, boyfriend, crush, anything
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“Still don’t how you convinced me to do this” he said pulling himself out of the sticky red Jell-O. “did I at least do okay in the Jello Wrestling?” he asked
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jujulawrence · 9 months
Julian smiled the second he had set foot in Maine, even the air kissed his skin different now that he was here. There was a difference in pace of his stride, a little glee in his step as he made his way towards his friends home. The thought of him was enough to make Julian's breath hitch as he remembered the solace Tommy had provided, the warmth and comfort that he had only ever known with his family.
Maybe it was a rebound crush, his eyes immediately jumping onto the next attractive man they could find. But it having lasted this long, still feeling the pitter patter of his own heart falter at hearing his voice, he couldn't help but wonder why it lingered. Walking up to the front, he had texted the man as he was nearing his place, needing the keys to his own.
"Hi Tommy, sorry I got here so late my flight was delayed two times so I wasn't expecting to get here at this time. I'll get my keys and go...oh before I do I brought you something. Well two somethings actually." Julian mused as he brought out the contents in his backpack. "So these are two lego sets, and I just thought of you when I saw them, one is a small bonsai cherry blossom tree, and the other is a hyacinth."
"I know it might be a little silly, but I just wanted you to have them, and I might've also brought over some new games for us to play."
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rcidandcrson · 3 years
It had taken him a while to track the other male down but he’d managed it eventually. Unfortunately, it looked like the man was already getting up from the booth he’d been sitting at but Reid had crossed the distance in a matter of seconds, hand pressing down on the others shoulder with enough force to plant him back into his seat; definitely a little more firmly than was strictly necessary. Putting himself between Tommy and the exit, his hand came to rest on the back of the chair. “Goyle; what’s the rush? I believe we have some catching up to do.” He stated with a disturbingly wide grin on his face as he spoke in a tone that suggested it wasn’t up for debate. “Make yourself comfortable. This shouldn’t take too long.”
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ofstarshine · 3 years
 ❛ on halloween we dress as skeletons. but in reality, skeletons dress as us. ❜ ~ @imfastasfxckboi​
 “Have you been doing drugs? Did you drink some mad hatter tea? Follow my finger.” Mar’i said confused and looking over the boy. It was the only explanation to her as to why she was subjective to this intrusive thought. “I suppose you’re right however, thought it is unsettling. Does it count if they never take us off however?”
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poppy-battenberg · 3 years
“Alright,” Poppy said as she clapped her hands together. “You get eaten by a giant rat again and I’m personally gonna break into the arena to take you out myself.”
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itsellataylor · 4 years
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“is it the brooding image that holding a cigarette gives you,” because it was working, there was something almost aesthetically pleasing about it, “or does it actually do something for you?” she asked, approaching tommy where he was smoking. she was no smoker, but had learned to tolerate it after she moved in with her father. || @ofthomas​
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She’d begged her sister to go for her, tried bribing her brother with a few crumpled one dollar bills she found in her pocket, and considered calling her father at work and asking him to stop by the store on his way home. But in the end she was on her own. If it weren’t for her mother she wouldn’t have ventured out of the safety of her childhood home, then again if it weren’t for her mother she wouldn’t be back in Beaumont to begin with. After a quick pep talk in her car where she told herself no one would recognize her, Maggie took a deep breath and walked into the same store she’d entered a million times before in a past life. Avoiding all eye contact, she made her way up and down the aisles, filling her cart with everything on her mother’s list and almost successfully avoiding anyone she knew... until she saw him. Her heart sank and her stomach flipped, palms went sweaty, and everything felt too bright. He looked good, but Tommy Lee had always looked good to her, even first thing in the morning with his hair ruffled and clothes rumpled. But he was the last person she needed to see, even if her instincts were telling her to walk right up and wrap her arms around him. Moving quickly, she hurried, trying to get to the next aisle, hoping he wouldn’t see her, the wheels of the cart squeaked as she rounded the corner too quickly. Then, losing balance as the cart spun on two wheels and she slipped on the hard floor beneath her, and went flying into a towering display of toilet paper. Her chances of going unnoticed were blown as she sat in the pile, frozen in humiliation. 
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cfweaponx · 5 years
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Rowan leaves the cafeteria as soon as she can. There’s someone there, she can see them but no one else even seems to notice. Do they not care? She can’t stand this, she won’t go back. Andy disappeared a few times, and then they killed her. Rowan--now with a name and a desire for freedome--knows that going back would be painful if not deadly.
She runs, looking over her shoulder for the mutants hunting her. Too distracted to notice the other in the hall until she crashes into him. She throws up a telekinetic shield, certain they’d attack. @feelthestxrm
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weapxnisedgirl · 6 years
@feelthestcrm said:  ❝ remember to always check your candy! ❞
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Klara was taking a rest, and eating some of the candy she’d been given when Tommy’s words made her frown. “Check it? What for?” she asks. There was so much going on, and so many types of candy. Some of them, she was realising, were better than others. She and Sabrina had gotten a lot in their trick or treating.
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chaxticgood · 6 years
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“Hey... Tommy... Have you noticed anything... odd about Cassie’s behaviour lately?” It had been bugging Miri for a little bit, but she couldn’t put her finger on what it was exactly.
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galahadsrpboy · 6 months
Continued from here
Tommy grinned at the other man as he stripped and joined him in the hot tub. "We'll I was hoping that a cute boy to join me in the tub" he said sliding closer to other man. "I guess I succeeded" he said with a grin. "How's the party inside?"
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galahadsboy · 2 years
Which of the guys has the most sensitive pits?
"um i'm ticklish if that counts"
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"if there's one thing that never fails to get me hard"
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cquackity · 3 years
c!techno -> scary dog privilege
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ororomunrce-blog · 3 years
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“TOMMY! You’ve got 10 seconds to get this room back in order or so help me your mother will have to use an icepick to get you out of the iceberg I put you in! And that’s being GENEROUS! ONE...TWO..” Storm yelled after seeing the mess her place was in. @imfastasfxckboi​
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un-cagedbird · 5 years
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“He’s still so tiny, Tommy. I just feel like I’m going to break him. But god forbid anyone else try, you know?” Wren had never had siblings, and after everything she’d been through she’d felt very hardened and tough. Every so often, the softness she felt with Avery’s son made her feel took her by surprise. In her mind, the only person who’d get that was Tommy, who’d been through that shit with her.
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