#cadets homestuck hell hole :]
firecrackrz · 2 years
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he's done :3
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firecrackrz · 2 years
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pickle inspector sprite edit wips in order (edit: please look at my other posts!!! this is finished now!!!)
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firecrackrz · 2 years
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woah cool post of my troll midnight crew for a rp server im in
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firecrackrz · 2 years
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tfw you go to sleep and you wake up not on that familar purple moon, but drifting through the vast expanses of space your kind hasn't even BEGUN to explore. you come face to face with a troll much larger than yourself, impaled on a sword and wearing the head of a dog. what in gods name did you just get yourself into.
(it's his ancestor lol)
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firecrackrz · 2 years
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peep this rq
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firecrackrz · 2 years
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firecrackrz · 2 years
hi again
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firecrackrz · 2 years
hm. look at this
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firecrackrz · 2 years
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ONE DOWN three to go. spades slick beloved. i love small details
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firecrackrz · 2 years
do doze for the felt tbh series please they’re so funny to me
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wish granted
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firecrackrz · 2 years
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hi i have nothing to post so have some bec noir plans I GUESS? excuse the writing i was in the middle of class
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firecrackrz · 2 years
i should draw my epinlogje epilpigr POST-COMIC jack noir lineup. fuck the actual ending of HS that shit sucked ass let's have all the jack noirs be friends i think
except for LJE he's busy in a different thing im procrastinating thinking about
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firecrackrz · 2 years
i see the jack noir enjoyers have found me
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firecrackrz · 2 years
Hi hi tell me about your jack noir aus ^_^ this is not a question it is a COMMAND
okay i shall regale u with the tale of Union Jack/LJE and how he hijacked a spaceship and fucked off into space. (i could also tell you about Spades Slick's Guide To City Improvement but that's something entirely different)
this is definitely not ALL of what i have abt this au but it's all i can remember rn lmfao
okay so yknow how lord jack english whatever his name is (i will call him LJE (lord jack english) for now) died???? not anymore he's alive now. fuck the epilogues by the way
he got fixed up by (someone who I haven't decided on yet. they were not there when he woke up) and decided to go explore wherever the hell he was. he ended up hijacking a spaceship and fucking off into space forever.
look at this sketch of him and the robot he found on the spaceship (scratchbot)
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scratchbot is not nearly as omniscient and etc. as scratch and he's also LESS OF A BITCH./lh i also have a sprite of him somewhere
jack fixed him after finding him broken because he figured. fuck it. ill need a friend why not
basically the entire au is just LJE and scratchbot exploring the universes etc etc. (and snowman. she managed to get on the ship before jack flew off into space)
also LJE♦️snowman is the only thing that matters here forever and ever ASHHFSHCHBWHFEJF
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firecrackrz · 2 years
holds all of my thoughts in my head instead of posting them because explaining things from the beginning is hard
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firecrackrz · 2 years
sorry if i sound obnoxious or clingy or w/e but i REALY WANNA SEE JACK NOIR CITY IMPOROVEMENT POST PLZ :O
key points before i start barking:
- this is where the SS sprite edit comes from (sort of. i made the edit before i made the au)
- dad egbert is alive (somehow) ((this is important later))
- no jack noir has died in this au (including LJE. see previous au post)
ANYWAYS. i will try to be less insane this time but i just love love love love love talking about my stupid self-indulgent aus thank you 4 enabling me/LH
there are... two major storylines in this au! one is significantly more important (it's about spades slick and. helping the ~~4~~ 8 kids run the kingdoms) ((which i then ended up scrapping the kingdoms part in favor of my own earth c layout because. tbh i just don't like the kingdoms idea lol))
the more important storyline is about how after a few years after the end of homestuck/the start of earth c etc. etc. the ~~kingdoms~~ cities aren't doing so well (as they would because. do you really think 8 young adults would know how to run cities??? no!!!/lh). john is approached by slick because. hey. you know what slick did. (built an entire city up from nothing)
after a minor (see: Dave going "hey what the fuck aren't you supposed to be dead" to slick and getting stabbed in response) inconvenience, slick is allowed to see what the fuck the 8 are doing in terms of city planning. slick is not impressed. (he might not have had a big role in running midnight city after it got itself off the ground but... he still knows how to run a place and this aint how you'd do it).
shenanigans ensue (as they should) and then the other storyline collides with this one
the other (less important) storyline is about what happened to jack (bec) after he hit the ground during Collide ((this is where dad egbert is important)). jack is nursed back to health by dadbert instead of ms paint (because while i like that scene (jacks face was funny) i just need to set up this rarepair or i will die/lh) and... this entire storyline is just jack learning how to be a better person. jack still leads the felt (because slick is off doing something else ((see: city related things)) and this is where it would collide with the first one. jack and slick form a truce because as much as jack would probably like to destroy things with his new gang, slick doesn't even have a crew to fight against the felt with and... he's also too busy working on the city. and mr. egbert is another reason
John is slightly concerned that his dad is tagging along with that motherfucker (more aptly motherkiller/JOKE) but all is well (aside from the city. it is not well/j)
rambling over i have no more specifics to name
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