#carambola toxic
ladywellcare111 · 1 year
Starfruit After An Abortion For Fast Recovery | Carambola
Starfruit After An Abortion For Fast Recovery | Carambola #Starfruit #After #An #Abortion #For #Fast #Recovery | #Carambola #starfruit,carambola,averrhoa #carambola,carambola #tree,carambola #star #fruit,growing #starfruit,starfruit #abundance,carambola
A Nutrient-Packed Fruit for Fast Recovery After an Abortion Starfruit After An Abortion, it is crucial to prioritize your physical well-being and support your body’s healing process. One way to promote fast recovery is by incorporating nutritious foods into your diet. Among the many options, Starfruit stands out as a fruit with remarkable health benefits. This article will explore the healing…
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gameonoverdogcom · 6 months
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doggiefooditems · 1 year
Can Dogs Eat Apricots? Despite its origin in China, the apricot is not widely consumed in the country, at least not in its natural state. The dried apricot is often promoted as an ally in a healthy diet. What about pets? Does it also seem healthy? Is it acceptable for a canine to eat an apricot? Because apricots are rich in fiber, they increase satiety and assist in intestinal transit. Moreover, it is a delicious addition to bittersweet recipes, making it the perfect accompaniment to cheeses like brie. Find out if your dog can eat apricots with you below! Can I give my dog fresh apricots? Apricots are not on the list of fruits that dogs can eat, not even as a snack. The leaves, petiole, and seeds of the apricot contain a small concentration of toxic cyanide for dogs. Avoid leaving apricots and other whole fruits within reach of your dog. The fleshy part of the apricot (mesocarp) should also be controlled at the risk of causing digestive problems. When consumed in excess, it may cause vomiting and diarrhea. Can dogs eat apricot and other dried fruits? You know if dogs can eat fresh apricots, but what about dehydrated ones? Fresh apricots contain seeds, petioles, and other plant structures containing cyanide. However, it can also harm the furry. This high sugar concentration can inhibit digestion, resulting in long-term problems such as weight gain and diabetes. Dehydrated apricots are also among the fruits that dogs should not consume. A little piece of dehydrated apricot has a great chance of not harming your dog, but keep an eye out for other dried fruits that are toxic to our four-legged friends, such as raisins. See a veterinarian if your pet accidentally eats the food. How do I serve the fruit correctly? It should be offered as a snack and in a controlled quantity. "Snacks comprise up to 10% of an animal eats daily. Several times a week, Sylvia recommends giving the pet between a quarter and a half unit of dried or fresh apricots (always pitted). To serve the fruit, the tutor should remove the seed and peel it into small pieces over a clean. A veterinarian is the best source of information about the best presentation and types of snacks to give to an animal. Apricots: health risks The vet says if your dog eats the fruit, your pet may present vomiting, diarrhea, and weight gain. "The lump should be removed before offering the fruit to the dog, as it can cause gastrointestinal obstructions or inflammation, requiring surgery. Precautions As apricot contains high levels of oxalic acid, a substance that promotes the formation of stones in the urinary canal, dogs prone to this condition, especially puppies, and kibble dogs, should stay away from it. Finally, the vet reveals that animals with diabetes, a chronic disease that can lead to cataracts and even death if left untreated, cannot consume the fruit. What fruits are allowed for dogs? Many tutors don’t know but can give fruit to dogs! Foods rich in fiber and important micronutrients, such as vitamins, are sweet and tasty. Pets can replace industrialized foods, such as bingos, with these snacks from time to time. Please make sure, however, that the fruit is among the options allowed for your dog's species before giving him the fruit. Many fruits considered healthy for us can be extremely dangerous for dogs and cats, such as avocado, grape, and carambola. You might be curious about which fruits a dog can eat. Dogs can eat the following fruits: The seedless melon; watermelon; pear; apple; Banana. Before giving the fruit to the hairy, it is essential to remove the seeds to ensure their safety. Additionally, they can cause gastrointestinal obstruction depending on the size and amount ingested. In dogs, cyanide toxicity in animals can lead to troubled respiration, increased heart rate, and tremors. If a dog exhibit one or more of these symptoms seek veterinary assistance urgently.
When it is recommended to give fruit to a dog Dogs are allowed and are a healthier alternative than some commercial snacks rich in fats, preservatives, dyes, etc. "Fruits are a healthy snack, usually low in calories," says the veterinarian. "Fruits like watermelon and melon also aid digestion (because they contain fiber) and water intake," the author explains. The veterinarian warns, however, that, in excess, they can harm, even leading to the pet rejecting basic food and waiting for the fruit. You should serve the fruit according to the dog’s size when offering it. Experts recommend giving dogs fruit between meals and during training, limiting their intake to three times a week. Frequently Asked Questions Is it safe for dogs to eat dehydrated apricots? "Dried fruits should be avoided due to their high carbohydrate content. Veterinarians also explain that dehydrated fruit is difficult to digest, high in calories, and high in sugar, so the amount offered should be lower than fresh fruit. "This applies to apples, pears, bananas, and other dehydrated fruits," he adds. A diabetic or obese dog cannot eat an apricot. Can dog benefits from apricots The fruit acts as an antioxidant when offered correctly. It also contains nutrients and vitamins that promote health. It doesn't end there! Adalberto explains that apricot is rich in beta carotene, a carotenoid and pigment that stimulates the immune system and maintains high antibodies while fighting cancer. Can dogs eat apricots and peaches? In contrast to watermelon seeds, hard fruits like apricots, plums, cherries, and pears can harm your canine. In addition to being a choking danger, the pit also consists of adrenaline, a poisonous chemical substance suspected of contributing to health complications. Can Dogs Eat Apricots Jam? Although apricot jam is not toxic to dogs, it does contain too much sugar for them to eat. Too much sugar can cause problems for pets. Conclusion Are dogs able to eat apricots?    Dogs love apricots, but you must remove the stone first. You can give your dogs a boost of vitamins and a juicy, sweet treat by eating apricots or dried apricots. Pure includes tons of fruits and vegetables with lots more benefits for your dog than an apricot. Apples are rich in nutrients and vitamins and are great for digestion and gut mobility. Providing your dog with a complete meal with fruits with functional benefits is much better than overfeeding them with sweet snacks.
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grindyoursoul · 3 years
Star Fruit: Things Other Than Good Appearance
You must have come across the very alluring star fruit somewhere or other. People often wonder what start fruit tastes like. Chuck away the regular season fruits. It’s time to try something new and different. Star fruit is going to quench your thirst if you long for some uniqueness in your choice of fruits.
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There are plenty of fruits and vegetables to add variety and colors to your diet. Star fruit is one among them. It is gaining much more popularity than before these days. Everyone is becoming aware of the unusual fruit and asking questions. We are here to answer many of those questions.
Apart from an intriguing appearance, star fruit is often associated with several health benefits. We are going to discuss that one by one here.
What is a Star fruit?
The name star fruit is the common name given to the fruit named Carambola due to its resemblance with a star when cut. The origin of the star fruit is believed to be coming from either Sri Lanka or The Moluccas, the islands of Indonesia. But as of now, the fruit is being teleported and cultivated throughout Asia for about centuries now.  Southern China, India, and the Philippines are all now cultivators of the star fruit.
Star Fruit
As for the edible eligibility, the skin is edible and the flesh has a mild, sour flavor which makes it to the kitchen shelf for inclusion in several popular dishes.
The fruit is yellow or sometimes, green in color. It has majorly two types vaguely defined: the smaller one which is potentially sour and a larger one which essentially adds to the sweet tooth.
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Hope your query about how to eat star fruit was cleared. Let us now move on to an important aspect of the discussion- the nutritional value of the fruit.
Nutritional value:
However appealing the fruit might turn out to be, it holds a significant amount of nutritional goodness that you might want to know in detail.
Nutrition Value in Star Fruit
So, here you go:
Fiber: 3 grams.
Vitamin C: 52% of the RDI
Protein: 1 gram
Copper: 6% of the RDI
Magnesium: 2% of the RDI
Vitamin B5: 4% of the RDI
Potassium: 3% of the RDI
Folate: 3% of the RDI
Albeit the nutritional content may eme to be relatively low, it does make for a good source of Vitamin C for your daily requirement. Also, do not ignore the fact that this single serving gives you only 28 calories and 6 grams of carbs which I great for someone who is on a strict diet or wishes to maintain that good body weight.
A little more on how to eat star fruit:
Initially, it may seen like chomping on a wild plant. But, remember, trying new is the key! Do not stop yourself from diving into something great like this.
Here’s how you should be eating the fruit:
How to eat Star Fruit
The fruit must be ripe in     yellow color with only a bit of green hints to it.
Rinse it as you would do to any     other fruit.
Cut the ends off.
Now you slice it and there you     see the star shape formed which is the central zeal of the fruit.
Also, do not forget to take out     the seeds, and voila! You’re good to go.
Not to forget, it can be added to the diet in plenty of ways. Add to salad, desk dishes, stews, and curries, cook with seafood, to shellfish dishes, formulate a jam or chutney out of it, juice it, and put it in whichever way you like.
Star fruit benefits:
As mentioned earlier, this fruit is attributed to having a few health benefits. Let us see what those are:
Benefits of Star Fruit
Anticancer     benefits:
The very first benefit is a great head start to the list of benefits. The star fruit is known to have fibers of anticancer properties. Research has shown that star fruit can potentially act as a preventive measure of the deadliest disease- cancer. The toxicity is culminated because of the fiber of the star fruit.
Star fruit is filled with antioxidants which give it the power of anti-inflammatory properties. The symptoms of psoriasis and dermatitis can be helped with this fruit to some extent.
Weight     loss:
What’s better than such a delicious weight loss agent? The high fiber star fruit helps boost the metabolism of your body. Also, as mentioned earlier, the fruit has minimal calories and a great amount of vitamin C which essentially helps in weight loss.
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Immunity     booster:
What’s more in a star fruit- it has the properties of immunity-boosting substances. Since it is loaded with Vitamin C, you know it is a great option to chuck away the casual diseases. White blood cells production is pumped which eventually results in great immunity.
Respiratory     health improved:
Because of the anti-inflammatory properties, it eases out the soreness in your throat by cutting down try phlegm and mucus. It is a choice of many people during cold and cough or even influenza.
Happy     heart:
Star fruit jeeps your heart happy and healthy. Sodium and potassium in decent amounts help a great deal in enhancing the health of your heart.
Health     risk:
Not ignoring the fact that star fruit also poses some potential threat to a certain population.
People with kidney diseases best not have the star fruit as it might hinder their recovery and harm them. Also, an extremely important point to note here is that the star fruit is also a carrier of neurotoxin that can harm your brain and lead to neurological disorders. People with healthy kidneys can release these toxins easily. But, for kidney patients, it gets accumulated and harms their body and head.
Original post is here : https://www.grindyoursoul.com/star-fruit-things-other-than-good-appearance/
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Fearsome Foods Followup: Dragon Fruit and Star Fruit
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So as requested by @gweninwonder, today we will be learning about his homie star fruit and his guy dragon fruit.
Dragon Fruit
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Dragon fruit is a the production of cactus in the Hylocereus family whose flowers only bloom at night. It is native to Mexico and Centeal America. Typically the fruit is red skinned with white flesh and black seeds but can have red flesh and even more rare yellow flesh. Dragon Fruit is a great way to impress your dinner guests.
Here are the nutrition facts for a serving of 3.5 ounces, or 100 grams
Calories: 60
Protein: 1.2 grams
Fat: 0 grams
Carbs: 13 grams
Fiber: 3 grams
Vitamin C: 3% of the RDI
Iron: 4% of the RDI
Magnesium: 10% of the RDI
While this fruit does not pose any toxic risks to most people, there have been a few rare instances in people having allergic reactions.
Dragon Fruit has a taste closest to Kiwi, with sweet flesh and crunchy blacl seeds. The flesh is not edible.
To prepare it, first squeeze the fruit gently. A ripe one with give slightly. The take a night and cut the fruit in half. This fruit does not have a pit. So you can either cube it up or scoop it out and enjoy.
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Star Fruit
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Star fruit is a sweet and sour, five point fruit. It is also known as carambola. The star fruit is yellow or green in color. It comes in two main types: a smaller, sour variety and a larger, sweeter one. The flesh is edible.
This is the nutrient content of a single, medium-sized (91-gram) star fruit (1):
28 calories
6 grams of carbs
Fiber: 3 grams
Protein: 1 gram
Vitamin C: 52% of the RDI
Vitamin B5: 4% of the RDI
Folate: 3% of the RDI
Copper: 6% of the RDI
Potassium: 3% of the RDI
Magnesium: 2% of the RDI
There is some warnings behind star fruit due to its oxalate content. People with kidney issues should avoid star fruit and people taking perscription drugs should note that, like grapefruit, compounds in star fruit could alter the way the drug is broken down in your body.
To prepare Make sure it’s ripe — a ripe star fruit should be primarily yellow with only hints of green. Rinse the fruit under water. Cut off the ends. Slice it. Remove the seeds and enjoy.
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collinntdl111 · 4 years
Just How To Gain Weight Quickly
Exactly How To Prepare Star Fruit.
Celebrity Fruit 101
Healthy Weight And Also Bmi Calculator Graph For Adult Males And Female.
Wellness Risks.
Popular On Food52.
Just How To Prepare Star Fruit.
To start with, you shouldn't mix vegetables and fruits with each various other. Secondly of all, you shouldn't also combine specific fruits with each various other. This generally relies on the rate of food digestion of different vegetables and fruits. Several permutations that you are making are probably impeding optimal digestion and assimilation.
Star Fruit 101
How fast do star fruit trees grow?
Carambola trees grown in wind-protected areas may begin to produce fruit within 10 to 14 months after planting. Generally, 10 to 40 lbs (4.5 to 18 kg) of fruit per year per tree can be expected during the first two to three years.
Healthy Weight As Well As Bmi Calculator Graph For Grown-Up Men And Women.
Store star fruit on the counter at room temperature far from sunlight. Depending upon the ripeness, star fruit will keep for a few days. Once the fruit's ridges have transformed from green to light brown, shop it in the refrigerator for as much as four days to maintain it from obtaining as well ripe.
Health And Wellness Threats.
Jackfruit is generally used in South and Southeast Asian cuisines. The jackfruit is the national fruit of Bangladesh as well as Sri Lanka, and the state fruit of the Indian states of Kerala and Tamil Nadu. It is offered globally tinned or iced up and in cooled meals as are numerous items stemmed from the fruit such as noodles as well as chips. However there are lots of vegetables that are starchy in nature, such as corns, potatoes, cowpeas, black-eyed peas as well as water chestnuts. You should never ever mix them with high protein vegetables and fruits such as raisins, guava, spinach and broccoli.
To maintain your body healthy and balanced, you require to be able to build muscular tissues. VLCDs make use of dish substitutes like beverages, trembles, as well as prepared food bars instead of dishes for at least 2 dishes a day.
They will certainly likewise have brownish ridges at the sides and also really feel company. Fruits picked while still slightly eco-friendly will turn yellow in storage at area temperature level, however will not enhance in sugar web content. Over ripe carambola will be yellow with brownish places and can end up being blander in preference as well as soggier in consistency. The fruit has distinct ridges diminishing its sides (normally 5-- 6). When reduced in cross-section, it appears like a celebrity, giving its name as celebrity fruit.
Lychees most likely weren't on your grocery store listing this week, so let's maintain it that way.
Lychee fruit container be utilized as a sweetener for treats or alcoholic drinks and https://heallthynatural.info/ also consists of a massive 29 grams of sugar per serving.
This post explores the advantages as well as possible health threats of celebrity fruit.
Star fruit-- or carambola-- is a wonderful and sour fruit that has the shape of a five-point star.
Miss the kiwi as well as whip up this citrus avocado salad for a gorgeous, brilliant meal without the additional sugar.
Kiwi is the fruit that offers fruit salads a lovely green shade and sweet flavor; just view the part dimensions.
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The taste of the ripe fruit is comparable to a mix of apple, pineapple, mango, and banana. Varieties are differentiated according to qualities of the fruit flesh. In Indochina, the two varieties are the "difficult" version, and also the "soft" variation (softer, moister, and also much sweeter, with a darker gold-color flesh than the tough range). Immature jackfruit has a light flavor and meat-like appearance and also is made use of in curry recipes with flavors in numerous foods. The skin of immature jackfruit have to be peeled first, then the remaining jackfruit flesh is chopped in a labor-intensive process right into edible sections as well as cooked prior to serving.
What is the number 1 toxic vegetable?
Rhubarb. Rhubarb, a springtime stalk most commonly used in the creation of America's best pie, the strawberry-rhubarb, is a very strange plant indeed. Most often used in sweet applications, it's a sour vegetable that looks like crimson celery. And its leaves are spectacularly poisonous.
With its trendy shape, star fruit is the best way to jazz up some normal ol' fruit salad as well as make it a stunning focal point of your yard barbecue spread. Star fruit canister likewise be baked and also covered in a syrup for an enjoyable, pleasant star-shaped chip that kids will like. Start by placing the starfruit on a reducing board flat and getting rid of each end of the fruit with a blade.
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gogle-news · 4 years
Top 10 Fruits With Highest Water Content
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Water is very much essential for life on earth. Human body is approximately 70-80% of water. Normal level of water content in our body is very much important for the normal functioning of the human body.
1.Oranges-87% water content
Orange is one of the fruit that can be eaten after doing workout. This is due to the fact that it gives instant energy and keeps the body hydrated because of its high water content. Other Health Benefits Phytochemicals named as limonids present in large amount in orange that help to reduce the risk of cancer. Soluble fibers present in orange help to control high cholesterol level. Vitamin C is present in orange that improves the skin health. Oranges also improves the function of heart due to the presence of potassium in it.
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2.Cantaloupe-90% water content
Cantaloupes are low calorie fruit and are used in many desserts. Cantaloupe is a highly hydrating fruit and it gives good affect by eating during summers. Other Health Benefits Cantaloupe contain two important vitamin that are vitamin A and vitamin C. Both these vitamins help in improving immune system of the body. It contains high level of potassium that helps to maintain the normal level of blood pressure. It also helps in weight loss due to its low caloric level. Cantaloupe contains a type of carotene known as beta carotene that helps to fight against cataract and also help in vision.
3. Pineapple-87% water content
Pineapple is amazing fruit that gives excellent taste on each bite. It is rich in water approximately 87% of pineapple is water. Other Health Benefits Pineapples have both soluble and insoluble fibers that help to solve different digestive problems. Vitamin C is also present in pineapple thus help in proper functioning of immune system. Vitamin C and antioxidant present in pineapple can diminish the risk of macular degeneration, which is a serious eye disease that leads to loss of vision. Bone health is also improves by eating pineapple due to the presence of manganese in it.
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4.Peach-88% water content
Peach is very sweet and juicy fruit. It contain high level of water content about 88% .It can be eaten both either with skin or without skin but without skin it is not as much beneficial as with skin. Other Health Benefits Peach contain Phenolic Phytochemical that help to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. It is a great stress reliving fruit. Peach contain two important vitamins that are vitamin A and vitamin C.
5.Grapefruit-91% water content
Grapefruit is one of the healthiest fruit. It has a tangy taste. Grape fruit is made up of 91% of water. By drinking its juice in summer it helps to keep the body hydrated. Other Health Benefits Grapefruit is low in calorie thus helps in weight loss. Antioxidant present in grapefruit reduces the risk of cancer. It also helps against constipation.
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6.Strawberry-91% water content
Strawberry contain 91% of water is amazing fruit. It is very beneficial to eat after workout instead of drinking water. Other Health Benefits Strawberry contains vitamin C which has many healthy benefits to human body. Potassium present in it helps to maintain the normal level of blood pressure. Vitamin K and magnesium are also present in strawberries that help in the growth and development of bones. Pelaargonidin-3-glucoside; red color pigment is strawberry helps to reduce the chance of cardiovascular diseases.
7.Starfruit-91% water content
Carambola also known as starfruit is a unique fruit. It has a blended taste of sweetness and tanginess. It is made of 91% of water with thirst quenching ability. Other Health Benefits It contain rich amount of potassium that helps in improvement of heart health and maintaining the level of blood pressure. Starfruit contain high amount of antioxidants and flavonoids that fight against inflammation. It also cures headache. Starfruit have low calorie content and high fibers that help in weight loss.
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8.Watermelon-92% water content
Watermelon is a summer season fruit. As the name watermelon is full of water with 92% of water content. With water it has many healthy vitamins and minerals that are essential for human body. Other Health Benefits Lycopene a carotenoid is present in watermelon that fights against cancer. Due to high fiber content in watermelon it also improves digestive functions. Vitamin A is present in watermelon is beneficial for skin and hair.
9.Tomato-94% water content
Most of the people think that tomato is a vegetable but it is not a vegetable. Tomato is a unique fruit that is rich in vitamins and minerals. It contains 94% of water. It is a good hydrating fruit. Other Health Benefits Vitamin A is present in tomato helps in vision by reducing the macular degeneration. Eating tomato can help to reduce hypertension. Some skin conditions caused by sun exposure can be treated by tomato extract by applying on the skin. Using tomato daily can improve skin health. Lycopene present in tomato reduce the risk of cancer cell to grow.
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10.Cucumber-96% water content
Cucumber is a refreshing summer fruit that contain 96% water content. Eating a cucumber quickly hydrate and boost the body. Other Health Benefits Fisetin a type of flavonoid present in cucumber help in brain health. Cucumber contains high level of fiber content that help in normal functioning of digestive system. Placing cucumber slices on the eyes daily for 5 -10 minutes help in removal of dark circles and make the eyes relax. Cucumber can also prevent kidney stone formation. Water of cucumber helps in removal of toxic substances from the body. Read the full article
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petrescueblog · 4 years
https://ift.tt/2xQ3Fvf What Can Dogs Not Eat? 13 Prohibited Dog Foods
There are some human foods what can dog not eat, that all guardians should know about, especially if you feed them with homemade recipes, whether raw, like the Barf menu recipes, or lightly cooked. It is precisely for this reason that, in this list of foods forbidden to dogs, we will tell you, not only, toxic food for dogs, but also bad, dangerous, and even fatal food for our canine friends.
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Find out what foods are prohibited for dogs and eliminate them permanently from their menus, in addition, in cases where the doubt overwhelms you, do not hesitate to talk to your trusted veterinarian because he will help you develop a more complete and personalized list as it will take into account the clinical history as well as many other important details about the health of your best friend.
In any case, be aware that the information, which you will find in our article Dog food prohibited, is based on scientific studies developed by veterinarians and biologists.
What Can Dogs Not Eat?
The prohibited foods for dogs are:
Coffee, tea, chocolate
Macadamia nuts
Grapes and raisins
Raw bread dough
Cooked bones
Carambola tree
Moldy food
Spicy food
Swiss chard
Brussels sprouts
Commercial ice cream
Chewing gum
Green tomato
Green potatoes
Fruit pits and/or seeds
Raw egg
In the rest of our article Dog food prohibited, we will explain why and how all these foods are dangerous for dogs.
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List of foods prohibited for dogs
Before you start listing some of the foods that are dangerous to dog health, it is important to highlight the fact that they are not all as dangerous as each other. In fact, in this list of foods prohibited to dogs, you will find ingredients that can cause long-term damage, you will also discover foods considered to be fatal in very low doses and which should never be included in your dog’s menus.
The onion
We start our list of foods prohibited for dogs with a classic, the onion, is undoubtedly one of the foods that you will have to exclude completely from your dog ‘s menus because it is a toxic food for dogs. Its allicin content is released after chewing and the substance released from it, n-propyl disulfide, causes oxidative damage to erythrocyte cell membranes, breaking down inside blood vessels and causing what called hemolytic anemia.
This should not worry you if your dog accidentally ate a small dose of onion, however, continuous ingestion causes gastrointestinal problems and, in the most severe cases, jaundice due to hemolysis. For every 15 grams of dog weight, you will begin to observe symptoms of intoxication in the dog. Symptoms of onion poisoning may go unnoticed, but you may see vomiting, general weakness, and a change in the color of the dog’s mucous membranes.
What Can Dogs Not Eat? | Onion
Coffee, Tea, and Chocolate
The coffee, the tea, and chocolate have in common methylxanthine, a stimulating alkaloid that acts directly on the central nervous system of the dog. In coffee, we find caffeine, in tea, theophylline and in chocolate, theobromine, which are all toxic substances for dogs, if ingested in large quantities. Other alkaloids, such as those found in coca-cola, could be included in this paragraph.
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In addition to affecting the central nervous system, they can damage the functioning of the kidneys, the cardiovascular system, the smooth muscle as well as the striated muscle. Although some dogs are more sensitive than others to methylxanthine, what is certain is that 100 grams of dark chocolate for a medium-sized dog can be fatal. Chocolate is one of the most serious toxic dog foods.
The most common symptoms of methylxanthine poisoning are vomiting, diarrhea, incontinence, and tremors. If you see that your dog has eaten chocolate, we recommend that you induce vomiting before two hours have passed.
What Can Dogs Not Eat? | Coffee, tea and chocolate
As is the case with the onion, the garlic ( Allium sativum ) contains allicin, which can also trigger the onset of hemolytic anemia were regular and excessive consumption of garlic. This is another of the prohibited foods for dogs. However, unlike onions, garlic has been the subject of study and it has been discovered that garlic has powerful antibiotic, antifungal, antiparasitic effects and which strengthens the dog’s immune and cardiovascular systems.
Although garlic is a food that should not be part of the dog’s diet, especially in a dog that suffers from immune, digestive problems or allergies, the consequences or benefits of its consumption can vary enormously from one dog to another, and all will depend on its genetics, the dose, etc … Faced with possible garlic poisoning, your dog will suffer from the same symptoms as those produced by onion poisoning.
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In any case, before using garlic for dogs, it is advisable to speak to your veterinarian so that he helps you find a dose that will not hurt your best friend and that will allow you to offer him all the benefits without risking anything!
What Can Dogs Not Eat? | Garlic
Many people who develop homemade dog menus use salt as a harmless condiment, however, high consumption of sodium chloride can cause severe dehydration in the dog, worsen heart and kidney conditions, or cause poisoning. We take this opportunity to remind you that salt is the most used food to make a dog vomit.
Symptoms of salt poisoning are manifested by vomiting, internal bleeding, loss of coordination, diarrhea, polydipsia, and polyuria (constant urge to drink and urinate), convulsions, and shock. It is one of the toxic dog foods that most people include on their pet’s menu without being aware of it.
What Can Dogs Not Eat? | Salt
Macadamia Nuts
The Macadamia nuts ( Macadamia integrifolia ) are the fruit of a shrub protéacé. Its consumption causes intoxication and numerous studies have demonstrated the toxicity of this fruit, whether eaten raw or toasted. It is a dangerous food for dogs.
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Macadamia nuts directly affect the dog’s central nervous system and work suddenly after 24 hours have passed. Clinical symptoms include depression, vomiting, ataxia, abdominal pain, stiffness, and the mucous membranes become pale or anemic. Although the effects are impressive, the consumption of macadamia nuts is not fatal.
What Can Dogs Not Eat? | Macadamia nuts
Grapes and Raisins
The grapes and raisins are rich in linoleic acid (as well as other fatty acids), however, the studies agree on the fact that a component of this fruit, present in quantities variables or extrinsic component causes of the kidney failure. It is one of the most dangerous and least known prohibited foods for dogs.
Dogs that eat grapes or raisins have been observed to have a higher concentration of urea nitrogen in the blood and serum creatinine. The most toxic part of the grape is undoubtedly the grain, however, it is recommended to completely eliminate this fruit from your dog’s diet.
Symptoms of grape or raisin poisoning are vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, ataxia, polyuria and general weakness. The main problem with consuming these foods is that the accuracy of the process with which internal damage is caused is unknown.
What Can Dogs Not Eat? | Grapes and raisins
The alcohol is present in our diet and are well known and many of the negative effects it has on the body, affecting the central nervous system causing severe liver damage. Your dog may accidentally drink alcohol if he licks bottles of perfume, mouthwash, or eats a rotten apple.
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Alcohol can cause ethyl poisoning very easily. Without a doubt, alcohol should be removed completely from his diet, and in the event of accidental ingestion, you should bring your dog as soon as possible to your veterinarian. Here is one of the toxic dog foods you should never give your dog.
What Can Dogs Not Eat? | Alcohol
Raw Bread Dough
Conventional yeasts or yeasts, which you use in making desserts and other recipes, contain Saccharomyces cerevisiae, a single-celled fungus. Whether ingesting raw bread dough or directly from yeast, these foods can cause poisoning in your dog. The most common symptoms are the appearance of gas, vomiting, diarrhea, discomfort, and lethargy.
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It is dangerous dog food. However, its level of toxicity varies from mild to severe, depending, of course, on the amount ingested, in the most severe cases, its ingestion can end up causing hypothermia, hypotension, hypoglycemia, and even fainting.
What Can Dogs Not Eat? | Raw bread dough
Cooked Bones
Another prohibited dog food is cooked bones . Whether made in broth, baked recipe, or embers, cooked bones should never be given to dogs, as they can cause teeth to break. Also, they split easily, so small bits of bone can get stuck in your dog’s throat, they can also cause windpipe obstruction, lesions and punctures, rips, and many other lesions internal. To avoid all these problems, we recommend that you give your dog raw and fleshy bones.
What Can Dogs Not Eat? | Cooked bones
In the case of black cherry (Prunus serotina) or white cherry ( Prunus virginiana) you must be extremely careful because, although dogs and cats can eat the flesh of these fruits, they should never swallow seeds, leaves and stems as these ingredients are considered toxic dog food due to their high cyanide content. Their toxicity varies from mild to moderate and after their consumption may appear several symptoms, such as dilated pupils, difficulty breathing, red coloration of the gums, shock, and even death.
What Can Dogs Not Eat? | Cherries
As you well know, the consumption of certain species of fungi can poison humans, as well as dogs, becoming one of the deadly foods for dogs. There is special mention of mushrooms belonging to the genera Amanita, Galerina and Lepiota, but there are many others. The characteristic symptoms of poisoning are hyper-salivation, vomiting, diarrhea, poor coordination, lethargy, tremors, convulsions, and, in the most serious cases, a multi-organ failure causing the death of the animal.
If your dog has consumed a mushroom of which you do not know the toxicity, recover the remains or pick another one (being careful and never touching the mushroom directly) and go as soon as possible to a veterinary clinic. Some mushrooms take 15 to 30 minutes to show their effect, while others may need more time.
What Can Dogs Not Eat? | Mushrooms
Carambola tree
The carambola tree ( Averrhoa carambola ) is a tropical fruit that is part of the list of foods prohibited for dogs, with toxicity that ranges from mild to severe. It contains oxalic acid, as well as oxalate salts, so it can be dangerous for your dog, even in small quantities! The carambola tree can also be dangerous for humans. It can cause vomiting, loss of appetite, diarrhea, lethargy, general weakness, bloody urine, excessive thirst, or excessive urine.
What Can Dogs Not Eat? | Carambol tree
Moldy Food
Some people consider dogs to be more resistant than humans, which is why they have no remorse for offering them poorly preserved food. However, you should know that the tremorogenic mycotoxins contained in rotten food make it one of the most dangerous foods for dogs. These mycotoxins are found in bread, pasta, cheese, nuts and in compost. Symptoms include hyper-salivation, vomiting, restlessness, poor coordination, tremors, seizures, and, in the most severe cases, they can cause liver failure.
What Can Dogs Not Eat? | Moldy Food
Spicy Food
To finish, we will talk about spicy food which, although not fatal, is part of the list of foods prohibited for dogs, because it can cause diarrhea as well as general malaise, so it is to Avoid absolutely if you only want the best for your best friend!
What Can Dogs Not Eat? | Spicy food
  The post What Can Dogs Not Eat? 13 Prohibited Dog Foods appeared first on Pet Rescue Blog.
via Pet Rescue Blog
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gameonoverdogcom · 7 months
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gameonoverdogcom · 11 months
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doggiefooditems · 1 year
Can Dogs Eat Star fruit? We, humans, love Carambola, the fruit of Caramboleira, which belongs to the Oxalidaceae family. As a fruit that originates from tropical Asia, it is now popular worldwide. Since it is such a popular fruit, the question may arise, can dogs eat star fruit? In case you are wondering, the answer is straightforward; star fruit is not suitable for dogs because this bittersweet fruit, even though it is very rich in minerals and vitamins, its toxicity thinly attacks the kidneys due to its high content of oxalate crystals, a toxic substance. Many tutors believe that because the fruit has a bittersweet flavor and is pleasant to taste, it will not harm the dog. However, some fruits are strictly prohibited by dogs, and star fruit is one of them. This article clarifies all your doubts about star fruit for dogs, whether you should give it to them, what the dangers are, and much more. Is star fruit good for dogs? If you are wondering whether the dog can eat star fruit, although it is delicious, star fruit cannot be given to the dog. The main reason is that it contains oxalate salts, which are highly harmful to a dog's kidneys and are found in greater concentrations in the leaves, stems, and green fruits of star fruit. Petite, obese, and sedentary dogs are particularly at risk, but regardless of the size and health condition of the dog, it is a fruit that must be avoided, not even as a treat. Are star-fruits bad for dogs? Understand the Dangers A significant danger of star fruit is that it may harm the kidneys of dogs because it contains oxalate crystals, a toxic substance. The dog's intestinal tract absorbs this crystal, significantly reducing the body's supply of this mineral when it binds with calcium. One of the most severe consequences of oxalic acid is kidney failure; depending on its severity, it can even lead to death. Being one of the body’s principal organs, if it is harmed, it can affect the entire functioning of the dog's body since it is a toxin that it cannot filter. Additionally, carambola contains caramboxin, a toxin that causes neurological changes and causes liver malfunction, preventing diseased cells from recovering. The Symptoms of Starfruit Poisoning First, even if your dog eats a small amount of star fruit, it is worth paying attention to the signs and, as needed, contacting the vet immediately. Here we separate the symptoms that indicate starfruit intoxication: Urine with the presence of blood; Apathy; vomiting; excessive thirst; fainting; Difficulty walking or staggering; disorientation; Somnolence. After your dog consumes star fruit, you should take him to the vet to determine whether it is poisoning, as early diagnosis can lead to more effective treatment. How to Diagnose Starfruit Poisoning? A vet will also check your blood pressure, heart rate, and temperature in addition to all the abovementioned factors. Additionally, the dog will be observed for pupil dilation, dim vision, and inability to stand. This knowledge makes it feasible to determine the severity of intoxication, and hospitalization may be necessary. Another approach is to induce vomiting; however, never do this at home, as you can worsen the condition, and this procedure must be done by a qualified professional. Frequently Asked Questions Do star-fruits cause diarrhea? Keep star fruit away if you experience unpleasant effects, such as nausea, diarrhea, or vomiting after eating it. Can the star fruit be frozen? Fresh star fruit or star fruit dropped from the branch does not persist long once picked or dropped from the tree. To extend the starfruit season, refreeze the liquid or fruit and consume it for several weeks. Fruit or juice can be frozen quickly. What is a star devil fruit? The Devil Fruit Star Fruit grants the user star-related powers. The fairy Scurvy, the singer of the renegade bandits, ate it. The advantages of consuming star fruit are numerous.
It's a tasty exotic fruit with fewer fats and carbohydrates, but it's loaded with nutrients and powerful anti-oxidants like citric acid. Starfruit can support normal glucose levels, defend the circulatory system, and enhance the body's defense system. Can someone with diabetes consume star fruit? fight diabetes Fruit fiber in starfruit helps control sugar levels and levels of insulin. The report says that eating foods rich in fiber can prevent diabetes and help people who already have diabetes. What does a star fruit taste like? Although star fruit is mainly unheard of in the United States, it is often added to meals and cocktails; its appealing star form makes it popular in raw and prepared cuisines worldwide. It tastes bittersweet, like a cross of poached pear, grapefruit, and citrus. Can dogs eat star apples? Improves digestive health. They are high in fiber. Vitamin C-rich. Helps control diabetes. As a result of fiber, glucose levels are within reach. An outstanding resource of antioxidants. Helps protect against iron deficiency anemia conclusion In short, if your question was whether your dog could eat star fruit, now you know the dangers and why you should avoid giving this fruit to your four-legged friend. Look for a Natural Food for Dogs specialist if you want to vary your dog's diet, even in the early stages. In contrast, dog food is the most suitable and balanced food for dogs at all stages of their lives. Here is a reading that may be of great importance to you. With all care, we have prepared this content to explain why your dog cannot eat star fruit, not even a snack.  
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gogle-news · 4 years
Top 10 Fruits With Highest Water Content
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Water is very much essential for life on earth. Human body is approximately 70-80% of water. Normal level of water content in our body is very much important for the normal functioning of the human body.
1.Oranges-87% water content
Orange is one of the fruit that can be eaten after doing workout. This is due to the fact that it gives instant energy and keeps the body hydrated because of its high water content. Other Health Benefits Phytochemicals named as limonids present in large amount in orange that help to reduce the risk of cancer. Soluble fibers present in orange help to control high cholesterol level. Vitamin C is present in orange that improves the skin health. Oranges also improves the function of heart due to the presence of potassium in it.
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2.Cantaloupe-90% water content
Cantaloupes are low calorie fruit and are used in many desserts. Cantaloupe is a highly hydrating fruit and it gives good affect by eating during summers. Other Health Benefits Cantaloupe contain two important vitamin that are vitamin A and vitamin C. Both these vitamins help in improving immune system of the body. It contains high level of potassium that helps to maintain the normal level of blood pressure. It also helps in weight loss due to its low caloric level. Cantaloupe contains a type of carotene known as beta carotene that helps to fight against cataract and also help in vision.
3. Pineapple-87% water content
Pineapple is amazing fruit that gives excellent taste on each bite. It is rich in water approximately 87% of pineapple is water. Other Health Benefits Pineapples have both soluble and insoluble fibers that help to solve different digestive problems. Vitamin C is also present in pineapple thus help in proper functioning of immune system. Vitamin C and antioxidant present in pineapple can diminish the risk of macular degeneration, which is a serious eye disease that leads to loss of vision. Bone health is also improves by eating pineapple due to the presence of manganese in it.
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4.Peach-88% water content
Peach is very sweet and juicy fruit. It contain high level of water content about 88% .It can be eaten both either with skin or without skin but without skin it is not as much beneficial as with skin. Other Health Benefits Peach contain Phenolic Phytochemical that help to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. It is a great stress reliving fruit. Peach contain two important vitamins that are vitamin A and vitamin C.
5.Grapefruit-91% water content
Grapefruit is one of the healthiest fruit. It has a tangy taste. Grape fruit is made up of 91% of water. By drinking its juice in summer it helps to keep the body hydrated. Other Health Benefits Grapefruit is low in calorie thus helps in weight loss. Antioxidant present in grapefruit reduces the risk of cancer. It also helps against constipation.
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6.Strawberry-91% water content
Strawberry contain 91% of water is amazing fruit. It is very beneficial to eat after workout instead of drinking water. Other Health Benefits Strawberry contains vitamin C which has many healthy benefits to human body. Potassium present in it helps to maintain the normal level of blood pressure. Vitamin K and magnesium are also present in strawberries that help in the growth and development of bones. Pelaargonidin-3-glucoside; red color pigment is strawberry helps to reduce the chance of cardiovascular diseases.
7.Starfruit-91% water content
Carambola also known as starfruit is a unique fruit. It has a blended taste of sweetness and tanginess. It is made of 91% of water with thirst quenching ability. Other Health Benefits It contain rich amount of potassium that helps in improvement of heart health and maintaining the level of blood pressure. Starfruit contain high amount of antioxidants and flavonoids that fight against inflammation. It also cures headache. Starfruit have low calorie content and high fibers that help in weight loss.
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8.Watermelon-92% water content
Watermelon is a summer season fruit. As the name watermelon is full of water with 92% of water content. With water it has many healthy vitamins and minerals that are essential for human body. Other Health Benefits Lycopene a carotenoid is present in watermelon that fights against cancer. Due to high fiber content in watermelon it also improves digestive functions. Vitamin A is present in watermelon is beneficial for skin and hair.
9.Tomato-94% water content
Most of the people think that tomato is a vegetable but it is not a vegetable. Tomato is a unique fruit that is rich in vitamins and minerals. It contains 94% of water. It is a good hydrating fruit. Other Health Benefits Vitamin A is present in tomato helps in vision by reducing the macular degeneration. Eating tomato can help to reduce hypertension. Some skin conditions caused by sun exposure can be treated by tomato extract by applying on the skin. Using tomato daily can improve skin health. Lycopene present in tomato reduce the risk of cancer cell to grow.
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10.Cucumber-96% water content
Cucumber is a refreshing summer fruit that contain 96% water content. Eating a cucumber quickly hydrate and boost the body. Other Health Benefits Fisetin a type of flavonoid present in cucumber help in brain health. Cucumber contains high level of fiber content that help in normal functioning of digestive system. Placing cucumber slices on the eyes daily for 5 -10 minutes help in removal of dark circles and make the eyes relax. Cucumber can also prevent kidney stone formation. Water of cucumber helps in removal of toxic substances from the body. Read the full article
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