#caras chaos 🤭
luv4freddie · 5 months
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Not me being caught in a lie??? (Pt. 2: Twist Boogaloo)
Okay I think we all know none of the twists I “spoiled” are actually happening (although we kind of DID get a BB Takeover of sorts with Cirie entering the house), but it’s fun to dream and be delulu, right?
As promised, here was my thought process in creating these twists:
Double “Evil” Twin Twist
I’ve always liked the idea of there being a twin twist where one twin is really mellow and chill while the other one doesn’t mind making people think there’s a whole saboteur in the house. What’s better than one set of completely different twins? TWO sets of completely different twins. We stan chaos in this house.
BB Takeover: The Challenge Edition
Fun fact: The first version of this twist involved Cara Maria entering the house instead of Jonna, since Paulie from BB18 is her boyfriend, and she’d have the advantage of knowing the game of BB through him (and Cody when you think about it).
However, after the rumour about passports started going around, I replaced her with Jonna so all four challenge alumni would end up being from the World Championship (passports are often used for travelling the world).
As for the final cast of alumni:
Grant would’ve been provided good confessionals.
Kaz won the World Championship; let’s see if she can win BB.
Jonna is a fan favourite and technically undefeated as of recent.
Bananas has been on so many Challenge seasons that he’s basically inevitable at this point. Also, chaos.
The BB Purge
With 24 houseguests in play, I knew I had to throw in a twist that would result in four people going home in one night, but I didn’t wanna just throw in a quadruple eviction and be done with it. No, I needed to shake up the game a bit. Gotta knock out those big threats, y’know?
America’s Jury Vote
The jury after the BB Purge would’ve been compromised of ten people, making a tie possible. Since we want our faves to have the best chance of winning, I decided to give the public a jury vote. This also would’ve provided the tag with entertainment, since we’d get to watch from the sidelines while the users of BB Twitter tear each other apart over who to vote for🤭.
The BBCAN Twists
The BBCAN triple format isn’t as long and drawn out to watch, and the safety chain exposes people’s gameplay to the whole house. Once again, we love chaos, but also convenience.
BONUS: Blue replacing Eric
I didn’t make up that wacky story about wormholes for funzies (although I knew I needed to come up with something unhinged to top that intern getting abducted by aliens last year). That was me setting up lore for BB26👀.
And with that, I turn into a meme account.
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