#caratwritersclub two year anniversary
cwc-emoji-pluck · 1 year
may I request these three emojis for the event?
Hope you're having fun with this!
~ Flurry
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member: minghao x fem!reader
genre: fluff, light angst, percy jackson au <3
word count: 1488
warnings: mentions of sword fighting, swearing, y/n 'slaps' minghao on the shoulder but it's not like. bad or anything its like a playful smack to the shoulder, and also jokes about y/n playfully !!! hitting chan and hansol (they're besties pls don't worry) also cheol smacking joshua's shoulder? idk there is a lot of shoulder smacking going on
emojis requested:
🌈 - rick riordan’s world of percy jackson; seventeen are demigods in modern times ⚡️: a campground in the woods where it is common for people to suddenly disappear after swimming in the believed-to-be haunted lake  🐸 - Minghao
author's note: hahahaha i have no idea what i'm doing,,,it's been so long since i posted something school has just been...honestly it's not that bad i just don't have the energy to write a lot bc in between classes i take naps so :) also hello flurry it's been so long </3 i hope you are doing amazing and i apologize for taking 10000 years lmao pls enjoy !! (also thanks to my bestie @gallivantingheart for beta reading ily)
my main blog: @wonwooslibrary
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Y/N ran across the field away from her home cabin and towards the volleyball court where her two best friends sat. “He’s gone.” 
Mingyu and Seokmin, sons of Zeus and Apollo respectively, look over to Y/N. 
“Who?” Mingyu asks. 
“Minghao, he’s gone. The last time I saw him was when he said he was going to the lake. I told him not to go and that it would be safer if he went with someone but of course he didn’t listen to me.” 
Seokmin’s eyes widened. “Are you sure?”
Y/N nodded. “Yeah. Soonyoung said he wasn’t at archery today and Chan said he hasn’t seen him since before he went to the lake. Junhui saw him on his way to the lake, but didn’t see him come back.” 
Mingyu hummed. “Did he actually like,” he gestured with his hands a bit. “Go in the water?” 
“I’m not sure. The last I heard from him was that he was going to the lake. He wasn’t in his cabin, either.” 
Y/N wasn’t going to tell her best friends that they never actually went to the Hecate cabin, and instead asked one of Minghao’s bunk mates if they had seen him. The Hecate cabin freaked Y/N out. 
“He can’t be too far, and I doubt he would willingly get in the water knowing the rumors. Maybe he’ll show up again at dinner tonight?” Seokmin suggested. 
Yeah. Maybe.
**✿❀○❀✿** **✿❀○❀✿** **✿❀○❀✿**
Later, the three friends, along with their recent Capture the Flag winner, Seungcheol, son of Ares, God of War, walked to the dining pavilion. Seungcheol was a good friend to the group, usually acting as a strong father figure to the others, but definitely wasn’t afraid to let loose, something that his father clearly lacked in. 
Being the worry wart she was, Y/N, of course, asked Seungcheol if he had seen her boyfriend. 
“I saw him yesterday around,” he looked up as if he was rolling his eyes. “Noon? Maybe one?” 
Y/N sighed. “I just hope nothing happened to him.”
“I’m sure he’s fine. Don’t worry---it’s Hao, he can get himself out of everything.” 
Minghao didn’t come to dinner, and that’s when Y/N started to freak out.
**✿❀○❀✿** **✿❀○❀✿** **✿❀○❀✿**
Minghao was a wonderful boyfriend, that was obvious. Of course, it was even more obvious to Seokmin, Mingyu and Seungcheol, as well as Y/N’s other two friends, Hansol and Chan, when Minghao came up to them a couple of days previous to his “disappearance”. 
“Guys, could you help me with something? And not tell Y/N about it?” Minghao pulled his capture-the-flag teammates to the side and pulled off his helmet. Looking around, he made sure nobody else was hiding around them to get them out of the game. 
“You want us to keep a secret from Y/N?” Seungcheol sighed. “Whatever it is, it’s a bad idea.” 
Seokmin and Mingyu, ever the worried friends, quickly agreed with Seungcheol. 
“No, no, no,” Minghao started. “Hear me out before you say no.” 
“Well, get on with it then.”
“I want to set up a date with Y/N. I know that she hasn't been having a good past few weeks and I want to make her feel better.” 
Seokmin nodded. “And what do you plan on doing for her?”
“Well,” Minghao moved his sword from his right hand to his left. “I want to set up a picnic in the strawberry fields, but I don’t want Y/N to try and find me. Would you be able to keep my whereabouts a secret after I see her tomorrow?” 
Hansol, who was silent up until now, spoke up. “I’m down, just don’t send her after us. I don’t want to get beat for lying to her.” 
Chan quickly nodded his head --- it looked painful to Minghao. “I second that, have you ever been hit by Y/N? It hurts!” 
“I guess I agree,” Seungcheol said after patting Chan on the shoulder. “Just don’t come up with a lie that gets us into trouble.”
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“Why did he think it was a good idea for his excuse to be the lake? That might just have been the stupidest thing that has ever come out of Minghao’s mouth.” 
Seokmin quickly agreed with Hansol’s statement. “Yeah, seriously. I’m almost worried that Y/N will throw herself into the lake in order to find him.” 
The two, who were sitting out front of the Demeter cabin, waiting for Junhui to come out, complained. 
“I certainly would have to agree,” Junhui scared the two as he opened the door to his cabin as quietly as he could. 
“Jeez Junnie! A little warning would be nice.” Seokmin put his hand on his chest. 
Junhui laughed. “By the way, Seokkie, you shouldn’t have to worry too much. Y/N is supposed to be led to the strawberry fields soon anyway.” 
“Who is taking her there again?” Hansol looked at Junhui who still stood behind the two. 
“I think it’s Jeonghan. You know how much Y/N trusts every word out of his mouth.” 
Seokmin scoffed. “Yeah, he’s the first person whose words I would believe without a second thought."
As Seokmin said that, Joshua and Seungcheol walked over to join the group, their sword fighting practice having ended just minutes before. 
“Hey Shua, Cheol, how was practice?” Hansol asked the two oldest. 
“It was good,” Joshua started. “I’m not sure how I feel about Chan asking if he could join us. You know how competitive he is, and with Cheol there, I got scared.” 
Junhui smiled. “Ah, Chan, he’s always so excited to learn and improve.” 
“Yeah, but it’s better when he’s getting his ass kicked by Y/N rather than Cheol. Even if he loses to Y/N, she still goes easy on him. Cheol just goes all out.” 
“Hey! You know I wouldn’t hurt Chan!” Seungcheol smacked Joshua’s right shoulder. “But speaking of Y/N, she’s being led by Jeonghan out to the fields right now.”
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“Why are we going this way? I thought you were taking me to the lake so I could look for Minghao?” 
“Just---hang on, okay? I want to show you something, it’ll be really quick and then we can look by the lake again.” 
Y/N sighed in defeat and let herself be dragged by Jeonghan across the camp to the strawberry fields. 
“Why are we here? It’s starting to get dark.” 
“Well, look at the field.” 
As Jeonghan said that, Y/N turned towards the fields, and there stood her boyfriend, flowers in his hand and a picnic blanket at his feet in between the rows of strawberry bushes. The sunset behind him made the sight even more ethereal. 
Covering her mouth with her hand, Y/N gasped. “No…” She looked to the side to see Jeonghan’s reaction, only to see the tree that he was leaning against seconds ago. 
“Minghao? What…is this?” Y/N walked through the little paths, avoiding stepping on the bushes, and stopped in front of her boyfriend. 
“I wanted to surprise you,” He handed the bouquet of flowers over to Y/N. “I know you’ve been struggling with training for your quest and being head counselor. I just wanted to do something nice for you before you stress yourself out too much.” 
Wiping the tears off her face with her left hand, Y/N used her right hand to smack her boyfriend’s shoulder. 
“What the fuck Minghao! How could you do this to me! I thought you died!” 
Minghao backed away from Y/N to avoid getting smacked again, all while holding his now-stinging shoulder. “Why would I have died?” 
“I was told, by your asshole friends, that you went to the lake! Alone! At night!”
“...So they’re my asshole friends now?” Minghao laughed. 
“Yes, they’re your friends! They lied to me! For two days! Friends don't lie!” 
“Awe, babe,” Minghao pulled Y/N to him in a hug. “You know I wouldn’t leave you out of the blue like that. I will always come back to you.”
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The following day, Y/N couldn’t stop herself from walking into the amphitheater where Seungcheol and Chan were swordfighting, the rest of the others watching diligently on the sidelines. 
“You!” Y/N yelled, holding her sword up, the point facing Seungcheol, who was disarmed quickly after Y/N caught him off guard. “Why did you convince them to lie to me!” 
“Ha, you see, Y/N-” 
Seungcheol bolted out of the amphitheater as fast as he could, Y/N on his tail.
The others, who were still sitting on the bleachers, looked over at Chan, who just shrugged and picked up Seungcheol’s sword. 
“She requested revenge,” Minghao said from his spot by the door that Y/N and Seungcheol had just ran through. “I promise it wasn’t my idea.” 
Seokmin leaned over to whisper in Hansol’s ear, “Okay, I lied. Minghao’s the last person whose words I would believe without question.”
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caratwritersclub · 2 years
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In honor of our second anniversary this month, Carat Writers Club is hosting our very own summer fair! From today onwards, up until August 12th, you’ll be able to enjoy different carnival-themed attractions planned and curated by various members of the network. 
We will update this post each week to announce new booth openings and closings, so please come back for more! You may also track the tag #cwcsummerfair to stay updated.
Before we go, we sincerely thank each and every one of our members and followers—Carat Writers Club wouldn’t be here today without your love and support! We are especially grateful for our members who took it upon themselves to create an assortment of exciting booths to fit our theme! You guys are amazing ❤️
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Without further ado, here are the booths open as of July 22nd:
@bermudas’ matchmaking office !
do you ever have that one thing, whether it’s a fic, book, or even a movie, that always leaves you wanting more? well, look no further! enter the matchmaking office and find the object of your desires!
@februaryflowers’ drink stand [CLOSED]
hi and welcome to the @caratwritersclub​’s summer fair drink booth; feel free to examine our menu and submit an order for a drabble! have a topping or flavor not listed? just ask our stand owner and see if they can whip it up for you! 
@gallivantingheart​‘s hall of mirrors ! [CLOSED]
enter and meet another version of yourself, no matter how outrageous or twisted they may be...
@networkluvs​, fortune teller !
does bad luck seem to always catch up on you? do you ever wish you could look into the future? well look no further than @caratwritersclub​'s very own fortune telling booth!
@sansang’s merry-go-round !
gose enthusiast ? casual viewer ? seventeen meme enthusiast ? or just like memes in general ? look no further ! come visit the merry-go-round to request a gif or meme of your favorite gose moment and enjoy your additional dose of weekly gose + an insane amount of chan memes ​
@seokmingiggles​’ claw machine ! [CLOSED]
want to try your hand at winning adorable plushies in your inbox? come visit kalan’s claw machine!
@cwcclawmachine​ showcases the collection of distributed plushies so far. make sure to share your prize upon receiving it to be featured on this page!
@sichengtual​’s karaoke stand !
welcome to @caratwritersclub​’s karaoke stand! 
to celebrate the network’s two year anniversary, we’d love to have you join us in discovering and sharing some cool tracks! swing by to get your own themed, personalized playlists and enjoy a month of free uninterrupted music with sab music premium!
@sukisdeliveryservice​’s kissing booth !
want to send a bit of love to a special someone? stop by suki's kissing booth to mail your person a sweet message!
@wonwooslibrary’s duck pluck !
welcome to sam’s emoji pluck booth! here, you may send an ask with the emojis that correspond with a prompt of a fic you would like to have written and sam will write it for you! have fun requesting and have a wonderful day!
@woozisnoots​‘ dessert stand !
customize a yummy dessert and get an equally delicious writing prompt to go with it, stop by alexis’ booth for endless dessert combinations!
@woozisnoots’ ferris wheel !
can’t leave a fair without going on the iconic ferris wheel at least once! but you definitely don’t want to miss the amazing day time, sunset, night sky views at the tippity-top without someone to share that moment with. come stop by at the entrance where alexis will find your perfect match!
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Note that each booth is its own mini-event! If you have any questions about these booths, please go to that specific blog in order to ask them. 
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sichengtual · 2 years
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welcome to @caratwritersclub’s karaoke stand! 
to celebrate the network’s two year anniversary, we’d love to have you join us in discovering and sharing some cool tracks! swing by to get your own themed, personalized playlist and enjoy a month of free uninterrupted music with sab music premium! 
read down this post to find out what kind of playlists we're offering and just how to get them.
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— playlist menu;
— 01; media based playlists. ever wanted to find the perfect playlist for your favorite book? do you want a playlist that feels like your favorite movie? then the media based playlists are the ones for you!
— 02; mood and scenario based playlists. do you want the perfect playlist to read a fantasy novel at 3am to? or the perfect to slow-dance in the kitchen on a sunny morning with your favorite idol? this kind of playlists are the right choice!
— 03; emoji inspired playlists. a bit of a simpler category, but just as cute! do you have a favorite emoji that you just love the vibes of? get a playlist that matches!
— 04; idol based playlists. we all have that one idol we'd love to listen to music with, or listen to songs that remind us of them, right? these playlists are the perfect choice, then.
— 05; fic based playlist. do you want a playlist to go with your fic? then these ones are the right match for you!
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— what you'll get;
you'll get a playlist just like this one, made up of 15 songs fitting your request!
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— how to request;
simply send an ask specifying the kind of playlist you want! let your imagination run free!
request examples;
"hello! can i get a "late night drives with jeonghan" playlist?" / "hi! can i get a playlist based on the sirens of titan by kurt vonnegut?" / "hey! can i get a soft, chill 60's rock playlist?"
note; if you want a playlist for your fic, please link it in the ask or send the name so i can look for it!
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and that's it! thank you so much for checking my booth out, and please keep checking the other booths participating in the event!
i hope you have the best day today 🤍
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cwckissingbooth · 2 years
— you’ve got mail ! 💌💎
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welcome to @caratwritersclub's kissing booth!
in celebration of our network's two year anniversary, we have opened up a space where you can spread the love to fellow content creators and your friends
!!!! be sure to read the rules below before writing your love letter 💌 !!!
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♡ send a friend a love letter via our ask or submissions box. they can be sent in anonymously or you can leave in your @.
♡  in your message:
彡 include the person’s URL in your ask/submission. this is to ensure that they see your letter!
彡 photos, videos, & other media that can be processed through tumblr’s system may be submitted! however, please note that this is only limited to the maximum file size as per tumblr’s standards, so we reccomend keeping it concise!
彡 if you’d like your submission to be anonymous, please indicate it in a small note using the text option!
♡  negative messages are NOT tolerated and they will not be posted.
♡ have fun! read some love letters and make new friends 💗
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to: @caratwritersclub​
thank you for being the best seventeen writing network! all your members are beyond talented and super kind.
— anonymous
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signed with love,
— suki @sukisdeliveryservice
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cwcluckyfortunes · 2 years
- your future awaits! 🔮
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does bad luck seem to always catch up on you? do you ever wish you could look into the future? well, look no further than @caratwritersclub's very own fortune-telling booth!
in honor of our network's two year anniversary, we've opened up this blog for you to send us your silly questions about about work, romance (sfw only), friendships or anything that you're aching to know about and we'll give you a sneak peak into the future!
disclaimer!!! this blog is not a vent space, so if you genuinely want solutions to your real-life problems this isn't the place. this is all for fun, answers may be silly, do not take them seriously! fortunes are queued, so your fortune may take 1-2 days to arrive so please be patient! please make sure that you follow the format below when sending in your asks.
send your questions to our inbox. anonymity adds to the humor of this page but if you want everyone to know about your business then go ahead!
again, serious pleas for genuine advice or comfort will not be answered as this is a humor-based booth, these asks will be discarded and won't be posted
have fun with this blog! get creative with your submissions and laugh a little with the stupid fortunes i'll give out!
☆ here are some examples for acceptable submissions:
"are my chances of marrying mingyu high?"
"when will joshua release his solo?"
"are my chances of being friends with @networkluvs high?"
“random fortune!” (this will give you a random fortune you’ll see on fortune cookies!)
what are you waiting for? your future awaits~
🔮 caratwritersclub
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woozisnoots · 2 years
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— welcome to caratwritersclub’s summer fair!
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in celebration of the network’s two year anniversary, i'm so excited to be hosting my own little events! as part of the summer fair, feel free to visit any of my booths for a fun time <3
alexis’ dessert stand
ferris wheel
[ here’s the full list of all the booths, make sure to check them out! ]
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cwc-emoji-pluck · 2 years
Welcome to the emoji pluck!
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welcome to sam’s booth! this booth is in celebration of carat writers club’s second year anniversary!
at sam’s emoji pluck booth, you may send an ask with the emojis that correspond with a prompt of a fic you would like to have written and sam will write it for you! you can request a fic here!
you can also check out carat writers club and the other member’s booths! 
please make sure you check out the rules before requesting and have fun! 
- samantha <3 
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