#cause they’re coming from two different carriers y’know
seventh-district · 1 year
#Seven.txt#fish stuff#vibrating with excitement#and also nervous energy and sleep deprivation but it’s fine cause ITS FISH DAY BABEY#i’m sitting outside waiting on them and i /had/ another package with snails coming today as well#and i was typing up a post like ‘let’s see which one gets here first. the snails or the fish?’#cause they’re coming from two different carriers y’know#but the snails literally got here while i was typing that post so uh. the snails won the race lmao#anyways i am exhausted and anxious out of my mind cause the stakes are pretty high with these fish#and i’ve averaged about 4hrs of sleep this week#and you’d know how bad that is if u knew that my depressed ass can easily sleep for 12-16 hrs if i’m allowed to#not that that’s good either but. 4hrs is NOT enough for me friends#i am. running on pure distilled nervous energy rn#but i’m still excited don’t get me wrong. i just hope everything goes well and they aren’t too stressed or beat up from the shipping#wish me well that i don’t fuck things up!!!#i have like. a number of years of experience to fall back on but i am still always learning and i’m nervous every time i get new fish#anyways. the guilt of all the messages and comments i’ve gotten lately that i haven’t replied to is eating me alive :)#and it makes me feel bad for posting things on my socials whenever i have any un-replied to messages#cause i don’t want people to think i’m ignoring them!!! i’m just so busy rn!!! and it’s less effort to type out a lil post like this#versus sitting down and thinking of the good genuine thoughtful responses that i wanna give to people#especially when i like. can’t think straight rn. about anything other than keeping these fish alive#so. that will be my full day today but once things calm down and everyone’s hopefully settled in tomorrow#i can finally start working on replying to everything#okay enough rambling. back to staring at the fields and waiting#at least the weather’s nice. and i’m sitting in the golf cart so i’m in the shade#which is good cause i’m wearing a hoodie over a shirt and long pants#and i’ve got a coffee and music playing. now if i could just chill out everything would be great#but knowing myself I Will Not
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residentevilprompts · 7 years
Lucas Baker x Reader- Monster
The hell is going on?
“S’just weird, y’know?” Lucas grumbled. You nodded along as he struggled to lift your suitcase off the conveyor belt. You had tried helping him earlier, but Lucas was too stubborn and assured you that he could get the bags himself. “My folks have always been rather touchey-feely when it came to me and Zoe. I don’t understand why they’d just suddenly stop all contact with me when I started college,” he complained.
“Maybe something came up?” You tried to assure him. “Didn’t you say that the internet connection sucked at your house? It could be that the connection has been cut off and your parents have been too busy to fix it.” 
Lucas shrugged.
“Possibly. It’d be nice to know they’re not dead, though.”
You frowned, grabbing the suitcase’s handle and hauling it over the metal bar. Lucas had never really been a man of physical strength. Lucas had never really been a man of anything except technology and pranks.
“Hey, why don’t we get all our stuff together and head to your parents’ house?” You smiled softly and nudged him, “Then you can rant to your parents about how they should call you more often. Maybe throw a prank in there.” 
Lucas tried to keep his grumpy facade up but the grin tugging at his lips said otherwise. “Where’s that gorgeous smile that I adore so much?” You taunted, chuckling as Lucas glared at you due to your playful act.
“Fuck you.”
“Gladly. I think I’m quite the catch,” you joked and laid the final suitcase on the bag-carrier. “Now, let’s hurry and catch a cab before it’s too late! I don’t want to miss your mum’s legendary ‘bug stew’ made from beef and carrots.”
Lucas growled and trapped your smaller body in his arms. He shifted his face close to yours, snarling at you cheekily, “That was one time. Why do I tell you these things if you’re just going to use them as weaknesses against me?” 
You silenced him with a quick kiss.
“Come on, Mr ‘I’m-so-scary’. Like I said before, we need to catch a cab to the swamp or else we’ll be stuck at a hotel for the night,” you elaborated. “And I’m not going through the same thing that happened yesterday.”
Lucas snickered at your displeased features.
“Alright, it’s not like you’d get an extra night with me. Alone.” He taunted, smirking when a blush spread across your cheeks. You pushed him in return, using your hoodie as a shield when Lucas used his height as an advantage and began tickling your sides.
A few people turned around at the sound of your laughter, one or two older couples smiling at the pair of you, possibly reliving past memories as you and Lucas prodded one another. The two of you continued for another five minutes until you both calmed down, Lucas having to keep you up straight from the lack of air drifting into your lungs.
He giggled and poked your cheek, “Alright, alright. Let’s go get a cab, I’m sure ma won’t mind us arriving a little late. Dad’s probably waiting impatiently for her to serve the food~”
Rolling your eyes, you moved from Lucas’ grip and began pushing the luggage towards the exit. “Sounds like you whenever I visit your dorm,” you noted. It wasn’t uncommon that you would end up having to make sure Lucas ate dinner because he was so immersed in a new project.
“But you do it cause you love meee~” He threw his arms over your shoulders, much to your annoyance.
Your boyfriend was such a dork.
“Mm-hmm, whatever you say.” Lucas turned towards you and you immediately wished that you hadn’t said that. It was now his mission to have you admit your undying love for him, a mission so important that Lucas continued to pester you all the way back to his parents’ swamp and only giving you a break when the cab driver asked for directions.
“You love me, it’s so obvious.” 
You flicked Lucas’ nose. 
“Maybe I’m dating you for the money you’ll earn in the future, ever think of that?” Lucas seemed surprised at your reply, an unsettling grin stretching across his features.
“But that means you’re planning to stick with me,” he pointed out. “You said the future, which suggests that a certain someone doesn’t want to leave her boyfriend. You’re stuck with me~”
“Woe be me! I am stuck with a wonderful boyfriend that pranks me nonstop for the rest of eternity.” You smooshed against Lucas’ side whilst pressing the back of your hand against your forehead in a Shakespearian fashion. “How will I live?”
Lucas chortled at your dramatics, his eyes flooding with the familiar mirth that always seemed to be present in his mind. He opened his mouth to reply but stopped short when the cabbie slammed on the breaks. The two of you lurched forward, the seatbelt cutting into your neck and winding you. 
“Hey! What the hell, man?” Your boyfriend scowled at the man through his front mirror, the cabbie obviously a little sheepish at his previous actions. He apologised nervously and you wondered what caused him to stop so suddenly. Turning to look out the window, your heart dropped.
This was Lucas’ house, but it looked far different from the photos he had shown you. The wooden home was greyed and seemed to lack any care for maintenance. The pillars were crumbling and jagged. You tugged at Lucas’ jacket, causing your boyfriend to turn away from his argument with the cabbie and to look out the window.
You watched as the anger in his eyes turned to shock. 
The swamp seemed to swallow up some parts of the land and the trees caused the scene to have a somewhat dreary effect. 
“What in the fuck happened?” Lucas stumbled out of the car and slowed his pace as he approached the wooden structure. You apologised to the cabbie and asked him to wait, you were only going to be a minute.
“Lucas, maybe the cabbie got your directions wrong? He could have taken a wron-?” You were cut short by Lucas shaking his head.
“No, we’re at the right place.” He approached the door cautiously, tugging on the handle. You were surprised when it swung open. “C’mon, we need to find Dad,” he elucidated and strode confidently into the crumbling architecture. You watched him uncertainly and found yourself falling to peer pressure.
Sending the cab driver a quick ‘one-moment’ signal, you ran to catch up with Lucas.
Stepping through the door, you yelped as it swung shut and hit you from behind. You frowned at the suddenness and scanned the door over. Nothing seemed out of place.
“_____?” You jogged towards Lucas’ voice, not bothering to investigate the door further. It sounded like he was upstairs, so you strode up the stairs and found him standing on the landing. In front of him sat an old woman in a wheelchair.
“Lucas, you never mentioned having a grandmother!” You smiled warmly towards the old woman, her eyes unblinking and watching you through a bleary gaze.  Lucas grabbed your wrist, his eyes wide and somewhat frantic. Through clenched teeth, he whispered quietly ‘I don’t have any grandparents’ and slowly began pulling you towards the door to his left. The old woman made no signs of moving as Lucas and you backed away from her. She blinked slowly and that’s when you chose to close the door.
“Lucas-?” You turned towards your boyfriend and a lump form in your throat. Behind the tall man stood a 7ft monster made out of what looked like sludge. You could feel the blood drain from your face as it rose an arm and swung it towards the back of Lucas’ head.
“Lucas!” You shoved the man out of harm's way, causing the pair of you to hit the opposing wall. The monster seemed to grunt in frustration, raising its arm in an attempt to injure the pair of you again.
“Fuck!” Lucas ducked beneath the monster’s claw, dragging you down with him. The sharp-toothed creature seemed to teeter from the amount of weight it had thrown into the punch. Lucas and you took its moment of weakness to your advantage, Lucas pulling you out onto the balcony and towards his father’s study. He made sure to bolt the door behind him.
“What the hell was that?!” 
You took a moment to calm your beating heart and pressed back against a nearby wall. You needed to calm down. Take a deep breath. You did so and felt your mind clear. Looking over to Lucas, the man seemed to be doing the exact opposite. He was bent over, his hands clenching and unclenching the fabric of his jeans, his breath short and panicked.
Your eyes widened.
Had Lucas taken his medicine?
“Lucas! Lucas, look at me,” you approached the man carefully. When he made no move to that opposed your presence, you traced his jaw slowly and lifted his face so that his eyes would meet your own.
He seemed confused like he didn’t recognise you, then he nodded and followed your instructions. Lucas’ panic attacks weren’t a very common occurrence, but you had taken a few classes in case you were ever around when he slipped into one.
You waited patiently until his breathing had finally evened out and ran a hand over his back, giving him a little physical contact to ease him back to reality. Lucas wasn’t really one for physical contact when it came to his attacks, but it helped to ease him back down from his panicked state.
“Are you alright now?”
He nodded.
“Need a hug?”
Hesitant nod.
Drawing the tall man closer, you let him rest his face in the crook of your neck and hesitantly wrapped your arms around his waist. Lucas remained still and took deep breaths, letting your scent calm him.
Pulling away, he smiled weakly, which made you send a supportive smile back. The hooded adult took another breath and his usual grin settled across his smugass face.
Now, to figure out what was going on.
For Anon! :)
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