#cg! könig
writerof-thewoods · 8 months
would you be able to please do CG!Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley from COD or CG!König headcanons? I rlly love ur posts btw!! :333
Oooh my bois <3 I most definitely can!! I'm sorry this took me so long 😭 I couldn't decide between either one, so I'm gonna both of them!! I hope you like them and tysm for the ask!
Caregiver! König Headcanons🖤
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He definitely gives off enthusiastic dad vibes. Like he knows when to be serious and stuff, but just likes matching your energy/following your lead :D
This man is built like a HOUSE, so piggyback rides for the win. I highly doubt your feet touch the ground even once when he's around
Knows a ton of old stories and folktales (I mean he's from Austria, so it's not that far of a stretch) that he tells you! Whether it's just for fun or to put you to sleep, he just likes telling them since they remind him of when he was a kid
S O many petnames, both English and German, but mostly German. Mainly calls you mein Liebling (darling, my favorite), lämmchen (lamb), Bärchen (little bear), and Vögelchen (little bird)
Lets you put stickers on & play with his mask if you want! He'd even help you make your own so you could match
Takes you out on walks and sightseeing! He loves going outside with you and watching the birds, the rain, looking at clouds, just anything that has to do with nature
Overall, he's a very endearing and open cg. He's still anxious most of the time, but he works on it when you're around. (He'd definitely help you with your anxiety whenever he can) He wants you to feel happy and the first time you felt safe around him while regressed, he just about melted.
Caregiver! (Ghost) Simon Riley Headcanons 🖤
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(Ohh boy, I have a t o n of ideas for Ghost. The man's been through so much, I swear.)
When he first found out you were an age regressor, he didn't really know how to react. He wasn't weirded out or anything, just nervous. (Considering how his father was, to say he freaked out over being a caregiver would be an understatement.) Aside from Price, he'd never had a stable or good paternal figure, so he's really going in blind not knowing what exactly to do. He's still trying though! He's just really afraid he'll do something wrong or he'll come off as too stern or like he doesn't care
Because of that, he's more of an older brother figure towards you. (Which makes sense since he is one canonically xD) He just doesn't know how to handle being a "dad" in a sense, but he still cares about you and has an "older person watching over you" sort of vibe.
It takes him a while, but once he starts getting used to it, he gets a little bit better at showing his emotions and being more open towards you. He has a huge soft spot for you and later on, other regressors in general because he understands it
Usually very silent (I personally hc him as being selectively mute :D). So whenever or if you're non-speaking, he gets along with you even more. It's not as hard for him to understand or help you because he's the same way <3 I could see him being like "Wow, well you're just like me then, aren't you? :D" and then excitedly signing to you
Too many dad jokes. He loves the look on your face when you laugh and tell him to stop. He thinks about it for a second, but then tells another one without a second thought. You can't stop it because he will n o t
He keeps both a nightlight and glow in the dark stickers on the ceiling for you. (And him as well since he doesn't like the dark, but he won't admit it)
He actually enjoys being this type of person because not only does it help you, but it helps him as well. It gives him something to care about and to get out of his own head. The guy loves you even if he doesn't say it out loud. And if he can give you a better childhood now, it's completely worth it <3
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shymeow · 8 months
just imagine ur fav being a cg and just playing along when you make them a "cake" (it's a wooden toy) them just being sooo indulgent when playing "this is amazing baby did you make this yourself!?" or them helping you solve one of those chunky puzzles and praising you when you get the right piece in the right place!! "good job baby!! you're so smart! soon you'll be smarter than mama/dada!"
Oh my I felt obsessed with the idea of König in this hc, but you can pretend it's your fav here ! Btw thank you for the request sweetie !
𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐟 . . !
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: König x fem ! lil ! reader
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 (?): None. If I missed any, pls warn me !
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: König praising his cute little one because yes!
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"Oh mein Gott, this tastes so good baby! Who taught you how to do such a delicious cake?" König pretended to eat a piece of the wooden toy, leaving playful hums as he chewed and you leaved happy sounds of clapping hands in the air.
"I leawned awone daddy!" You spoke happily seeing his surprised face.
"Oh my- Did you?! That's so impressive little one! I hope one day I can cook so good like you! Can you teach me?" He pretended to eat one more piece of the toy cake, humming along with his chews.
"Of couwse daddy! We can cook tugethe'!" You pretended to serve juice on the plastic cup, handing it to König.
"We should try that someday baby! Oh thank you so much, sweetie, I was thirsty!" He took a sip of the "juice". "Uhmm it tastes so good! Is it orange juice?"
"No daddy! It's bubewwy juice!"
"Oh silly daddy, of course it's blueberry juice. How couldn't I tell the flavour?" You giggled softly clapping your hands at daddy's words, your innocent mind full of the playfulness in daddy. "Thank you for the food, baby."
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midnighmoonligh · 3 months
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Call of Duty
König ;; 40 ;; He/They ;; Little/Kid
Horangi ;; 34 ;; He/Him ;; CG
⚠Content Warnings⚠
N/A. CW for military base & lightning storm tho!
Plot Summary
König is enjoying the weather when it starts to rain!
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With rumbles of the clouds above, König was out watching as it began to rain. It was light drops, one by one that fell onto his hood and casual clothing. He still stood out there in the parking lot, however. It was nice weather. The air was warm while the rain was a refreshing coolness. It was difficult to not want to be out there.
“ König are you coming?”
The voice startled him. He hadn’t realized he had been out there for so long. It had been an hour, just him standing there zoning out and watching the rain. His clothing, and mask, were completely soaked. They stuck uncomfortably to his skin, but he wasn’t sure he minded right now. Normally it would make him heavily uncomfortable. It was a breath of fresh air, to put it simply. When he turned to look behind him, Horangi was standing at the heavy iron door to their base. He blinked tiredly at him, wearing casual clothes much like he did.
“ But it’s nice out,” König decided to reply without even thinking.
His tone was soft and quiet. It mirrored the way his mind felt like it was blurring together. It felt so strange but welcomed. He’s felt this way before, regressing often within the safe space of his room or office. However, this would be one of the few times he did so outside of that space. Even more rare, it was positive. He felt light and happy. His body thrummed with a happy feeling that made him wear a hidden smile under his layered masks.
“ It’s pouring König, and the weather app said it’s only meant to get worse,” Horangi argued. The shorter man stepped out through the door some more. His foot keeps the door open. He still stood under the overhang of the roof so he would stay dry.
“ Please,” König found himself almost begging. “ Just nice out,” he spoke quieter. The evidence of his regression beginning to show through.
Hornagi either didn’t notice or didn’t care enough to ask. He simply sighed and leaned against the framing of the metal door. He crossed his arms over his chest as a tired parent's appearance seemed to settle onto him.
“ Only if you take a warm shower as soon as we come inside, got it? We don’t need you sick.”
König practically lit up as Horangi caved. He smiled so hard under his mask that his cheeks were starting to hurt. He peeked around, walking around to check around the building's walls and even the vehicles that were parked outside. After confirming it was just them out there, he let himself relax. He stomped through the puddles, laughing to himself as they splashed. He jumped over into the next, a larger one. It splashed so high that it splattered across his soaked clothing. He burst out laughing and then hopped to the next puddle. He hopped into each puddle as they formed, scattering the water across the concrete happily. It went okay until he tripped.
He tripped right onto his knees, gloved hands catching him in a more childish instinct. His adult mind knew not to know that, but of course, right now he’s just a sweet little boy. He wasn’t regressed very far, more a child headspace. It stung, knees scraped a bit. When he looked up he spotted Horangi walking over to him with a worried expression. It made his heart swell. As soon as Horangi was close enough, he was trying to help him up to his feet again.
“ Are you alright?”
The gentle tone made König melt. He nodded. Although the fall had startled him, he didn’t feel upset or hurt. It was a nice refresher. With Horangi’s help, he got up onto his feet again. His eyes watched his friend quickly become soaked by the rain. It made him laugh.
“ Don’t laugh!” he complained.
“ You’re all wet!” König giggled as he tried to stop his laughing as he was asked.
“ I was worried about you! You fell!” Horangi huffed at him while moving his arms to cross over his chest.
The rain was falling harder and faster than before. The clouds rumbled, but there was no lightning in sight. Once König managed to get his laughter under control, Horangi cupped his hands and threw the water they gathered at him. He gasped dramatically. Soon he was trying to do the same. He wasn’t able to gather as much water as Horangi, but the battle of tossing the water they caught at each other. Laughter filled the space as they did so.
“ Can’t get enough,” König whined after Horangi had dodged the small amount he had gathered.
“ Okay okay, I’ll show you,” he decided.
He walked closer to his larger, and older, friend. Once he stood in front of him, he held his hands out for his hands.
“ Give me your hands,” he asked.
Quickly, König did as he was asked. He held his gloved hands out and gently placed them into his smaller ones. He excitedly watched as his hands were guided to cup together better. He listened as Horangi ranted and taught him how to catch it better. With a few adjustments to his hands, they caught so much more water very quickly. His eyes lit up in reply. When he moved to pull his touch away proudly, König tossed the water right into his face.
“ Oh my god,” Horangi complained but laughed and rubbed some of the water from his face so it wouldn’t be dripping. “ You’re lucky you’re cute and sweet,” he sighed in defeat, getting laughter in reply.
Suddenly, a loud crackle of lightning sounded in the place. It echoed off the walls of the building as it reached them. The loud sound made König flinch and whimper.
“It's okay,” Horangi reassured, raising his hands to help soothe him. “Let's head inside now,” he instructed.
With an agreeing nod, König trailed behind his shorter friend as the heavy iron door was opened again. They walked inside and were met with the warmth of the inside. At least the rain was fun while it lasted.
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cerealkiddie · 7 months
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caregiver!nikolai x gn!regressor!reader
my fav in the cod universe after könig <3 regressor!gaz hc mentioned, aaand lotsa projection. :)
One of the silliest cg's ! mark my words he has an arsenal of good dad jokes
would def team up with price and take u and gaz out for a play date
has and will info dump about guns/heli's his knowledge is unlimited
has probably taken you out for drives to get you to sleep. (took you out on the heli once. yeah not again.)
also has little habits that peek through, in terms of speaking and his actions.
"ah, solnyshko. we have to dry your hair before you go out, we dont want you getting sick. da?"
coffee drinker. always has his coffee in the morning. whether it's a moka pot or instant or a jezva. (projection <3)
has a jezva/jezves from his mom (also projection)
if you drink coffee, he'll fix it up how you like and pour it in your sippy/bottle, fix his and have a lil moment on his balcony (if not he'll fix u tea or whatever u like)
will fix your clothes, straightening our your collar or pulling the hem over your lower back. 'don't leave your kidneys exposed liubov, lest you get sick.'
always prepared, just has everything like dude, where are u putting all this.
ddlg/abdl/nsfw/variants dni! add any of ur own headcanons in the comments or reblogs ! post belongs to me ☆
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Hiii do you think you could make a könig cg moodboard with mlp theme? My heart would explode 🥹🫶🏻
Ofc my lovely! <333 Thank you for requesting, I had so much fun making this! :)
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Caregiver König moodboard with mlp themes!
.。.:*・゚♡★♡゚・*:.。 。.:*・゚♡★♡
Headcannons! ☆
If picking favorites I think König would favor some of the alternative mlp designs like Goth Fluttershy, Punk Rarity, and Princess Luna or Nightmare Moon!
I could also see him enjoying Pinkie Pie or Apple Jack too
If he was most like a pony I think he'd be Shining Armor because they're both soldiers/gaurds
König carries around a bag on base for you, where toys and coloring books are found inside for you at anytime!
Definitely enjoys settling down and watching cartoons with you and plushies after a long mission when he returns.
Made with Picsart! ☆
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little-babybell · 9 months
Heyo again!!! :3
So sorry for requesting so much I just really enjoy your posts and literally was so happy when I saw the CG!Ghost headcanons, it rlly means a lot since I’ve been STRUGGLING to find any COD Agere related stuff and my autism has made me hyper fixate sm on it so I literally nearly cried from happiness when you responded 😭💗💗
Obvs take your time but if it’s possible (pls don’t stress urself out w it u don’t have to do it 😭) would u be able to make CG!Soap or CG!König headcanons
Tysm for responding last time - hope you have a wonderful day!!! 💗💗💗 ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ
Okay okay haiii!! Also I hope YOU have a wonderful day as well!! So like I was reading this and I just thought "WHY NOT BOTH???" so yeah (^• ω •^)
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Cg!König headcanons!!!
He's liek tall like I think giraffe kinda tall
He really loves carrying his Littles or just holding them up oh and PIGGY BACKRIDES!!! Best thing ever
I believe he'd be like kind of chill but also very energetic yknow?? Just fits up with your energy
Especially good with younger regressors
Calls you mein sohn(my son), meine tochter(my daughter), or just maus which is mouse in German (I need to stop doing my German lessons so late at night)
I don't know If he'd be a good cook but he could make those microwave smores
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Okay now Cg!Soap AAAAAAA
Okay so I think he'd be more ljke just an older sibling more than like seeming like a parent yknow what i mean?
I personally headcanon he has a big big collect of rubber ducks so that's just perfect for bath time!!
I just remembered that video where it's like "Does soap enjoy a bubble bath teehee ^w^ Does soap enjoy a bubble bath??? Ô_õ"(I tried to make it seem like eyebrows) but he DEFINITELY ENJOYS A BUBBLE BATH especially like washing your hair and giving you a bunch of bath toys to play with
He's like a playful caregiver ^w^ like a nice older brother you can be silly with
He usually calls you little sister/brother/sibling or just sib/bro/sis for short
He's REALLY FUN like I also feel like he's kind of a prankster so I feel like you two would just start pulling pranks on people
Okay that's all hope u enjoy!! ^w^
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suger-sweet-sharks · 2 months
Hi I hope this is ok to ask but could you maybe try a König (from COD) CG mood board ? Maybe with pink ? (deco paci is ok) Anyway thank you and your blog is really cute :)
Of course!! You can always ask for any kind of board you want :] And I'm so glad you think my blog is cute!! I hope this is everything you wanted, and if not, feel free to ask again with some suggestions, and I'll fix it right up!!
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ronzombie · 1 year
F/O List
name / tag
Romantic F/O
- Connor Murphy / [ cm ] mumbling with you
- Kyle Garrick / [ kg ] all your perfect imperfections
- Alejandro Vargas / [ av ] i wanna ride
- John Price / [ jp ] black coffee kisses
- Simon Riley / [ sr ] ghost
- König / [ k ] fit for a king
- Nancy Wheeler / [ nw ] kitchen lovin'
- Enid Sinclair / [ es ] perfect for you
- Davina / [ d ] apple juice and peach
- Codename V / [ v ] scarlet fever
Queer Platonic F/O ( italic = poly )
- Kurt Kunkle / [ kk ] flashbang
- Jim Halpert / [ jh ] paper planes
- Lisa Swallows / [ ls ] lipstick stains
- The Creature / [ tc ] coffee stained copy
- Simon Henriksson / [ sh ] smoke break
- Dwayne Hoover / [ dh ] a little life
- Colin Gray / [ cg ] emo boy
- Edward Nygma / [ en ] partners in crime
Platonic F/O
- Dylan Lenivy / [ dl ] boy on fire
- Ryan Erzahler / [ re ] haunted
- Jared Kleinman / [ jk ] trippin
- John MacTavish / [ jm ] soap
Parental F/O ( bold = biological )
- Lucifer Morningstar / [ lm ] deviled egg
- Eve (from Lucifer) / [ e ] deviled egg
- Dale Dobson / [ dd ] sun baby
- Mazikeen Smith (step-mom) / [ ms ] soul searcher
- Chloe Decker (step-mom) / [ cd ] detective
- Tucker McGee (God-father) / [ tm ] junior
Sibling F/O ( green = in-law )
- Violet Harmon / [ vh ] on top of the world
- Alyssa Foley / [ af ] tampax pride
- Evan Hansen / [ eh ] forest expertise
- Olive Hoover / [ oh ] little miss sunshine
- Trixie Espinoza (step-sister) / [ te ] looking out for you
Pet F/O
- Jangers Dobson / [ jd ] puppy prince
- Skitter / [ s ] sic 'em
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pigeonagere · 1 month
hello! if your requests are open, can you do a cg or agere (whichever youd like to do!!) moodboard of könig from modern warfare? thank you very much!!
At the moment I only do fandoms I know, but thank you for the request anyway!!
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tinytinybumblebee · 11 months
Wamma,,,,make cg König or Price cai waa
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Thor Love and Thunder Film Online Ganzer Deutsch Stream 2022
Thor Love and Thunder film online - https://thor-4-love-and-thunder.blogspot.com/
Neue Abenteuer des skandinavischen Gottes Thor. Er ist wieder mit Jane Fosters ehemaligem Liebhaber vereint, der sich in den weiblichen Thor verwandelt hat. Gemeinsam müssen sie gegen den blutrünstigen Gorr, den Slayer of the Gods, kämpfen.
Vorbei ist die Comic-Version von Gorr. Wie ursprünglich vom Künstler Esad Ribić konzipiert, war er eindeutig ein Außerirdischer und nicht nur ein Typ mit Körperbemalung. Es wurde spekuliert, dass sein Aussehen verändert wurde, weil er dem anderen blassen, nasenlosen Wunder Voldemort ein bisschen nahe stand – was ironisch wäre, wenn man bedenkt, wie eine seltsame Harry-Nebenhandlung Potter über Thor rutscht, der eine Gruppe asgardischer Kinder rettet, die Gorr entführt hat Schattenreich. Alles an diesem Gorr ist weniger interessant als die Comic-Version, von seinen finsteren magischen Tentakeln der Dunkelheit (jetzt nur noch riesige CG-Käfer) bis zu seiner dünnen, gottvernichtenden Klinge, All-Black the Necrosword. In den Comics ist es eine Erweiterung seiner himmlischen Serienmörderwut; Hier sieht es aus wie ein Spirit Store-Zubehör mit einem Rust-Oleum-Sprühauftrag.
Das heißt nicht, dass der Film die Comics rigoros adaptieren muss. Aber wenn die Ersatzidee weniger interessant ist als das Original, ist das ein schlechtes Zeichen. Aarons Thor ist fleischlich, gewalttätig und nachdenklich; Waititi's ist eine Clownshow. Schlimmer noch, es ist wohl die am wenigsten interessante Bildschirmversion von Thor der MCU.
Waititi nimmt die Fisch-aus-dem-Wasser-Elemente von Kenneth Branaghs Version des Gottes des Donners und verwandelt ihn in ein fröhliches Kleinkind mit dem gelegentlichen „Boo-Boo-Gesicht“. Allerdings sind die drei Hauptasgarden ziemlich albern. Waititis Entscheidung, die Götter zum Narren zu machen, bedeutet, dass Jane nichts dagegen hat, den Mantel der Gottheit anzunehmen. In ähnlicher Weise hat Val die Rolle des Königs von Asgard übernommen, aber sobald es langweilig wird, verlässt sie die Community, damit sie mit ihren Freunden abhängen kann. Erinnern Sie sich an Thor, wie Odin, als er zum ersten Mal vom Himmel auftauchte, versuchte, Diplomatie einzusetzen, um Konflikte zu vermeiden? Wie auch immer, lass uns einfach einen coolen Kampf haben. (Machen Sie es eigentlich gruselig: Marvels Kampfkinematographie wird oft zu Unrecht für schlampige CG-Schlägereien geohrfeigt, aber die Kämpfe von Love and Thunder sind einfach inkonsistent.) Das Drehbuch gibt den Rahmen für eine Diskussion über Glauben und Verantwortung, Macht und Verpflichtung vor, aber macht nichts damit. Für alle, die auf eine reife Beziehung zwischen Thor und Jane hoffen, viel Glück. Sie benehmen sich nicht nur wie hinterhältige Teenager, die emotionales Huhn spielen, sondern es gibt keine Diskussion über die offensichtliche Frage der Liebe zwischen einem Sterblichen und einem Unsterblichen. Das ist in Ordnung, denn es gibt endloses Ziegenschreien, einen hochkarätigen Russell Crowe als Zeus (mit einem Monty-Python-ähnlichen griechischen Akzent) und Thor, der versucht, die verletzten Gefühle von Stormbreaker über seine alte Waffe Mjolnir zu beruhigen, die zurückkehrt, um ganz sexy zu sein und Zerschmetterung und Blitz. Ja, es ist eine Metapher. Wir haben verstanden.
m Jahr 2019 kündigte der neuseeländische Regisseur Taika Waititi auf der San Diego Comic-Con Pläne für seinen neuesten Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU)-Film „Thor: Love and Thunder“ an. In der hochkarätigen Ankündigung neckte der Regisseur nicht nur die Rückkehr von Chris Hemsworth und Tessa Thompson, sondern auch von Natalie Portman, die zuletzt 2013 in dem Film Thor: The Dark World zu sehen war. Nach einer rechtzeitigen Veröffentlichungsverzögerung (danke, COVID) bekommen wir endlich den Thor-th-Film des MCU.
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midnighmoonligh · 6 months
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Call of Duty
Y/N ; Gender Neutral ; They/Them ; little
König ;; He/Him ;; CG
⚠Content Warnings⚠
Violence, War stuff, COD yk.
Sleep anxiety, general anxiety, & lil violence (you hitting)
Plot Summary
Y/N is stressed and struggling to regress, so after asking König for help he takes a crack at being a cg for you.
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You have been having trouble regressing for a few weeks now. You rarely went to other people, but after confessing to your Colonel, König, that you are an age regressor during a mission, he always offered to help. Sometimes, when things on base were slow, he would even do small things to encourage you to regress. Usually you just laughed at him and teased him for it.
König had been noticing you struggling to be little and relax. After a particularly hard mission, you showed up in his office. You gently pushed open the door after knocking softly. As usual, you waited until you were given the okay before coming in. Once in, you gently shut the door behind yourself. The noise made the large man look up from the tablet on his desk. At first, he looked confused but quickly his expression relaxed when realizing it was just you. König didn't mind, though, was definitely awkward.
" What is up? " he asked hesitantly, words thick with his usual German accent. His english has improved lately, on the bright side.
" König... " you trailed off hesitantly, nervously even. You fidgeted with your hands as you walked towards the desk. You stopped once in front of it. " Could, uh, could you help me regress? I feel awful and just... need it, " you did your best to voice what you needed.
König clearly was surprised by it too. Even so, he couldn't help but smile under his mask. He wasn't trying to push you into him caring for you, as much as he really wanted to these days. He was definitely cherishing the moment, to say the least. He turned off the tablet in his hands so it would lock then pulled himself to sit up better.
" Of course, " he replied quickly, not wanting you to over think more than you, clearly, already had.
You gave a short nod. Then the space became so awkward. You sat down into the chair across from him and just stared at the floor nervously. You could feel bus eyes burn into you. The room was tense with anxiety from the both of you.
" So, " he finally spit out after a long silence. " What... can I do to, um, help? "
" I don't... really know, " you replied hesitantly. Slowly, you moved to bring your legs up onto the chair. They pressed against your chest as you hugged them close. " I've tried everything that normally works, but they didn't work, " you voiced sadly.
" Hmm, " König leaned back in his chair and studied you. His blue eyes seemed to scan your head to toe. " Do you think it was the mission? " he asked as he rubbed his chin. " Are you stressed about more things than ususal? "
You couldn't read him. He seemed to show genuine interest, and want to help you, but his tone was so flat. It was quite different than speaking to a counselor... You chewed on the inside of your cheek, eyes keeping on the floor to sooth your anxiety.
" I don't know, " you mumbled, repeating the phrase once more. You didn't know why you were having a hard time regressing lately. It bothered you.
König sighed before speaking, " We can always try a few things. If it doesn't work, we will try something else. "
He went to his desk and shuffled around some papers. He then turned back and looked at you. It made you feel guilty for interrupting him mid work day.
" Do you like anything in particular? " he asked as he returned to his chair. " Are you sensitive to sounds, light and smells? Or are you particular about the things you need? "
His face was quite neutral, but he looked concerned. You let out a short hum as you thought about what he had asked.
" I don't like loud sounds, " you told him, though it wasn't an uncommon thing. Let alone on the base. " I don't know, sorry. Just, hard to focus, " you admit as you sank down into your chair further.
König nodded his head, seemingly making sense of it all. He was not a stranger to concentration problems. " Hmmm, " he mumbled as he thought over some things.
He went over to a cabinet and pulled out a few items. A small, fluffy rabbit stuffed animal, some colouring sheets, a few markers and a small blanket. You were surprised when König pulled out the items. Apart of you wanted to ask why he had these things, let alone where he got them from. Thankfully, you decided to keep those questions to yourself instead. König brought these over to you and pushed them into your hands.
" I'll stay around in case you need help, " he said as he sat back down in his chair. " Tell me if you need anything, okay? "
You set the coloring stuff into the desk before tugging the blanket around yourself. It was warm and cozy, making you smile.
" Okay, " you mumbled as you looked through the coloring sheets with a bored expression. You eventually picked one, coloring despite not being regressed. You hoped it would help, which is why you were trying. It was better than not trying at all.
Despite seeming quite confused when you began to color despite not being regressed, König made no comment. He didn't went to discourage you from trying at all. He watched you and even brought his chair closer, seeming to try to offer comfort and support. You looked over when hearing König move closer. Though your attention soon returned back to coloring. Your head was placed in the palm of your hand, elbow against the arm rest of the chair.
A long moment passed as you colored. Eventually, he spoke up after glancing at the clock on the wall. " Is this helping? " he finally asked. " Are you any closer to regressing? "
" Not really, " you admitted, but didn't stop what you were doing.
König nodded slowly and sighed once more. You weren't sure if he was just trying to help you or genuinely curious. Still, he stayed close, leaning back and tapping his fingers quietly on the arm rest of his chair.
He watched you a little longer before speaking up again. " How long has it been since you regressed? " he asked you curiously.
" Mm, maybe a month? " you recalled. You closed the cap of the marker and set it down in defeat. Your hands fell into your lap afterward.
" Had a mission for two weeks... obviously couldn't then. Then we got back and I just, couldn't I guess, " you struggled to explain.
He had heard of regressors being unable to regress for long periods of time, but it was still unfortunate that you hadn't been able to.
" Hmm, " König murmured to himself as he thought. " Maybe... " the words left his mouth, but he seemed to lose his train of thought and remained silent.
He thought a little longer; " Maybe you are just, um, needing some attention? " he finally said; looking at you with a somewhat awkward expression. You smiled and snorted at König's words. They were cute and sweet.
" I don't know anymore, I've genuinely tried everything I could, " you sighed, but a content smile kept on your face.
" I understand, " König reassured as he slowly nodded his head again. He was starting to wonder if your inability to regress was his fault, or something.
He sighed and leaned back in his chair. He didn't mind you being in his office, but he also understood that you had a job to do outside. You fidgeted with your hands quietly while your eyes watched the coloring book. It wasn't really helping, but you liked looking at it. The pages were very cool in a pleasing way, even for your adult mind. König really had picked a good coloring book.
" Is there... anything else I can try doing? " the larger man spoke up, body language awkward but he really wanted to help you.
" I don't know, I'm sorry, " you sputtered out an apology quickly.
" No need to apologize, " he said softly, putting his hand up. He hesitated to speak, a slight frown crossing his face. " I would like to see you after you are off-duty, " König said after a long moment.
You blinked a few times before nodding. You knew König had work to do, which made you feel bad for getting in the way. Carefully you pulled yourself to sit up. Your fingers fidgeted with the blanket he had given you.
He shifted in his chair, moving his hands into his pockets. " I would be happy to help you try to regress... "
" Okay, I can do that, " you agreed to meet König later when they were both off-duty.
" Are you free around 5? " he asked in a soft tone. " I'll be by your room... "
He didn't know how he had become your caregiver; at first you had only mentioned having social anxiety and you both had bonded over having that in common. Then, later at a very awkward time, you had told him you regressed. König still didn't know how to process it. A part of him wanted to protect you and help you. Another wanted to take care of all your problems for you. His heart skipped a beat.
König was probably just being dramatic.
" Should be, " you nodded softly at the offer of a time frame. Hesitantly, you got up from the chair. You folded the blanket gently before setting it across the backing of the chair you had been sitting it.
" I guess, see you at five then? " you sheepishly spoke as a sort of goodbye.
" Yes, " he nodded. König sat quietly in the chair and watched you leave.
" Until then... " he mumbled to himself before picking up a pen and doodling on one of the many sheets of paper on his desk. He didn't know what to make of you; that you regressed, needed his help and seemed to like his company.
Most people didn't like him or his company. The times they needed it was for work anyways. König let out a long sigh. He promised himself, internally, that he wouldn't mess this up.
Soon the time hit five pm and you were waiting for König in your room as you both had agreed. You left your door unlocked, sitting on your bed messing with a plushie in your hands. The soft texture easily rolled through your hands as you petted it. You weren't really sure what to do with your stuffies when you weren't regressed. You could admit, however, that it made you feel guilty for neglecting them in s way.
König arrived in front of your door at precisely 5 o'clock. This was the first time he had entered you room alone, so he was somewhat nervous. He cleared his throat and gave a light knock. Then he spoke, his voice quiet and nervous.
" Y/N... may I please come in? " he asked. He felt so nervous he was worried he'd trip into something or hit his head on a doorframe.
" It's unlocked, " you called in reply, not bothering to get up as you had made yourself very comfortable.
The doorknob of your room slightly turned and König peeked into the room. König was still in uniform, but it was clear this was after the workday by the way he carried himself. He looked more tired than usual, more expressive too.
" Hallo, " he greeted softly. His eyes wandered the room after he finally stepped into it. The door softly clicked shut behind him. He didn't have the same cold aura as usual, but his tone was still rather flat.
You looked up from the plush in your hands when hearing König's voice. You blinked a few times before giving a small wave to greet him. König slowly entered the room and just stood there in the middle of the room rather awkwardly. He had no idea where to go or what to do. He fiddled with his fingers, his expression staying as it was.
" Do you mind if I sit? " he asked after a moment of silence.
" Have at it, " you mumbled while fidgeting with the plush. The blankets were lazily thrown over you, but only enough to cover your waist. You couldn't really make up your mind if you were hot or cold, so you had compromised with this.
König nodded once and moved towards the bed, sitting down on its edge. His hands rested in his lap and he didn't speak.He watched you play with the plushie, not sure what else to do. After a few seconds, he spoke up finally.
" So, er, you said that you couldn't regress, um, on your own? "
You knew he was really trying, which meant a lot to you. As the topic of conversation came up, you slowly pulled yourself to sit up. You rubbed at your eyes when gently setting the plush aside.
" Yeah, I've been tryin' an stuff but nothing's working. "
" Hmm... " he thought out loud before leaning back in his seat slightly. " Have you tried the normal triggers? Or some other ways of regressing? "
He tilted his head to the side. " I understand that it can be frustrating, " he offered as he watched you.
" We can try different things, if you want. But you should be able to relax, not force yourself to regress. "
You sighed heavily. You knew König was right, you couldn't force yourself to regress as much as you wanted to. You carefully shifted to sit comfortably, feeling a little anxious.
" Yeah, I've tried the usual things that help already, " you told König with a heavy, pretty frustrated, sigh. " I've looked up what other people recommend but it's just... not working. "
He nodded and looked down at the floor for a moment, as if considering something.
Then he looked at you. His eyes crinkled as he smiled, making you give a short smile back out of reassurance. It almost looked like he was holding back a lot of words.
A few moments passed and König finally spoke up, his tone sounding surprisingly soft and sweet. " Would you like... help? To feel little? "
" Please, " you asked in a soft, but clearly desperate, tone while your hands gripped at the sheets pooled in your lap.
He smiled a little wider and scooted to sit closer to you. His voice had become so soft and gentle and he didn't know where it was coming from.
He reached out a hand and gently touched your head. " You are safe... " he said while keeping his hand on your head.
" You did a good job on the mission, " König continued. " And I am here to take care of you. You don't need to be tough right now. "
He reached his arms out to you after a few moments. The action was simply asking for a hug, you knew that very well. You blinked a few times as you looked at his arms. You were surprised, but not sure as to why.
" Come here, " König said, his tone remaining strangely soft and sweet.
His heart was racing, but if he couldn't help you regress for your own sake, he would help you feel little by other means; as a caregiver. You paused for a few seconds. After giving yourself a moment to process, you gave a short nor before shuffling yourself closer to him. You flopped right into his arms wordlessly.
König's face lit up at the gesture. He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you close. It seemed like you were his little boy, now. He cradled you in his arms and played with your hair.
" Now listen to me, " he said softly in a more paternal tone. " You are in my care now... " his voice wasn't as flat or as cold as before. You could swear you heard his heart beating.
" I will help you be little. Okay? "
You curled up into König's arms and nuzzled into his chest. You liked being held, it was soothing. You let out a small breath while you allowed yourself to relax.
" Kay, " you mumbled quietly as you cuddled into him.
For a long moment he just held you. He felt very proud to be holding you. It felt like you trusted him more than he, honestly, had expected you to.
" I am going to hold you for as long as you need to feel safe, " he murmured softly.
" There is no rush. Just, um, tell me what you need. Okay, little one? "
" I'm okay, " you mumbled. Then you shifted in König's arms.
You reached out and grabbed the stuffie you had been playing with when König had walked into the room. You pulled it close and hugged it, leaning into his chest more as you settled back down. His body felt warm when you rested your head on his chest. His hands remained gently wrapped around you.
" I don't know what I need or want right now, " you admitted quietly.
He hugged you even tighter and gently kissed the top of your head.
" As I said, " he muttered, " Relax. Try not to think too much, hm? "
König brushed against your hair with one hand, while his other held you close and rubbed against your back. It was quite a calming motion as it repeated over and over.
" Take your time, little one. "
You fell quiet, unsure what to do. You felt nice being there. Unfortunately, it wasn't really working though. After a few minutes you shifted, squirming in your spot. You were starting to get uncomfortable being there. Only because you disliked staying still for too long. It was a bit heartbreaking to watch you become uncomfortable. You were so used to regressing when you wanted; it felt like you were so close to regressing.
" Little one seems restless... " he muttered playfully with the same soft voice he had been speaking with this whole time. König kept on brushing against your hair, still holding you close and his hands resting against your back.
He pulled you onto his lap to sit with your back against his chest while he started to rock back and forth. The moment surprised you and made you look at him with a confused expression until he had quit moving you. The movements were gentle, but steady as he held you close. He hummed a little, trying to think of other ways to calm you. You were still fidgeting and he could tell you weren't comfortable.
As soon as he had started rocking, your brain seemed to melt. It was such a comforting motion. You slowly sank into him while hugging the stuffie to your chest. You took in deep breaths for a few seconds to sooth your mind. For a moment, you felt the familiar fuzzy feeling you got from regressing. Unfortunately it faded after a few moments.
" Can we do somethin? " you asked quietly while speaking slower than usual.
" I... I don't really know, " you answered. You've always been so indecisive. You couldn't help it. You chewed the inside of your cheek, feeling guilty for wanting to do something but being unable to pick what exactly to do.
" Hmm, " he said as he kept rocking you, thinking to himself. It seemed like there was one thing on his mind. " What if I gave you... a pacifier? " he offered hesitantly.
You were surprised by the offer. You shifted to look up at him, blinking a few times before looking away. Your mind felt fuzzy, scrambled even. Slowly, you nodded in agreement to the offer.
" Maybe that would help you relax? " König asked you, hoping he wouldn't ruin the mood. His eyes looked back at you, studying your reaction to what he suggested.
" Wouldn't hurt to try, " you mumbled. " I keep them in my nightstand, " you told him as you nodded over to said nightstand. However, you don't move from your spot. You were way too comfy to move now. He looked at the nightstand curiously, but didn't ask for you to move.
" I'll just... get it for you. "
He got out of his chair and made his way to the nightstand. You squeaked as you were picked up, but didn't hold any complaints. At least not yet. You watched him take out a pacifier from the bottom drawer of the nightstand. He placed it into your mouth. As he did you opened your mouth with the paci could be placed, then slumped against König. The colonel sat back down on the bed and resumed rocking, his other hand gently caressing your hair. You chewed on it, finally feeling like you were feeling smaller. Your fingers gently held onto König, even after he sat back onto the bed with you in his lap.
" How about this? Do you like that better? " he asked, his tone sounding rather sweet.
" Mm, " you mumbled in reply to yet another question.
" I am guessing that was a yes, " he smirked and looked back at the pacifier in your mouth. The sight was quite cute.
König ently caressed your hair and tilted his head to the side. With each movement he made, he rocked back and forth; continuing the slow rocking motion.
" So, little one, what now? " he asked you after a moment of silence.
You didn't entirely reply, not at first. You kept slumped into the largers chest while you thought about it. Though soon, you had an idea. You carefully crawled out of König's lap and onto the rest of the bed. He was a bit surprised when you crawled out of his lap, but he didn't force you back or anything. His hands moved to rest in his lap instead while he watched you. You grabbed a few more stuffies you usually kept on the bed before offering one to König, silently urging him to take one.
König looked at the stuffed animal you offered him. He took it and placed it on his lap as he looked at the others. The moment he had taken it, you giggled and squirmed a bit in your spot to express how happy you were. Thats sort of when you realized you were finally starting to fall into little space. König tilted his head to the side in thought, a soft smile crossing his face as he thought through something.
" What if... What if I read a bedtime story? " he asked, his tone slightly curious.
He looked at you with a rather soft look in his eye. It seemed like the idea of reading you a bedtime story sounded sweet to him.
You frowned and looked to the small window in your room. You knew it was late, which was normal given your shift ended so late. However you didn't want to go to bed yet. You hugged your favorite stuffie to your chest before looking to König with a pout. It was definitely time for bed, you knew that, however you didn't want to go so easily. You wanted to play!
" Nuh uh, " you huffed at him, almost dropping the paci out of your mouth.
" I know you want to play, " he chuckled softly, putting a gentle hand to your cheek, " but it's quite late... You need some sleep. "
" Come on, " he said in a slightly teasing tone. " You don't want your captain to get mad at you for not sleeping at night, do you? "
You whined at König's attempt to get you into bed. You didn't really care what others thought about your sleeping schedule honestly.
Suddenly, you got up from the bed and fully ran off. Giggles escaped you as you ran off down the hallway. Thankfully the base was pretty quiet right now, most people were trying to get what little sleep they could. You definitely are regressed now though. You felt little, but not extremely young. Your headspace was probably about five or six years old.
König was a bit taken aback for a moment, but he chuckled at your reaction. He got out of the bed himself and ran after you as you ran down the hall. He chuckled as he caught up to you at a full sprint. He had you in his arms a moment later, a big grin on his face.
You whined and squirmed in his grasp. It's unfair, he's so much bigger and could catch up so quick. They had made it to the rec room, surprisingly. It was a beat up space, but no one was in it besides Horangi who had fallen asleep on the couch.
" Little one, why do you run from me? " König sounded like he wanted to play with you. He wasn't going to put you down until you told him to.
Instead of replying, you managed to slip from König's grip. He chuckled at you as you wriggled out of his grasp. He was determined to get you back to your room, though. It was rather late and he wanted you to just rest and relax. You took off again, running around the hallways while giggling before returning to the rec room.
Quickly, you looked around. Then you found a spot to hide. You hid yourself behind the couch, squishing between the couch and the wall behind the couch. You covered your mouth to keep from being too loud. You barely could contain your giggles though. There was no way he'd find you.
König had followed you into the rec room. He spotted Horangi sleeping on the couch, but decided against disturbing him. He did his best to keep quiet so he wouldn't wake him.
" Man, where did Y/N go, " he commented, quietly but loud enough you could hear. He sighed to himself in defeat before sitting on the couch. " This is hard.. " he pouted.
" I can't find you! I give up, " he admitted defeat vocally before leaning back into the backing of the couch.
Of course, you were smart enough not to fall for it. You quietly squirmed in your spot out of excitement while listening to him struggle to find you. You pressed your favorite stuffie close, burying your face into them to keep from giggling too loudly. A few minutes passed and König looked at the couch and smiled. He was sure he knew where you were.
" Little one, please, stop hiding from me. You need to go to bed. "
Suddenly, you heard the couch squeak. Then you heard König's footsteps. You looked up to see the colonel peeking over the edge right into the gap. You squeaked, only to burst into giggles over him having found your hiding spot. He only sighed tiredly in reply. Though König could admit he was having a lot of fun with you.
However, you didn't come out just yet. You knew König could not fit, being way to big. You were just out of arms reach for the colonel anyways. But that didn't mean he couldn't wait you out, did it? You didn't move from your spot, giggling out of victory of getting to stay up and play.
König chuckled and moved up onto the couch. He sat on the edge of it and waited for you to come out of hiding. His look was stern and serious, but he wasn't going to let you stay up and play with him. He would catch you when you came out. This was going to be an amusing little game for him.
So that's what happened. You both played with waiting game. Your giggles did eventually quiet. You played, cuddled, and hugged the stuffie you had with you. König was a lot more patient than most. He was quite stubborn himself too, being able to wait out that game as long as you could. You refused to move from the spot even after an hour had passed.
By the second hour of hiding away from the large man, hyour eyes were feeling heavy. You didn't really realize how tired you actually were fter working all day. You rubbed at your eyes as a yawn escaped you. You didn't want to stop playing though, it was unfair.
He looked at you when spotting the movement, catching that your eyes were getting rather heavy. It looked like you were getting a lot more tired, which was expected since it was quite late...
" Little one... " König said as he watched you. " I think it is time for you to go to sleep. Your eyes seem very tired. "
You whined at this fact, denying it of course. It wasn't too surprising that you had denied it. Even if you denied it, that didn't change the truth. Your eyes were looking pretty tired and it was late.
With a split second decision, you tugged yourself into a more comfortable position. Then you darted out from behind the couch and tried to run off again. König chuckled as you tried to escape. He grabbed at you and got hold of you quickly. He held on tight, but not so much so that it hurt you.
" Little one, I believe it is time for you to go to bed. " he spoke with a stern tone, but a gentle one as to not upset you.
You squirmed in his grasp, trying to escape. You shoved him and even kicked him. You didn't want to go to bed, even if you were tired. You whined until you fully threw your poor stuffie at König in hopes of distracting him enough to get him to loosen his grip enough for you to get away. König was a little surprised, but didn't seem to bothered by your kicking and shoving. He only held onto you tighter. However, your stuffie being thrown at him did distract him enough to loosen his grip on you. Unfortunately, he tightened it again quickly enough that you couldn't escape.
" Nuh uh! " you yelled after removing the paci from your mouth. Your tone was childish, showing you were very much regressed now.
He chuckled at you, " Little one, it seems I will be putting you to bed after all. "
König stood back up and grabbed you around your waist to lift you up while still being able to hold onto you. As he did so, you squirmed and kicked him, still hitting him too. You didn't want to go to bed, but it was becoming increasingly more clear that you were upset over more than just being put to bed. It wasn't the bedtime that was upsetting you.
" And remember, it isn't because I am mad at you, " he reminded, reassured even. The last thing König wanted was you to feel he was upset with you in such a way.
As they reached the bedroom, you began to cry. Your actions became rougher, more desperate to escape, to where you likely did give König a few bruises without meaning to.
König's expression softened a bit when you began to cry. It didn't make him feel sad, necessarily, but he did feel a little concern for you. He was a softie sometimes. Then, you began to become rough... And his concern changed into anxiety. He didn't expect you to try and hurt him, but... It's not like you were doing it on purpose. Maybe... You were being a little rough with him because you feel upset or uncomfortable?
" Shhh, hush little one, " König murmured as he kept a careful hold of you as you hit him to try and escape. He did his best not to react.
He walked over to your bed and placed you on your bed. As you were placed down you kicked at him more, but he still kept trying to be gentle in hopes it would calm you down.
" I know you are upset, " he said, brushing a hand through your hair. " But if you don't get some rest, you will be in time out. "
He seemed sad to say this, but he seemed to be the only choice. " Please, if you would rather not have a time out, you need to go to sleep. "
Though the threat hung there, you didn't really believe him. You didn't want to go to sleep, but was clearly more anxious then you were genuinely upset over the idea of bedtime. Your sobs hiccupped out of you aggressive from how hard you were crying.
" No! " you shouted at König as you tried to kick him away again. At least this time he wasn't surprised that you hit him.
" Little one... " he sounded more stern, " If you keep acting like this, I will not hesitate to give you a time out. "
He seemed a lot more serious, not wanting to deal with your behavior right now. If you gave in and decided to sleep, he would keep you into bed. However, if you didn't listen, a time out in a spare room would be the other option until you cooled down.
Of course, you chose not to listen. Some words wouldn't affect you in this moment. You were far too anxious and upset at the thought of having to go to sleep.
" Alright, little one, you have had too many chances. "
He gently picked you up and carried you to his room. Of course, you didn't make it easy. You practically woke up the whole base from how loud you were being. You kept trying to get our of his grip, but he kept firm so you wouldn't hurt yourself. König didn't care that you were hurting him in your moment of being upset, but he was concerned over you hurting yourself.
He set you down on his bed once to his room. He then went to fetch a chair from his desk to use. This time it was being used for you, someone who refused to sleep for a reason he genuinely couldn't figure out.
As he placed the chair next to the bed, he sighed heavily, " I don't want to do this, but I have to. "
He sat you in the chair and looked at you sternly, " You need to stay here for the next... 20 minutes. "
Your tantrum stopped abruptly as you were placed in the chair. You stayed still, even stopped crying. Unfortunately for König this didn't last long. Once your little mind processed what was happening again, you began to cry while escaping the chair. You tried to make a run for the door to leave the room as soon as you were off the chair and on your feet. König didn't expect you to make a run for it... However, as soon as your feet hit the ground, he was already on them.
He picked you up into his arms and placed you back in the chair, " Now now, time spent running is time added onto your time in the chair. "
He picked up the stuffie you dropped and took it over to the chair. He placed the stuffie on your lap while he went to go get the timer. Walking away was a bad move though. As soon as he has turned his back, you were off the chair and making a run for it. Though you had left behind your favorite stuffie. König quickly turned back around and saw you almost at the door. He immediately dropped what he was holding and ran after you.
" Come back here! " his voice was a bit stern now, but it still was mostly soft and gentle.
He caught up to you quickly in only a matter of seconds. He then picked you up into his arms, and placed you back in the chair. You let out a scream as you were picked up again. You cried loudly while trying to escape König's grasp, obviously failing and being placed back into the chair again.
He got a stern look and sighed, " It seems like this will be a longer session. "
You sat there bawling for a good two minutes before calming down a little. Then? You tried to escape again. You hopped off the chair and tried to run to the bedroom door. König got sick of this rather quick.
" Alright, this is the final straw. "
He placed you back down in the chair, grabbed the timer and started the timer.
" You will now be in the chair for 20 minutes. " he said, his tone now being a bit more stern and serious.
Once the timer was set, he sat on the bed and looked at you. He still looked a little guilty, but he was quite firm now.
This time, you actually stayed. You cried while your body trembled softly. You were panicking, but more at the thought of having to go to sleep. You wasn't throwing a fit because you had to go to bed, rather that you had to sleep. You're scared, really. Your regressed mind only knew how to express that by throwing a fit like this.
The timeout was well warranted, as much as you hated it.
You finally stayed sitting while squeezing your favorite stuffie to your chest. Having it helped you feel safer, also reminded you that König wasn't trying to upset you or hurt you in any wah. By 15 minutes your crying had calmed down to soft sniffles. By 20 minutes you finally had stopped crying all together. You were calmer and felt a bit better. Though you felt heavily guilty. Seeing you calm down made König a bit happier.
Slowly he moved over to you. He kneeled down in front of you, making you feel smaller than you were before. You felt about two or three now, having regressed younger due to creating so much stress on yourself.
" Do you know why you were put in timeout? " he asked as he gently placed his hands onto the chairs arm rests, more to balance himself so he didn't topple over.
" 'm no wan to go to bed an ran, " you slurred your words due to your young headspace, but König clearly didn't mind. He had to bite the inside of his cheek to keep from smiling at hoe cute it was.
(I didn't want to go to bed and ran)
" Yes you did. I put you here in hopes it would help calm you down, " he explained in reply. You gave a small nod, understanding where he was coming from.
" 'm sorry, " you mumbled out as you slightly his behind your stuffie. You felt the need to cry again.
" Oh Schatz, " he whispered with concern in his eyes. " Come here, " he spoke a bit louder as he raised his arms out towards you.
Gently, you set your stuffie aside and quickly hugged König. You felt guilty for hurting him, even if it was out of fear. Even if he did forgive you. You hugged him tightly while your sniffles became harsher. You were already crying again.
" It's alright, " he reassured softly as he embraced you. He gently rubbed your upper back with one of his hands. " I'm not upset with you, I promise, " he added.
After a few moments, he pulled away. He stood up and helped you out of the chair. You two stood together, you holding onto a few of his fingerd while your free hand held your stuffie. König held this loving expression in his eyes as he looked down at you.
" That was quite a tantrum you threw, little one. Why did you hate going to bed so much? " he finally asked you.
König seemed to have forgotten his concerns over you being regressed. He is just more concerned over why you were so adamant to stay up. He didn't seem bothered by the fact that you regressed, honestly.
" Scary, " you replied so quietly he almost missed it. He watched as you used your free arm to hug the stuffie to your chest. Gently, he squeezed your fingers that held onto his in a way of reassurance.
" Oh, little one..." He whispered to you, now concerned. He tilted his head to the side as he spoke to you softly.
" What is so scary for you? Why are you so afraid of having to go to sleep? "
König wanted to help you so badly right now.
" Bad dreams, " you mumbled as you leaned in towards him. He gently reached out his spare arm to wrap around you as you rested against him. Your head rested against his stomach as his hand rubbed the back of your head in a soothing motion.
" Bad dreams? " he asked quietly before sighing deeply.
He was rather concerned by this, especially thinking of a little one like you having a nightmare. König was torn between getting you ready for bed and staying awake so you could feel safe and calm.
" If you don't sleep now, those dreams will only get worse. Your body needs to rest and the best way to do that is a good nights sleep, my little one. "
You nodded, understanding once more where he was coming from. Besides, at this point, you were so exhausted you could barely stand straight. You had been crying so much you fully cried yourself into pure exhaustion. You wanted to go to bed now, even though it is scary.
" Mkay, " you mumbled before reaching a hand up and rubbing your eyes.
He smiled gently as you finally seemed to understand why you needed to go to bed. He was glad that you did.
" Good. " he sighed softly, " Would you like help in getting ready for bed? "
König was ready to make sure you were comfortable and safe going to bed. As your care taker, it was his responsibility to make sure you were safe and taken care of in times of need. Honestly though you didn't think you could stay awake long enough to get ready for bed. You just wanted to go to bed now. Gently, you reached your arms out to König to be picked up. One of your hands still held onto your favorite stuffie still. You let out a small whine to emphasize wanting to be picked up.
König crouched down and gently picked you up and stood up again, holding you close with one arm. You slumped into König after being picked up. You hugged your stuffie while your free hand held onto his clothing. Even your head is rested against him. You looked like he was going to fall asleep in his arms at any moment.
You were so tired now...
" Alright, little one, " he smiled.
He held you up with his right arm and walked over to your bedroom with you. " Now, I need you to get into your pajamas. After that, you can get into bed and I will tuck you in. "
You got the impression that he would wait with you until you were asleep if that is what you wanted during your rest. You whined at having to change clothes first. You just wanted to go to bed. However, you remained good this time and patient.
" Okay, " you pouted.
He was surprised by how tired you seemed and wondered if it was a good idea to try and get you to change. However, you seemed to be waiting for him to have you change right now.
" Alright, little one, " he spoke gently, " I can put you to bed first if you want. "
He didn't want to push you too hard. You already seemed tired enough as it was. If all you wanted to do right now was to go to sleep he would try not to push you too hard to try and change first.
" Is oki, " you shook your head.
As much as you just wanted to go to bed, you knew it would be better for you to change first. You'd be way more comfy that way anyways. Besides, König is in charge not you. He went into your bedroom and placed you on the edge of the bed. He looked at you for a moment. You rubbed at your eyes, yawning as you kept yourself awake. You looked so peaceful right now.
" Now, what pajamas do you want to wear? "
He seemed determined to ensure you get a good nights rest, so that meant dressing you to go to bed.
" Umm, " you trailed off for a moment to think. You yawned again before finishing your thoughts. " 'm want the purple ones! " you giggled sleepily with a smile.
" Purple it is, " he laughed softly.
König took put your purple pajamas and placed them on the bed next to you. You watched as the pj's were placed on the bed next to you. He then turned around and opened up the top drawer of your dresser. Once it was opened, he turned back around and looked at you.
" Will you be okay changing into your pajamas, or will you need my help? "
If you were too tired to change yourself, he was alright with helping you. He was more concerned about making sure you were comfortable right now. You thought about the offer before nodding.
" Yea, needs help pease, " you asked nicely.
You felt too little to dress yourself right now, on top of being as tired as you are now. You rubbed at your eyes again before setting your stuffie aside.
" Can do, " he agreed with a hum. He gently shut your dresser completely before moving over to you.
Once you nodded, he gently started to remove your clothes so that you could get into your purple pajamas. Thankfully it didn't take too long, especially with you helping him. Once you were changed, he helped you put your stuffie back up in your bed before he tucked you in.
You couldn't stop yawning, especially after laying down. You snuggled up into the covers and hugged your stuffie close. Your eyes blinked closed a few times before you whined and rubbed at them.
" Won leave? " you asked, feeling anxious all over again. You didn't want König to leave while you were asleep. You're scared to be alone.
" No, I will not leave you while you are asleep, little one. "
König had already been quite firm about how he wants to stay until you are asleep, so he just smiles and pats your head.
" I will stay with you until you fall asleep. "
By now his tone is a bit more stern, as he is quite tired himself. He seemed a bit concerned and exhausted by all of this as he sat down on the side of the bed next to you.
" an after? " you whimpered softly as you squeezed your stuffie.
" I will stay by you until you fall asleep. After that... " he sighs, " I will go to my room, alright? I'm rather tired myself. "
König was clearly quite exhausted as he sat here with you.
" I'll see you in the morning, little one. "
" bu-" you whined, but cut yourself off. Your eyes pooled with tears as you shifted anxiously in the bed. " 'm scared, " you whimpered.
He sighed, " Do you want me to stay? Is that it? "
He was being patient and was more than fine with staying a bit longer if you wanted or needed him here with you.
" I can stay if you want me to, little one. "
You nodded quickly, doing it so hard it made your head hurt for a moment. You wanted König to stay so badly. You didn't mind sharing a bed with him, as long as you didn't have to be alone.
" Alright, little one, " he said softly.
König scooted himself a bit closer to you, so he could lay down and be comfy. He then put his arm over your chest, as if he was just wanting to cuddle with you. Without even hesitating for a second, you shuffled closer to him and curled into his chest. Though your arms kept around your favorite stuffie, you happily cuddled into the larger man.
" I will stay as long as you need me to. "
You calmed down quickly, settling back down and feeling super sleepy again. His words made you feel safe, so much so you couldn't even put it into words. You yawned before rubbing at your puffy eyes.
" Good little one... " König spoke gently as he rubbed your back and the hair of your head.
" Sleep now. Let yourself relax. "
As a caretaker it was his duty to make sure you were safe and comfortable. In this moment, he just wanted to make sure that you were calm. He didn't mind you staying close to be during your rest. Though he didn't say anything, he was rather happy that you felt comfortable enough with him to lay on him.
He smiled and relaxed as he waited patiently for you to fall asleep. Which didn't take long. It was barely a few minutes of head rubs from him before you completely passed out against him.
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depechemoderussia · 4 years
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Today in Depeche Mode History: 31|10|1981 Tour 1981: UK, England, Newcastle, Newcastle University 31|10|1990 World Violation Tour: Germany, Berlin, Deutschlandhalle 31|10|2003 Paper Monsters Tour: Belgium, Brussels, Forest National 31|10|2009 Tour of the Universe: Germany, Oberhausen, König Pilsener Arena #depechemode #depechemoderussia #depechemodehistory #депешмод #davegahan #davidgahan #дэйвгаан #martingore #мартингор #andrewfletcher #эндрюфлетчер #alanwilder #алануайлдер #worldviolationtour #worldviolationtour1990 #papermonsterstour #papermonsterstour2003 #touroftheuniverse #touroftheuniverse2009 #dmhistory31october https://www.instagram.com/p/CG-4qNqJW-y/?igshid=1gg8lg0e25udo
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could you make a doodle of cg! König with a bunny pet regressor if you’d be comfortable with doing that c:
Sure thing! I hope you enjoy! The bunny regressor has a pink nose + bunny ears and a blank base so it could be used as a self insert! :D
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Caregiver König with a bunny pet regressor doodles for anon! ₍ ᐢ. ̫ .ᐢ ₎
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☆Divider by: @mikeykuns
☆Click image for better quality! :)
Cod agere/petre doodle requests: Open!
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little-babybell · 4 months
Call of duty
Baby regressor!Valeria(+ cg!Farah)
Cg!Alex & Cg!Farah
Cg!könig & Cg!Soap
Paci icons:
Dni banners:
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vfxexpress · 6 years
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Meet Rodeo FX Mikael Damant-Sirois, CG Supervisor,/Dominic Piché, Modeling Department Supervisor will be presenting "IT:" How To Build A Terrifying Clown at FMX on April 26. Thursday, April 26, König-Karl-Halle, 12:00 - 13:00 More Details : https://fmx.de/home/
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