#chair theory sxf
rebelrian · 10 months
My happy Spy x Family August haul!
The first one was a shocker for me and the retail assistant because I pulled…the prize A from the Ichiban Kuji Extra Mission!!
I would have never thought of getting such quality Loid Forger merch, much less the top prize from a gacha system 🥹
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Even the box design is so pretty and sophisticated!
The retail assistant said it must be a very happy day for me and it truly was the best way to end the evening. I felt very much like gallant hero Anya.
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Some other pulls include the poster board of the Forger family and a cute plate of Anya and Yor from the latest Ichiban Kuji.
The acrylic stand of the family portrait was an old purchase but I was so glad to find the new Puchirama Series 2 blind boxes in store! Sometimes it takes forever or never for new merch lines to come in so it’s always best to buy them online for cheaper…but nothing beats the satisfaction of walking out of a store with a treat for yourself.
I hope to get the cute Yor and Anya cocoa scene figurine one day! The detail on that is just too gorgeous and it’s one of my favourite moments.
Some other details:
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With all the mask pulling Twilight has been doing in movie promos and manga action, this figurine is pretty cool and the one I wanted most 🥹
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Love, love, love Anya’s dog park outfit and peanut purse!!
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Smol perspective Bond - what detail.
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After reorganizing my toy collection, I decided to dedicate this cube for Spy x Family and Studio Ghibli toys—a work in progress!
(Apologies, I’m guilty of purchasing the unofficial chair acrylic stands online.)
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Aaand the Spy x Family corner of my collection is up! Manga volumes not included and you can take a peek at the other toys I’ve been collecting hehe.
If you followed me or my posts recently, you may notice that I’ve only recently been actively posting SXF stuff. I think the series has really been a salve and cathartic release for me the last few months with work and whatnot.
While I’ve always been a quiet fandom girlie growing up, now I just want to have fun and write fanfiction and theories and share in the joy of being part of a fandom 🤍
You can find me on AO3 (@rebelrian) where I’ll eventually post this fanfic and hopefully some new ones I’m mulling over!
Till then, take care everyone ✿
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itsmaferart · 2 years
SxF Chap 29 ·Fear of chaos·
Warning: manga spoilers
I want to analyze some of the SxF manga chapters which I find very interesting. Seeing subtle details that we often overlook. I clarify that I am based on the manga, and especially that all this is based on my own opinion and point of view. Being a manga that continues to be published, many things can change or contradict in the future. So you are free to have a different opinion. With all this said, I begin
Introduction: In chapter 29 of the manga, we are introduced to Anya doing a research task about a profession that interests them. The little girl, seeing that it was going to be somewhat complicated to interview her mother (a murderer with very crazy fantasies), decides to interview her father.
To be brief, the chapter revolves around Anya's interview with Loid regarding his fake job as a psychiatrist, although she writes details about his work as a spy. Basically, Twilight says that he chose this cover because he thinks it would be a good way to get close to a lot of targets, which he could get information about.
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However, I want to focus on other points that seem more important to
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It is curious that Twilight is a psychiatrist, and to some extent, ironic.
If you have seen my previous analyses, I put a lot of emphasis on how Twilight suffers from many psychological and emotional wounds caused by the collateral effects of the war and a conflicted relationship with his missing fathers.
From his personal perspective, Twilight claims to have "forgotten and buried his own past", in a "voluntary" way. Since his spy profession requires him to abandon who he was. But, seeing his past, we know that this was a decision even before he was a spy. Twilight suffered enormous losses, to his mother, father and friends, falling into a vicious circle of hatred that led to nothing.
Each of these losses is directly caused by the war
Interestingly, when Loid explains why he "supposedly" decided to become a psychiatrist, it is to "help people, especially veterans who continue to suffer." Although the war is long over, there are people who carry consequences for their entire lives that take a long time to overcome.
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This, somehow, is perfect for him.
Perhaps the loss of those closest to him, and the war itself ended long ago. But the damage to him has remained, and this is something that can be seen throughout the entire manga. Either directly or indirectly. Twilight has a tremendous fear of loss and chaos. Therefore, he prefers to close himself off from any idea of ​​becoming attached to another person, much less remember his past.
On more than one occasion, the way the series (Anya) refers to Loid's false profession, is that of "a doctor of feelings" |··Someone who helps heal other people's scars. Although he is, perhaps, one of the people with the most emotional wounds|
It seems to me that Endo loves to play with ironies.
Something that also aroused my curiosity is if Twilight would like the profession of psychiatrist if he weren't a spy.
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This has been one of the great doubts of the fandom. In this regard, if Loid Forger the psychiatrist can become Twilight's true identity in the end, or if he will finally reveal his real name and return to who he was (Deleted)
The subtle smile of this panel, and the way he compares the skills of spies to understand people through rational empathy, closely resembles the profession of a psychiatrist.
He himself says that the most difficult part of his job is that it be something "secondary". Although until now we have not seen Loid exercising his false profession. I wonder if at this point, he's starting to develop sympathy for his fake work and colleagues.
Taking into account that Twilight is good at analyzing people in a rational way, and knowing that he is a genius in every way. Perhaps it would not be strange if he became a psychiatrist or continued with this coverage in the future, if he decides to stay with the Forger Family
Panic to chaos
Advancing in the last part of the chapter, we could see one of the most hilarious scenes. But that seems to have a very sad undertone
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Loid (Twilight) asks Anya, in an attempt to distract her, to play with an sandbox and some dolls. We all know at this point that Anya had not the slightest interest and ended up in an adventure inside the exhaust ducts that her dad uses.
It seemed that Twilight really wanted to take advantage of this situation so he could see deeper into Anya's mind. Perhaps in an attempt to improve their relationship, and to be able to understand her
And what did he find?
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Now the first time I saw this scene I can only laugh. You don't know how much fun it is for me to watch this man's panic attacks.
But examining the scene more carefully, I began to see that what happened here is a sign of the terror that Twilight keeps inside him.
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To get started. Anya is not expressing anything with that sandbox, she only threw the toys to pretend that she was playing and not be discovered in her antics.
Yes, yes, Anya has also been through difficult things. But in this situation she was not expressing it. She shows her fears when she feels that she will be rejected because she is telepathic, or because she believes that her family will abandon her. She doesn't feel bad about being adopted, on the contrary, she is happy that Twilight, the best spy in the world is her dad, and wants to be with him forever.
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However, Twilight. It seems, once again, to project itself onto Anya. His tendency to control everything leads him to think that if Anya (or Yor) feels bad, he thinks it's his fault. His fear of chaos, of facing situations that he does not know how to interpret, to not understand or interpret someone's emotions (his wife and daughter), or that he simply could not foresee would happen, scares him a lot.
Which produces in him large amounts of anxiety
Hence his overreactions, desperately seeking to understand, and jumping to hasty and laughable conclusions.
But obviously none of this is his fault. He is a great father and husband. And it's okay to care about them and their well-being (whether it's for the mission or not). The problem is Twilight's need for control, and how he berates himself or freaks out when there's something he doesn't know how to handle.
But... How not to be afraid of chaos?
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When being just a kid had to see that? His own world destroyed!
It is here, when we understand Twilight's impulsive need that everything must work under an absolute, rational order. And his desire to be in control, even of his family's happiness, and to blame himself for things that are clearly not his fault.
Even though he is no longer a child, and he is a professional when it comes to dealing with dangerous situations. Facing situations where "being a spy" does not help him, the uncertainty and fear that he lived in the past make him feel exposed and vulnerable
It's a great chapter, not only for showing us the false facet of Loid as a psychiatrist, while giving us so much information about him and his own traumas. Endo really knows how to tell us a tragic story in the funniest way. While we can understand a little more how Twilight's fears manifest themselves, even though many years have passed, and he thinks he has forgotten them.
I hope you enjoyed this review as much as I did. I plan to analyze other chapters of SXF. If you have any chapter that you would like me to analyze, you can let me know :D
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itsmaferart · 2 years
Spy X Family X Chairs Vol 1 - 2 - 3
I don't know if many know it, but if something caught my attention from the covers of each volume of the manga, it represents a character sitting on a chair. I think that for many readers it is evident that Endo loves keys, codes and references. And since I am the type of person who loves to do analysis and theories, my mind could not help wanting to investigate more on the subject.I clarify that these theories, analyzes and solutions are made from my point of view, and I am not clear how canon they are regarding Endo. With that said, I hope you enjoy it.
I want to be brief with this historical review, but: The years after the Second World War, architects, like all sectors, received a harsh impact, so it became common to look for other work alternatives in the industrial area. Many focused on industrial chair design Why is it curious? Because in SxF the biggest main theme is the consequences the war has had on society, and on the lives of its charismatic characters. Although it is a subtle detail, but very important. Each chair represents a character and aspects of his personality. But the design of these chairs also emerged as an alternative to the war, and each one has a very interesting concept. I invite your own curiosity to investigate a little more on the subject!!!
Vol 1 · Twilight - LC2
Cushion/Cube Chair (1928) Designed by Le Corbusier with the collaboration of Pierre Jeanneret and Charlotte Perriand
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A personal fact is that I am a great follower of Le Corbusier. One of the most transcendental architects. And the reason why I opened this post. The instant I recognized this chair, my mind began to want to further investigate the background behind these covers.
For Le Corbusier, regardless of the time, the attitude or the person, a suitable piece of furniture must be used. The objective of this design and its morphology is to keep the user "always active" at work. The furniture must have a practical and functional response. Being able to be placed anywhere, occupying the smallest space. Said object must be provided with ornamentation, and on the other hand it must generate interest and have mastery of aesthetics. Generating an intellectual order through proportion, generating interest in the cultured man. A design understood as a system, since we can find it in one, two and three bodies, without modifying its aesthetic, technological and functional essence.
Reminds you of someone?
Oh yes it is! To the best spy in the Westalis! Clearly the practical, efficient, adaptable design that meets the needs of the average man and the cultured man. Like any good workaholic, he stays active all the time, alert to any threat. Someone elegant, but simple. Adding those small but obvious details of the life of a spy: newspaper, bullets, binoculars, etc. Everything in this chair represents very well the structure with which Twilight thinks when working, highlighting his more serious side. Matching the expression in this panel
Obviously, LC2 is the perfect chair to define Twilight as the efficient spy that he is.
Vol 2 ·Anya Forger - Marshmallow sofa
The designers of this wonder are Irving Harper and George Nelson
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The circular cushions allude to candies or marshmallows, as their name indicates. They say that they are so comfortable that you could take a short nap on them. A very striking and dynamic creation because of the way it seems that the "candies" are floating around. It stated that "Although this sofa was not built specifically for children, it was my impression that children intuitively understand my intentions of inducing movement through the sofa." It is not only seen as a piece of furniture, but also of art.
This sofa is WAKU-WAKU!
It may be that the childish and colorful design becomes something obvious and the relationship that he has with Anya. This sofa can be conceived in a childish way. The dynamic colors and constant movement match Anya's active, playful but curious and witty personality.
I don't know if this is "over analyzing" but the fact that these cushions of sensation that are levitating I associate it with Anya's powers. That magical, ethereal touch reminds me of the way her telepathy works.
Eccentric, colorful, ingenious, and with colors as sweet and tender as our little Anya. The 007 experiment found its ideal sofa!
Vol 3 · Thorn Princess - La Chaise
A sculpture made chair, Charles and Ray Eames
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Behind this particular design, there is a background element: Based on a sculpture called Floating Figure, it represented a woman. "Designed to support the figure as if it were the very air that caresses Gaston Lachaise's sculpture". Its organic and light shape has the objective of enveloping the female figure, in any position in which it is recharged. For art critics: Gaston Lachaise's Floating Figure, "has no sense of weight or mass, but only the qualities of serenity, strength, and exalted femininity." La chaise played an important role in the fight for modern sculpture to be recognized as a major art form, as opposed to war memorials and portraits.
A perfect altar for our beautiful Yor
It is interesting how this chair has a direct connection with a female sculpture, but also with war. It was sought that the art was more relevant and not only the symbols of war.
These two elements play in an interesting way with respect to Yor. First, it is the character that clearly represents feminine beauty, as a figure of contemplation. But also, it represents an act against the war, which could be associated with Yor and her fight to protect "the peaceful life" of those she love.
Yor is an elite soldier, a legend among assassins, and a symbol of love for Yuri and Anya. Because they are under her protection, giving a beautiful smile and comforting them in the face of danger.
The subtle and organic shape of the chair perfectly matches all the moves Thron Princess makes during her battles.
It is evident that Endo dedicated himself to finding the perfect chair for each character.
I hope you liked this analysis. Maybe later I'll do an analysis of the other covers. Thank you for reading!! :D
Here you can see the second part
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