#character: emily ershad-newbury
flatbstanley · 9 months
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flatbstanley · 9 months
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Poppy was not happy when she arrived home from school to find that Emily had destroyed her carefully-constructed dollhouse. Zahid fixed it, but it will never be quite the same in her eyes.
Mom and Dad are full of excuses for Emily -- "She's little and doesn't understand! She probably just thought she was playing!" But Poppy isn't buying them. She's seen the way her sister grins before she smashes something.
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flatbstanley · 10 months
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Emily blew her very first kiss at Poppy. Against her better judgement, Poppy decided that it was cute. And it did feel really special that Emily picked her instead of their parents or grandma.
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flatbstanley · 10 months
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First baby:
"Zahid, don't put Poppy down on that floor! It's filthy!"
Second baby:
"Ayla, baby...what's Emily chewing on?"
"Eh, I'm not quite sure. But there's nothing in that cabinet that can hurt her, so she's good."
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flatbstanley · 11 months
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Most of Poppy's friends have declared that Spooky Day costumes and trick-or-treating are for babies. So instead, she invited them over for a more grown-up celebration, with snacks and pumpkin carving. (No one can argue that sharp knives are for babies, after all!)
But Poppy and her bestie Simone secretly agreed that trick-or-treating is still cool. They hit up practically every house in Copperdale after the others left.
Meanwhile, one very cute Emily-saurus has learned to sit up.
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flatbstanley · 11 months
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With Patricia on hand to take care of feeding duty, the rest of the family settled in for a good night's sleep. When Poppy saw that her dad was zonked out on the couch, she took the opportunity to jump into bed with Mom. She’ll take any parental cuddles she can get these days.
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flatbstanley · 11 months
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Needless to say, Emily got her first bath the morning after this midnight feeding disaster.
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flatbstanley · 10 months
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[Children screaming, childcare staff chatting]
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Ayla: Baby, I need you to stay here and play while Mommy takes care of a few things for work, okay?
Emily: Okay!
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Mystery mom: Well hi, sweetie! What are you doing out here? There's not very much in this part of the rec center that's fun to play with!
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Mystery mom: You know what I bet would be really fun? Going on the slide! Zelie, why don't you show your new friend where the slides are?
Zelie: 'Kay!
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Mystery mom: Excuse me, is that your little girl in the pastel jacket? Looks like she wanted to do some exploring -- I caught her trying to make a run for it!
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Ayla: Oh my God, thank you so much. I always try to stay with her because you never know how closely the staff can watch, but my work today --
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Mystery mom: Seriously, it's no problem. My older boy used to run off so much I'm surprised he didn't end up somewhere in Selvadorada. I'm Taylor, by the way. And my little girl is Zelie, in the purple dress.
Ayla: Nice to meet you! I'm Ayla, and the little wanderer is Emily.
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flatbstanley · 10 months
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Emily loves books, but she's also a destructive little thing. So she will look through books and beg for them to be read to her, then cheerfully ravage the bookshelf.
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flatbstanley · 10 months
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A merry Winterfest to all! Of course Patricia loved the cross stitch piece Poppy made for her.
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flatbstanley · 10 months
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flatbstanley · 10 months
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Between her little boots and the way she's treating the rocking chair like a horse in the Wild West, we may have a future cowgirl on our hands!
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flatbstanley · 10 months
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Emily was not a fan of the salad Ayla made for dinner. She hadn't had anything else to eat all day, so against her better judgement, Ayla made some chicken nuggets to get something in her stomach. Needless to say, though, the allure of throwing food onto the floor won out. Eventually Emily filled up with a couple pieces of fruit form the fridge.
Meanwhile, Poppy was less than thrilled. She thinks Emily gets away with a lot of stuff her mom would never let her do (and she's not necessarily wrong).
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flatbstanley · 10 months
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flatbstanley · 10 months
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Poppy's come around to being a big sister. Sure, Emily can be annoying, but it's pretty cool to have a tiny person who's obsessed with you and tries to copy everything you do.
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flatbstanley · 10 months
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Emily's got some serious moves for an infant.
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