obitv · 1 year
followup to this ficlet
your name is chip, you're 14 years old, and, currently, you're running for your life.
for only the SECOND time this week, you might add, which is pretty fuckin impressive for you. it wasn't as bad when you were younger, back when everyone believed your story and sympathised with you (which was weird as FUCK, having normal adults like you), but somewhere around the twentieth ship you tried to stowaway on and the fourth time you got caught stealin from the market they started to lose their patience.
they went easy on you, cause you were a little kid with a sob story and no family, but once you stopped bein half everyone's height and your unwillingness to settle down in an orphanage or foster home stopped being endearing and started being annoying they stopped botherin.
which is to say, they let the town guards after you as often as they wanted to. and they STILL make all the sailors search their boats for you before they leave, so for right now you're just fucking stuck here.
but. that aside, you're running. you're running as fast as your awkward little legs will carry you, ehich now that you've had years to practise is pretty damned quick. AND you're still smaller than most of the stupid town guards, so you know all the best places to lose them. wasn't even for anything PROPER this time, either! just some fuckin merchant didn't like the look of you walkin around and decided to tattle. loser. and sure, ok, the guard's been lookin for you ever since you raided that woman's yard but that was her TRASH, not like she fuckin needed it!
you manage to lose them eventually, and let yourself have a minute to catch your breath and relax before you have to bolt agsin to find somewhere to sleep. and of course it's as your lying there, flat on your back on some random rooftop baking in the afternoon sun, that shit goes wrong
"oy, kid. th'fuck are you doin' on my turf?"
because, oh yeah. there's gangs now. what fucking else!
you look up at him lazily, like you don't care, even though mentally you're cataloguing every weapon you have on you and the fastest ways to draw each of them. "ain't nobody's turf. s'just a roof. and i ain't doin' nothing but lying down. i'll fuck off when the guards've given up on me."
he's taller than you (not hard), and older (also not hard). he's got dark hsir to his shoulders and what looks like a tattoo poking up from his collar. so, yeah. gang. you probably shouldn't talk back, but all he can do to you is get you kicked off the island, which is what you WANT, or get you killed, which you don't really give a shit about anymore.
the boy stares you down. you honestly aren't sure ehat he plans to do, but you're hoping it's fuck off and leave or push you off the roof and damn the consequences, so you REALLY aren't expecting to hear "huh. what's your name, kid?"
you eye him back. you've never seen him around, but considering most of your time on this island's been spent hiding in alleys and basements it's not that weird even if he IS around your age. he doesn't seem pissed off? more amused, a little smirk playing on his face. so you play along.
"just chip?" yep. definitely amused.
"jus' chip. why, you recruitin'?" idiot idiot idiot-
"yeah. yeah, i am recruitin'. the name's reuben, chip."
so, you join a gang.
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itsamepatches · 6 months
chipfic requests!
hey fellas, I know I'm not super active with Chipspeech, but if you'd like to request a one-shot fic, feel free to drop the request here, my ask box or DMs!
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soullesscircuits · 9 months
chipfic for WIP Wednesday please!
“You really can keep the umbrella. Would hate for your joints to get rusty,” you answer as he goes to hand it back to you. He stares you down, but there's less wariness than before. He nods in a curt gesture of thanks and returns it to his shoulder. “Is… it ok if I drop by again?”
Another rev and soft puff of air from his vents- a chuckle, you think. Hope? He doesn't say no. Doesn't say anything, actually. Just turns to follow the path in the other direction with a small wave.
… You'll take it is a soft yes.
Thanks so much! This one has been sitting dormant for A Hot Second, so it's nice to get back to work on it :]
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mldrgrl · 4 years
Scully feels like the chip is controlling her again when they are on the run
Together, or Not at All
By: mldrgrl Rating: PG
It was 3am the first time it happened and it scared the shit out of him.  He woke reaching for his gun, aiming at the door before his eyes were even fully open, ready to fire.  And he nearly pulled the trigger, too.  He wasn’t sure what stopped him, but whatever it was, he thanked his lucky stars in the end that he hesitated.
“What’re you doing?” Mulder husked, setting his gun down on the nightstand.
Scully didn’t answer, but continued to rattle the door handle with her back to the room.  A little shaky and distressed, Mulder got up out of bed and walked over to her.  He put his hand on her wrist, but still she rattled the handle, twisting it back and forth and back and forth.  The lock was still in place, as was the deadbolt across the top.
The room was dim, but he could see that her eyes were closed.  He hadn’t known her to sleepwalk before, but he was fairly certain that’s what he was dealing with.  He gripped her wrist just a little tighter and pulled her hand away from the door.  She dropped her arm and stood swaying, eyes still closed.
“Come on,” he whispered, taking her by the shoulders and gently trying to turn her back towards the bed.  She went easily and crawled back into bed with his help.  He stood over her for a long while, heart racing.
He stayed awake for the rest of the night, watching her from a chair he dragged next to the bed. She didn’t move at all.  In the morning, when she opened her eyes, she stretched and frowned as she yawned.
“You’re staring at me,” she mumbled.
“What were you dreaming about last night?”
“Dreaming?”  She yawned again.  “I have no idea.”
“Do you remember sleepwalking?”
“I’ve never sleepwalked in my life.”
“You did last night.  You were trying to open the door at 3am.”
She sat up.  “I did what?”
“You don’t remember at all?”
She shook her head slowly, brows furrowed.  She looked even more concerned than he felt.  He tried to relax.  Early morning stubble rasped against his hand as he stroked his chin and jaw.
“It’s probably just stress,” he said.  “Maybe we should try to stay put for awhile.”
“Is that safe?”
“I was thinking about it last night.  We can make it to San Francisco today, I think.  Trade in the car, blend in a bit for awhile.  Should be able to stay for a month or so.  A few weeks, at least.”
“West again, not east?”
“Why not?”  He stood up and stretched his back.  The thought of staying in one place made him anxious, but it was obvious they needed a break.  He’d lost track of the number of towns they’d stayed in over the last three months, not to mention the different names they’d used.  They had a stack of IDs and cash, courtesy of The Gunmen, part of a long ago formed contingency plan for disappearing if things ever went south for them.
“If that’s what you think is best,” she said.
“We can visit the redwoods.”
Mulder had just been fooling himself, however, if he thought that sleepwalking could be cured by a chance of scenery.  They were in an extended-stay motel in San Francisco for three nights before he was again awoken by the rattle of the door handle.  This time, Scully was actually fiddling with the locks, clumsily pulling at the chain across the top, but unable to slide it out of place.
Again, Mulder led her back to bed and she rolled towards the wall with a sigh as he drew the blankets over her.  She remembered nothing in the morning and held her head in her hands when he told her about the incident in the night.
The third time, he unintentionally woke her as he tried to pull her away from the door.  She wasn’t retreating as easily as before and yanked at the handle with two hands.  He put his arms around her and held her tight.  She struggled against him and then gasped.
“Come on,” he said.  “It’s okay, come back to bed.”
“Is this what I’ve been doing?”
“More or less.  Not usually so...aggressive though.”
He sat her down on the bed and then sat beside her.  She turned her face to the window, away from him.  They sat in silence for awhile as he rubbed her knee.
“If something’s bothering you, you can tell me,” he said.  “Aside from the obvious.  I know this is...it hasn’t been easy.”
“I’m fine, Mulder.”
He sighed and took his hand from her knee.  She got up and went to the bathroom.  He got up and paced.  He was a little scared because he didn’t know what to do, but also a little annoyed that after all this time and everything they’d been through, that Scully was still trying to hide her feelings from him.  Any time he did get annoyed though, he’d remind himself what she’d given up in joining him on the run and then guilt would set in.
“Scully,” he said, moving to the bathroom and knocking quietly with the side of his knuckle.
“Don’t come in!” she called.  The emphatic plea gave him goosebumps.  Whatever was happening behind that door, he absolutely needed to get in.  He tried the handle, but it was locked so he stood back and leveled a hard kick to the middle of the door.  The wood frame splintered as the door flew inward and smacked the wall.  
Scully was at the sink, the shock of his intrusion written on her face.  She held her hair up with one hand, off the back of her neck, and in the other, she held a straight razor that she’d managed to work out of the casing.
“No!” he yelled.  “Scully!”  He grabbed her wrist and pressed his thumb roughly into her palm, forcing her hand to open and drop the razor into the sink.  She cried out softly and bent forward, grabbing his arm with her free hand to pull him away from her.  He relented, but not before he dragged her backwards with him, out of the bathroom.
“Dammit, Mulder.”  
His hands were in her hair, lifting and searching in the moonlight.  She tried to slap them away, tried to keep his hands off her neck, but his fingers found the tell-tale puckered skin just below her hairline.  He sighed in relief.
“Why, Scully?  Why would you do that?”
“Because I don’t know why this is happening!”  She broke out in tears and slumped against him.  He wrapped his arms around her and she pressed her face to his chest and held onto his t-shirt.  “It has to be the chip, Mulder.  They’re trying to use me to get to you.  It’s the only explanation that makes sense.”
“Honey, no,” he whispered.  “Cancerman is dead.  The syndicate is dead.  Anyone that had anything to do with that is gone.”
“You don’t know that.  We don’t even know for sure what this thing in my neck is. They could still be monitoring me even now.  Oh god, they could know where we are even at this very moment.  Mulder, we’ve got to split up.  You need to get as far away from me as you can get.”
“Stop it,” he said, taking her by the shoulders and pushing her away from his chest to look at her.  “That is not happening.  We’re in this together or not at all.”
“You don’t know what you’re risking.  Mulder, you’ve-”
“I am not spending a week, a month, a year, or a single minute without you, Scully.  I will turn myself in before I let that happen.”
“You can’t do that.”
“I can’t do this without you either.  I won’t.”
“I can’t lose you,” she whispered.
He wiped the tears from her face and then took her into his arms again.  She sighed and rested her cheek against his chest.
“I can’t lose you either,” he said.  “And if you take the chip out...we don’t know if…I’m not willing to take that risk.”
“What if this doesn’t stop?”
“It will.”
“I hope you’re right.”
He brought her back to bed and they laid down facing each other.  Neither slept the rest of the night.
The End
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obitv · 1 year
your name is chip, you're ten years old, and you are very definitely totally not scared.
(you think, for a minute, what elizabeth would say if she heard you say that, but you shake it away.)
it takes you far too long to calm down when you wake up, firstly, because for the first time in years and years you don't wake up to the rocking of the boat or to arlin's snores or elizabeth's sleep whispering. you wake up to silence, and a solid, soft bed. if you'd thought about it, you'd realise you'd never BEEN in a bed this soft before, but you really AREN'T thinking about it because the ship went down where's arlin where's arlin where's arlin-
someone must hear you then, because a head pokes in through the door. a man, you think, but certainly NOT one you know. you reach into your waistband for the knife everyone pretends you don't always carry but it's not there, and you think, enemy? but they LOOK nice enough, standing patiently in the doorway while you frantically pat yourself down (you still have the coin arlin gave you if not your dagger, thank stars) and try to remember that shit about breathing drey showed you before. panic never helped anyone, you think, though you cant remember who said it to you.
it seems the man gets tired of your staring eventually, because he finally walks into the room proper. you think about biting him, but arlin never seemed that hurt when you tried to bite at him that one time so you aren't sure if it'd work. while you're busy contemplating that, he starts talking. his accent is strong, so you can't catch all of it, but you hear what's important.
found you washed up... brought you here... where are are your parents?
and. again. you are not scared. you're a black rose pirate (in training), and nothing scares you! but this man doesn't mention anything about anyone else washing up. just you. and you- you remember, in flashes, what just happened. the storm, the lightning, hanging from the mast as your rope snapped taut but held, but arlin's didn't and the- the... something attacked the ship and your rope finally snapping and falling and arlin, arlin saving you, arlin throwing you back on board and drey tying you back in and you couldn't see anyone anymore but drey SAID, he said it'd all- that it'd be over soon.
but you woke up again. and they aren't here. but you fucking are, damnit, and you made it years on your own before they found you the first time and you can wait just as long again for them to do it again. because the midnight rose NEVER sinks, and they'll be ok and they'll find you, are finn can keep teaching you your letters and drey will finally teach you the constellations you always fell asleep to early to catvha nd you'll get big enough to beat elizabeth at something for once and captain rose will call you a real pirate and you'll see arlin again. you WILL. because it's- they're all you had. HAVE. you haven't lost them.
you can't.
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obitv · 1 year
fuck i should finish my chip fic then huh. contemplating throwing the bits i habe on ao3 and if i get around to finishing it just adding a second chapter
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obitv · 1 year
whatever posting early Look at my chipfic boy
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obitv · 1 year
given recent events i will say theres still the chipfic finale in my drafts somewhere i fucking FINALLY write about chip and price like it was originally meant to be about. but it has also been in my drafts since i posted the last part so. uh
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obitv · 1 year
🌹 again but u can pick one i know
hands u. chipfic draft
If you let yourself think about it, you'd maybe think he still sees you as that scared little runt he picked up years ago.
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obitv · 1 year
cant decide if i should make a stab at a valentines fic (i do not enjoy writing romance and especially kissing) or chipfic or william fic thats been in my mind ever since i started the show. hmm.......
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obitv · 1 year
what are the current fic ideas/aus you have? (describe them each in one sentence)
said id do it after the movie but i need to leave you to stew in these. also i think you know about all of them already but idc
riptide killjoys au: gay punks and robot make a band in the desert
genshin au: dakota and william accidentally summon a guy from thousands of years ago and add him to their adventuring party
pd voltron au: im not describing this one
REVENANT REMNANT AU: william gets turned into a demon-thing due to magic but everyone in the death cult thinks hes a messiah so he runs away and finds another sorta-demon guy ashe and they are in gay love about it
VREVENANT AU: what if william went wirh mal before he got to know the ld and then met ashe and realised how fucked everything is
ghostknife dancing fic: theres technically like 5 iterations of this but the main one is ghostknife go clubbing durimg the timeskip and william has like 5 differenr crisis about it
wispfic: what can i say qbout this one really
CHIPFIC: this one is just chip and price dicking around its more character analyssis turned fic
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obitv · 1 year
need to be fucking insane about chip. again. chipfic srbs incoming
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obitv · 1 year
need to finish my chipfic actually.... might scrap the bits i have for this next part and just restart bc i dont think itsbworking
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obitv · 1 year
🏳️ - Favorite way you have described something in your works
thisone isnt posted but i REALLY like some of the desvriptions used in one of my various wiwi wips. out of posted works... oh god i dont remember any of. the first chipfic, maybe...
🔗 - What has been your favorite dynamic to write for? (romantic or platonic)
william and mary ^_^ theyare my babies and i love them soooo much. if there was a fandom they wluld be the chart topping m/f ship but only vecause theyre both bisexual when in reality mary is the only person william has never had a little crush on
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obitv · 1 year
thinling about chip and the guy again. i need to write the rest of that goddamn chipfic
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obitv · 1 year
getting a little autistic about price to cope with forcing myself through endless boring gendhin quests let me go back to exploring and killing. but if i cant have that well i will get back to chipfic
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