cartoonfangirl1218 · 3 years
EoA Ship Appreciation Week Day 1
Carzel: For their first Valentines Day, Marzel allowed himself to be convinced to go up to the surface world because Carla adores dancing. He sort of made a fool of himself, his legs still hadn't quite gotten used to it no matter the practice but they did waltz well together. The most romantic moment had to be them dancing on the beach together, alone in the moonlight with nothing but the sea breeze and sirena song (okay yeah Marzel may have convinced his sister to add to the atmosphere.) Chloelonso: Chloe hadn't expected them to spend Sweetheart's Day together. Mainly because they lived quite a distance apart and Norberg didn't have a Sweethearts Day as Cordobans know it. Well that was Alonso's big surprise. He came in his fancy carriage where Chloe took the reins and drove him all over the most romantic spots in Norberg, ending with a spectacular coincidence of Norberg Lights appearing before them at nighttime where they shared a Sweethearts Day kiss. Chlolinga: Chloe, inspired by Elena's traditions, went over to visit Malinga on Sweetheart's Day, not that she needs much of an excuse to visit her girlfriend. She brought purple anemones to braid in Malinga's hair which Malinga returns the favor and brings up sunken pearls for her sea jewel. Delgados: Being on the run criminals where emotions are seen as 'soft' they didn't do much for Sweethearts Day. But Victor is a softie and so he does spruce the place up, there are orchids in a vase and there is romance of the raunchy kind. Ash may have cuddled him in return. Again, they don't do feelings. Eleteo: For Sweetheart's Day, Mateo and Elena go on a picnic, just the two of them away from queenly duties and wizarding duties, and they just soak each other. They talk about everything and nothing, get into little magical competitions of scepter vs tamborita, fool around and of course, eat. Elena is thrilled to find out that Mateo knows how to cook pan dulce thanks to Rafa's recipe. And Elena serenades Mateo with the same Sweethearts Day song she heard her father do for her mother every year. Then they head back, taking the scenic route among the flowers and stars and loving each other. Estenaomi: For their Sweethearts Day, Esteban begins with a surprise serenade outside her house which Naomi is reminded of how she just loves her over dramatic boyfriend. They go out to explore Obsidian Island which is less exploring but more swinging on vines, tangling themselves into each other, and water fights. And plenty of lighthearted competitions where the victor gets kisses and more. Elenaomi: Elena and Naomi spent their Sweethearts Day, buying flowers and going on jaquin rides all over the kingdom. Naomi was insistent on finding the perfect spot for the day which Elena indulged because she found it adorable how much Naomi wanted things perfect. Eventually they settled by the waterfall where they danced and talked and enjoyed each other's company. Estoma: Sweethearts Day was actually pretty quiet compared to their usual dramatic selves. They had dinner in bed together, exchanged gifts and just enjoyed each other. Some of it was talk of the past, reading together and of course, as in the line of Flores before him, brought out the guitar for a song. Francisuisa: Francisco and Luisa spent their Sweethearts Day as they always do with a special lunch but since they other year, they decided they'd switch things up a bit. They decided to go for a chocolate decorating class but Francisco may have eaten more of the batter than made it. And Luisa had a fun time kissing the chocolate off his lips. Gabenaomi: They spend the morning racing boats among the waves before going on a horseback race among the hills to their lunch spot. Gabe pulls out the bread he made and Naomi brings the mulberries commemorating the holiday they first made a connection. It's pretty casual, one would think they were just friends from the way they bantered. But the soft smiles and blushing compliments say more especially with the kisses. Gababel: Gabe and Isabel spent the day doing experiments, that was Gabe's gift to her because Isabel had to neglect her own inventions in favor of completing schoolwork. Gabe let himself be her guinea pig and Isabel's gift in return was that one of hers was a reflexology one aka massages. It was the most intellectually stimulating and relaxing date ever. 
Gabela: Gabe lived up to his chivalrous self when he brought Carla to his family's bakery where they had a homemade lunch brought by his parents and Carla unleashed his wild side when they went dancing at clubs all night before going off to the barracks where they shared a private moment of feelings for words do not always come easy to them but they needed to share how much the other meant to them. Hectegail: Hector was very keen on giving Abigail a great time. So much so, initially he wasn't very much like Hector. More like a nervous mess. But the moment, Abigail poked fun at him, he snapped back to his usual self. And Abigail was much more indulgent of Hector's sometimes childish antics. They played golf on his boat and had a boot-stomping jig on its starboard before carrying off to his cabin. 
Ixtonia: Ixlan was determined to win Sweethearts Day when Antonia brought it up. And win she did from the moment she picked her guard up for power yoga to archery competitions between them to Ixlan being the best big spoon cuddler. Antonia loves her buff warrior girl. Marlando: For subsequent Sweethearts Day, they walk the streets handing out flowers with Marlena’s musical urgings and Armando presenting an tooth achingly sweet puppet show for the kids while their parents enjoy their romantic afternoons. Then they head to the Gutierrez house for a family dinner where Rosario dotes over them and Santos begrudgingly respects Armando’s romance game.  Rafictor: Their Sweethearts Day was a simple, domestic affair. They cooked, their favorite activity to do together, sharing plenty of kisses a la Lady and the Tramp and cuddling close. 
Selensteban: Sweethearts Day for them was full of twists in turns. It was supposed to start with a nice dinner at one of Avalor's best restaurants but as luck would have it, they cancelled theirs because it was too full. Esteban was a bit pissed but Selene came up with the idea of making their own from what she grew in her garden. They ended up racing off to the pier, going with whatever popped into their heads. Honestly as long as they were together, it was wonderful. Valonso: Alonso came with a bouquet of flowers and a song for Valentina. The song, Valentina the Most Beautiful. (It was originally Alonso the Most Beautiful but he repurposed the names for the song as one can see). Valentina is not one to be outdone when it comes to gifting those she loves and presented Alonso with a life sized portrait of the two. Alonso may have teared up to see their beautiful forms in such a perfect rendering. They spent the day with a night out on town, Valentina showing off the wonders of Paraiso and Alonso his best pick up lines. 
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cartoonfangirl1218 · 3 years
EoA Ship Appreciation Week Day 6
Carzel: I think their first kiss was a bit of an accident. Like Marzel trips over his own feet into Carla's arms and her lips. He was mortified as he had been harboring a crush on her but hadn't wanted to act on it until the perfect moment. As for Carla, that's what lit the spark to see him in a new light. Carlonso: I wrote about it several times and both times, it's part of Carla's seductions so yeah. Their first kiss would come from that, though in a more optimistic point of view, Carla starts falling for Alonso for real after that. Chloelonso: Technically their first kiss was when they were kids on a playdate as part of their fake marriage. You know that sort of thing. But their first real kiss was after Alonso took him on a romantic carriage ride, Chloe had been so enthusiastic and joyful about the gesture, the kiss just happened. Chlolinga: Maliga kissed Chloe right after the princess revealed her feelings. It was her first crush and to know Chloe felt the same way was thrilling. Delgados: They got together in a lake one night as part of a steamy one night stand that turned into more like a several months stand. So yeah their first kiss came with that. Eleteo: Their first kiss came after several weeks of dating during a quiet moment in Elena's day. Being with Mateo is sort of her 'breaktime" and he had made a funny pun. Elena kissed him with an "I love you." It's the little things like that. Estenaomi: Estenaomi's competitions came to a head when he bet her that she couldn't beat him in chess. Naomi's competitiveness was riled even though she didn't know how to play. Esteban won and got a kiss. Elenaomi: Real cheesy but they had been having a date in the royal garden and petals started falling from the tree they were under, and Elena thought it was the perfect romantic moment for their first kiss so she went for it. Estoma: It was a spur of the moment, unresolved sexual tension boiling point in the middle of a fight. It led to them admitting to their feelings when it happened more than once. Cue the horny angry tango. Francisuisa: Francisco and Luisa had been friends for a long time and were edging onto courtship but it seemed like Francisco wasn;t going to make that big step. So one night after Francisco walked her home, Luisa skipped the peck on the cheek and went from a full kiss, telling him she loved him and he loved her. Gabenaomi: I basically wrote this yesterday, but it was when Naomi returned. She went to his house, he showed a letter of his feelings and she kissed him. Gababel: Gabe and Isabel to admit their feelings much less kiss. And Elena was sensing that so may have forced it to come with the help of some mistletoe she secretly placed over Isabel's room for when Gabe visited there to help Isabel with her latest invention. Isabel was the first to notice and that signature Flores spiciness came out in full force.
Gabela: Their first kiss came after a night on the town when during a quiet moment, Gabe unexpectedly poured out how much Carla meant to him. She was so touched that she responded in kind and they kissed.
Gabteo: Mateo had been demonstrating some magical technique and Gabe was just enthralled by how happy Mateo looked and thought he could add to that bliss with a kiss.
Gabelena: Elena being Elena sometimes gets herself in dangerous situations for the sake of her kingdom and Gabe has to race to catch up to her. But one time after she got buried under a rock slide, instead of freaking out with a lecture, he just kissed her. He was so relieved she was alive. 
Hectegail: Much like Estenaomi, Hector practically goaded Abigail into it by betting she couldn't do something, and the reward was the most valuable gift in Hectoria. Abigail assumed it was a boat, it was a kiss from the king. Though to be fair, she got into it.
Ixtonia: Antonia swept the warrior off her feet once again when she oh so casually kissed her after dating for a while. It was the first full smile to grace Ixlan's face. Marlando:Their first kiss was on that very Sweethearts Day after dinner. Armando had gotten a handle of his nervousness but that all came undone when Marlena sweetly kissed him goodbye. He was a dazed blushy mess when he went home. Rafictor: Victor wanted to make the date absolutely perfect. Homemade dinner, dancing in the backyard with moon and starlight and then a grand kiss to top it off. The date was less idyllic when the tablecloth accidentally caught on fire and inputting that out, he burned the food. He thought the night was ruined but Rafa assured him it wasn't. That she appreciated how much he tried, she loved him for that. Then kiss. So the night was saved after all.
Selensteban: I imagine their kiss would come after an epic battle. Not as one of those "You almost died" kisses but like in the cooling off period when things are calm and they debrief. They share their thoughts and feelings, more common ground, they look at the other. Their faces get closer as they lean in and it happens.
Valonso: Alonso kissed Valentina after an Avalor vs Paraiso olaball game as part of the Feast of Friendship. He was so psyched for his girl's win, he ran from the stands and kissed her. 
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