#choices dirty little secrets
sciralta · 6 months
Holy Trinity of Gay MCs
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princepotatosack · 4 months
What If Choices' Race-customizable LIs Had Surnames Reflective Of Their Ethnicity?: An Experiment Just For FUn (Part 1/3)
As we're probably all aware, Choices has been going ham on their formula of "one LI whose appearance is choosable" for the past few years (ever since they started drawing criticism for narratively favoring white male LIs, i.e., when the Ramsey bubble finally burst; draw your own conclusions), and these LIs almost always have canon names or default names associated with white Anglo Americans. This is one of several reasons these LIs are described by players as "white-coded", or written as if they are white men with any changes reduced to a one-line afterthought, which kind of nullifies the point of romancing an LI of color.
Getaway Girls impressed me with branching that gave two of the six Jordan appearance options (the ones described in the asset files as "Indian") the surname Paudwal, as opposed to the other options that had the surname Parker. And then they NEVER DID IT AGAIN (ingnoring Kiss of Death cause it was a weird case I don't know how to categorize)!!
So here's me assigning surnames to race-custom LIs of other books because it's fun for me:
DISCLAIMER: The Choices single LI formula has for the most part consisted of a white LI, a Black LI, and one or occasionally two other option(s) of varying races. Framing it as white, Black, and "wildcard" raises a lot of questions about racial dynamics and percieved binaries in the United States which are NOT the point of this post but I didn't want to not address it. Also have to address that I will not be assigning new surnames to the Black LI options since most of them are American and a lot of Black Americans have Anglo surnames due to the community's history with enslavement and enslavers, and Choices has simply not given us enough lore to determine if each of the custom race LI Black options are African (or another background) and which languages are a part of their heritages. Would really appreciate if they started writing more African LIs though. Also, similar reasoning applies to face options described as "Native American" in the files re: American colonization.
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Channing Luna
These face options are described in the files as "Hispanic". Luna was a Spanish-language surname sound match for Lowe, and plus it also means "moon"!! Yippee werewolf theme!!!!!
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Channing Liu
These face options are described in the files as "Asian". The Chinese surname Liu was just the closest sound match to "Lowe" tbh.
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Clint Kao
This face option is described in the asset files as "Asian". He reminds me a little of the Taiwanese actor Godfrey Gao (rip) so in my head he's Taiwanese like meeee!!! Which sucks cause I didn't like this LI that much lmao. Anyway Kao is the Taiwanese spelling of the surname that is Anglicized as Gao in Chinese Pinyin so I gave it to him cause he reminds me of Godfrey Gao (rip). Not a spelling match but then again there aren't any Chinese surnames that start with the same letter and sound as Covington (e.g., Chang and Cai both start with the letter C but start with the sounds "ch" and "ts" respectively.).
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Charles Quiñones / Charlotte Quiñones
These face options are described in the asset files as "Hispanic". Went with sound matches since there aren't many (any?) Spanish-language surnames that start with K like King.
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Charles Kim / Charlotte Kim
These face options are described in the asset files as "Asian". I thought Kim was a pretty good sound and spelling match for King. But it did make me realize that although Kim is the most common surname in Korea by a lot, a Choices Wiki search revealed to me that there's only one character in the entire Choicesverse with that surname and it's the FBI guy from Veil of Secrets?
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Edward Mao
This face option is described in the asset files as "Asian". I originally chose the Japanese surname Morishima because it was an initial spelling match, multisyllabic, and had the ending "ma/mer" sound, but I wanted to honor the great Ming Dynasty Chinese tradition of piracy and its far-reaching legacy. So I went with the Chinese Mao.
Also I know he's canonically from like England which would explain why he's an 18th-century Asian man with an English first name but just for fun if he was from China I think he would be called Mao Aiwei. Or Morishima Eiji if he was from Japan.
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Edward Montoya
This face option is described in the asset files as "Hispanic". Montoya was a relatively close Spanish-language sound match.
And if he had a Spanish first name too he would be Eduardo Montoya ovb.
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Nathaniel Pandit / Natalie Pandit
These face options are described in the asset files as "Indian". Not a lot of sound matches for Pippin but the Sanskrit surname Pandit has the intial "P" and the ending "i" sound, plus it means "scholar" and fun fact, this word is also the origin of the English term "pundit".
Also since in my research I learned that the vast majority of Indian immigrants to England in this time period adopted English language aliases for use in English society, I came up with some potential real names for these face options: Nathuram for Nathaniel and Nalini for Natalie.
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Blake Mai
These face options are described in the asset files as "Asian". I decided on Mai since it could be Vietnamese or broadly Sinophone.
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Blaine Juárez
These face options are described in the asset files as "Hispanic". Not any Spanish-language surnames that start with the letters "Ha" as far as I know so I went with a sound match.
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Ash Harada
These face options are described in the asset files as "Asian". The Japanese surname Harada is a sound and spelling match and also one of the most common surnames in Japan! EASAYY!!! Though headcanoning them as Japanese brings the total number of Choicesverse Japanese-Americans Named Ash to three. Laugh out loud.......
Part 2
Part 3
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screw-u-vaanu · 8 months
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Pb I’m begging you to put just a little more effort in.
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everlasting-choices · 7 months
Now that I’ve read the first chapter of Ship of Dreams, I think I’ve come to the realization that the standards in which I judge a PB book’s enjoyability have changed quite drastically over the years. Once upon a time I would give a book 6 full chapters before deciding whether or not I liked it. These days it’s a more instantaneous judgment. Now I judge a book solely on how horny and cringey the MC is in the first chapter.
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choices-binglebonkus · 8 months
When you’re a grave robber but don’t want to be too obvious
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blackkingliamstan · 10 months
Why are the MCs so horny right off the bat? Like the only thought going through their heads is sex. It's making it impossible to enjoy these books. They are basically porn with a plot.
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cadybear420 · 7 months
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I think PB is slowly improving...
(updated to add the ID 2 outfits)
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Sent by @loveloveoliver
‘I'm liking dirty little secrets mostly because the MC and LI at least are conscious that they're just horny af. like it still has that "omg i'm falling for him" but it's better than those single LI books where pb try to sell us the fact that the MC is sooooo in love with the LI they barely met instead of just horny for them. I dont blame them tho, the sprites for the DLS LI are SO GOOD!!! (I specially love white M!LI because I love his hair so much) But I will say that those smut scenes are very cringy... but oh well’
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yourqueenb · 3 months
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roseythorne · 4 months
the feminine urge to recreate vermillion lane in the sims and watch all hell break loose….
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aria-ashryver · 8 months
Just started DLS and like...
Has anyone at PB ever tightened a loose screw? Safety glasses? A whole ass drill? The drill throwing MC off balance BITCH ITS ONE HINGE!! A SINGLE LOOSE SCREW you could have whipped out a screwdriver and fixed that in less than a minute I'm crying 😆
Skskahssjaj this is SO CAMP!! Its honestly way more refreshing than PBs usual brand of horny, it's giving unserious and unapologetic and I'm here for it actually
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sciralta · 11 months
If it’s a single-LI book PLEASE let the LI be the murderer in Dirty Little Secrets that would be fucking amazing.
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thebenvoliobrit · 8 months
Dirty Little Secrets is 🏕
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screw-u-vaanu · 7 months
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I love that you can make him stupider
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kinda-iconic · 5 months
If anyone has read next week’s chapter of Blades…
…does anything bad happen to Mal? Cos I can’t help but shake the feeling that something is going to happen or he’s going to do something stupid.
Also, as I cba to finish DLS - who was the killer?
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choices-binglebonkus · 3 months
Dirty Little Secrets as a whole was pretty good for what it was but Choices unfortunately tripped over the finish line with the end of the book. A lot of modern Choices books seem to have this issue with unsatisfying or rushed endings and that’s so disappointing to me because they’ve given us some seriously good ones.
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