#classpect pokerap
classpectpokerap · 1 year
Thoughts on Neon (Breath+Light)?
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Neon (BreathLight)
(icon by victis-stelar)
So! Neon is a fun dual aspect, because it's one of the ones that inspired the entire classpecting system! By that, I mean it has canon representation, in the form of poor, dear, Tavrisprite.
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Tavrisprite, according to the ERIJANCENTRAL.COM dual classpect calculator, is a Spy of Neon, or ThiefPage of LightBreath. (Other notable details - Spy is an inverse of itself, and its paired class (active/passive swap within the verb group, so Thief to Rogue and Page to Knight) is Hunter, which is Davepeta's dualized class.)
In a sense, Tavrisprite is the ultimate showcase of what can go wrong with dual classpecting. The two personalities are incompatible as a living being, exploding just seconds after being created. This is obvious in the classpect name itself - Spy of Neon. A spy is thought of as sneaky and subtle -- neon is anything BUT. Their fusion was doomed from moment zero.
On the other hand, Neon itself isn't a fundamentally broken classpect. Obviously, the Tavrisprite fusion had permanent personality-altering effects on both (Vriska) and Ghost!Tavros - Vriska discovering how to cool her fires, and Tavros discovering how to be a leader, even though the fusion was merely seconds long. (For more discussion on that specific note, check out my fanfic, polyfrag.)
Neon also could represent a coming together of John and Rose. A "Herald of Neon" - a herald being a messenger containing news - could fit their relationship, vibeswise. I won't really get into it here, since that'd just end up being a Why I Like Grimdorks apologia, lol. But I do quite like it.
Finally, the popular fan fusion/pairing of John/June and Vriska results in a "Vagabond of Neon." Again, I can't really go into this specific one beyond just, "those vibes feel kinda right for that pairing," but yeah. (Hi godfeels fans lmfao - my new fic about June, featuring her wandering in Alpha Timeline Earth sort of aimlessly yet directedly, does evoke this classpect intentionally.)
I just realized I got to the end of this post without talking about Neon.
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@nihilistic-janitor and I named the aspect Neon because it's bright and obvious, yet literally a gas. It's one of the more literal names, since it is just Light But Windy, but I feel like it fits.
Where Light oftentimes blinding and scattershot, and Breath leading in all directions, Neon is a pinpointed alternative. A neon sign tells you where to go and why you need to be there. It combines knowledge and travel in a nicely neat way.
(Special thanks to @victis-stelar for the dual aspect icons!)
Please send in more asks! I can do ones about specific Classpects, Classes, Aspects, or meta stuff, like the dual system or how classpecting works with player-fused Sprites.
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classpectpokerap · 1 year
i wanna do more classpecting asks. like. not just "classpect x character," but also "explain x classpect, y aspect, z class," that kinda thing.
Y'know at one point I WAS gonna do a classpect pokerap - not a literal music video but like. Y'know. A post for each classpect
Anyway lmfao, asks are open
(also open for random other stuff, like questions about my fics)
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classpectpokerap · 2 years
ive been looking through some of the classpects and their examples and i was pleasantly surprised to see parahumans/worm classpects :D i havent been able to find skitter's classpect, though. what would you say it is?
this is the funniest possible first ever classpecting ask that this blog could have recieved.
there are two answers i could give here. the first is to plug Escal8
but that would put taylor as wariokin and i dont think that's true.
in moments of struggle such as this i turn of course to jan of @nihilistic-janitor fame
discord user girl bowser: they want a skitter classpecting nihiljan: oh fuck discord user girl bowser: oh FUCK discord user girl bowser: RIGHT discord user girl bowser: LMFAO [...] nihiljan: skitter is a page of rage discord user girl bowser: https://erijancentral.com/search/pageofrage discord user girl bowser: Shinji (Evangelion), Kazooie (Banjo & Kazooie) nihiljan: shes a complete fucking clown and has no clue discord user girl bowser: i buy it completely nihiljan: listen what is the end of worm if not skitter, way hopped up on ragepageness in the GAD ZOOKS sort of way, exploiting scions rage and grief to cut away his options and lead him to his demise [...] nihiljan: in general taylor is a horror movie monster, impossibly determined unkillable and terrifying, and without the slightest fucking clue that thats what she is nihiljan: page of rage, ten thousand percent nihiljan: but her single mindedness means shes also easy to aim nihiljan: lisa our erstwhile mage of light does it nihiljan: so too with defiant later on
hell fucking yes
thats one of *checks notes* 144 base classpects and *does math* five thousand+ duals, not including the new Dry Aspect names that aren't incorporated into the site yet?
me when i classpect the pokerap
nihiljan: in general, page of rage is the classpect of Weapons With Angst nihiljan: dont @ me
special thanks to @nihilistic-janitor for everything 😤😤😤
nihiljan: you could swap shinji, kazooie, and taylor around between their stories and they would be exactly the same except watching banjo beat someone to death with skitter would be really really funny
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