#clearing out some drafts so you guys are about to get the most random bsd thoughts no one cares about. enjoy 🫶
zukkaoru · 10 months
the thing about fem!dazai is that she would not look like that. she would wear the same exact outfits she wears in canon. she would not wear makeup. she would grow out her hair only because she's too lazy to cut it, and she would rarely actually brush it. (the messy look is part of my charm ;)) her nails would be bitten and picked at, and if she ever were to wear nail polish, it would have been forced on her by either chuuya or yosano. she wouldn't wear heels because she doesn't like pain. she wouldn't even have her ears pierced because she doesn't like pain. chuuya tried to convince her when they were teenagers and she kept coming up with increasingly absurd excuses for why she couldn't get her ears pierced. she wears socks with flats because it's more comfortable even though chuuya ridicules her endlessly because "don't you know how horrendous that looks". (why are you looking at my feet? dazai retorts is it because you can't see any higher than that?) the only times she's ever dressed up were for undercover missions in the port mafia, and she griped about being uncomfortable in her clothes and shoes and makeup the entire time. she doesn't even look at her reflection, so why would she spend hours curating the perfect look? she just throws one of her three outfits on and goes
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