evra-morven · 5 years
The good thing about having a friend like Cleo is that you don’t need to get overly sappy. None of the simpering ‘oh my god I missed you so much, you look great, how’s your family’. No, she’s the sort of friend you can toss yourself down next to during breakfast, and launch right into things. “I’ve been back like five minutes and I already feel as though I need another weekend at the spa. I’ve had it up to here with first years absolutely shitting themselves at every little thing - like, yes, it’s a magical castle, that staircase did move, that portrait did talk to you, can we please move on.” Evra might only be a second year, but she’d had the dignity last year to not block the corridors, constantly overcome by the urge to stop and gawp at everything. They’re worse than the bloody tourists in London, ambling slowly along pavements and peering into each and every shop along the way.
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beatricefae · 5 years
text message | cleo
Triss: So I know that outdoor farm life is not your thing. But I think we can have some fun this summer.
Triss: I also know a few places that would love a girl with your stellar fashion sense for the summer.
Triss: Also, do you own any flat shoes?
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oflur · 3 years
LOCATION: Cleo’s Apartment  WITH: @cleomorales​
Mira hadn’t bothered to remove her key from her pocket, knowing full well by now that either Cleo or one of her roommates didn’t bother to remember locking the front door half of the time.  “ Everyone better be at least semi-decent, ” she called out as she entered the apartment. “I brought food and I have no plans to let it get cold. Morales ! I brought your favorite ! ”
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leovevo · 4 years
closed starter for @cleoxortiz​.
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“where we goin’ for shopping, babey?” leo asked in lieu of greeting, a wide grin on his face as he swung the door so hard it banged against the wall and boomeranged on the hinge. “fuck.” he grabbed the handle and pulled it back just barely more gently, quickly stepping out and slamming it behind him. leo was armed with everything he might need on their trip – his camera, his wallet, his house keys, and, well, that was it. he wasn’t actually prepared enough to bring anything else.
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junecosta · 4 years
closed starter for @cleoxortiz​
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cleo and june were polar opposites. june was quiet and shy, while cleo was fierce and outspoken—on paper, they were supposed to dislike each other, because that’s how it usually went in films. but they were friends—hell, she was probably one of june’s closest friends, and cleo brought out certain aspects of her that she didn’t realise she even had, “dinner’s on me tonight,” june said with a smile, pulling her credit card from her wallet and passing it over to the waiter. “it’s the least i can do—thanks to you, i managed to get off work early without angela being passive-aggressive about it.”
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evelynhalliwell · 4 years
for → @challiwcll​​ location: halliwell home time: february 26th, 4pm
Evelyn Halliwell needed no time to get used to the cameras following her around; in fact, she relished in it, having to be primped and perfect all the time. It was virtually what she’d trained for, ever since she was a little girl, and now, at fifty-four years old, as one of the stars of a Real Housewives franchise, the woman felt as if she was coming into her prime.
Of course, aside from her crooked nose.
Evelyn examined it from her iPhone, squinting at the off-centered tilt to her nostrils and huffed, clicking her phone off, half-wondering when she could get into Dr. Ahmed’s office again so he could revise it. It certainly didn’t bode well for her appearance when she’d demanded to see the footage so far — in every headshot, her beak looked terrifyingly unbalanced, and she’d screamed at the producer to fix it in post.
We - we don’t do that.
Yeah? Well, if you don’t, my lawyers will have a word about this! I’ll sue you… for defamation!
That’d been a couple days ago, and the memory was long lost in Evelyn’s cluttered mind, and today, they were filming a scene with her and her dear daughter, Cleo, who’d seemingly slit her own throat than express any sort of love for the older woman, however disingenuous. If Evelyn had been more self-aware, perhaps she would have lamented in the fact that her only daughter hated to be around her more than a thousand screaming babies, but as always, the barriers around her heart were rock-solid, and bomb-proof to boot.
“Ugh, Cleo, sweetheart,” she groaned, rolling her eyes as she swirled a glass of white in her hand, “do you insist on wearing those awful colors? Clashes awfully with your skin; you know us Halliwell girls need the warmer tones for our complexion.” Taking a sip from her glass, an eyebrow quirked, she shook her head. “I swear to god, sweetie, all my connections and you still can’t dress yourself.”  
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vivchang · 6 years
when: 8th august, 2023 where: chang/bell household who: @cleosbun
“Cleo—-Cle—-fucking hell, Cleo, give me the remote,” Viv huffed, practically climbing on the taller girl in her attempt to get the remote. “There is enough—-” trying to duck under Cleo’s arms, “—-white nonsense in this world—-” prodding her friend in the ribs, “—-without watching—-aha!” Her moment of triumph upon her, Viv dived and seized the remote, switching the screen to show a Brooklyn Nine-Nine rerun. “Can you believe I, in all my kindness and glory, saved you from the demon cat and in return, this?” She gestured at the screen, as if to convey everything terrible Cleo had subjected her to in the last three minutes.
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evelynhalliwell · 4 years
for → @challiwcll​ location: halliwell home time: february 26th, 4pm
Evelyn Halliwell needed no time to get used to the cameras following her around; in fact, she relished in it, having to be primped and perfect all the time. It was virtually what she’d trained for, ever since she was a little girl, and now, at fifty-four years old, as one of the stars of a Real Housewives franchise, the woman felt as if she was coming into her prime.
Of course, aside from her crooked nose.
Evelyn examined it from her iPhone, squinting at the off-centered tilt to her nostrils and huffed, clicking her phone off, half-wondering when she could get into Dr. Ahmed’s office again so he could revise it. It certainly didn’t bode well for her appearance when she’d demanded to see the footage so far — in every headshot, her beak looked terrifyingly unbalanced, and she’d screamed at the producer to fix it in post.
We - we don’t do that.
Yeah? Well, if you don’t, my lawyers will have a word about this! I’ll sue you… for defamation!
That’d been a couple days ago, and the memory was long lost in Evelyn’s cluttered mind, and today, they were filming a scene with her and her dear daughter, Cleo, who’d seemingly slit her own throat than express any sort of love for the older woman, however disingenuous. If Evelyn had been more self-aware, perhaps she would have lamented in the fact that her only daughter hated to be around her more than a thousand screaming babies, but as always, the barriers around her heart were rock-solid, and bomb-proof to boot.
“Ugh, Cleo, sweetheart,” she groaned, rolling her eyes as she swirled a glass of white in her hand, “do you insist on wearing those awful colors? Clashes awfully with your skin; you know us Halliwell girls need the warmer tones for our complexion.” Taking a sip from her glass, an eyebrow quirked, she shook her head. “I swear to god, sweetie, all my connections and you still can’t dress yourself.”  
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