#coconuts hurt
ruiniel · 4 months
Alucard & sick Reader HCs
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*totally not inspired by the devilish respiratory illness I'm contending with these days
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He may take after his mother in so many ways, but he's still his father's son in having witnessed the consideration Dracula had shown Lisa during their times as a family
It all brushed off on him from a young age: humans need more tending to during times of illness
If Adrian cares, whether in a platonic friendship capacity or whichever way, he will fuss over you, make no mistake
When you're coughing so much your intercostal and abdominal muscles hurt he'll draw you up, hug you against him so you don't cough on your back; outwardly calm and composed while reeling inside (you won't notice anyway)
He'll scour his mother's papers for any aid to ease your state because he can't stand to see you hurting
He'll carry you everywhere when you're too weakened to walk on your own
He'll never let you out of his sight. Some might find that too much, too overbearing, but he's lost so many people he cares about he's taking 0 chances
You're getting homemade cough syrup and medication as soon as he figures out what the main cause and symptoms are, no buts
After all he was Lisa's most devoted apprentice
He'll rest close by, idling in an armchair or standing by the window of your chamber, quiet and unobtrusive but to be around just in case
He'll lend you all the clean shirts you need, help you change out of the wet ones as your body fights fever spells
If you call his name, the book flies from his lap
He'll gently urge you to rise from time to time, to listen to your heart and lungs; there are no stethoscopes yet in the 1400s but his hearing is sharp enough that he can discern your heartbeats or if there's anything worrisome with your lungs. He'll press his ear to your back, following all points of interest
Once satisfied, he'll lie you back down, listening to your mutterings of gratitude with a blank stare, but his lips do alight on your forehead for a fast fever check
He'll lie beside you in your sickbed and hold you close if you get chills, telling you it'll pass, he's here, he'll take care of you
He believes it, too, of course, he can't even fathom other alternatives
Adrian is nothing if not methodical, so once you're better, an immune system boost 'program' awaits.
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coolcarabiner · 11 months
lesbians who are terfs will never make any sense to me crying about the supposed exclusivity of the “female experience” like my brother in christ she experienced an othered, lonely, confusing childhood where she was made to feel inadequate in her gender, sexuality, or both just the same as you and instead of letting this unify you against patriarchy you just enforce it on other people to maintain the sliver of “power” you think you have. how do u not see how dumb this is oh my god
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gaybichon · 3 months
i follow this woman on twitter who rehabilitates bats bc that is my alternate universe fantasy dream job but anyway look at this funny little bald man
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here's a more flattering picture of griff btw ⬇️
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Hi, I was the anon that had brought up the high seas adventure!! I'm glad you took interest in it, and hearing your ramblings to add onto it just made me imagine so many fun things! (Poor Eddie, haha. With your description, I just imagine a dog trying to stand up in a moving car.) Ohh, now I imagine a case where the ship wrecks and their stranded for a few days until another rescue ship comes! Perhaps on an island?? I hope some of them know how to hunt!
the very first thing that came to mind was Eddie sobbing while pointing one of Howdy's guns at a crab. Sally just comes up & stabs it through the shell before taking it back to the fire for eating. Eddie collapses to his knees, wracked with guilt-
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thebirdandhersong · 7 months
is there no balm in Gilead
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deathbypufferfish · 1 year
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Does anyone want a hamster
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soraeia · 8 months
Rosa’s been feeling a little ill today so pls excuse my absence
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micuko · 1 year
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swagging-back-to · 2 months
woke up and immediately felt sick. still hurting real bad
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gluskincasual · 1 year
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Fruity Loops
Part one of ??? of different Outlast characters dressed up in fun, fruity costumes just because. Jeremy is trapped in a coconut and Rick is having the time of his life as a banana. Thanks for looking!
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joyful-downer · 1 year
TW: Child loss
Foggy Jack, upon being caught by the Bobbies and the joy doctors finding out about his intolerance, having the same test they did with Arthur be done to him as they force him to take coconut joy.
At first everything seems fine. He sees Margaret running through a field of flowers with a selfmade flowercrown on her head. She's holding Jack's hand as she runs with him, an excited tone in her voice as she tells him that she has something to show him.
They run up the narrow path of the oh so familiar wednesday hill, but as they're halfway at the top, Margaret suddenly lets go of Jack's hand, running faster now and out of his sight. The colours start to fade around him as tries to catch up to his daughter before suddenly hearing a shrill, terrified scream followed by the noise of a gun.
As if he'd taken Phlash, his running speed nearly doubles as he hurries up the rest of the hill. His heart skips a beat as he arrives at the top and nearly runs into his daughter. She's standing only a few centimeters away from him and despite her actually being way shorter than him, her face is right in front of his as he looks right into her wide opened eyes, blood leaking out of the hole in her forehead and down the side of her nose.
The bullet has gone all the way through her little head, not only exposing her brain but also letting the light of the sun shine through the hole from the other side.
As her lifeless body collapses into Jack's arms, he breaks down on his knees as he cries out in pain. Meanwhile in reality he's struggling in his wheelchair and fighting against the restraints around his wrists as the doctors start to release another dose of joy gas inside the room. Though it only makes things worse.
A stinging pain shoots through his heart as he's still holding the hallucination of his dead daughter in his arms, the pain of loosing her once again making him cry so hard it's getting hard to breathe.
While trapped inside his own mind, Jack's body reacts heavily to the overdose of joy. His entire body is shaking and twitching uncontrollably and his heart is pounding faster and faster with each second, causing the heart rate monitor to be completely out of control. The doctors immediately try to defuse the situation by pressing buttons wildly, but as they finally get the gas to stop it's already too late.
Only the long, monotone noise of the heart rate monitor fills the room as the masked man who was just struggling a few seconds ago is now slumped in his wheelchair with his head limply hanging down. The doctors only let out a frustrated sigh before turning everything off and heading to the cafeteria.
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coffeebanana · 2 years
Technically this is an (unedited) excerpt from the next chapter of Say Something. But mostly I just wanted to show y'all that I'm insane and try to trick myself into staying focused with Comic Sans and weird colours.
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ellanainthetardis · 2 years
Prompt: Hopefully you can put a hayffie twist on this but may I prompt an angsty fic where seneca and effie fight after Katniss and peeta win and he basically tells her how much trouble she’s got him in and to stay away from him for a while etc (which maybe ends up being the last time they speak I guess)
Friends Break Up Too
In the immediate chaos after their tributes’ victory, it takes Effie a couple of hours to realize something is wrong – a good many something as it turns out.
It’s frighteningly funny how utter euphoria can turn to dread so fast.
None of the Gamemakers makes a comment but it is obvious in their attitude, while she and Haymitch wait for the hovercraft, that they’re angry. Embarrassed, Haymitch corrects in a whisper, at one point.
Because of the berries.
Because the love story isn’t real and it won’t take anyone too long to figure things out given Katniss’ lack of acting talent.
Because Effie and Haymitch are guilty by association – if not directly.
READ MORE on ff or HERE on AO3
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potionwitchmaya-15 · 9 months
am i the only person who thinks parts of Pretty Fly (For a White Guy) by The Offspring kind of sound like the DK rap
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curarems · 1 year
Moist 'fake it till you make it' von Lipwig
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astrangeghost · 1 year
I hurt my ankle:((( might be bedridden for the rest of my life
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