#coriolanus snow dad senses activate!
maysrinn · 4 months
“Happy Birthday little Bug 🐞”
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After tormenting her mother for 9 months Clementine came into this world loud on a chilly oktober morning, she could have been the most vocal little infant district 12 has ever witnessed, she definitely was not happy with the change of scenery…Lucy Gray had zero f@cks to give. Medic Sejanus did a wonderful job in not letting the songbird die of complications or an infection, he shall live to see another season.
Meanwhile Coriolanus thousand of miles away in district 2 “something just happened-“ spidey sense of panem, nobody told him shit…for good reasons
It’s a colored sketch of an fluffy moment that I wanted to visualize T^T I’m not sure if I’ll ever clean and wrap this artwork up but I did wanted to share it!
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maysrinn · 22 days
Happy Mothersday! 💕✨
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Each Mother's Day brings its own unique blend of traditions and experiences for Lucy Gray and her family. In the Capitol AU, it might entail a luxurious breakfast in bed amidst the opulence of the Capitol, with Coriolanus doting on Lucy Gray with lavish gifts and cherished moments of solitude. Other times in the District AU, it's a simpler affair, embracing the rustic charm of District 12 and relishing the day for what it truly means with her kids.
That doesn't imply she doesn't enjoy spending the day with the children in the Capitol, she does. However, Coriolanus makes a point of encouraging them to give Lucy Gray the space and time she deserves to focus on herself.
This particular year, the young fledglings, eagerly anticipated a delightful outing to the lake with their mother. However, Cedar Fern, had to remain behind with his father due to the scorching heat. Lucy Gray, mindful of her baby's comfort, opted out of the hike, knowing that Cedar Fern would be better off staying cool indoors. Meanwhile Coriolanus would really love to spend the day with his wife…
Coriolanus: they left without me…they do this every year …why …doesn’t anyone love Coriolanus Snow the lonely commander of district 12?! LUCY GRAY! come back…please…
Cedar Fern: BA!
Coriolanus: you shall be my hostage-
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