prettytm · 4 months
@corvidamned hit the { <3 }
"If you could ask the Entity for one thing? And don't go gettin' deep on me. I mean.. Like.. A cheeseburger or something. What would you ask for?"
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once-was-muses · 7 months
@corvidamned | Misc. Talbot Abuse Asks
He gently nudges Blight with the toe of his boot to wake.
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The Talbot shaped lump jostles slightly with the nudge, letting out a muffled sound somewhere between a grunt and a snort. It will take more than that to make him move, evidently.
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red-hemlock · 5 months
Signed With a Kiss
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The Almost Kiss
It just may be the cruelest, most frustrating thing a writer could ever pull. Two characters are finally about to bring all their shippers' dreams to fruition. They're about to resolve all the unresolved sexual tension and cross the 'Just Friends' line, at last. They're staring mesmerized into each others' eyes, inching forward ever so slowly, less than a millimeter away from lip-to-lip contact. This is it, the fans scream in their minds. They're finally going to kiss! And then... They don't. Were they interrupted by a knock on the door or falling meteor? Did one of them remember their late love interest that they promised never to forget? Was the thought of a relationship upgrade suddenly just too scary? Well, for some reason, they can't or won't go through with it. They may be giggling afterwards, or they may be crying a river. The sad thing is, the Almost Kiss says as much as a kiss, anyway, since we can see they both want it. Sometimes referred to as a "near-miss kiss".
Tagged by: @corvidamned Tagging: @oculusxcaro, @gnarledbite, @luposcainus, @lylebolton, @behindslaughter, @mute-call, @brucieboy297, @babydxhl, (And anyone else who wants to filch this!)
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send "❓" to know what's the first word that crosses my muse's head when they think of yours!
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B + Weskira
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
[I don't think he has a favorite body part of his own but imo he finds Kira's eyes to be the most attractive thing about her.]
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judgcmcnt · 2 months
@corvidamned replied
Pick a spot.
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He likes the choice he is given and wastes little time in making it. Her shoulder is now in the Red God's mouth and he has no intentions of letting go soon.
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redactar · 5 months
@corvidamned // liked for a starter
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"Think you can catch me up on what's going on here? Didn't realize BSAA got dispatched."
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fcllederage · 9 months
@corvidamned continued from this post
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"I don't really feel like talking about it, right now... Can we just hug for a bit?"
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gviral · 3 months
●●●●● | ATTRACTION ●●●○○ | AFFECTION ●●●●● | INTEREST ●●●●○ | LOYALTY ●●●●○ | TRUST
It's been a difficult journey ( in this particular verse especially ) getting William to trust again. Despite this, he has found solace in Kira.
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prettytm · 3 months
What does Billy think of your muses - Accepting - @corvidamned
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●●●●● | ATTRACTION ●●●○○ | AFFECTION ●●●●○ | INTEREST ●●●○○ | LOYALTY ●●○○○ | TRUST
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blood-on-my-coat · 3 months
"Is it going to hurt?"
Something about the way he had asked made The Designer pause the throw he had been attempting, stunned by the audacity to question the person hunting her down if it was going to hurt. As if the needle in his hand could possibly be a pleasant sort of intrusion.
He had tried them out on himself plenty of times as it was the only kind of high he could reach in the foreboding mists. Milo Royals grew to anticipate the sting and relish in the venom that coursed through his veins and made them glow oh so prettily beneath his skin.
And yet he was self aware enough to know this wasn't a universal experience.
Maybe she'd like it. Nobody else appreciated his party favors so far, but maybe she was different. A smile tugs at the corner of his lips as he readies the long tipped needle again, dripping with an almost neon green substance, aiming directly for her shoulder.
"It'll pinch, darling, but I assure you the trip is worth it. Hold still for me."
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birkinafterhours · 4 months
[ PULL ] for the sender to help the receiver off with their shirt.
He's been fiddling with the buttons for far too long, it would seem. Kira's hands soon replace his own, firmly nudging them out of the way as she begins to gracefully yet eagerly undress him. With each button slipped free, more pale skin is exposed beneath her delicate touch. Kira stops just above his belt buckle, teasing, a feather - light touch that just barely grazes over the tent in his pants before receding. Birkin huffs with disapproval, unable to stop his hips from chasing her.
Needy thing he is. His shirt's not even off yet and he's already desperate for some friction against his cock. Kira urges the fabric off of his shoulders before doing away with it completely, leaving William's upper body bare. His chest is dotted with light, sparse hairs, and his skin — unblemished, practically begs to be marked.
"Take the lead, then." Birkin tempts her by leaning back against the desk, thighs spread — inviting.
* @corvidamned / actions meme
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top 5 progenitor based viruses go
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"Are you serious?
.... Uroboros, The Progenitor virus that was used in the Wesker project, The T-Virus, The Golgotha virus, and if I had been able to acquire a sample of it the T-Veronica virus would have been an impressive strain."
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red-hemlock · 6 months
Send Me A “👗” And My Muse Will Dress Yours @corvidamned
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"You're going to be the blue to my red, Kira-darling!"
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judgcmcnt · 5 months
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The Five Senses | Always Open
@corvidamned prayed
[ 𝐖𝐀𝐒𝐇 ] ― sender helps clean receiver after a long day / stressful situation
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It was not expected for her to come to him with such a request, but he would not refuse such attention.
He is not the one to clean himself as humans would, but if offered he will allow one to wash him. Kira has her work cut out for her; old gore and caked filth cover his body and helmet, dried blood and hard dirt make things all the more difficult to clean. Over all it would take quite a bit to get the god at least decently cleaned.
Is it not worth it though to be this close to someone so powerful and not be in danger? To hear the deep rumbles and see overworked muscles relax because of your actions, vampire?
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thxgrxmrexpxr · 4 months
"Get up."
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"...Okay well first of all no-"
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