#costplus drugs is REALLY good also if youre not taking a controlled substance
venusmages · 2 months
Hi! I'm so happy for you about your diagnosis and the meds working for you and I was wondering if you'd be okay sharing what they gave you? I totally understand if you don't want to share medical info like that though. So please just ignore this if you want. It just sounds so much like what I've been dealing with, unable to do really anything for so long, and I am trying to get diagnosed and would love to know what meds might be helpful to ask about if I do
thank you! i don't mind answering at all! (CW for medical talk including neurodivergence and ED mention)
I've only been on medication for two days but, for me, it's already made a huge difference. I've known I'm on the spectrum for several years, but with how my autism presented I've never really considered it to be a disability/I'm able to mask pretty well IRL. ADHD however felt like getting hit by a semi-truck explaining EVERYTHING from my mood swings, to my chronic fatigue, my seeming inability to DO anything on time, forgetfulness and depression - and even my eating disorder (binge eating is a symptom of ADHD and I've struggled with it my whole life). I know it's not a cure-all but I've already felt more at ease and capable for the past two days than I have the past five years. I'm not "stuck", physically and mentally.
I'm currently on Concerta, and I'm having no trouble so far! A good friend of mine is on it too and seems to like what it does for her. My wife (who's been diagnosed for a few years and is the one that told ME to get tested lol) recently switched to Vyvanse and they're REALLY enjoying it. Both are are 'extended release' adhd meds so they're supposed to last more or less a full work day. I take mine at like 7:30 AM and it doesn't fully wear off until like 6 PM or longer. Warning, though, if you have disordered eating where you eat too little, both medications drastically reduce your appetite. You may also be limited if you have heart issues.
If you're in the USA and don't have reliable health insurance and you DO get medicated, I highly recommend GoodRX! Generic Concerta where I am is like $200+ uninsured, but through GoodRX coupons it's like 30 bucks at my local pharmacy. Super worth it.
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