#could it smell the life that saturated Grian? the power? or was it just coincidence?
shadeswift99 · 2 years
Anybody else notice how the Entity is getting not only more complex with every update, but also more and more alive? To the extent that it can now get up and walk? To the extent of implied organs, implied magic? And meanwhile, coincidentally, Grian seems to be losing his sense for his own durability. Stood right there and took a hit from a trident thrown straight up, expecting to live, but didn’t. The surprise in his voice when Keralis was able to take him out in one punch. Having less health than he expected to have is becoming a trend...except for that time in front of the Rift.
“...I didn’t die?”
You know. The last near-death incident before the over-estimations started happening.
Debt is a powerful, powerful thing. Perhaps the Rift, and the Entity it spawned, know that. Perhaps that loan of life to Grian was the permission they needed to start taking back their due - slowly, of course, so that he never quite notices.
Slowly, of course, one sip of life at a time, so that the thing at the other end of the straw can feed in steady peace. Because debt and deals might rule the eldritch, but equivalent exchange rules nature, and the Entity is above all else both. Life cannot simply spring from nothing, not without cause, not without fuel. Grian is the reservoir of life that the Entity is pulling from. As it grows, he depletes.
Maybe the Rift is a conduit, the pipe for the transfer to take place - or maybe it’s the mastermind, or an impassive observer, or hey, maybe it’s just a coincidental tear like any other tear. Randomness is a law of nature too. But the idea that the Entity’s growth will be capped by how much life and power is left to be pulled from Grian is terrifying in MULTIPLE ways and I’ll be turning it over in my brain for the rest of the day at least
#Grian#the Entity#Hermitcraft#''So did Grian completely forget about the cliffhanger from two episodes ago or did he just troll us all by not giving any answers?'#< sentences thought before disaster#the disaster being This Idea#listen#am I stringing together several unconnected coincidences that were almost certainly not intentionally implying anything? yes#should you be even a little bit surprised by that if you have been following this blog for more than a couple months? No#Absolutely The Fuck Not dlfkjsdls#I don't care if it's anything close to what's happening really but it's PLAUSIBLE and that's TERRIFYING#terrifying in the best way#because just. imagine#I'm not usually a non-human Grian headcanoner but ik a lot of people think he's got some vast wells of unused power#and just. the /consequences/ of some parasitic otherworldly Entity choosing that person out of everyone to feed on#could it smell the life that saturated Grian? the power? or was it just coincidence?#/how much bigger will it grow with that as a source to feed on?/#and in a non-magical Grian scenario it really only gets WORSE#because how long can one human being hold out as the sole source of nourishment for a Thing like that?#is it like a blood donation where the life it takes from Grian will regenerate slowly over time?#leaving him exhausted and weakened but too gradually to notice? just gradually enough to adapt to without thinking?#is that why the Entity is doing this slowly? as a strategy?#....will its patience for strategy run out as the end to its means draws near?#man. man. I love what Grian is doing this season#I've been too exhausted myself to have many writing ideas lately but this is giving me more than I've had in ages#oh ah. also#tw horror#tw parasite#ik there are some people squicked out by the Entity in general so let me know if I've missed any tags for that#but I personally am having the time of my life right now
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