#count on me for Alwyas Excessive Answers
😘 glad ur back!!! Some Q's if u wish: 1. did anyone famous come from your town? 2. Who is currently your favorite musical artists? 3. What is your absolute favorite snack that you Have to have within reach? 4. do you keep with you a water bottle that you always use and are attached to, or just use whatever's convenient?
yeah its nice to be more in touch w ppl and like sort of aware of how anyones doing…its great how you just come up with questions tbh. too good
i dont know if anyone famous came from the town i lived in the longest…actor robert duvall like moved into the surrounding area and was apparently always around just like the grocery and library and other kinds of places and my grandma always hopes to run into him but probably hasnt yet. also maybe one of the guys from the dukes of hazzard? which i only know they had a truck and no doubt antics and daisy duke was there
i never really can settle on favorites and ive been listening to music a ton lately…but a few months ago i finally listened to the full most recent phoenix album…”finally” b/c it came out last summer and also b/c ive been meaning to listen to a whole phoenix album for probably over ten years…thats why i rarely deliberately get into something new…i rarely follow up on my own recommendations, much less anybody elses, and not because of how much i set store by them or not. anyways i really like the album and can and have just put it on loop for a third of a day. i know a lot of people are too good to like phoenix but i’m thriving
im pretty voracious about snacks…like with all other things, i wanna finish something all in one go. so saying your box of cheezits is “family size” is more like im gonna eat it in two sittings, maybe. i dont portion off four fig newtons or a little plastic bag of wheat thins. i am probably going to eat most of whatever in one go. i am like that with food generally. but, contradictorily, i dont eat regularly, so part of being a garbage disposal is a lack of restraint, and then part of it is an overabundance of restraint, wherein i rarely feel like “hmm i am hungry but only for several ounces of food.” anyways i like a wide variety of snacks…cheezits like i said, dry crackers of other kinds actually, i’ll decimate oreos, i like pretzel sticks especially with ranch dip which nobody seems to know about. it may be a midwestern thing. i like chocolate things but im not that passionate about it. i AM passionate about ice cream year round, if that counts as a snack. anyhow the point is i’ll eat mostly whatevers around…if it was an ideal world where i could have a limitless snack of some kind? idk but there was this generic-brand peanut butter cookie that gave you like forty in a pack and i thought they were pretty great. i’d start with that as a good default
i pretty much never used water bottles for the longest time…i’d start taking plastic ones to my ballet classes because they were often strenuous. i kept water in plastic cups when i lived in my minivan, until sometime early last year i got a thermos as a door prize at this work meeting we all had to come to. at the same time tho i was waiting for my work to give me the $70+ i’d made in tips for being the only person to make deliveries for this one evening, and they never did, so its a bit of a loss there. still its a convenient drink holder, b/c its kind of skinny so you can stick it in a backpack holder or something. so i use it and other cups i leave around. sometimes i can have like three drinks going for me at once, tea or coffee or choc milk or whatever. i like to have a drink around…it’s something to do and something to Consume
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