#couple that own a motorcycle club in Vermont
motley-cunt Β· 6 months
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andy being gay with his friends part 20383939338
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retaliationrp Β· 1 year
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That’s the difference between you and me. You wanna lose small, I wanna win big.
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ππ€πŒπ„: Samuel Jordan Adlawan 𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑 & ππ‘πŽππŽπ”ππ’: cis man & he/him Β  𝐀𝐆𝐄: 37 πŽπ‚π‚π”ππ€π“πˆπŽπ:Β  lawyer π€π…π…πˆπ‹πˆπ€π“πˆπŽπ: Β Civilian π‘π€ππŠ: Β N/A π…π€π‚π„π‚π‹π€πˆπŒ: Β Charles Michael Davis
+Β  Zealous, Charismatic, Quick-witted - Β  Cynical, Self-Absorbed, Impatient
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Samuel was born in upstate New York, to a first-generation couple of immigrants. Not too long after his birth, his family moved to Vermont due to his mother finding a new job as a Bed & Breakfast manager, while his father opened a small restaurant that served Filipino food. Safe to say, money was always short in the family where Samuel became the eldest of two. It also made a lot of responsibility fall on his shoulders to set up a good example for his younger sister Alaya and everyone around them. Soon, it became his unspoken rule that he would break free from that city and he would make a world of his own. To do that, Samuel focused on school, since, due to his strict upbringing, he felt like it would be the only way possible.
He’s always excelled in debates and did terrific on political assignments from school, which, in one of the career fairs he attended, it became clear to him that he would do great as a lawyer. Samuel focused on that idea and also, on getting himself a scholarship out of there, since there was no way his parents could afford college education for any of their kids. There had already been talks around the house about who would help in the B&B and who would help in the restaurant, and, as honorable as these jobs were, and as much as he helped around during summer breaks, Samuel wanted more. He wanted everything else the world had to offer. So did his sister.
His drive landed him a scholarship to study Psychology in California, and once he was done, he was accepted into UC Irvine to continue his studies by going there for Law School.
In California and being away from his parents, Samuel felt like he could finally breathe and be the person he had always been born to be. He met someone during his college years, who also happened to bring out the best in him, and together, they were inseparable. Cemre was smart, beautiful, and above all else, she was ambitious just like him. They shared dreams, hopes, victories, and losses, and eventually, they would share a life, too, because, in the first few months of being together, Cemre shared that she was expecting someone else’s baby. Someone she had been with before Sam and she had even gone out on their first date.
Sam was well aware of the responsibility that raising someone else’s baby entailed, but he was also far too deep in love with Cemre to scrap the last few months over something that had happened before they had met. When Deniz was born, everything made sense. He had a family in the making, a decent job, and one hell of a girlfriend. What else could he ask for? A few years after being together, when the clock struck midnight, Samuel proposed to her and she said yes.
Life was good.
Until it wasn’t.
First, it was the news of Alaya’s death. Although he had been in touch with his sister this whole time, apparently there was another side of her life that he had yet to get to know. The news of her death struck him like lightning and forced Samuel to travel to Arizona for her funeral. His brother-in-law didn’t tell him directly, but it didn’t take a genius to put two plus two together and simply assume why there were so many people wearing leather cuts while they laid her to rest. Alaya had mentioned finding a solid source of income and bringing Ezrak along, he just wasn’t imagining it would be anything related to motorcycle clubs and the type of underground activity there might happen there.
Grieving, he spent the following couple of years stuck in a haze and it was another call from Arizona that changed his life and solidified his own ties with the Wild Coyotes. A request to bail Ezrak and another fellow Wild Coyote member from prison. He traveled to Arizona once again, and through client confidentiality, he learned more about the gang his sister had been involved with. It was a tough pill to swallow at first, that by trying to give herself a better life, Alaya had been involved in criminal actions, that he couldn’t protect her somehow… because he simply hadn’t been there. In the following six months, he stayed in Arizona, preparing the case for the Wild Coyotes and flying home every once in a while.
During his last trip back home he was welcomed with a photo of Cemre and Deniz and a message that someone was watching them. Consumed by fear of what that picture might mean, especially after hearing Ezrak’s suspicions that Alaya’s death had not been an accident, Samuel decided to break things off with Cemre and then moved to Lancaster, leaving both mother and son behind, despite what that loss would mean to him.
His first months post-breakup was filled with alcohol, parties, and sex. Then, work followed. Samuel became relentless. He found himself a job at a Law firm in Phoenix, doing what he did best, which was to persuade people… more precisely, judges, using every verbal way and finding loopholes in proofs. Who cared about fairness or justice, right? He also continued working for the Wild Coyotes when it came to their legal matters, hoping this would keep trouble away from the ones he loved.
Sam just wasn’t expecting trouble to follow him some time later and stare him right in the eye, asking questions on why he had missed his last birthday.
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