#cowede isnt feeling too good atm
cowederevived · 1 month
Hello, this is a rant post because I need to evacuate some thoughts, I know this blog isn’t for it, but don’t hesitate to respond in anyway, if you agree or not. I would seriously really appreciate, this blog is the only place where I can really discuss about stuff with people outside of my work environement (because my work is my life, and funnily enough I hate my work.)
Upon rewatching Hellsing (the 2001 show) and now ultimate (the ovas) I’ve come to realize something.
See I’m not usually one for the edgy, I tend to find it more funny and litteraly cringe than cool, it’s not that I don’t like a bit of edge, A dark character can be very cool when done with an appropriate tone or contrast, or just being an evil fucking bastard, for example ruin from UU is very very edge and cringe, but I don’t consider it bad writting at all, he’s litteraly an overzealous fanatic who think he’s god favorite very probably because he got 2 UMA in him who groomed him into thinking he was gonna survive ragnarok, ill never say that the edge in berserk is bad for example, (well I do for some of the stuff that comes before golden age. Before GA guts is a dark sasuke on steroid and outside from the halucinations, I can’t take him seriously)
But anyway, even without my not trully appreciation for the edge, nowadays when someone tells me "oh that show is so cool it’s dark and mature" I’m SUPER OFTEN disappointed. I mean come on guys, really, solo leveling is "the peak of maturity and badass?" "Omg sun said arise, and summon tons of ex bosses he fought that constantly praise him like fangirls" (And for those who haven’t read the manwha, I’ll add that those shadows are among the best characters in the series, and they aren’t great or profound.) or to change series "wow rimuru is so cool now that he transformed into a demon after eating one". "Annos is peak badass, he killed a guy then used magic to resurect him and killed him 100 times!" or even mentioning how there’s people out there who consider stuff like kingdom of ruin or redo no healer "deep and mature" because girls get r*ped in it. Rudeus being labeled as a good guy for doing absolutely no effort in helping a girl who is trap in this world with him because "ugh real world was bullying me" where we’ve seen him do litteraly no effort in real life at all.
It made me realize something, for a while I thought that "yeah it’s just not your age anymore" or "don’t be a boomer, you were cringe too back then" "you lack objectivity" but fuck it I’m gonna say it those series ARE trash, mid at best, but if you consider stuff like THAT peak, really ? You clearly haven’t watched good series, and it’s not an issue of "but it’s the genre / trope" you want good mature show ? They exist, you want a good isekai ? Same, log horizon’s worldbuilding and not have the entire world rely on the powerfull but not op protag is right there, you want a good power fantasy ? Ever heard of fucking dragon ball ? (I know it’s a shonen neketsu first, but really shonen neketsu is power fantasy except with a minimum of depth and characters with personality)
I won’t spoil in details Hellsing / Hellsing ultimate because I really think it’s a story that needs to be watch, but it’s not just good because "ahahah ultra badass psycho vampire, girl with huge boobs and even huger guns and English lady boss kill nazis" the whole story is a parallel about moving on from traumas of the past and the idiocy of following dogmas / the past without thinking, and that’s just scratching what’s good.
Meanwhile what does a show like solo leveling teach us ? "Be on the grind and a sigma male and be super handsome rich and strong because that’s the only way girls and people will care about you and respect you ?" "Be a piece of shit to people and you’ll be rewarded" "every Japanese is an asshole" (ok in all seriousness that last one is something in manwhas in general and it can easily be understand that Korea has a grudge against them because of history)
Anyway all that to say, I’m tired of pretending that mediocre, or even bad series are good just because duhu they’re popular and it’s the new style. There’s PLENTY of good new stuff. But people don’t focus on it and it’s fucking pissing me off.
Just in the shonen genre : dandadan, yozakura familly, undead unluck (duh), jjk ( i mean it’s not very "new Gen" and tbf the last arc crumbles because of gege’s writing and him being stuck with underdeveloped characters that no one care about because he put all his eggs on just a few chars. Basically it was very good for a while, like mha really (even though for mha it’s because the author takes 0 risk and just wants to please the fans) didn’t paid off, but you can respect the work) sakomoto days or yes even kagurabachi (throw in the memes) and even BIG SHOCKER one piece.
And that’s JUST SOME of jump’s content (well dandadan isn’t in the main magazine but shut up) AND I just talked about the most apreciated genre of battle shonen, staying in jump you got very fucking cool stuff like blue box, akanebanashi, csm, witch watch, elusive samouraï.
And once again, that’s just from jump and currently running. If you want good writen stories of any genre theres TON, and I can assure you that you will find badass and cool characters you can self insert into, difference is that they have actual care put into them, and say stuff, and have more than 1 character.
To chill me out I’ll remember than frieren and apothecary diaries got freakishly good results and that’s very fucking cool. I’ll also remember that we have very good non shonen targeted stuff like some high quality rom coms (dress up darling (in its first parts, gojo’s continuous depression and self doubt is getting on my nerves personally, they made him regress and it sucks) komi can’t comunicate, bochi the rock or dangers in my heart come to mind) Go watch them (the diaries have like, no action at all, but at the minimum go watch frieren, there’s a reason why people are saying it’s a new goat on the level of a fmab, as long as you have two neurons and now how to focus on a story, you’ll have a wonderfull time, it’s also plenty epic)
Anyway all that rant to say : it’s ok to like trash, I do to for other stuff, everyone does, it can even be your favorite thing. But please for the love of god and anything sacred, do yourself a favor and actually watch / read good stuff, varied at least, try to analyze what makes a good story and don’t be a slave to market that copy paste formula harder than an ai fucking could. It’s so fucking tiring to see authors and passionate project crash when next to them a copy pasta formula who does no effort and just rubs the viewer in the good way to have them brain disconnect on it. I know that anime and manga is a distraction, it’s for fun, but respect work and creativity for f sake (Queue the joke about the fact that a person who does ai art says all that)
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cowederevived · 4 months
Im feeling super lost atm, totally down (and not in a good way) like, you know the mood where u Know you have people around you but you feel super isolated and as if youre annoying everyone ? Basically the mood goth emo adolescent who feels so unique love to complain they have all the time, except here it legit sucks because you arent a goth emo adolescent. Anyway, may take some time for the current asks (dont mean u shouldnt send more, An ask box too filled is >>>>>> better than an empty one) . or maybe ill get a burst of motivation
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cowederevived · 2 months
Gonna destroy what's left on my blog, for all that people care. I'm taking down anon asks, now you cant ask as anon. Kinda suck for a few ones that do a good job with it, but 80 percent of the anon asks I get are either rude, dont follow the (very simple) wishlist, or are just ultra low effort. + "talking" to anon is def not helping with one of my biggest issue with that blog, the lack of comunication, still thanks to those who live likes and even repost, but damn I quite legit NEVER know what people think about my stuff, I know its ai art so low effort for tons of people, but the silent treatment feels like it kills me sometime.
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cowederevived · 4 months
HEY EVERYONE. WELCOME TO YOUR FAVORITE SHOW OF ALL : "instead of doing asks cowede talks about random subjects and advertised for shows and animes"
Now I was doing my stuff, slowly but surely progressing through bleach (some of you may now i'm watching it atm, its good (but veeeeeeeeeery slow) but it aint what were gonna talk about) and lowkey harassing plain with futa angie pictures because yes. And my brain was just waltzing around, as it usually does when I remembered out of nowhere a show that I watched during my early adolescence and the last time was a few years ago and that I really like, and since I have a small tumblr blog, may as well advertise good shows I like here! So, let me tell you a tell of red hair chinese cool mc, kepranks, knocks knocks, sick music and conspiracies. We're gonna talk about Detentionaire. (Micro spoilers)
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Detentionaire is a Canadian 4 season 53 (lmao lolz lmao funny number) episode long thriller mystery comedy cartoon that came out from 2011 to 2014. I will spoiler free resume the plot as if : As Lee ping, 10th grader and (kinda) loner starts his new year at Alexander Nigma High he finds himself framed as the perpetrator of a Massive prank that hits the whole school, and is punished by a whole year of constant detention. Searching to prove his innocence, he will daily sneak out of detention to find the true perpetrator and clear his name, in the process he will discover that this "prank" hides a deep secret that goes far, far beyond what he could have ever imagined. While the series starts off as a little silly, "its just a prank bro" it ends up going very far, and I will not talk about how much it is, but let me tell you, it goes very far, and quite well. Its a way different tone, but you could definitely compare it to other mystery thriller cartoon shows like gravity falls (another absolute gem) I trully advice you to watch the few first episodes, theres a high chance it will hook you if you like those kind of "conspiracy" theme shows. The mystery and the way it progress is VERY well handled in my opinion, each episode gives you hint, or red herrings at the bigger picture, and they definitely knew what they were doing. Upon rewatching the series you will usually pick up on lots of small differents elements that were hidden in plan sight, making it feel all very well thought out. The series also takes place in a sliiiightly different universe than ours, for example the principal of a school is a military cyborg, and the (living and savage) mascot of the school is a tazelwurm, a cryptid, this gives the shows a real ambiance of mystery i'm personnaly quite a fan of. The side characters are honestly pretty well done, while some are very stereotypical, a lot of them get side stories or devlopment throughout the show, and the main gang as a very chaotic yet compeling chemistry with each other.
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Anyway! that is all! I really kinda struggle advising shows in general, but if you like good thriller mystery cartoon with decent plot progression and likeable (imo) characters ? Go for it, its a total hidden gem, as the show got high ratings, but isnt very well known. And uh, theres (kinda slow) good romance too ? I guess theres that. it's a high school show of course it was gonna be the case. The episodes are fully disponible (for free) on youtube having been posted by Retro Rerun (just search detentionaire and you will find the full series playlist very easily) So yeah, if you have some free time and want to see something else than animes and series, remember good cartoons also exist!
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