#cr1mson answers
cr1mson5returns · 8 months
my fav version of tim drake is similar to the post of yours that made me follow you
my fav tim drake is that time he got an uncle to avoid adoption taken to the extreme. hes never been robin, not a bat, but he does follow them on patrol taking pics and occasionally intervening and they cant quite manage to stop him. hes dick grayson's nemesis because he no matter where he is, all he can think about is finally getting that kid to sit down and eat a proper meal and take a nap. jason comes back from the dead and tim has been deterring batman from violence with a squirt gun instead of a robin and jason almost hates him more for it. damian thinks he is an excellent operative, held in high esteem by his grandfather, and at first tim doesn't know what to make of that but then starts putting him to use for shenanigans. you get the idea
Oh, God, but Tim maintaining a professional relationship with Ra's al Ghul is everything I've ever desired? This weird old undead motherfucker is constantly bugging him about joining up and being his right-hand man and conquering the unruly world together and bringing peace and justice once and for all, blah blah blah, but Tim just isn't interested in that. Sounds like a lot of responsibility to have at his age, frankly. He's good just calling in the occasional favor and redirecting Batman's fury with the League of Assassins.
Also, like...I've officially started tagging these things "morally gray tim drake has my heart" because he does, y'all. He does! I do so very much enjoy the interpretation of Tim Drake as a morally gray character regardless of age (but especially in the Red Robin run) and I do think it's a valid way lens through which to see him.
The thing that makes Tim stand out to me is this undercurrent of tone to everything he does which implies that he views himself as inconsequential to the narrative. I might be in the minority here and that's fine(ish), but I've always thought about what would drive an emotionally abused and neglected 13-year-old child to try everything in his power to save his hero from killing himself and/or becoming public enemy #1. And maybe I'm projecting, but it always seems to come back to: "Well, I don't trust anyone else to be capable of doing it." He tried to talk to Dick, and Dick wouldn't take Robin back up, but Nightwing wasn't what Batman needed. And sure, they could've waffled about and tried to find someone else to be Robin. But Tim was right there and in the absence of anyone else he felt was qualified to do it, he just...did it.
Tim sees Batman (and Nightwing and Robin by extension) as being so incredibly significant to the overarching narrative. He knows that Batman doesn't really reduce crime, not in a city with local politics as corrupt as Gotham. He knows that it doesn't functionally matter if Batman gets this guy and not that guy, because it all shakes out the same. When there's a huge crisis, when Gotham City needs a symbol of everything that's still good here, still worth saving, Batman shows up and saves the day. Batman isn't allowed to succumb to human flaws like grief, despair, and outrage. People need him to mean more than that. Tim will do whatever it takes to secure and maintain that almost otherworldly level of heroism for Batman. If it gets him dirty in the process, he doesn't mind. Tim Drake won't be remembered. Batman will.
Of course, this is also why I think it's so fucking funny that Tim is at a point where he's just throwing death wish ideas at a wall until something sticks and hollering at the universe, "JUST KILL ME ALREADY!!!!"
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tyrannuspitch · 3 years
okay i’m thinking back on cr1mson peak again and i think i might have to cut thomas a little slack :/// not on being a serial killer though. just on being bad at it.
so fair warning - i, as a person, am extremely difficult to charm with fictional romances, and me laughing in their faces and going “that’s not romantic that’s fucking obnoxious” is a regular occurrence. 
but... sigh. fine. looking back, what did i actually find weird and unlikeable here?
number one would be the waiting in the rain - in the moment, this tripped every one of my “pushy stalker” alarm bells - because jesus christ this strange man you’ve had one conversation with has gone completely out of his way to your house and waited until you were alone and practically forced his way in ffs edith RUN - but i think i was interpreting it wrong. 
thomas hasn’t actually given edith’s dad a legitimate reason to turn him away yet, edith’s dad has just taken a dislike to him, which is kind of crucial here. it transforms avoiding him from “red flag” to just like, “endearingly sensitive”. (if you find sensitivity endearing. idk, i think edith finds it *interesting*, at least). also, “refusing to leave” sounds bad when the maid says it, but it’s not actually... unreasonable... to want to speak to edith directly. I SUPPOSE.
but number two would be the heart-breaking incident and the subsequent letter about it. like. idk. i don’t know late victorian etiquette but i’m assuming it’s standard for him to put the courtship on hold when edith’s dad refuses consent. but the fact that thomas also... takes the bribe? and is really cruel to her? and then just kind of brushes it away with “i didn’t want to but your dad told me to :///”? like, idk. i wouldn’t forgive him. i guess i can see how him not taking that train would sort of soften edith towards him and then obviously she needs comfort/support after her father’s death... but still. i can understand it on an intellectual level but i am just NOT going on the emotional journey with them.
like. maybe edith’s tougher than i am, idk, but if someone spoke to me like that, i don’t think i would find “they didn’t mean it” to be an actual excuse? like you still said it. you’ve still proven you can hurt me relatively easily under a little pressure. i know this is like... kind of how abusive relationships start... they do one really bad thing relatively early on and you forgive them bc you’re infatuated and then it spirals... but still. this specific story hasn’t made me Get It(tm). at least not yet. hmm :/
oh + smthn i only just remembered - in the waltz scene it really *seemed* to me like he’d previously agreed a different partner and changed his mind on the spot. more or less publicly dumped someone at the drop of a hat. i might be misunderstanding but that’s what it looked like. and that’s not romantic. that’s RUDE. get some damn manners thomas who raised you (don’t answer that)
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princely-affairs · 6 years
Tag game: blogs I would like to get to know better
I was tagged by the wonderful @josskuhh 
RULES: Answer 28 questions and tag at least 20 blogs  you would like to know better
Name: Amanda
Nicknames: don’t
Gender: female
Height: American average
Time: its the only time we have
Sign: Libra/Snake
Birthday: Sept 25 and it was awesome
Favorite Bands: ahhh ahhh?? trying to make me think of band names hurts. Mumford and Sons, The Mountain Goats, The Arctic Monkeys, Florence and the Machine, N*SYNC, Skillet, Fitz and the tantrums
Favorite Solo Artists: ????idk people??Shawn Mendes??? 
Song stuck in my head: Drag me Down
Last movie I watched: Coco (it was great and sadddd)
Last show I watched: LockUp: State Prisons
When did I create my blog: in 2012, so I could spazz at @ashes-acedia about Loki
Last thing I googled: how to PayPal stuff and things
Do I have have any other blogs?: I have an art only blog
Do I get asks?: Sometimes! :D
Following: cool people
Followers: cooler people
Average of Sleep: ah aha I have trouble falling asleep, but once I’m out, usually like 10 or I’ll die
Lucky number: I like the number 25
Instruments: these hands
What am I wearing: starwars themed
Dream job: petting cats while painting aliens. I want to be paid to do both at the same time at the same place.
Dream trip: outer space!
Favorite Food: I just don’t know anymore. but yah boi likes potatoes
Nationality: ‘murican
Favorite Song:  I’ve been on that dua lipa New Rules song lately.
I Tag: @ashes-acedia (haha double tap!) @thelaughingstar, @the-son-of-dathomir, @darthbiscuits and @cr1mson-rain to do if ya’ll want! :D
thanks for the tag, mate!
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nerdgirl78 · 7 years
Tagging game
Rules: Answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you are contractually  obligated to know better.
Tagged by: @lucy-shining-star
1.Nicknames: Had a couple people call me Mo bc they couldn’t pronounce my name but overall don’t really have any
2.Gender: Female
3.Star sign: Aries
4.Height: 5’2” or 157
5.Time: 4:22 PM
6.Birthday: March 31
7.Favourite bands: The Script, Train
8.Favorite solo artists: Lindsey Stirling, Michael Buble, Sara Bareilles
9.Song stuck in my head: Theme from Barbie Life in the Dreamhouse
10.Last movie I watched: Robin Hood: Men in Tights (Best movie ever, highly recommend it!)
11.Last show I watched: Currently half watching NCIS
12.When did I create my blog: Um, Not sure, probably around 2014...I think
13.What do I post/reblog: Pretty much whatever comes across my dash that I feel like, I really have no rule of thumb for all this
14.Last thing I googled: Material Girl lyrics
15.Other blogs: ........ @deatheth (there is really no point to it, I just said it a lot a couple years ago and wanted the URL, occasionally I will mass post to it bc I forget that it set to reblog to that rather than this one)
16.Do I get asks: Never have, sadness
17. Why I choose my URL: Bc I couldn’t think of anything original or any theme so I went general
18.Following: …….1224….I have problems
19.Followers: 233, apparently
20. Average hours of sleep: 5-6 or less bc I have horrible sleeping habits
21: Lucky number: 8
22.Instruments: Always wanted to play the piano but never got around to it, one day man
23.What I’m wearing: Old gym uniform sweatpants, awesome loose striped tank, and a giant red flannel I stole from my mum
24.Dream job: Hmmm, that’s hard, I’d probably have to say, Actor, Singer, or Costume Designer
25.Dream trip: Probably Ireland or honestly really anywhere bc I love seeing new places
26.Favourite food: Chicken Fettuccine Alfredo
27.Nationality: Um, idk. I’m like half German, Quarter Irish, and the rest is just a slur of various European places, live in America.
28. Favourite song right now: Oh god, I always hate this question! Um, I guess rn I will go w/ Love Song by Sara Bareilles
29.Last book I read: I guess technically it would be Romeo and Juliet for my Shakespeare class but the last book I read for fun was Six of Crows I believe. Highly recommend, good book!
30. Top Three Fictional Universes You’d Want to Join: Oh god, this is hard, um, Harry Potter, Raven Cycle universe, and idk just a fantasy world bc I can’t think of any others right now and honestly I’m a hoe for fantasy man.
I’m tagging: @rayheart-wh , @artisticembalmer , @shattering-the-mirror, @love-elizabeth-the-3rd, @ghastlygrumpkins, @thepetitekitty, @thehappycat123, @lizardradio, @sewandstudy, @mamadragon404, @08newnew, @lollipopdomination, @cr1mson-rain, @adriana-a7x, @its-the-apocalypse-baby, @detective-rowan, @wander-in-dreams, @kawaii-puffin-lover, @bookworm153, @shipwreckked
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cr1mson5returns · 7 months
Of course you can swipe! Please adopt!!
Yay!!! Thank you, I'm so happy!
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cr1mson5returns · 8 months
second ask today but wanted to apologize for blowing up your notes, but like, not enough to stop bc you're a genius and i am incapable of not obsessing over genius where i find it
This makes me so happy???? Thank you!
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cr1mson5returns · 6 months
You say Tim should be 19 by now as if its something big to ask for, but in realistically he should at least be 21 by now time-line wise....
I mean yes, you're correct. But DC seems very intent on not letting him grow up.
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cr1mson5returns · 7 months
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cr1mson5returns · 8 months
Hi! I believe in you! I’m sorry today is rough. Please take this to help you on your journey:
Tumblr media
^strawberry shortcake
Ohhhhhhhhh that looks delectable!!!! I love strawberry shortcake and I haven't had any in a long time, so this makes my heart sparkly! Thank you ^>^
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cr1mson5returns · 8 months
hi again! I'm the anon who asked about your bio, and thank you so much for the thoughtful, kind response! religion/spirituality/faith and all of that can be so damn tricky, and I'm very glad to hear you've reached a place where your own relationship to it feels more comfortable. (I'm an atheist and a bit wary sometimes when people introduce themselves religion-first, so to speak, so I like to follow up and ask what they're trying to communicate—thanks again for giving such a welcoming answer!)
Also yeah tim really is the most blorbo 😂
Of course, my friend! I've definitely also been in a place where people have been very....religion-forward in an unapproachable and sort of frightening way. I have so much beef with Catholicism specifically because of the way so many people I knew responded to my coming out at age 21. From people who tried to get me to come to Mass with them sometime hoping that I'd fall back in love with Catholicism, to people who literally tried to talk me out of being gay while walking back to the parking lot from a presession International Business class.....it was no fun. And it takes a lot of courage to ask about these topics, I think because so many of us are so conditioned that it's impolite or a breach of privacy to do so. Or at the very least because it's a common source of conflict. I try to be open and answer questions as best I can. The nice thing about communicating through text-based online mediums is that if a question ever stumps me, I can always come back later when I'm better able to answer it.
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cr1mson5returns · 8 months
hi! love your tim drake content! I saw in your bio "follower of god" and wasn't sure what you meant by this. do you mean it in a self-affirming kind of "I have faith but don't want to label it" sorta way, or are you dni atheists?
Oh, what an embarrassing way to remember that I never changed that lol
I may end up telling this story in more detail sometime, with adequate trigger warnings assigned because it's full of traumatic shit, but I was Catholic for a pretty good chunk of my formative years. Had an official falling out with the Catholic Church when I was about 21 because I came out as a lesbian, spent a few years exploring Paganism, and then was active in the Episcopal Church for three years. Lately I've been exploring more spiritually, no longer comfortable calling myself a Christian because I feel that the ways in which organized religion and particularly Christianity as a monolithic entity have failed me are just too great to ignore. It used to scare me so much to think that I could be somewhere outside of organized religion as a default. Now, it's not half that bad.
I'm so sorry that this was unclear! I'm glad you brought it up so that I can change it to something more accurate. I'm glad for interaction from anyone and everyone who has questions or wants to talk about beliefs! I just ask for the same respect you'd afford anyone you might approach in real life with these things. I know it can be hard to see others' humanity in a blog post because you can't see their faces. But I'm really an open book in regards to my own faith and spiritual exploration! Happy to answer whatever questions you have, whether through ask or DM.
(Also, hella glad you love the Tim Drake things I post here. I'm a wee bit obsessive about that blorbo.)
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