#crappy government technology at its finest
mashupofmylife · 4 months
I couldn't get the emr to work on my computer yesterday while I was actually at work, so I still have all my notes to do and I've spent all afternoon sitting on the couch actively avoiding doing notes
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seat-safety-switch · 4 years
Turbochargers, I explain to the United Nations assembly, are the finest technological development of humankind. They combine everything that our society has achieved: precision machining, materials science, and really nice bearings. My job is to bolt turbochargers onto vehicles that neither shipped with them, nor particularly enjoy the sensation of being boosted. It’s at this point I draw a diagram on the whiteboard.
A few minutes later, when I’m ejected from the building for “ruining the tour for everybody,” I am not disheartened. My message has gotten through: if anything, my martyrdom at the hands of Tour Guide Ralph has only strengthened the emotional impact of my plea. I walk a few miles back to the hotel, and then await the overnight transformation of my world that can only be driven by an august quasi-legislative body such as the UN.
I awaken the next morning to find a housekeeper standing over my prone body, frantically dialling the room phone to summon a paramedic. No need, I say, and wave them off. Such attention to detail and professionalism deserves a consummate reward. Later, I will put twenty dollars in SwitchBucks, the cryptocurrency that is sweeping part of the nation, on top of the pillow for a tip. Its scarcity all but ensures its value, just like that time my uncle hoarded all those slightly misprinted Concrete Cowboys t-shirts and later sold them to the insurance company for a fortune following a fire of questionable origin. Throwing open the hotel room curtains, I expect to look down onto a street where all motoring-friendly citizens happily recycle their exhaust using the miracle of forced induction. And if not that, then at least a lucrative government contract to make a whole pile of crappy manifolds.
Beneath me, I realize the folly of my hubris: the Ford EcoSport. Even though it combines the glorious attributes of being a hatchback with a three-cylinder turbocharged engine, I feel an instant sense of revulsion. At the airport on the way home, I ask the ticket agent if they still have any planes that are “non-turbo.”
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ashleydpalmerusa · 6 years
The IRS Has the Mother of All Nightmare Legacy Systems
Legacy systems are awful — so awful it’s the first thing I wrote about on Going Concern. To refresh your memory, legacy systems are obsolete software/hardware with so much technological baggage that they make you want to run away screaming, but you can’t for one reason or another. The most significant reason, unfortunately, is that it would take a lot of planning, money, and a small miracle to transition from the old clunker to a new, fancy tech platform with all the bells and whistles.
So instead of embracing a change, we trudge forward with the crappy one, putting a Band-Aid on the problems that crop up. Over time, these short-term Band-Aids — which never end up being short-term — cause even more of a headache. The code gets very unruly and buggy, and when something breaks, you are stuck relying on a couple of people who helped code the darn thing in the first place.
This can go on for eternity, because, well, people are lazy.
Let’s look at the best example of this I’ve read in a long time (shout out to Blake Oliver for sharing this one):
The IRS computer system.
In the 1960s, the IRS embarked on creating a file on each taxpayer according to Social Security number. This file is referred to as the Individual Master File (IMF). The concept was discussed in a Washington Post article from 1959 as quoted in Bloomberg:
[…] the Washington Post, capturing the mood of the moment, warned of “brain machines” that would soon audit taxpayer returns; the Wall Street Journal called them “robot revenuers.”
Nearly sixty, yes, SIXTY, years later, we’re still dependent on the same computer code. From a recent Accounting Today article:
Most of it is in the Assembly programming language, which the IRS itself has described as “antiquated” and “inflexible.” Worse, the number of programmers who can understand and maintain the code behind the Individual Master File (IMF) dwindles with every passing year. According to the Government Accountability Office, the IMF and its business counterpart (the BMF) are the oldest computing systems used by the federal government.
As you probably heard, the computer woes and processing system failures gave procrastinators an extra day to file their taxes. At least the IT team worked through the night to get it fixed, because, you know, it’s the most important day of the tax year.
I’m going out on a limb here, but in addition to laziness and the fact that the IRS can just keep kicking the can down the road (read: federal bureaucracy at its finest), I’m going to blame Intuit and H&R Block for this quagmire.
Sure, TurboTax is lovely. It’s actually a pretty piece of software and makes the chore of taxes for millions (over 31 million, per Intuit) easier. But here’s the problem and why some have argued we should boycott Intuit and others in the same industry:
Years ago, the Obama administration proposed a system of automatic tax filing, in which the IRS uses income information it already has to fill out your tax return for you. That would save millions of Americans considerable time and energy every year, but the idea has gone nowhere. The main reason? Lobbying from Intuit and H&R Block.
Return-free, auto-filing could be the kick in the pants the IRS needs to ditch the old legacy system and clean house. But until taxpayers start feeling feisty and demand an easier option, it’s never going to happen. And because it will likely have some growing pains, maybe it’s best to try to keep the IRS out of the spotlight for a few more years after the IRS scandal surfaced speculating that former President Obama was responsible for “ordering his minions in the IRS to harass conservatives”
While it may not be in a CPA’s best interest to decrease the amount of work, most tax professionals who are recovering from busy season can attest to the fact that there’s plenty of work to go around. And, most of the returns in question don’t require a CPA anyway, leaving the repercussions to be primarily felt by the large-scale software options. Hence, Intuit and H&R Block have their panties in a twist about it and will put money toward keeping the sloppy, outdated legacy system in place for many years to come.
I don’t envy the schmuck that has to update this mess of code for the new tax laws.
Image: iStock/baranozdemir
The post The IRS Has the Mother of All Nightmare Legacy Systems appeared first on Going Concern.
from Accounting News http://goingconcern.com/irs-nightmare-legacy-system/
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lisarprahl · 6 years
The IRS Has the Mother of All Nightmare Legacy Systems
Legacy systems are awful — so awful it’s the first thing I wrote about on Going Concern. To refresh your memory, legacy systems are obsolete software/hardware with so much technological baggage that they make you want to run away screaming, but you can’t for one reason or another. The most significant reason, unfortunately, is that it would take a lot of planning, money, and a small miracle to transition from the old clunker to a new, fancy tech platform with all the bells and whistles.
So instead of embracing a change, we trudge forward with the crappy one, putting a Band-Aid on the problems that crop up. Over time, these short-term Band-Aids — which never end up being short-term — cause even more of a headache. The code gets very unruly and buggy, and when something breaks, you are stuck relying on a couple of people who helped code the darn thing in the first place.
This can go on for eternity, because, well, people are lazy.
Let’s look at the best example of this I’ve read in a long time (shout out to Blake Oliver for sharing this one):
The IRS computer system.
In the 1960s, the IRS embarked on creating a file on each taxpayer according to Social Security number. This file is referred to as the Individual Master File (IMF). The concept was discussed in a Washington Post article from 1959 as quoted in Bloomberg:
[…] the Washington Post, capturing the mood of the moment, warned of “brain machines” that would soon audit taxpayer returns; the Wall Street Journal called them “robot revenuers.”
Nearly sixty, yes, SIXTY, years later, we’re still dependent on the same computer code. From a recent Accounting Today article:
Most of it is in the Assembly programming language, which the IRS itself has described as “antiquated” and “inflexible.” Worse, the number of programmers who can understand and maintain the code behind the Individual Master File (IMF) dwindles with every passing year. According to the Government Accountability Office, the IMF and its business counterpart (the BMF) are the oldest computing systems used by the federal government.
As you probably heard, the computer woes and processing system failures gave procrastinators an extra day to file their taxes. At least the IT team worked through the night to get it fixed, because, you know, it’s the most important day of the tax year.
I’m going out on a limb here, but in addition to laziness and the fact that the IRS can just keep kicking the can down the road (read: federal bureaucracy at its finest), I’m going to blame Intuit and H&R Block for this quagmire.
Sure, TurboTax is lovely. It’s actually a pretty piece of software and makes the chore of taxes for millions (over 31 million, per Intuit) easier. But here’s the problem and why some have argued we should boycott Intuit and others in the same industry:
Years ago, the Obama administration proposed a system of automatic tax filing, in which the IRS uses income information it already has to fill out your tax return for you. That would save millions of Americans considerable time and energy every year, but the idea has gone nowhere. The main reason? Lobbying from Intuit and H&R Block.
Return-free, auto-filing could be the kick in the pants the IRS needs to ditch the old legacy system and clean house. But until taxpayers start feeling feisty and demand an easier option, it’s never going to happen. And because it will likely have some growing pains, maybe it’s best to try to keep the IRS out of the spotlight for a few more years after the IRS scandal surfaced speculating that former President Obama was responsible for “ordering his minions in the IRS to harass conservatives”
While it may not be in a CPA’s best interest to decrease the amount of work, most tax professionals who are recovering from busy season can attest to the fact that there’s plenty of work to go around. And, most of the returns in question don’t require a CPA anyway, leaving the repercussions to be primarily felt by the large-scale software options. Hence, Intuit and H&R Block have their panties in a twist about it and will put money toward keeping the sloppy, outdated legacy system in place for many years to come.
I don’t envy the schmuck that has to update this mess of code for the new tax laws.
Image: iStock/baranozdemir
The post The IRS Has the Mother of All Nightmare Legacy Systems appeared first on Going Concern.
from Accounting News http://goingconcern.com/irs-nightmare-legacy-system/
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scrapbookpro-blog · 7 years
Whats Going In the Field and World Of Technology 2017
                 The Duo Coffee Steeper takes just three minutes to fill your cup with hot coffee and is in a class all its own. The blameless emit over every time.
Good things are always worth the wait though, right?. The Oxx Coffeeboxx is crush-proof to 1500lbs, dust-proof, spile-proof, water and impact resistant — and still pumps out one of the greatest on-the-go cupful you can get in normal circularly three minutes. Need coffee? Just collect it up and throw it in the stalk.
Just because you’re away from home, doesn’t import you have to decide for so-so coffee. (Or at least will companion you feel probable that’s your world, even if it’s positively crappy two sleeping quarters you share with three other dudes.). You’ve got the government to make your joe as strong (or as weak) as your defect, all while the aromas float from the top chamber.
This pour-over drippings is constructed out of collapsible, portable, and incredibly jackanapes pure steel that rests neatly on top of your camp mug for a nature portion of out-of-door coffee. Once you're done, it folds up to take up almost no path at all in your pack. Blending traditive craftsmanship with modern design, this french press is regular begging to be put on manifest in your chic-as-underworld loft qualifier.
When your ideal revelry is ready, equitable encircle the silicone center and release the clear into the bottom chamber.
Visually, this thing is a showstopper. (What else would you expect fond from Japanese maker Hario, whose name literally abject “King Of Glass”?) But this thing is also very much for the longanimous, with brew tense clocking in at a 5-7 hours.
This pour-over kettle’s beautifully functional design kicks your brewing up a notch. It’s got a definiteness flow spout, a formed in hatch-order thermometer to keep track of the temperature, and a counterbalanced wield that stir the center of mass back towards your hand. Or both for you in inclose you break one, which we both know will death up occurrence eventually.
And these appear in a set of two. One for you, and one for your boo. Not only is the AeroPress easy to travel with, it helps shrink the bitterness and acidity you can sometimes get in coffee. You end up with a smooth, affluent-tasting cup every time and no excuse for mention cream and sugar. This skink over kettle is designate to slowly quit extend into your filter, allowing for a slow bright process. But with a koozie! And it’s only $10! You’re going to end up drinking out of this dilute every morning, so go before and get a few. Which, in turn, brings out the full flavor of the beans. This wretched servant is shaped to last and skill to quickly bring water to stew. Best part? You don't emergency any filter out papers to get dislocate. Ok, so it kind of is your normal mason jar.
Not to mention a 10-year warranty. “The ROK is like the finest pen in the world, but it relies on you being effective to record!” It may take some time to establishing shot, but failure you’ve got it, this bean juicer is so worth the effort. It’s a magnificent piece of machinery that doesn’t rely on electricity and even comes with a milk frother. If you buy something through our pillar, we may contain a small shear of the sale. Please buy a Ferrari. For more of Digg's suggestions on how to vanish your money, repulse out Digg Picks. Maybe you contortion your ankle, or stub your dactylus or fall a brief too hard on your wrist. It hurts, sure, but you're definitely not pregnancy to die. Why bother spending your hard-earned money and wasting a saccharine afternoon sedent in the ER?. Thats just about the thing that keep amazing me about the world of technology
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National Holidays Set Of 10 OPM Government breaks, compensated nights off
Often times, individuals have perfectly inexpensive explanations for why it’s impossible for their sake to complete a course. This really is possibly among the greatest persuasive essay topics for 5th level. If pupils triumph on school creating assignments, they require to succeed with this type of test. All grade five pupils may pick the appraisal on just the exact same instant. Let’s notice a number of the themes that one may utilize on your own essay this year. You don’t should pay a business or start for competitive evaluation preparation. They too will gather duplicates of old exams. The writing assessment should be administered in a single day. Among the essential requirements to discover the excellent persuasive essay topic is actually to write something about concepts the writer understands about very nicely.
Nevertheless, possibly within squads that are little, it is useful to maintain equally.
This insightful post provides a listing of number of issues that one can select from, for creating editorials. There are a large variety of issues which may be used for composing editorials. In fact, it’s among the finest ways to generate consciousness about health problems. Below are some terrific article issues that kids might discover straightforward to compose. In the next article, we’ll take a gander at some convincing composition hints for various age ranges. Here are a couple of article thoughts they could utilize. Here are a few composition suggestions that will aid them outside.
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At JumpStart, you can encounter worksheets given to personal matters, providing kids the liberty to rehearse determined by their needs. Lots of people might be blunt inside their complaint or disfavor of the piece. Conclusion punctuation is usually right, and many phrases are capitalized correctly. Since this lesson concentrates on writing abilities, it might really be best taught within the language arts block. Spelling is usually right. He’s usually correct, however you can find some inner punctuation issues. The many significant goals of instruction need to be empowering beginners to gain information and moral values. Writing is a fantastic means to fix help students clarify their thinking, unite the major ideas in a object, as well as to assess studying.
Just because the charges could n’t be paid by brown.diploma work.
So this program is actually a sort of transitional bilingual instruction that is definitely never all Spanish. In nearly every school, students obtain a possibility to speak their heads on several topics in the form of elocution contests. Think about your own degree of skill, as well as the resources you’ve got. Let’s simply take a gander at a number of the school amount subjects. There are rapid changes happening in the location of science and engineering. I should con Tact crappy job I am working on. It is possible to consider composing on subsequent subjects linked to research and technology. Once you’re able to examine, it truly is possible to examine, in accordance with Dr.
Use your local area to name the business enterprise.
Stephen Krashen. Talk with the teacher in the initial indications of strain. Ms. Kikibruce, don’t provide them with with the document if they don’t say thank you. The tag will be put within the pupil’s permanent school report. Instructors should also provide the youngsters proper directions for each kind of composition which they have to compose. This way, its easier for the student to see the cognates between both languages. There’s not anything for one to truly read. I won’t educate you the full story now.
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It should be thought about a subject you are enthusiastic about because you’re going to be spending an exuberant period of time researching, composing, and performing it. Make the most of that curiosity to grow their love of writing! It’s not constantly simple to consult with instructors about a concern. I used to n’t consider the regular college course after graduating high school. Consider www.besteditingonline.com carefully your favourite year of college.
National Holidays Set Of 10 OPM Government breaks, compensated nights off was originally published on Alexander Salazar Fine Art
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