#cus it will definitly get me into trouble again
rise-my-angel · 2 months
I just recently got into the fandom. I was just wondering why you're not fond of Dany/ the Targaryeons? Gen no hate! Just curious. The incest between Dany & Jon does ick me out a lot. Thank you.
To start: I am against things that are pro incest in this series, so literally any family who exists on the backs of purposeful incest or any incestual couples are no go icky to me instantly. That being said, heres some word vomit:
A significant amount of it comes from a cruelty which stems from their superiority complex. Because of their Valyrian heritage, they believe that it makes them superior. In a very literal sense. Targaryeans are the most behind the curtain reveal of what it means to be the blood of Old Valyria. They believe that they are special, different then others, and they are above those which are not Valyrian. They are not outcasts in the sense of a Valyrian family which practices rampant incest.
Valyrians in general were incestual for those exact reasons. They believed that they were superior over other men, and thus keeping their bloodlines pure was integral to maintaining that special blood. It had made the Targaryeans very uncaring about lives not their own, and in truth it has made them so obsessed, that they don’t even care about each other.
No one suffers the damage of their inbreeding more then Targaryean women. They are born into that family expected to make themselves into wives and mothers for their brothers and uncles. It is an expectation that brothers and sisters and nieces and nephews marry. Imagine how it must feel to be a woman married INTO the Targaryean family, and suddenly your own daughters are expected to be made into brides for your own sons. This family raises their sons to expect their sisters to belong to them. Targaryean women are little more then breeders in the eyes of their own family. Their purpose is to be there to breed more children with their own brothers and uncles simply to keep that bloodline from being diluted with other kinds of people. And it hurts them in other ways, because inbred Targaryean women have very infamous fertility issues. They have a disturbing amount of miscarriages and stillbirths, they give birth to very physically deformed children, or mentally disturbed children. And Targaryean women die on in childbirth at an alarming frequency.
This is a result of generational incest. This extremely shallow gene pool being forced to inbreed over and over and thus the genetics get even more damaged over time, leading to more fertility issues, which leads to husbands putting their wives into medical distress trying to force them to get pregnant until they give birth to more sons and daughters. It is a hellish nightmare to be born a women in the Targaryean family, and its a massive reason why no one should ever be romanticizing these incestual relationships. There is a reason ONLY the Targaryeans inbreed like this in Westeros. It is demented, damaging, and disgusting to normal people.
But they don’t care, because they see themselves as superior beings with superior blood and they do not have respect for those they rule over because they are not special like they are. When the Targaryeans are not special. Being Valyrian is not special, because most of the known world looks back at them with resentment and hatred for their destruction and cruelty. Valyria was a blight on the world and the Targaryeans are desperate to inflict this onto the people of Westeros. Who by the way, are populated with three different cultures of people, two of which came from people who fled Essos to escape the Valyrian Freehold. And the Targaryeans came and forced that same trauma onto the very descendants of people who escaped that in the first place.
They are the living relic of Old Valyria and they are once more, a blight on the world they inhabit. Their motto of fire and blood is not cool or badass. It is the symbol of their purpose. To burn and destroy.
And Dany, is the biggest living character to exemplify that. She is a true Targaryean and that is not a compliment. It is a warning. She is dangerous, and violent and has no qualms with inflicting untold amounts of brutal cruelty to subjugate those she sees as in her way. That is not something to be idealized, she is a dangerous tyrant.
She also, is a bad ruler. She was NEVER raised with any sort of education or training to rule and she thinks she is good at it beacuse she knows how to scare people into submission. But her entire arc in the Slave Cities is one big showcase of why she should not have the power she demands. She is a bad ruler, she does not respect the cultures and people she demands bend the knee to her, she burns alive all those whom she alone decides deserves it. Even her plight of slavery isn’t good. She allows slaves to sell themselves back to their masters, because she did NOTHING to establish a system to fill for the void she created by taking slavery away in a culture where it is rampant.
Yes stopping slavery is good, but it is not as easy as making them stop doing it. She doesnt understand why as soon as she leaves places like Yunkai, do they devolve back into their old ways, because she wasn’t a ruler. She is a military occupier. She does not rule, she occupies by force until she decides she wants to move on. Everywhere she has touched, she has left behind chaos and ruin beyond what they were before she showed up. She does not accept criticism because to her, its an insult towards her perceived notion of do good.
She also has, what I personally hate, an insufferable ego. She is very egotistical to the point she thinks she is the worlds main character and every slight is a personal one against her. She has such an inflated sense of importance despite how often she fails and leaves ruin in her failing wake. She enjoys cruelty, she enjoys seeing her enemies burn alive or in horrible torture, she enjoys when people fear her, she enjoys knowing she could burn cities to the ground and thats why no one steps out of line.
Now, this all actually makes her interesting. Because it is. Following the story of a growing, evil, tyrant in the making is fascinating. But as a person, I hate her. She is everything I think good people, especially in this series, stand for and fight and sacrifice against. She is everything good people in this series fight so hard to protect the innocent from, but she enjoys that she is that.
The notion in certain realms of this fandom that she has always been this person trying to do good, is a falsehood. Its buying into the very message Dany is trying to tell people, when every single thing she actually does proves otherwise. She WANTS to burn and destroy. She WANTS to make people fear her and she WANTS to torture people in the most brutal fashions possible.
Now, obviously not all Targaryeans are bad people, but many are. Beacuse their entire family raises each other to exist and propagate this dangerous, damaging, and disgusting culture they’ve brought over from a place that the rest of the world is glad are gone. As long as a Targaryean lives by the ideals of fire and blood, they are doomed to die, because the world has decided they no longer will put up with it.
As for dragons, grrm has made it very clear that dragons in this series are the fantasy equivalent of atomic weapons. So you can image I find it baffling people think the literal one for one metaphor for nukes, are supposed to ever be seen as a force for good that deserves to exist.
Anyways sorry you’re new the fandom and found my blog, cus I imagine now you are hovering your finger over the block button like “block now or wait and see what other thousand word long rants shes got in her.”
Spoiler: the answer is too many.
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