spitdrunken · 2 years
I haven't watched Ducktales but the Scrooge stuff is cute u should keep going
😭 thank you so much anon... i’m far from having finished the series myself but i just think it’s really fun HAHA
i’ve just been thinking about like... i mentioned this in the previous post, but being a human just randomly transported into that world :’) since there’s quite a bit of magic and everything there, i was thinking maybe it’s some accidental teleportation that happened when scrooge or one of the nephews messed with an artifact during one of their adventures... and there isn’t a clear way for you to go home! scrooge isn’t heartless, he’s (part of) the reason that you were torn away from your world, your family, your friends and all that was familiar to you- obviously, he’ll take you in until they find a solution. he has plenty of spare rooms in that mansion of his, after all. 
in the meantime, you almost become like a bit of a glorified assistant HAHA i’ve been thinking a lot about what specific bodily differences there might be between ducks and humans, and there’s a few things!
most of all i enjoy the thought of ducks having much less dense bones than you do (i know they can't fly themselves so they might not be entirely hollow but who knows) and so you end up quite a bit sturdier and stronger than them no matter your stature. it makes you useful for adventuring and scrooge will drag you along. who knows, maybe they'll find the key back to your home and you might not be there to use it! i was also thinking your hands might be more dexterous than theirs, and some more stuff!
scrooge thinks it's a very bad idea to let you go anywhere unattended because you stick out so much in a crowd. he has far too many enemies in duckburg, and you're far too easily noticable. glomgold really wants to whisk you away mainly to spite scrooge, but also because you're one of a kind :') he wonders how much money he could get for just letting people take a picture with you or something...
i find it very funny to imagine you just get traded back and forth between scrooge and glomgold regularly. the first two times were genuinely scary, but you quickly realised you could kick glomgold away like a football if you wanted to, and he never hurt you besides being obnoxious. scrooge kind of hates it, but you end up hanging out at his arch nemesis' house quite a bit. you even have a toothbrush there and everything. it just feels like you have divorced parents or something HAHA you interfere with any seriously harmful plans glomgold is brewing, though.
as i’ve said before, i haven’t watched that much of the show yet so i might be wrong, but it seems like glomgold has literally like no one in his life? like he’s living off of spite alone. if that’s the case then he secretly has to be kind of dreadfully lonely, right? i like the idea that he gets pretty attached after you get ‘kidnapped’ (eventually you just go over to his place yourself lol) a couple of time and his goal kind of shifts. he wants you on his side exclusively and probably wear like a shirt with his face on it or something, and kind of wants to copy the family dynamic scrooge had but he’d never admit this out loud directly. he just gives you a bunch of expensive gifts to ‘buy’ your loyalty LMAO
the whole concept is just sooooo funny to me i mostly have platonic (yandere) thoughts about them but knowing myself i’ll end up making it creepy lmao
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spitdrunken · 2 years
since i got encouraged have some general ducktales rambles lolol this is not about anyone in particular (in my brain ive been mostly thinking about scrooge vs. glomgold semi-platonic yandere with human reader nonsense) honestly but,,
i was thinking about how they might show affection to each other differently since it can’t be that comfortable to kiss like humans do when you have a beak, right? i like the idea that they instead nuzzle their beak and face against (the back of) the other person’s neck as a sign of romantic affection :’) against the cheek might be rather close but is not necessarily romantic at all haha.
i’ve been thinking a lot specifically of you just being a human basically isekai’ed into this world and the different ways that would influence your interactions with characters :’) someone pressing their face against the back of your neck and you have 0 clue you’re supposed to be embarrassed or how overbearing it is HAHA 
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spitdrunken · 2 years
Scrooge mcduck?? Oh my god childhood ruined and I am fcking into it. You're a bad influence. I knew I had notifications on for your blog for a reason!
I'm ruining my own childhood too </3 I used to read the weekly comics here when I was a kid, but fortunately Scrooge had a totally different name here so I can detach myself somewhat from that idea :P /j Unfortunately, I played Disney Dreamlight Valley and he spoke to my character in a slightly demeaning way and my brain was like; yes. that's him. that's who you're going to be thinking about for the next two months. i wish it was someone else too, really, but <3 i'm gonna drag the people down here with me. i haven't even gotten to the porn aspects yet! (very sorry /lh).
My hot take of the day is that if Scrooge Mcduck was a bit younger and a bit sexier, all of the fucking yandere people on tumblr would be all over him. Tortured, lonely, rich man, tyvm <3 He's just a duck, and I imagine that turns some people off. Oh well! HAHAHHA I just think... it would be kind of neat if he just... Completely bought out the company you worked for and the complex you live in, so eventually, when you're at rock bottom, he can extend a hand to you :') Something like that. He's the richest person in the world, so he could get away with literally everything.
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